Research Article
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Organic Tea Production and Tea Breeding in Turkey: Challenges and Possibilities

Year 2018, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 60 - 69, 30.01.2018


Tea production can be seen at the zone beginning at the Georgia border of the Black Sea region up to the Fatsa dis trict

of Ordu in Turkey. Tea production areas are present foremos tly in Rize, followed by Trabzon, Artvin, Giresun and Ordu.

These regions are representing the top zone tea production areas in the World. The region beginning from the Georgian

border up the dis trict Araklı represents the mos t suitable and primary high yielding tea plantation areas in Turkey. Tea is

the mos t important income resource of people settled in this region. With the switch of the Hemşin dis trict to organic tea

production and with future plans to switch also in Rize gradually to organic tea, in public organic tea production have

become important. İn this present work the changeover to organic tea production in Rize, the use of organic fertilizers,

possible changes in production and marketing and also general challenges and possibilities are discussed.


  • Acharya D (2009). Tea Annual smarika.Kathmandu : NTCDB.
  • Aksoy U (2001). Ekolojik Tarım: Genel Bir Bakış. Türkiye 2. Ekolojik Tarım Sempozyumu .14 - 16 Kasım, Antalya, NAR - SER ve ETO. TKB Tarım 2000 Vakfı Yayınları, Ankara, s.3 10. (Ecological farming: A General View. 2. Turkish Ecological Farming Symposium.)
  • Aksoy U and Altındişli A (1999). Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de ekolojik tarım ürünleri üretimi, ihracatı ve geliştirme olanakları. İs tanbul Ticaret Odası Yayınları, Yayın No: 1999-70. İs tanbul, 125 s. (Production, export and improvement possibilities of ecological farm products in Turkey and the world. Publication of İs tanbul Ticaret Odası, Nr. 199970. İs tanbul, 125 p.)
  • Anonymous (2015). Türk Çay Sektörü. Güncel Durum Raporu. Rize Ticaret Borsası. (Turkish Tea Sector. Actual Situation Report. Rize Exchange Commodity).
  • Anonymous (2016). İs tatis tik Bülten. ÇAYKUR. (S tatis tical Bulletin, ÇAYKUR)
  • Anonymous (2017). Black Tea. Food and Agriculture. Minis try of Economy. Republic of Turkey.
  • Arar R (1969). Türkiye’de Çaycılık ve Turis tik Sosyal Kültürel Ekonomik Yönüyle Rize. Çakır Matbaası. Is tanbul, Pp: 154–9. (Tea in Turkey & its relationship with touris tic, cultural & economic activities in Rize, Çakır Press, Is tanbul: 154 - 159).
  • Beriş, F. S. (2001). Phylogenetic analysis of tea clones (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. KUNTZE) using RAPD markers in Turkey. Mas ter Thesis. Karadeniz Technical University.
  • Beris F, Sandalli C, Canakci S, Demirbag Z and Belduz A (2005). Phylogenetic analysis of tea clones (Camellia sinensis) using RAPD markers. Biologia - Section Botany. 60. 457-461.
  • Beris F, Pehlivan N, Kac M, Haznedar A, Coşkun F and Sandallı C (2016). Evaluation of Genetic Diversity of cultivated tea clones (Camellia sinensis (L.) KUNTZE) in the Eas tern Black Sea Coas t by Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSRS). GENETIKA, Vol. 48, No.1 , 87-96.
  • Çakmakçı R, Ertürk Y, Dönmez MF, Erat M, Haznedar A and Sekban R (2012). Tea growth and yield in relation to mixed cultures of N2 fixing and phosphate solubilizing bacteria. The Journal of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture Special Issue Vol. 1: 17-21.
  • Çakmakçı R, Ertürk Y, Sekban R, Haznedar A and Varmazyari A (2013). The Effect of Single and Mixed Cultures of Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria and Mineral Fertilizers on Tea Camellia sinensis Growth Yield and Nutrient Uptake. Soil Water Journal, Secial Issue for AGRICASİA: 653 662.
  • Çakmakçı R (2016). Screening of Multi Trait Rhizobacteria for Improving the Growth Enzyme Activities and Nutrient Uptake of Tea Camellia sinensis. Communications In Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 13-14.
