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Modeling cation exchange capacity and soil water holding capacity from basic soil properties

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 4, 266 - 274, 09.09.2016


Cation exchange capacity (CEC) is a good indicator of soil productivity and is useful for making recommendations of phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium for soils of different textures. Soil water holding capacity (SWHC) defines the ability of a soil to hold water at a particular time of the season. This research predicted CEC and SWHC of soils using pedotransfer models developed (using Minitab 17 statistical software) from basic soil properties (Sand(S), Clay(C), soil pH, soil organic carbon (SOC)) and verify the model by comparing the relationship between measured and estimated (obtained by PTFs) CEC and SWHC in the Forest Vegetative Zone of Nigeria. For this study, a total of 105 sampling points in 35 different locations were sampled in the study areas. Three sampling points were randomly selected per location and three undisturbed samples were collected at each sampling point. The results showed success in predicting CEC and SWHC from basic soil properties. In this study, five linear regression models for predicting soil CEC and seven linear regression models for predicting SWHC from some soil physical and chemical properties were suggested. Model 5 [CEC = -13.93+2.645 pH +0.0446 C (%)+2.267 SOC (%)] was best for predicting CEC while model 12 [SWHC (%)=36.0- 0.215 S (%)+0.113 C (%)+10.36 SOC (%)] is the most acceptable model for predicting SWHC. 


  • Adebayo, W.O. 1993. Weather and climate. In: Ado-Ekiti region; A geographical analysis and master plan. Ebisemiju, F.S. (Ed.). Lagos, Alpha Prints, pp.11- 14.
  • Agbede, T.M., Ojeniyi, S.O., 2009. Tillage and poultry manure effects on soil fertility and sorghum yield in southwestern Nigeria. Soil Tillage Research 104(1): 74-81.
  • Amini, M., Abbaspour, K. C., Khademi, H., Fathianpour, N., Afyuni, M., Schulin, R., 2005. Neural network models to predict cation exchange capacity in arid regions of Iran. European Journal of Soil Science, 56: 551–559.
  • Bayer, C., Bertol, I., 1999. Soil chemical characteristics of a humic cambisol as affected by tillage systems in southern brazil, with emphasis on soil organic matter. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 23(3): 687–694. [in Portuguese]
  • Bell, M.A., van Keulen, J., 1995. Soil pedotransfer functions for four Mexican soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 59(3): 865-871.
  • Blake, G.R., Hartge, K.H., 1986. Bulk density. In: Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 1. Physical and mineralogical methods, 2nd Edition. Klute, A. (Ed.), ASA-SSSA, Madison, WI, USA. pp. 363-375.
  • Breeuwsma, A., Wösten, J.H.M., Vleeshouwer, J.J., van Slobbe, A.M., Bouma, J., 1986. Derivation of land qualities to assess environmental problems from soil surveys. Soil Science Society of America Journal 50(1): 186–190.
  • Danielson, R.E., Sutherland, P.L., 1986. Porosity. In: Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 1. Physical and mineralogical methods, 2nd Edition. Klute, A. (Ed.), ASA-SSSA, Madison, WI, USA. pp. 443-461.
  • Drake, E.H., Motto, H.L., 1982. An analysis of the effect of clay and organic matter content on the cation exchange capacity of New Jersey soils. Soil Science 133(5): 281-288.
  • EKSG, 2009. Ekiti State Government. Diagnostic Survey Report. UNAAB-IFSERAR.
  • Available at: [access date: 10.12.2015]
  • FAO, 1998. World reference base for soil resources. Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations. FAO World Soil Resources Reports No. 84. Rome, Italy
  • FAO. 2005. The importance of soil organic matter. Key to drought-resistant soil and sustained food production. Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations. FAO Soils Bulletin No. 80. Rome, Italy
  • Fasinmirin, J.T., Olorunfemi, I.E., 2012. Comparison of hydraulic conductivity of soils of the forest vegetative zone of Nigeria. Applied Tropical Agriculture 17(1): 64 – 77.
  • Harada, Y., Inoko, A., 1975. Cation-exchange properties of soil organic matter. I. Effects of conditions for the measurement on cation-exchange capacity values of humic acid preparations. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 21(4): 361-369.
  • Ibitoye, A.A., 2006. Laboratory manual on basic soil analysis. 2nd Edition, Foladave Publishing Company, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria. 82 pp.
  • Kamprath, E.J., Welch, C.D., 1962. Retention and cation-exchange properties of organic matter in coastal plain soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 26(3): 263-265.
