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Relation of reactive solute-transport parameters to basic soil properties

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 4, 326 - 336, 01.10.2018


parameters are needed to assess the pollution risks of soil and groundwater
resources. A reliable estimate of these parameters from easily measurable soil
properties is therefore important. So, the correlations of the transport
parameters for one metalloid compound (NaAsO2
), six heavy metal
compounds (Cd(NO
3)2, Pb(NO3)2,
3)2, ZnCl2, CuSO4 and Co(NO3)2),
two pesticides (cartap and carbendazim) and one inert salt (CaCl
with some basic properties of eight agricultural soils of Bangladesh were
investigated. The purpose of this study was to generate information for
development of non-parametric pedo-transfer functions for reactive solute
transport through soils. The transport experiments with the solutes were done
in repacked soil columns under unsaturated steady-state water flow conditions.
The major solute-transport parameters – velocity of transport (
V), dispersion coefficient (D), dispersivity (
retardation factor (R
) and Peclet
number (
P) – were determined by
analysing solute breakthrough curves (BTCs). The basic soil properties
pertinent to solute transport: clay content, median grain diameter (D
pore-size distribution index (
bulk density (
r), organic carbon content
(C) and pH were determined. The associations of the solute-transport parameters
with these soil properties were investigated and evaluated. Both the solute
dispersivity and retardation factor increased significantly (p<0.05) (

linearly and R
following power law)
with the increase in soil clay content. Dispersivity significantly decreased
with the increase in median grain diameter following power law. The
V, D,
l and P values were weakly and negatively
correlated with the soil bulk density. Retardation factor,
R, was moderately and positively correlated with the ratio of clay
content to organic carbon content. Dispersivity decreased but
P increased, both significantly, with
increasing pore-size distribution index,
V, D and P were positively
correlated with soil pH, while
R and
l were
negatively correlated with it. The correlation of the solute-transport
parameters with soil properties being significant (p < 0.05), in most cases,
provides strong possibility of predicting solute-transport parameters from the
basic soil properties through the development of pedo-transfer functions.


  • Arora, K.R., 2000. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (Geotechnical Engineering). Standard Publishers, 5th Edition, 953p.
  • Arthur, E., Tuller, M., Moldrup, P., Jensen, D.K., De Jonge, L.W., 2015. Prediction of clay content from water vapour sorption isotherms considering hysteresis and soil organic matter content. European Journal of Soil Science 66(1): 206–217.
  • BARC (Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council), 2008. National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP), Bangladesh. Phase-1 (IDA Credit # 4386).
  • Bromly M., Hinz, C., Aylmore, L.A.G., 2007. Relation of dispersivity to properties of homogeneous saturated repacked soil columns. European Journal of Soil Science 58(1): 293–301.
  • BS 1377, 1990. Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes. Classification Tests. Parts 2 and 5. BS EN ISO 17892-5:2017. de Jonge, L.W., Moldrup, P., Schjønning, P., 2009. Soil infrastructure, interfaces & translocation processes in inner space ("Soil-it-is"): towards a road map for the constraints and crossroads of soil architecture and biophysical processes. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 13(8): 1485−1502.
  • Filipović, V., Ondrašek, G., Filipović, L., 2016. Modelling water dynamics, transport processes and biogeochemical reactions in soil vadose zone. In: Groundwater - Contaminant and Resource Management. Javaid, M.S. (Ed.). InTech. pp. 133-167.
  • Gao, S., Walker, R.A., Dahlgren, W.J., Bold, J., 1997. Simultaneous sorption of Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn, Pb, and Cr on soils treated with sewage sludge supernatant. Water, Air & Soil Pollution 93(1-4): 331–345.
  • Guber, A., Pachepsky, Ya., Shein, E., Rawls, W.J., 2004. Soil aggregates and water retention. In: Development of Pedo-transfer Functions in Soil Hydrology. Pachepsky, Y., Rawls, W.J. (Eds.). Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. pp.143-152.
  • Hussein M.F., 2009. BTC solute-transport parameters for three sediments. 4th Conference on recent technologies in Agriculture, 3 November 2009. Cairo, Egypt.