  • Demiryürek K (2011). Organik Tarım Kavramı ve Organik Tarımın Dünya ve Türkiye’deki Durumu. GOÜ, Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2011, 28(1): 27 – 36. (The concept Organic Agriculture and S tatus of Organic Agriculture in the World and Turkey. GOÜ, Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2011, 28(1): 27 – 36).
  • Demiryürek K, S topes C and Güzel A (2008). Organic Agriculture: The Case of Turkey. Outlook on Agriculture, 37 (4): 7-13.
  • FAO (2014). Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations Hatipoğlu ŞR (1934a). Kendimize yeten Ziraat. ZiraatGazetesi. Cilt 1. Sayı, 9: 265. (Self sufficiency in our agriculture. Agricultural Gazette. Vol: 1. No. 9: 265).
  • Hatipoğlu ŞR (1934b). Çeşitli Ziraat. Ziraat Gazetesi. Cilt 1. Sayı, 8: 233. (Diversified agriculture. Agricultural Gazette. Vol: 1. No. 8: 233)
  • Kacar B (1986a). Çayın Tarihi. I. Tarih ve Toplum. Aylık Ansiklopedik Dergi. İletişim Yayınları, P: 41. (His tory of tea. I. His tory & society. Monthly Encyclopedic Journal. Extension Publication: 41).
  • Kacar B (1986b). Çayın Tarihi. II. Tarih ve Toplum. Aylık Ansiklopedik Dergi. İletişim Yayınları, P: 31. (His tory of tea. II. His tory and society. Monthly Encyclopedic Journal. Extension Publication: 31).
  • Kafkas K, Ercisli S, Doğan Y, Ertürk Y, Haznedar A and R Sekban (2009). Polymorphism and Genetic Relationships among Tea Genotypes from Turkey Revealed by Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism Markers. J. AMER. SOC. HORT. SCI. 134(4):428–434.
  • Kakuzu O (1944). Çayname. (Çeviren: A.S. Delilbaşı) Remzi Kitabevi. Is tanbul, Pp: 17–8. (Tea chronicles. (Translator: A.S. Delilbaşı). Remzi Bookhouse. Is tanbul, 17-18)
  • Kayahan HS (2001). Ekolojik tarımda iç pazarın gelişimi. Türkiye 2. Ekolojik Tarım Sempozyumu. 14-16 Kasım, Antalya, NAR-SER ve ETO. Ankara: TKB Tarım 2000 Vakfı Yayınları: 24- 9. (Development of inner markets in ecological farming. 2. Ecological farming Symposium. 14- 16 Kasım, Antalya, NAR-SER ve ETO. Ankara: TKB Tarım 2000 Vakfı Publications: 24-9.)
  • Khanal R (2012). A S tudy of Organic Tea Cultivation. (A case s tudy of Tinjure Tea Farmer Co-operative Association Ltd., Phakphok Ilam). Mas ter Thesis. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Tribhuvan University Kenanoğlu Z and Karahan O (2002). Policy Implementations for Organic Agriculture in Turkey, British Food Journal, Vol. 104(3-5): 300-318 (19).
  • Kirazlar N (2001). Ekolojik (Organik) Tarım Mevzuatı. Türkiye 2. Ekolojik Tarım Sempozyumu, Sempozyum Kitabı. Sayfa: 11 – 19. 14 – 16 Kasım 2001, Antalya.
  • Klasra MA, Khawar KM and Aasım M (2007). His tory of Tea Production and Marketing in Turkey. Int. J. Agri. Biol., Vol. 9, No. 3, 2007.
  • Öksüz M (1987). Morphological, yield and quality properties of tea clones in Turkey (Çay İşletmeleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Caykur, Rize, Turkey, No. 8. Rahman MM, Kalam MA and Islam MM (2013).
  • Change of Chemical Compositions in Semifermented Tea on Land Elevation African Journal of Agricultural. Vol. 8(25): 3224-3228.
  • Saklı A (2011). A Critical Review of Recent Sectoral S tructure Proposal for Turkish Tea Sector. Humanity & Social Sciences Journal 6 (1): 01-07.
  • Sharangi AB (2009). Medicinal and Therapeutic Potentialities of Tea (Camellia sinensis L.)-A Review. Food Research International, Volume 42, Issues 5-6, 529–535.
  • Tekeli S t (1976). Çay yetiştirme işleme pazarlama. Dönüm Yayınlar, 5.Ankara: 8, 90–193. (Tea cultivation,processing and marketing) Dönüm publications: 5. Ankara 8, 90-93)
  • Williges U (2004). S tatus of organic agriculture in Sri Lanka With Special Emphasis on Tea Production Sysytems (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze). Ph.D.-Thesis. Fachbereich Pflanzenbau, Giessen/ Germany.
Year 2018, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 60 - 69, 30.01.2018



