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Managing citizen engagement: Public-private partnership governance in selected metropolitan, municipal and district assemblies in Ghana

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 21 - 37, 01.07.2022


The study contributes to the existing literature by viewing the phenomenon of managing citizen engagement in PPPs through a governance lens instead of the generic stakeholder theory in the face of the ideological differences inherent in PPPs. A qualitative methodology facilitated data collection from fifty-six participants in four administrative regions in Ghana to explore in-depth, factors underlying the divergent interests of PPP actors in managing citizen engagement, their implications, and how to address the governance dilemma. The key findings revealed that the conflicting rationales for using PPP from the perspective of both public and private actors, constituted a major latent governance issue that influenced management of citizen engagement either positively or negatively. The study therefore suggests the alignment of the divergent interests to improve governance frameworks for managing citizen engagement to enhance PPP outcomes.

Destekleyen Kurum

Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration

Proje Numarası



I thank you very much in anticipation of having my article peer-reviewed. This is my second article and I am happy to be publishing in the prestigious Journal of Economy journal


  • Adams, S, (2011). Privatization and National Development: A Case Study of Ghana. Public Organization Review, 11: 237-253 DOI 10. 1007/s11115-010-0119-2.
  • African Development Bank. (2015). Support for Strengthening the Enabling Environment for Private Sector Development, T. Evaluation Study.
  • Ahmad, M., Akhtar, n., Jabeen, G., Irfan, M., Anser Khalid, M., Wu, H. and Isik, C. (2021). Intention-based critical factors Affecting Willingness to Adopt Novel Coronavirus Prevention in Pakistan: Implications for Future Pandemics. Int. J. Env. Res. Public Health 2021/8 6167 18116167.
  • Agranoff, R. and McGuire M. (2003). Collaborative Public Management. New Strategies for Local Governments. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.
  • Ahwoi, K. (2010). Local Government and Decentalization in Ghana. Unimax-Macmillan Ltd. Ghana.
  • Amadi C. Carrillo, P. and Tuuli, M (2014). Stakeholder Management in Public-Private partnership projects in Nigeria: towards a research agenda. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, (1): 423-432.
  • Ameyaw, E.E. and Chan, A.P. (2015). Evaluation and Ranking of risk factors in public-private partnership water supply projects in developing countries using fuzzy synthetic evaluation approach. Expert system applications, 42(12):5102-5116.
  • Andrews R. and Entwistle, T. (2015). Public-Private partnerships, Management Capacity and Public-Service Efficiency. Policy and Politics, 43(2): 273-290.
  • Avis, W.R. (2016). Urban Governance. Birmingham U.E. GSDRC. University of Birmingham.
  • Bazeley, P. (2011). Integrative Analysis Strategies for Mixed Data Sources. American Behavioural Scientist, 56(6): 814-828.
  • Bingham B., Nabatchi, T and O’Leary, S. (2005). The New Governance: Practices and Processes for Stakeholder and Citizen Participation in the Work of Governance. Public Admiistration Review, September/October 2005, 65(5): 547-558.
  • Boardman, A.E., Siematycki, M. and Vining, A.R. (2016). The Theory and Evidence Concerning Public-Private Partnerships in Canada and Elsewhere. The School of Public Policy SPP Research Papers. 9(12): 1-31.
  • Boardman, E. (eds.) (2010). International Handbook on Public-Private Partnerships. (Cheltenham, UK, Edward Edgar Publishing, 237-261.
  • Bovaird T. (2004). ‘Public-Private Partnership : From Contested Concepts to Prevalent Practices’. ‘International Review of Administrative Sciences, 70(2): 199-215.
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  • Cheung, E. Chan, A.P. and Kajewski, S. (2009). Reasons for implementing public-private projects: perspectives from Hong Kong, Australian and British practitioners. Journal of Property Invesment Finance, 27(1). 81-95.
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  • Cuevas-Rodriguez, G., Gomez-Meija, L.R. and Weiseman, R.M. (2012). Has Agency theory Run as Course? Making them to inform the management of reward systems more flexible. Corporate Governance Int. Review, 20(6): 526- 546.
  • Damoah I.S. and Akwei, C. (2017). Government Project Fairlure in Ghana. A Multidimensional Approach. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business. 10(1): 32-59.
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  • De Vos A.S. (2005). Qualitative Data Analysis and Interpretation. In De Vos (Ed) Strydom H. Fouche, C.B. Delport, C.L.S. Research at Grassroots for the Social Sciences and Human Service Professions. 3rd ed. Pretoria: Van Schaik Publishers.
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  • Jomo KS, Chowdury A.S., and Sharma, K, Platz, D. (2016). Public-Private Partnerships and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Fit for Purpose? DESA Working Paper. No. 148 ST/ESA/2016/DWP/148. Http//www.un.prg/en/development/desa/papers.
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Managing citizen engagement: Public-private partnership governance in selected metropolitan, municipal and district assemblies in Ghana