  • Islam, M.R., Islam, S., Jahiruddin, M., Islam, M.A., 2004. Effects of irrigation water arsenic in the rice-rice cropping system. Journal of Biological Sciences 4(4): 542–546.
  • Jackson, M.L., 1962. Soil Chemical Analysis. Prentice Hall, Inc. Englewood Chiffs, New York, USA 498p.
  • Jain, A., Raven, K.P., Loeppert, R.H., 1999. Arsenite and arsenate adsorption on ferrihydrite:  Surface charge reduction and net OH- release stoichiometry. Environmental Science & Technology 33(8): 1179–1184.
  • Jensen, D.K., Tuller, M., de Jonge, L.W., Arthur, E., Moldrup, P., 2015. A New two-stage approach to predicting the soil water characteristic from saturation to oven-dryness. Journal of Hydrology 521: 498–507.
  • Karup, D., Moldrup, P., Paradelo, M., Katuwal, S., Norgaard, T., Greve, M.H., de Jonge, L.W., 2016. Water and solute transport in agricultural soils predicted by volumetric clay and silt contents. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 192: 194–202.
  • Koestel, J.K., Moeys, J., Jarvis, N.J., 2012. Meta-analysis of the effects of soil properties, site factors and experimental conditions on solute transport. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16(6): 1647–1665.
  • Koestel, J.K., Norgaard, T., Luong, N.M., Vendelboe, A.L., Moldrup, P., Jarvis, N.J., Lamandé, M., Iversen, B.V., de Jonge. L.W., 2013. Links between soil properties and steady‐state solute transport through cultivated topsoil at the field scale. Water Resources Research 49(2): 790–807.
  • Mojid, M.A., Rose, D.A., Wyseure, G.C.L., 2004. A transfer-function method for analysing breakthrough data in the time domain of the transport process. European Journal of Soil Science 55(4): 699–711.
  • Mojid, M.A., Hossain, A.B.M.Z., Cappuyns, V., Wyseure, G., 2016. Transport characteristics of heavy metals, metalloids and pesticides through major agricultural soils of Bangladesh as determined by TDR. Soil Research 54(8): 970–984.
  • Mojid, M.A., Rose, D.A., Wyseure, G.C.L., 2006. Analysis of partial breakthrough data by a transfer-function method. Soil Research 44(2): 175–182.
  • Mojid, M.A., Vereecken, H. 2005a. Modelling velocity and retardation factor of a nonlinearly sorbing solute plume. Soil Research 43(6): 735–743.
  • Mojid, M.A., Vereecken, H., 2005b. On the physical meaning of retardation factor and velocity of a nonlinearly sorbing solute. Journal of Hydrology 302(1-4): 127–136.
  • Montoya, J.C., Costa, J.L., Liedl, R., Bedmar, F., Daniel, P., 2006. Effects of soil type and tillage practice on atrazine transport through intact soil cores. Geoderma 137(1-2): 161–173.
  • Mosaddeghi M.R., Khatar, M., Dexter, A.R., Mahboubi, A.A., 2008. Water characteristic curve and physical quality of soil as influenced by water salinity and sodicity. 2nd International Salinity Forum Salinity, water and society–global issues, local action, Adelaide Convention Centre Adelaide, 31 March – 3 April 2008, South Australia.
  • Muchuweti, A., Birkett, J.W., Chinyanga, E., Zvauya, R., Scrimshaw, M.D., Lester, J.N., 2006. Heavy metal content of vegetables irrigated with mixtures of wastewater and sewage sludge in Zimbabwe: Implications for human health. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 112(1): 41–48.
  • Nemeth-Konda, L., Fuleky, G., Morovjan, G., Csokan, P., 2002. Sorption behaviour of acetochlor, atrazine, carbendazim, diazinon, imidacloprid and isoproturon on Hungarian agricultural soil. Chemosphere 48(5): 545–552.