  • Krogh, L., Breuning-Madsen, H., Greve, M.H., 2000. Cation exchange capacity pedotransfer function for Danish soils. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B- Soil & Plant Science 50: 1-12.
  • Li, Y.Y., Shao, M.A., 2006. Change of soil physical properties under long-term natural vegetation restoration in the Loess Plateau of China. Journal of Arid Environments 64(1): 77–96.
  • Manrique, L.A., Jones, C.A., Dyke, P.T., 1991. Predicting cation-exchange capacity from soil physical and chemical properties. Soil Science Society of America Journal 55(3): 787- 794.
  • Martel Y.A., Kimpe C.R.D., Laverdiere, M.R. 1978. Cation-exchange capacity of clay-rich soils in relation to organic matter, mineral composition and surface area. Soil Science Society of America Journal 42(5): 764-767.
  • McBratney, A.B., Minasny, B., Cattle, S.R., Vervoort, R.W. 2002. From pedotransfer functions to soil inference systems. Geoderma 109(1-2): 41–73.
  • Miller, W.F., 1970. Inter-regional predictability of cation- exchange capacity by multiple regression. Plant and Soil 33(1): 721-725.
  • Minasny, B., Hopmans, J.W., Harter, T., Eching, S.O., Tuli, A., Denton, M.A., 2004. Neural networks prediction of soil hydraulic functions for alluvial soils using multistep outflow data. Soil Science Society of America Journal 68(2): 417–429.
  • Minasny, B., McBratney, A.B., 2002. The Neuro-m method for fitting neural network parametric pedotransfer functions. Soil Science Society of America Journal 66(2): 352–361.
  • Nelson, D.W., Sommers, L.E., 1996. Total carbon, organic carbon and organic matter. In: Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 3. Chemical Methods. Sparks, D.L. (Ed.),2nd ed., SSSA-ASA. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. 961–1010.
  • Olorunfemi, I. E. 2014. Occurrence, causes, and impacts of hydrophobicity on soils of different land uses in Ekiti State. (M.Eng Thesis). Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria.
  • Parfitt R.L., Giltrap D.J., Whitton J.S. 1995. Contribution of organic matter and clay minerals to the cation exchange capacity of soils. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 26(9-10): 1343-1355.
  • Price, K., Jackson, C.R., Parker, A.J., 2010. Variation of surficial soil hydraulic properties across land uses in the southern Blue Ridge Mountains, North Carolina, USA. Journal of Hydrology 383(3-4): 256–268.
  • Reeuwijk, L.P., 2002. Procedures for soil analysis. Technical Paper 9. 6th Edition. International Soil Reference and Information Centre (ISRIC) & Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  • Rashidi, M., Seilsepour, M., 2008. Modeling of soil cation exchange capacity based on soil organic carbon. ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science 3(4):41-45.
  • Sahrawat, K.L., 1983. An analysis of the contribution of organic matter and clay to cation exchange capacity of some Philippine soils. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 14(9): 803-809.
  • Senjobi, B.A., Ogunkunle, O.A., 2010. Effect of land use on soil degradation and soil productivity decline on alfisols and ultisols in Ogun State in South Western, Nigeria. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus 75(1): 9-19.
  • Senjobi, B.A., Ogunkunle, A.O., 2011. Effect of different land use types and their implications on land degradation and productivity in Ogun State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology and Sustainable Development 3(1): 7-18.
  • Simon-Oke, O.O., Jegede, A.O., 2012. Spatial distribution of micro finance institutions and agricultural development in Ekiti State, Nigeria. AFRREV IJAH: An International Journal of Arts and Humanities 1(3): 258-269.
  • Smyth, A.J., Montgomery, R.F., 1962. Soil and Land Use in Central Western Nigeria. Government Printer, Ibadan, p. 265.
  • Sumner, M.E., 2000. Handbook of soil science. CRC Press, Boca Raton. Washington DC, USA. pp. S591.H23.
  • Viji, R., Rajesh, P.P., 2011. Assessment of water holding capacity of major soil series of Lalgudi, Trichy, India. Journal of Environmental Research and Development 7(1A)
  • Vogelmann, E. S., Reichert, J.M., Reinert, D. J. Mentges, M.I., Vieira, D. A., Peixoto de Barros, C. A., Fasinmirin, J.T., 2010. Water repellency in soils of humid subtropical climate of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Soil and Tillage Research 110(1): 126–133.
  • Wösten, J.H.M., Finke, P.A., Jansen, M.J.W., 1995. Comparison of class and continuous pedotransfer functions to generate soil hydraulic characteristics. Geoderma 66(3-4): 227–237.