  • Acharya D (2009). Tea Annual smarika.Kathmandu : NTCDB.
  • Aksoy U (2001). Ekolojik Tarım: Genel Bir Bakış. Türkiye 2. Ekolojik Tarım Sempozyumu .14 - 16 Kasım, Antalya, NAR - SER ve ETO. TKB Tarım 2000 Vakfı Yayınları, Ankara, s.3 10. (Ecological farming: A General View. 2. Turkish Ecological Farming Symposium.)
  • Aksoy U and Altındişli A (1999). Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de ekolojik tarım ürünleri üretimi, ihracatı ve geliştirme olanakları. İs tanbul Ticaret Odası Yayınları, Yayın No: 1999-70. İs tanbul, 125 s. (Production, export and improvement possibilities of ecological farm products in Turkey and the world. Publication of İs tanbul Ticaret Odası, Nr. 199970. İs tanbul, 125 p.)
  • Anonymous (2015). Türk Çay Sektörü. Güncel Durum Raporu. Rize Ticaret Borsası. (Turkish Tea Sector. Actual Situation Report. Rize Exchange Commodity).
  • Anonymous (2016). İs tatis tik Bülten. ÇAYKUR. (S tatis tical Bulletin, ÇAYKUR)
  • Anonymous (2017). Black Tea. Food and Agriculture. Minis try of Economy. Republic of Turkey.
  • Arar R (1969). Türkiye’de Çaycılık ve Turis tik Sosyal Kültürel Ekonomik Yönüyle Rize. Çakır Matbaası. Is tanbul, Pp: 154–9. (Tea in Turkey & its relationship with touris tic, cultural & economic activities in Rize, Çakır Press, Is tanbul: 154 - 159).
  • Beriş, F. S. (2001). Phylogenetic analysis of tea clones (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. KUNTZE) using RAPD markers in Turkey. Mas ter Thesis. Karadeniz Technical University.
  • Beris F, Sandalli C, Canakci S, Demirbag Z and Belduz A (2005). Phylogenetic analysis of tea clones (Camellia sinensis) using RAPD markers. Biologia - Section Botany. 60. 457-461.
  • Beris F, Pehlivan N, Kac M, Haznedar A, Coşkun F and Sandallı C (2016). Evaluation of Genetic Diversity of cultivated tea clones (Camellia sinensis (L.) KUNTZE) in the Eas tern Black Sea Coas t by Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSRS). GENETIKA, Vol. 48, No.1 , 87-96.
  • Çakmakçı R, Ertürk Y, Dönmez MF, Erat M, Haznedar A and Sekban R (2012). Tea growth and yield in relation to mixed cultures of N2 fixing and phosphate solubilizing bacteria. The Journal of Ege University Faculty of Agriculture Special Issue Vol. 1: 17-21.
  • Çakmakçı R, Ertürk Y, Sekban R, Haznedar A and Varmazyari A (2013). The Effect of Single and Mixed Cultures of Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria and Mineral Fertilizers on Tea Camellia sinensis Growth Yield and Nutrient Uptake. Soil Water Journal, Secial Issue for AGRICASİA: 653 662.
  • Çakmakçı R (2016). Screening of Multi Trait Rhizobacteria for Improving the Growth Enzyme Activities and Nutrient Uptake of Tea Camellia sinensis. Communications In Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 13-14.
  • Demiryürek K (2011). Organik Tarım Kavramı ve Organik Tarımın Dünya ve Türkiye’deki Durumu. GOÜ, Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2011, 28(1): 27 – 36. (The concept Organic Agriculture and S tatus of Organic Agriculture in the World and Turkey. GOÜ, Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2011, 28(1): 27 – 36).
  • Demiryürek K, S topes C and Güzel A (2008). Organic Agriculture: The Case of Turkey. Outlook on Agriculture, 37 (4): 7-13.
  • FAO (2014). Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations Hatipoğlu ŞR (1934a). Kendimize yeten Ziraat. ZiraatGazetesi. Cilt 1. Sayı, 9: 265. (Self sufficiency in our agriculture. Agricultural Gazette. Vol: 1. No. 9: 265).
  • Hatipoğlu ŞR (1934b). Çeşitli Ziraat. Ziraat Gazetesi. Cilt 1. Sayı, 8: 233. (Diversified agriculture. Agricultural Gazette. Vol: 1. No. 8: 233)
  • Kacar B (1986a). Çayın Tarihi. I. Tarih ve Toplum. Aylık Ansiklopedik Dergi. İletişim Yayınları, P: 41. (His tory of tea. I. His tory & society. Monthly Encyclopedic Journal. Extension Publication: 41).
  • Kacar B (1986b). Çayın Tarihi. II. Tarih ve Toplum. Aylık Ansiklopedik Dergi. İletişim Yayınları, P: 31. (His tory of tea. II. His tory and society. Monthly Encyclopedic Journal. Extension Publication: 31).
  • Kafkas K, Ercisli S, Doğan Y, Ertürk Y, Haznedar A and R Sekban (2009). Polymorphism and Genetic Relationships among Tea Genotypes from Turkey Revealed by Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism Markers. J. AMER. SOC. HORT. SCI. 134(4):428–434.
  • Kakuzu O (1944). Çayname. (Çeviren: A.S. Delilbaşı) Remzi Kitabevi. Is tanbul, Pp: 17–8. (Tea chronicles. (Translator: A.S. Delilbaşı). Remzi Bookhouse. Is tanbul, 17-18)
  • Kayahan HS (2001). Ekolojik tarımda iç pazarın gelişimi. Türkiye 2. Ekolojik Tarım Sempozyumu. 14-16 Kasım, Antalya, NAR-SER ve ETO. Ankara: TKB Tarım 2000 Vakfı Yayınları: 24- 9. (Development of inner markets in ecological farming. 2. Ecological farming Symposium. 14- 16 Kasım, Antalya, NAR-SER ve ETO. Ankara: TKB Tarım 2000 Vakfı Publications: 24-9.)
  • Khanal R (2012). A S tudy of Organic Tea Cultivation. (A case s tudy of Tinjure Tea Farmer Co-operative Association Ltd., Phakphok Ilam). Mas ter Thesis. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Tribhuvan University Kenanoğlu Z and Karahan O (2002). Policy Implementations for Organic Agriculture in Turkey, British Food Journal, Vol. 104(3-5): 300-318 (19).
  • Kirazlar N (2001). Ekolojik (Organik) Tarım Mevzuatı. Türkiye 2. Ekolojik Tarım Sempozyumu, Sempozyum Kitabı. Sayfa: 11 – 19. 14 – 16 Kasım 2001, Antalya.
  • Klasra MA, Khawar KM and Aasım M (2007). His tory of Tea Production and Marketing in Turkey. Int. J. Agri. Biol., Vol. 9, No. 3, 2007.
  • Öksüz M (1987). Morphological, yield and quality properties of tea clones in Turkey (Çay İşletmeleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Caykur, Rize, Turkey, No. 8. Rahman MM, Kalam MA and Islam MM (2013).
  • Change of Chemical Compositions in Semifermented Tea on Land Elevation African Journal of Agricultural. Vol. 8(25): 3224-3228.
  • Saklı A (2011). A Critical Review of Recent Sectoral S tructure Proposal for Turkish Tea Sector. Humanity & Social Sciences Journal 6 (1): 01-07.
  • Sharangi AB (2009). Medicinal and Therapeutic Potentialities of Tea (Camellia sinensis L.)-A Review. Food Research International, Volume 42, Issues 5-6, 529–535.
  • Tekeli S t (1976). Çay yetiştirme işleme pazarlama. Dönüm Yayınlar, 5.Ankara: 8, 90–193. (Tea cultivation,processing and marketing) Dönüm publications: 5. Ankara 8, 90-93)
  • Williges U (2004). S tatus of organic agriculture in Sri Lanka With Special Emphasis on Tea Production Sysytems (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze). Ph.D.-Thesis. Fachbereich Pflanzenbau, Giessen/ Germany.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Fatih Seyıs

