Because soil erosion which is caused by rain is also an important phenomenon in the Slovak Republic, higher emphasis is impute to research of water erosion caused by rain and that is why we proceeded to calculate the rain factor R. Based on data which were provided by the Slovak Hydrometeorological Insitute for 6 selected meteorological stations in Slovakia, we accomplished to the calculation of rain factor R. For the calculation we used the methodology by Wischmeier-Smith (1978) and results we comparing with the methodology of Hudson (KE> 1) and with already published values of the Research Institute of Soil Science and Conservation. We also created a line exceeded of probability from the calculated data, which gives us detailed information on the occurrence of the calculated R values 1 time per 100, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 year. On the basis of calculated data we created a distribution of R factor values for individual months of the growing season and found out that the highest percentage fall on the summer months June, July, August and by contrast the lowest to April and October, so it is necessary to impute emphasis to soil erosion control especially in summer months. Comparing the methodology of Hudson (KE>1) and methodology of Wischemeier-Smith, we found out that the Hudson methodology gives almost 2 times lower value of R-factor than with using the methodology of Wischmeier-Smith.
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Fulajtár, E.J., 2001. Water erosion and anti-erosion protection 1st edt.. Bratislava : VÚPÚ, 308 p.
Holý, M., 1978. Erosion protection. STNL/ALFA : Bratislava, 1978. 288 p.
Hudson, N., 1973. Soil conservation. 2 edt. Ihtaca : Cornell university press. 320 p.
Morgan, R.P.C., 1995. Soil erosion & Conservation. 2nd edt. Harlow : Longman Group Limited, 198 p.
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Toy, T., Foster, G., Renard, K., 2002. Soil erosion: Procesesses, prediction, measurement and control. New York : John Wiley & Sons, 338 p.
Wischmeier, W.H., Smith, D.D., 1965. Predicting rainfall erosion losses from cropland east of the Rocky mountains : agricultural handbook. No. 282, Washington D.C.
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Year 2014,
Volume: 3 Issue: 4, 254 - 259, 21.11.2014
Antal, J., 2005. Anti-erosion soil protection.1st edt. Slovak Agriculture University in Nitra Publisher, 79 p.
Fulajtár, E.J., 2001. Water erosion and anti-erosion protection 1st edt.. Bratislava : VÚPÚ, 308 p.
Holý, M., 1978. Erosion protection. STNL/ALFA : Bratislava, 1978. 288 p.
Hudson, N., 1973. Soil conservation. 2 edt. Ihtaca : Cornell university press. 320 p.
Morgan, R.P.C., 1995. Soil erosion & Conservation. 2nd edt. Harlow : Longman Group Limited, 198 p.
Šabata, M., 1978. The procedure for calculating the risk of land erosion after rainstorms. Final report. Zbraslav. Research Institute for Melioration. 1978.
Soil as the Component of Environment in Slovak Republic 2010, 2011. Ministry of Environment of of the Slovak Republic. 2011.
The State of Soil in Europe, 2012. A contribution of the JRC to the European Environment Agency´s. Environment State and Outlook Report – SCER 2010.
Toy, T., Foster, G., Renard, K., 2002. Soil erosion: Procesesses, prediction, measurement and control. New York : John Wiley & Sons, 338 p.
Wischmeier, W.H., Smith, D.D., 1965. Predicting rainfall erosion losses from cropland east of the Rocky mountains : agricultural handbook. No. 282, Washington D.C.
Zachar, D., 1981. Soil Erosion. 1st edt. VEDA : Bratislava, 1981. 548 p.
Maderková, L., Antal, J., & čimo, J. (2014). Statistic and probability characteristics of rain factor R in Slovak Republic. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 3(4), 254-259.