  • Yuan, T.L., Gammon, N., Leighty, R.G., 1967. Relative contribution of organic and clay fractions to cation- exchange capacity of sandy soils from several soil groups. Soil Science 104(2): 123-128.
  • Zhang, S., Grip, H., Lövdahl, L., 2006. Effect of soil compaction on hydraulic properties of two loess soils in China. Soil and Tillage Research 90(1-2): 117-125.
Yıl 2016, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 4, 266 - 274, 09.09.2016



  • Adebayo, W.O. 1993. Weather and climate. In: Ado-Ekiti region; A geographical analysis and master plan. Ebisemiju, F.S. (Ed.). Lagos, Alpha Prints, pp.11- 14.
  • Agbede, T.M., Ojeniyi, S.O., 2009. Tillage and poultry manure effects on soil fertility and sorghum yield in southwestern Nigeria. Soil Tillage Research 104(1): 74-81.
  • Amini, M., Abbaspour, K. C., Khademi, H., Fathianpour, N., Afyuni, M., Schulin, R., 2005. Neural network models to predict cation exchange capacity in arid regions of Iran. European Journal of Soil Science, 56: 551–559.
  • Bayer, C., Bertol, I., 1999. Soil chemical characteristics of a humic cambisol as affected by tillage systems in southern brazil, with emphasis on soil organic matter. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo 23(3): 687–694. [in Portuguese]
  • Bell, M.A., van Keulen, J., 1995. Soil pedotransfer functions for four Mexican soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 59(3): 865-871.
  • Blake, G.R., Hartge, K.H., 1986. Bulk density. In: Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 1. Physical and mineralogical methods, 2nd Edition. Klute, A. (Ed.), ASA-SSSA, Madison, WI, USA. pp. 363-375.
  • Breeuwsma, A., Wösten, J.H.M., Vleeshouwer, J.J., van Slobbe, A.M., Bouma, J., 1986. Derivation of land qualities to assess environmental problems from soil surveys. Soil Science Society of America Journal 50(1): 186–190.
  • Danielson, R.E., Sutherland, P.L., 1986. Porosity. In: Methods of Soil Analysis: Part 1. Physical and mineralogical methods, 2nd Edition. Klute, A. (Ed.), ASA-SSSA, Madison, WI, USA. pp. 443-461.
  • Drake, E.H., Motto, H.L., 1982. An analysis of the effect of clay and organic matter content on the cation exchange capacity of New Jersey soils. Soil Science 133(5): 281-288.
  • EKSG, 2009. Ekiti State Government. Diagnostic Survey Report. UNAAB-IFSERAR.
  • Available at: [access date: 10.12.2015]
  • FAO, 1998. World reference base for soil resources. Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations. FAO World Soil Resources Reports No. 84. Rome, Italy
  • FAO. 2005. The importance of soil organic matter. Key to drought-resistant soil and sustained food production. Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations. FAO Soils Bulletin No. 80. Rome, Italy
  • Fasinmirin, J.T., Olorunfemi, I.E., 2012. Comparison of hydraulic conductivity of soils of the forest vegetative zone of Nigeria. Applied Tropical Agriculture 17(1): 64 – 77.
  • Harada, Y., Inoko, A., 1975. Cation-exchange properties of soil organic matter. I. Effects of conditions for the measurement on cation-exchange capacity values of humic acid preparations. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 21(4): 361-369.
  • Ibitoye, A.A., 2006. Laboratory manual on basic soil analysis. 2nd Edition, Foladave Publishing Company, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria. 82 pp.
  • Kamprath, E.J., Welch, C.D., 1962. Retention and cation-exchange properties of organic matter in coastal plain soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 26(3): 263-265.
  • Krogh, L., Breuning-Madsen, H., Greve, M.H., 2000. Cation exchange capacity pedotransfer function for Danish soils. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B- Soil & Plant Science 50: 1-12.
  • Li, Y.Y., Shao, M.A., 2006. Change of soil physical properties under long-term natural vegetation restoration in the Loess Plateau of China. Journal of Arid Environments 64(1): 77–96.
  • Manrique, L.A., Jones, C.A., Dyke, P.T., 1991. Predicting cation-exchange capacity from soil physical and chemical properties. Soil Science Society of America Journal 55(3): 787- 794.
  • Martel Y.A., Kimpe C.R.D., Laverdiere, M.R. 1978. Cation-exchange capacity of clay-rich soils in relation to organic matter, mineral composition and surface area. Soil Science Society of America Journal 42(5): 764-767.
