Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 113 - 125, 01.04.2022



  • Alaily, F., 1984. Heterogene Ausgang von Böden. Die Rekonstruktion und Bilanzierung von Böden aus heterogenen Ausgangsgesteine. Landschaftsentwicklung und Umweltforschung 25, Berlin.
  • Asio, V.B., 1996. Characteristics weathering, formation and degradation of soils from volcanic rocks in Leyte, Philippines. Hohenheimer Bodenkundliche Hefte 33, Stuttgart Germany, 209 pp.
  • Asio, V.B., Jahn, R., 2007. Weathering of basalt and clay mineral formation in Leyte, Philippines. Philippine Agricultural Scientist 90(3): 204-212.
  • Barshad, I., 1964. Chemistry of soil development. In: Chemistry of the Soil. Bear, F. (Ed.). (3rd edition). Reinhold Publishing Corp. New York. USA. pp: 1-70.
  • Birkeland, P.W., 1984. Soils and Geomorphology. Oxford University Press, New York. USA. 372p.
  • Blake, G.R., Hartge, K.H., 1986. Bulk density. In: Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 1 Physical and Mineralogical Methods, Klute A., (Ed.). American Society of Agronomy-Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI, USA. pp. 363–375.
  • Blume, H.P., 1963. Die Deutung der Tiefenfunktion des Tonmineralbestandes von Boeden. Beitrage zur Mineralogie und Petrographie 9: 13-27. [in German]
  • Chesworth, W., 1973b. The parent rock effect in the genesis of soil. Geoderma 10(3): 215-225.
  • Chesworth. W., 1973a. The residua system of chemical weathering. A model for the chemical breakdown of silicate rocks at the surface of the earth. European Journal of Soil Science 24(1): 69-81.
  • Coronas, J., 1920. The Climate and Weather of the Philippines 1903-1918. Bureau of Print. Manila. 189 pp.
  • Dudal, R., 2003. Evolving concepts in tropical soils sciences: the humid tropics. In: Evolution of Tropical Soil Science: past and future. Stoop, G. (Ed.). Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences, Brussels, Belgium. pp.15-38.
  • Fitzpatrick, R.W., Chittleborough, D.J., 2002. Titanium and zirconium minerals. In: Soil Mineralogy with Environmental Applications. Dixon, J.B., Schulze, D.G. (Eds.). Soil Science Society of America Volume 7, Madison, WI, USA. pp. 667–690.
  • ISRIC,1995. Procedures for soil analysis. Van Reuwijk, L.P. (Ed.). International soil reference and information center Wageningen, the Netherlands. 106p.
  • IUSS Working Group WRB, 2015. World Reference Base for Soil Resources 2014, update 2015. International soil classification system for naming soils and creating legends for soil maps. World Soil Resources Reports No. 106. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy. 192p. Available at [access date: 08.04.2021]:
  • Jahn R., Blume, H.P., Asio, V.B., Spaargaren, O., Schad, P., 2006. Guidelines for Soil Description (4th Edition). Food And Agriculture Organizatıon of The United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy. 97p. Available at [access date: 08.04.2021]:
  • Jahn, R., Asio, V.B., 2006. Climate, geology and soils of the tropics with special reference to Southeast Asia and Leyte (Philippines). Proceedings of the 11th International Seminar-Workshop on Tropical Ecology, 21-25 August 2006, Visayas State University, Baybay City, Leyte 6521-A, Philippines, pp. 23-42.
  • Jenny, H., 1941. Factors of Soil Formation: A System of Quantitative Pedology. Dover Publications Inc. New Yok, USA. 281p.
  • Jones, J.B., 2001. Laboratory guide for conducting soil tests and plant analyses. CRC Press, New York, USA. 363p.
  • Juo, A.S.R., Franzluebbers, K., 2003. Tropical Soils. Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Klute, A., 1986. Methods of Soil Analysis Part 1: Physical and Mineralogical, 2nd edition. American Society of Agronomy Inc., Soil Science of America, Inc. Madison, Wisconsin USA.
  • Kyuma, K., 2021. V.V. Dokuchaev- on his way to pedology. Pedologist 65 (1): 3-13.
  • Mekaru, T., Uehara, G., 1972. Anion adsorption in ferruginous tropical soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 36(2): 296–300.
  • Middelburg, J.J., van der Weijden, C.H., Woittiez, R.W. 1988. Chemical processes affecting the mobility of major, minor and trace elements during weathering of granitic rocks. Chemical Geology 68(3-4): 253-273.
  • Mohr, E.C.J., Van Baren, F.A., Van Schuylenborgh, J., 1972. Tropical Soils: A Comprehensive Study of their Genesis. Mouton- Ichtiar Baru- Van Hoeve, The Hague.
  • Navarrete, I.A., Asio, V.B., Jahn, R., Tsutsuki, K., 2007. Characteristics and genesis of two strongly weathered soils in Samar, Philippines. Australian Journal of Soil Research 45(3): 153-163.
  • Nelson, D.W., Sommers, L.E., 1982. Total carbon, organic carbon, and organic matter. In: Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 2. Chemical and Microbiological Properties. Page, A.L, Miller, R.H., Keeney, D.R. (Eds.). 2nd Edition. Agronomy Monograph, vol. 9. American Society of Agronomy - Soil Science Society of America, WI, USA. pp. 593–579.
  • Piamonte, M.K., Asio, V.B., Lina, S.B., 2014. Morpho-physical and chemical characteristics of strongly weathered soils in Silago, Southern Leyte, Philippines. Annals of Tropical Research 36(2):115-147.
  • Polynov, B.B. 1937. Cycle of weathering. Marby, London.
  • Sanchez, P.A., 1976. Properties and management of soils in the tropics. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 628p
  • Schaetzel, R.J., Anderson, R., 2005. Soils: Genesis and Geomorphology. University Press, Cambridge
  • Schlichting, E., Blume, H-P., Stahr K,. 1995. Bodenkundliches Praktikum: eine Einführung in pedologisches Arbeiten für Ökologen, insbesondere Land- und Forstwirte und für Geowissenschaftler, Blackwell Wissenschafts-Verlag, Berlin. 2nd Edition. [in German]
  • Soil Survey Staff, 1999. Soil taxonomy: A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys. 2nd Edition. Agriculture Handbook Vol. 435. USDA, NRCS. US Government Printing Office, Washington DC, USA. 886p.
  • Stahr, K., 1979. Die Bedeutung periglazialer Deckschichten fur Bodenbildung und Standorteigenschaften im Südschwarzwald. Freiburger Bodenkundliche Abhandlungen 9, Freiburg im Breisgau. 273p. [in German]
  • Stolbovoy, V.S., 1992. Current problems in the study of tropical soils. Soviet Soil Science 24: 1–15.
  • Stoops, G., 2003. Evolution of Tropical Soils Science: Past and Future. Workshop, Available at [Access date: 08.04.2021]:
  • Strakhov, N.M., 1967. Principles of Lithogenesis. Springer-Verlag US. 1453p.
  • Tsozue, D., Yongue-Fouateu, D., 2017. Tropical chemical weathering of a garnet rich micaschist in the rainforest zone of Cameroon. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 6(1): 1-19.