Emine Yurterı This is me

Aysel Ozcan This is me

Yusuf Savsatlı This is me

Publication Date January 30, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


APA Seyıs, F., Yurterı, E., Ozcan, A., Savsatlı, Y. (2018). Organic Tea Production and Tea Breeding in Turkey: Challenges and Possibilities. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics, 4(1), 60-69.
AMA Seyıs F, Yurterı E, Ozcan A, Savsatlı Y. Organic Tea Production and Tea Breeding in Turkey: Challenges and Possibilities. Ekin Journal. January 2018;4(1):60-69.
Chicago Seyıs, Fatih, Emine Yurterı, Aysel Ozcan, and Yusuf Savsatlı. “Organic Tea Production and Tea Breeding in Turkey: Challenges and Possibilities”. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics 4, no. 1 (January 2018): 60-69.
EndNote Seyıs F, Yurterı E, Ozcan A, Savsatlı Y (January 1, 2018) Organic Tea Production and Tea Breeding in Turkey: Challenges and Possibilities. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics 4 1 60–69.
IEEE F. Seyıs, E. Yurterı, A. Ozcan, and Y. Savsatlı, “Organic Tea Production and Tea Breeding in Turkey: Challenges and Possibilities”, Ekin Journal, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 60–69, 2018.
ISNAD Seyıs, Fatih et al. “Organic Tea Production and Tea Breeding in Turkey: Challenges and Possibilities”. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics 4/1 (January 2018), 60-69.
JAMA Seyıs F, Yurterı E, Ozcan A, Savsatlı Y. Organic Tea Production and Tea Breeding in Turkey: Challenges and Possibilities. Ekin Journal. 2018;4:60–69.
MLA Seyıs, Fatih et al. “Organic Tea Production and Tea Breeding in Turkey: Challenges and Possibilities”. Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics, vol. 4, no. 1, 2018, pp. 60-69.
Vancouver Seyıs F, Yurterı E, Ozcan A, Savsatlı Y. Organic Tea Production and Tea Breeding in Turkey: Challenges and Possibilities. Ekin Journal. 2018;4(1):60-9.