  • McBratney, A.B., Minasny, B., Cattle, S.R., Vervoort, R.W. 2002. From pedotransfer functions to soil inference systems. Geoderma 109(1-2): 41–73.
  • Miller, W.F., 1970. Inter-regional predictability of cation- exchange capacity by multiple regression. Plant and Soil 33(1): 721-725.
  • Minasny, B., Hopmans, J.W., Harter, T., Eching, S.O., Tuli, A., Denton, M.A., 2004. Neural networks prediction of soil hydraulic functions for alluvial soils using multistep outflow data. Soil Science Society of America Journal 68(2): 417–429.
  • Minasny, B., McBratney, A.B., 2002. The Neuro-m method for fitting neural network parametric pedotransfer functions. Soil Science Society of America Journal 66(2): 352–361.
  • Nelson, D.W., Sommers, L.E., 1996. Total carbon, organic carbon and organic matter. In: Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 3. Chemical Methods. Sparks, D.L. (Ed.),2nd ed., SSSA-ASA. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. pp. 961–1010.
  • Olorunfemi, I. E. 2014. Occurrence, causes, and impacts of hydrophobicity on soils of different land uses in Ekiti State. (M.Eng Thesis). Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria.
  • Parfitt R.L., Giltrap D.J., Whitton J.S. 1995. Contribution of organic matter and clay minerals to the cation exchange capacity of soils. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 26(9-10): 1343-1355.
  • Price, K., Jackson, C.R., Parker, A.J., 2010. Variation of surficial soil hydraulic properties across land uses in the southern Blue Ridge Mountains, North Carolina, USA. Journal of Hydrology 383(3-4): 256–268.
  • Reeuwijk, L.P., 2002. Procedures for soil analysis. Technical Paper 9. 6th Edition. International Soil Reference and Information Centre (ISRIC) & Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  • Rashidi, M., Seilsepour, M., 2008. Modeling of soil cation exchange capacity based on soil organic carbon. ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science 3(4):41-45.
  • Sahrawat, K.L., 1983. An analysis of the contribution of organic matter and clay to cation exchange capacity of some Philippine soils. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 14(9): 803-809.
  • Senjobi, B.A., Ogunkunle, O.A., 2010. Effect of land use on soil degradation and soil productivity decline on alfisols and ultisols in Ogun State in South Western, Nigeria. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus 75(1): 9-19.
  • Senjobi, B.A., Ogunkunle, A.O., 2011. Effect of different land use types and their implications on land degradation and productivity in Ogun State, Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology and Sustainable Development 3(1): 7-18.
  • Simon-Oke, O.O., Jegede, A.O., 2012. Spatial distribution of micro finance institutions and agricultural development in Ekiti State, Nigeria. AFRREV IJAH: An International Journal of Arts and Humanities 1(3): 258-269.
  • Smyth, A.J., Montgomery, R.F., 1962. Soil and Land Use in Central Western Nigeria. Government Printer, Ibadan, p. 265.
  • Sumner, M.E., 2000. Handbook of soil science. CRC Press, Boca Raton. Washington DC, USA. pp. S591.H23.
  • Viji, R., Rajesh, P.P., 2011. Assessment of water holding capacity of major soil series of Lalgudi, Trichy, India. Journal of Environmental Research and Development 7(1A)
  • Vogelmann, E. S., Reichert, J.M., Reinert, D. J. Mentges, M.I., Vieira, D. A., Peixoto de Barros, C. A., Fasinmirin, J.T., 2010. Water repellency in soils of humid subtropical climate of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Soil and Tillage Research 110(1): 126–133.
  • Wösten, J.H.M., Finke, P.A., Jansen, M.J.W., 1995. Comparison of class and continuous pedotransfer functions to generate soil hydraulic characteristics. Geoderma 66(3-4): 227–237.
  • Yuan, T.L., Gammon, N., Leighty, R.G., 1967. Relative contribution of organic and clay fractions to cation- exchange capacity of sandy soils from several soil groups. Soil Science 104(2): 123-128.
  • Zhang, S., Grip, H., Lövdahl, L., 2006. Effect of soil compaction on hydraulic properties of two loess soils in China. Soil and Tillage Research 90(1-2): 117-125.
Toplam 42 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Kaynak Göster

APA Olorunfemi, I., Fasinmirin, J., & Ojo, A. (2016). Modeling cation exchange capacity and soil water holding capacity from basic soil properties. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 5(4), 266-274.

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