Properties, geochemical composition, and fertility of highly weathered soils in Central Philippines

Year 2022, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 113 - 125, 01.04.2022


Highly weathered soils are widepsread in the humid tropics. These soils are deep, clayey, and reddish and contain scant amounts of nutrients like Si due to excessive leaching, heavy desilication-aluminization, and erosion owing to their slope gradient and position. However, few investigations have been published in terms of their nature, characteristics, and nutrient status, especially for the geologically young Philippine islands. This study assessed the properties, geochemical composition, and fertility of deep and highly weathered soils developed from various parent materials in Central Philippines (Leyte and Samar). Sampling covered the entire soil profiles, including the lower portions, that are usually neglected in common soil characterization studies. Among the soil profiles, only profiles 3 and 8 have developed from non-uniform or heterogeneous parent materials. Findings likewise revealed heavy losses of K2O, CaO, MgO, and Na2O from the highly soil profiles evaluated. The amount and profile distribution of K2O and CaO is below 0.5% in the entire profile of most soils. On the other hand, there is apparent enrichment of Al2O3, Fe2O3, and to a lesser extent SiO2 in the highly weathered soil profiles, thus supporting the residua hypothesis. In terms of morpho-physical characteristics, the soils have deep solum, reddish color, subangular structure, friable moist consistence, and sticky and plastic wet consistence which are all related to the highly weathered nature of the soils. They also generally have low bulk density and higher porosity due to the iron oxides aggregation effect. The strong acidity (pH <5) and negative delta pH values revealed that the soil colloids possess a negative net charge. Nutrient status also showed low contents of organic matter, total N, available P, and exchangeable bases. Majority of the deep and highly weathered soils evaluated have possibly developed from homogenous parent materials. The soils are classified as Hapludox, Hapludult, and Paleudult.