  • Norgaard, T., Moldrup, P., Olsen, P., Vendelboe, A.L., Iversen, B.V., Greve, M.H., Kjaer, de Jonge, L.W., 2013. Comparative mapping of soil physical–chemical and structural parameters at field scale to ıdentify zones of enhanced leaching risk. Journal of Environmental Quality 42(1): 271–283.
  • Okada, E., Costa, J.L., Bedmar, F., Barbagelata, P., Irizar, A., Rampoldi, E.A., 2014. Effect of conventional and no-till practices on solute transport in long term field trials. Soil and Tillage Research 142: 8–14.
  • Page, A.L., Miller, R.H., Keeney, D.R., Baker, D.E., Ellis, R., Rhoades, J.D., 1982. Methods of Soil Analysis. eds (No. 631.41 MET 9-2 1982. CIMMYT.).
  • Pugliese, L., Straface, S., Trujillo, B.M., Poulsen, T.G., 2015. Relating non-equilibrium solute transport and porous media physical characteristics. Water, Air & Soil Pollution 226, 59.
  • Raymundo-Raymundo, E., Nikolskii, Y.N., Guber, A.K., Landeros-Sanchez, C., 2012. Adequacy of transport parameters obtained in soil column experiments for selected chemicals. Eurasian Soil Science 45(7): 675−683.
  • Stavi, I., Ungar, E.D., Lavee, H., Sarah, P., 2011. Soil aggregate fraction 1–5 mm: An indicator for soil quality in rangelands. Journal of Arid Environments 75(11): 1050–1055.
  • Tabarzad, A., Sepaskhah, A.R., Farnoud, T., 2011. Determination of chemical transport properties for different textures of undisturbed soils. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 57(8): 915–930.
  • Taran, F., Nazemi, A.H., Sadraddini, A.A., Dinpazhuh, Y., 2015. Investigation of conservative and non-conservative solute transport in soil and comparison of three adsorption models using HYDRUS-2D. Journal of Materials and Environmental Science 7(6): 2082−2093.
  • Thawornchaisit, U., Polprasert, C., 2009. Evaluation of phosphate fertilizers for the stabilization of cadmium in highly contaminated soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials 165(1-3): 1109–1113.
  • van Genuchten, M.Th., 1980. A closed-form equation for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 44(5): 892–898.
  • Vogel, H.J., Roth, K., 2003. Moving through scales of flow and transport in soil. Journal of Hydrology 272(1–4): 95–106.
  • Ward, A.L., Elrick, D.E., Kachanoski, R.G., 1994. Laboratory measurements of solute transport using time domain reflectometry. Soil Science Society of America Journal 58(4): 1031–1039.
  • Xu, M., Eckstein, Y., 1997. Statistical analysis of the relationships between dispersivity and other physical properties of porous media. Hydrogeology Journal 5(4): 4–20.
  • Li, Z.M., Zhou, Q., Wang, H., Lu, X., 2009. Influence of bulk density on the characteristic of water solute transport in red soil. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 23: 101−103.
Yıl 2018, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 4, 326 - 336, 01.10.2018



  • Arora, K.R., 2000. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (Geotechnical Engineering). Standard Publishers, 5th Edition, 953p.
  • Arthur, E., Tuller, M., Moldrup, P., Jensen, D.K., De Jonge, L.W., 2015. Prediction of clay content from water vapour sorption isotherms considering hysteresis and soil organic matter content. European Journal of Soil Science 66(1): 206–217.
  • BARC (Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council), 2008. National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP), Bangladesh. Phase-1 (IDA Credit # 4386).
  • Bromly M., Hinz, C., Aylmore, L.A.G., 2007. Relation of dispersivity to properties of homogeneous saturated repacked soil columns. European Journal of Soil Science 58(1): 293–301.
  • BS 1377, 1990. Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes. Classification Tests. Parts 2 and 5. BS EN ISO 17892-5:2017. de Jonge, L.W., Moldrup, P., Schjønning, P., 2009. Soil infrastructure, interfaces & translocation processes in inner space ("Soil-it-is"): towards a road map for the constraints and crossroads of soil architecture and biophysical processes. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 13(8): 1485−1502.
  • Filipović, V., Ondrašek, G., Filipović, L., 2016. Modelling water dynamics, transport processes and biogeochemical reactions in soil vadose zone. In: Groundwater - Contaminant and Resource Management. Javaid, M.S. (Ed.). InTech. pp. 133-167.
  • Gao, S., Walker, R.A., Dahlgren, W.J., Bold, J., 1997. Simultaneous sorption of Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn, Pb, and Cr on soils treated with sewage sludge supernatant. Water, Air & Soil Pollution 93(1-4): 331–345.
  • Guber, A., Pachepsky, Ya., Shein, E., Rawls, W.J., 2004. Soil aggregates and water retention. In: Development of Pedo-transfer Functions in Soil Hydrology. Pachepsky, Y., Rawls, W.J. (Eds.). Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. pp.143-152.
  • Hussein M.F., 2009. BTC solute-transport parameters for three sediments. 4th Conference on recent technologies in Agriculture, 3 November 2009. Cairo, Egypt.
  • Islam, M.R., Islam, S., Jahiruddin, M., Islam, M.A., 2004. Effects of irrigation water arsenic in the rice-rice cropping system. Journal of Biological Sciences 4(4): 542–546.
  • Jackson, M.L., 1962. Soil Chemical Analysis. Prentice Hall, Inc. Englewood Chiffs, New York, USA 498p.
  • Jain, A., Raven, K.P., Loeppert, R.H., 1999. Arsenite and arsenate adsorption on ferrihydrite:  Surface charge reduction and net OH- release stoichiometry. Environmental Science & Technology 33(8): 1179–1184.
  • Jensen, D.K., Tuller, M., de Jonge, L.W., Arthur, E., Moldrup, P., 2015. A New two-stage approach to predicting the soil water characteristic from saturation to oven-dryness. Journal of Hydrology 521: 498–507.
  • Karup, D., Moldrup, P., Paradelo, M., Katuwal, S., Norgaard, T., Greve, M.H., de Jonge, L.W., 2016. Water and solute transport in agricultural soils predicted by volumetric clay and silt contents. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 192: 194–202.
  • Koestel, J.K., Moeys, J., Jarvis, N.J., 2012. Meta-analysis of the effects of soil properties, site factors and experimental conditions on solute transport. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16(6): 1647–1665.
  • Koestel, J.K., Norgaard, T., Luong, N.M., Vendelboe, A.L., Moldrup, P., Jarvis, N.J., Lamandé, M., Iversen, B.V., de Jonge. L.W., 2013. Links between soil properties and steady‐state solute transport through cultivated topsoil at the field scale. Water Resources Research 49(2): 790–807.
  • Mojid, M.A., Rose, D.A., Wyseure, G.C.L., 2004. A transfer-function method for analysing breakthrough data in the time domain of the transport process. European Journal of Soil Science 55(4): 699–711.
  • Mojid, M.A., Hossain, A.B.M.Z., Cappuyns, V., Wyseure, G., 2016. Transport characteristics of heavy metals, metalloids and pesticides through major agricultural soils of Bangladesh as determined by TDR. Soil Research 54(8): 970–984.
  • Mojid, M.A., Rose, D.A., Wyseure, G.C.L., 2006. Analysis of partial breakthrough data by a transfer-function method. Soil Research 44(2): 175–182.
  • Mojid, M.A., Vereecken, H. 2005a. Modelling velocity and retardation factor of a nonlinearly sorbing solute plume. Soil Research 43(6): 735–743.
  • Mojid, M.A., Vereecken, H., 2005b. On the physical meaning of retardation factor and velocity of a nonlinearly sorbing solute. Journal of Hydrology 302(1-4): 127–136.
  • Montoya, J.C., Costa, J.L., Liedl, R., Bedmar, F., Daniel, P., 2006. Effects of soil type and tillage practice on atrazine transport through intact soil cores. Geoderma 137(1-2): 161–173.
  • Mosaddeghi M.R., Khatar, M., Dexter, A.R., Mahboubi, A.A., 2008. Water characteristic curve and physical quality of soil as influenced by water salinity and sodicity. 2nd International Salinity Forum Salinity, water and society–global issues, local action, Adelaide Convention Centre Adelaide, 31 March – 3 April 2008, South Australia.