  • Alaily, F., 1984. Heterogene Ausgang von Böden. Die Rekonstruktion und Bilanzierung von Böden aus heterogenen Ausgangsgesteine. Landschaftsentwicklung und Umweltforschung 25, Berlin.
  • Asio, V.B., 1996. Characteristics weathering, formation and degradation of soils from volcanic rocks in Leyte, Philippines. Hohenheimer Bodenkundliche Hefte 33, Stuttgart Germany, 209 pp.
  • Asio, V.B., Jahn, R., 2007. Weathering of basalt and clay mineral formation in Leyte, Philippines. Philippine Agricultural Scientist 90(3): 204-212.
  • Barshad, I., 1964. Chemistry of soil development. In: Chemistry of the Soil. Bear, F. (Ed.). (3rd edition). Reinhold Publishing Corp. New York. USA. pp: 1-70.
  • Birkeland, P.W., 1984. Soils and Geomorphology. Oxford University Press, New York. USA. 372p.
  • Blake, G.R., Hartge, K.H., 1986. Bulk density. In: Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 1 Physical and Mineralogical Methods, Klute A., (Ed.). American Society of Agronomy-Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI, USA. pp. 363–375.
  • Blume, H.P., 1963. Die Deutung der Tiefenfunktion des Tonmineralbestandes von Boeden. Beitrage zur Mineralogie und Petrographie 9: 13-27. [in German]
  • Chesworth, W., 1973b. The parent rock effect in the genesis of soil. Geoderma 10(3): 215-225.
  • Chesworth. W., 1973a. The residua system of chemical weathering. A model for the chemical breakdown of silicate rocks at the surface of the earth. European Journal of Soil Science 24(1): 69-81.
  • Coronas, J., 1920. The Climate and Weather of the Philippines 1903-1918. Bureau of Print. Manila. 189 pp.
  • Dudal, R., 2003. Evolving concepts in tropical soils sciences: the humid tropics. In: Evolution of Tropical Soil Science: past and future. Stoop, G. (Ed.). Royal Academy of Overseas Sciences, Brussels, Belgium. pp.15-38.
  • Fitzpatrick, R.W., Chittleborough, D.J., 2002. Titanium and zirconium minerals. In: Soil Mineralogy with Environmental Applications. Dixon, J.B., Schulze, D.G. (Eds.). Soil Science Society of America Volume 7, Madison, WI, USA. pp. 667–690.
  • ISRIC,1995. Procedures for soil analysis. Van Reuwijk, L.P. (Ed.). International soil reference and information center Wageningen, the Netherlands. 106p.
  • IUSS Working Group WRB, 2015. World Reference Base for Soil Resources 2014, update 2015. International soil classification system for naming soils and creating legends for soil maps. World Soil Resources Reports No. 106. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy. 192p. Available at [access date: 08.04.2021]:
  • Jahn R., Blume, H.P., Asio, V.B., Spaargaren, O., Schad, P., 2006. Guidelines for Soil Description (4th Edition). Food And Agriculture Organizatıon of The United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy. 97p. Available at [access date: 08.04.2021]:
  • Jahn, R., Asio, V.B., 2006. Climate, geology and soils of the tropics with special reference to Southeast Asia and Leyte (Philippines). Proceedings of the 11th International Seminar-Workshop on Tropical Ecology, 21-25 August 2006, Visayas State University, Baybay City, Leyte 6521-A, Philippines, pp. 23-42.
  • Jenny, H., 1941. Factors of Soil Formation: A System of Quantitative Pedology. Dover Publications Inc. New Yok, USA. 281p.
  • Jones, J.B., 2001. Laboratory guide for conducting soil tests and plant analyses. CRC Press, New York, USA. 363p.
  • Juo, A.S.R., Franzluebbers, K., 2003. Tropical Soils. Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Klute, A., 1986. Methods of Soil Analysis Part 1: Physical and Mineralogical, 2nd edition. American Society of Agronomy Inc., Soil Science of America, Inc. Madison, Wisconsin USA.
  • Kyuma, K., 2021. V.V. Dokuchaev- on his way to pedology. Pedologist 65 (1): 3-13.
  • Mekaru, T., Uehara, G., 1972. Anion adsorption in ferruginous tropical soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 36(2): 296–300.
  • Middelburg, J.J., van der Weijden, C.H., Woittiez, R.W. 1988. Chemical processes affecting the mobility of major, minor and trace elements during weathering of granitic rocks. Chemical Geology 68(3-4): 253-273.
  • Mohr, E.C.J., Van Baren, F.A., Van Schuylenborgh, J., 1972. Tropical Soils: A Comprehensive Study of their Genesis. Mouton- Ichtiar Baru- Van Hoeve, The Hague.
  • Navarrete, I.A., Asio, V.B., Jahn, R., Tsutsuki, K., 2007. Characteristics and genesis of two strongly weathered soils in Samar, Philippines. Australian Journal of Soil Research 45(3): 153-163.
  • Nelson, D.W., Sommers, L.E., 1982. Total carbon, organic carbon, and organic matter. In: Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 2. Chemical and Microbiological Properties. Page, A.L, Miller, R.H., Keeney, D.R. (Eds.). 2nd Edition. Agronomy Monograph, vol. 9. American Society of Agronomy - Soil Science Society of America, WI, USA. pp. 593–579.
  • Piamonte, M.K., Asio, V.B., Lina, S.B., 2014. Morpho-physical and chemical characteristics of strongly weathered soils in Silago, Southern Leyte, Philippines. Annals of Tropical Research 36(2):115-147.
  • Polynov, B.B. 1937. Cycle of weathering. Marby, London.
  • Sanchez, P.A., 1976. Properties and management of soils in the tropics. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 628p
  • Schaetzel, R.J., Anderson, R., 2005. Soils: Genesis and Geomorphology. University Press, Cambridge
  • Schlichting, E., Blume, H-P., Stahr K,. 1995. Bodenkundliches Praktikum: eine Einführung in pedologisches Arbeiten für Ökologen, insbesondere Land- und Forstwirte und für Geowissenschaftler, Blackwell Wissenschafts-Verlag, Berlin. 2nd Edition. [in German]
  • Soil Survey Staff, 1999. Soil taxonomy: A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys. 2nd Edition. Agriculture Handbook Vol. 435. USDA, NRCS. US Government Printing Office, Washington DC, USA. 886p.
  • Stahr, K., 1979. Die Bedeutung periglazialer Deckschichten fur Bodenbildung und Standorteigenschaften im Südschwarzwald. Freiburger Bodenkundliche Abhandlungen 9, Freiburg im Breisgau. 273p. [in German]
  • Stolbovoy, V.S., 1992. Current problems in the study of tropical soils. Soviet Soil Science 24: 1–15.
  • Stoops, G., 2003. Evolution of Tropical Soils Science: Past and Future. Workshop, Available at [Access date: 08.04.2021]:
  • Strakhov, N.M., 1967. Principles of Lithogenesis. Springer-Verlag US. 1453p.
  • Tsozue, D., Yongue-Fouateu, D., 2017. Tropical chemical weathering of a garnet rich micaschist in the rainforest zone of Cameroon. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science 6(1): 1-19.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Snowie Jane C. Galgo This is me 0000-0002-2806-2321

Victor B. Asio This is me 0000-0003-3569-3997

Publication Date April 1, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 11 Issue: 2


APA Galgo, S. J. C., & Asio, V. B. (2022). Properties, geochemical composition, and fertility of highly weathered soils in Central Philippines. Eurasian Journal of Soil Science, 11(2), 113-125.