  • Muchuweti, A., Birkett, J.W., Chinyanga, E., Zvauya, R., Scrimshaw, M.D., Lester, J.N., 2006. Heavy metal content of vegetables irrigated with mixtures of wastewater and sewage sludge in Zimbabwe: Implications for human health. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 112(1): 41–48.
  • Nemeth-Konda, L., Fuleky, G., Morovjan, G., Csokan, P., 2002. Sorption behaviour of acetochlor, atrazine, carbendazim, diazinon, imidacloprid and isoproturon on Hungarian agricultural soil. Chemosphere 48(5): 545–552.
  • Norgaard, T., Moldrup, P., Olsen, P., Vendelboe, A.L., Iversen, B.V., Greve, M.H., Kjaer, de Jonge, L.W., 2013. Comparative mapping of soil physical–chemical and structural parameters at field scale to ıdentify zones of enhanced leaching risk. Journal of Environmental Quality 42(1): 271–283.
  • Okada, E., Costa, J.L., Bedmar, F., Barbagelata, P., Irizar, A., Rampoldi, E.A., 2014. Effect of conventional and no-till practices on solute transport in long term field trials. Soil and Tillage Research 142: 8–14.
  • Page, A.L., Miller, R.H., Keeney, D.R., Baker, D.E., Ellis, R., Rhoades, J.D., 1982. Methods of Soil Analysis. eds (No. 631.41 MET 9-2 1982. CIMMYT.).
  • Pugliese, L., Straface, S., Trujillo, B.M., Poulsen, T.G., 2015. Relating non-equilibrium solute transport and porous media physical characteristics. Water, Air & Soil Pollution 226, 59.
  • Raymundo-Raymundo, E., Nikolskii, Y.N., Guber, A.K., Landeros-Sanchez, C., 2012. Adequacy of transport parameters obtained in soil column experiments for selected chemicals. Eurasian Soil Science 45(7): 675−683.
  • Stavi, I., Ungar, E.D., Lavee, H., Sarah, P., 2011. Soil aggregate fraction 1–5 mm: An indicator for soil quality in rangelands. Journal of Arid Environments 75(11): 1050–1055.
  • Tabarzad, A., Sepaskhah, A.R., Farnoud, T., 2011. Determination of chemical transport properties for different textures of undisturbed soils. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 57(8): 915–930.
  • Taran, F., Nazemi, A.H., Sadraddini, A.A., Dinpazhuh, Y., 2015. Investigation of conservative and non-conservative solute transport in soil and comparison of three adsorption models using HYDRUS-2D. Journal of Materials and Environmental Science 7(6): 2082−2093.
  • Thawornchaisit, U., Polprasert, C., 2009. Evaluation of phosphate fertilizers for the stabilization of cadmium in highly contaminated soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials 165(1-3): 1109–1113.
  • van Genuchten, M.Th., 1980. A closed-form equation for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 44(5): 892–898.
  • Vogel, H.J., Roth, K., 2003. Moving through scales of flow and transport in soil. Journal of Hydrology 272(1–4): 95–106.
  • Ward, A.L., Elrick, D.E., Kachanoski, R.G., 1994. Laboratory measurements of solute transport using time domain reflectometry. Soil Science Society of America Journal 58(4): 1031–1039.
  • Xu, M., Eckstein, Y., 1997. Statistical analysis of the relationships between dispersivity and other physical properties of porous media. Hydrogeology Journal 5(4): 4–20.
  • Li, Z.M., Zhou, Q., Wang, H., Lu, X., 2009. Influence of bulk density on the characteristic of water solute transport in red soil. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 23: 101−103.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Articles

Md. Abdul Mojid Bu kişi benim

A.b.m. Zahid Hossain Bu kişi benim

Guido C. L. Wyseure Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ekim 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Mojid, M. A., Hossain, A. Z., & Wyseure, G. C. L. (2018). Relation of reactive solute-transport parameters to basic soil properties. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 7(4), 326-336.