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 21 - 37, 01.07.2022


The study contributes to the existing literature by viewing the phenomenon of managing citizen engagement in PPPs through a governance lens instead of the generic stakeholder theory in the face of the ideological differences inherent in PPPs. A qualitative methodology facilitated data collection from fifty-six participants in four administrative regions in Ghana to explore in-depth, factors underlying the divergent interests of PPP actors in managing citizen engagement, their implications, and how to address the governance dilemma. The key findings revealed that the conflicting rationales for using PPP from the perspective of both public and private actors, constituted a major latent governance issue that influenced management of citizen engagement either positively or negatively. The study therefore suggests the alignment of the divergent interests to improve governance frameworks for managing citizen engagement to enhance PPP outcomes.

Proje Numarası



  • Adams, S, (2011). Privatization and National Development: A Case Study of Ghana. Public Organization Review, 11: 237-253 DOI 10. 1007/s11115-010-0119-2.
  • African Development Bank. (2015). Support for Strengthening the Enabling Environment for Private Sector Development, T. Evaluation Study.
  • Ahmad, M., Akhtar, n., Jabeen, G., Irfan, M., Anser Khalid, M., Wu, H. and Isik, C. (2021). Intention-based critical factors Affecting Willingness to Adopt Novel Coronavirus Prevention in Pakistan: Implications for Future Pandemics. Int. J. Env. Res. Public Health 2021/8 6167 18116167.
  • Agranoff, R. and McGuire M. (2003). Collaborative Public Management. New Strategies for Local Governments. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.
  • Ahwoi, K. (2010). Local Government and Decentalization in Ghana. Unimax-Macmillan Ltd. Ghana.
  • Amadi C. Carrillo, P. and Tuuli, M (2014). Stakeholder Management in Public-Private partnership projects in Nigeria: towards a research agenda. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, (1): 423-432.
  • Ameyaw, E.E. and Chan, A.P. (2015). Evaluation and Ranking of risk factors in public-private partnership water supply projects in developing countries using fuzzy synthetic evaluation approach. Expert system applications, 42(12):5102-5116.
  • Andrews R. and Entwistle, T. (2015). Public-Private partnerships, Management Capacity and Public-Service Efficiency. Policy and Politics, 43(2): 273-290.
  • Avis, W.R. (2016). Urban Governance. Birmingham U.E. GSDRC. University of Birmingham.
  • Bazeley, P. (2011). Integrative Analysis Strategies for Mixed Data Sources. American Behavioural Scientist, 56(6): 814-828.
  • Bingham B., Nabatchi, T and O’Leary, S. (2005). The New Governance: Practices and Processes for Stakeholder and Citizen Participation in the Work of Governance. Public Admiistration Review, September/October 2005, 65(5): 547-558.
  • Boardman, A.E., Siematycki, M. and Vining, A.R. (2016). The Theory and Evidence Concerning Public-Private Partnerships in Canada and Elsewhere. The School of Public Policy SPP Research Papers. 9(12): 1-31.
  • Boardman, E. (eds.) (2010). International Handbook on Public-Private Partnerships. (Cheltenham, UK, Edward Edgar Publishing, 237-261.
  • Bovaird T. (2004). ‘Public-Private Partnership : From Contested Concepts to Prevalent Practices’. ‘International Review of Administrative Sciences, 70(2): 199-215.
  • Braun. V., and Clarke, V. (2013). APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology: Vol. 2. Research Designs, H. Cooper.
  • Brodie, R. J., Hollebeek, L. D., Juric, B. and Ilic, A. (2011). Customer engagement: Conceptual domain, fundamental propositions, and implications for research. Journal of Service Research. 14 (3): 252-271.
  • Bryson, J. M., Crosby, B.C., and Bloomberg, L. (2015). Public Value Governance: Moving Beyond Traditional Public Administration and the New Public Management. Public Administration Review, 74 (4): 445-456.
  • Bryson, J.M.; Quick.K.S.; Slotterback, C.S.; Crosby, B.C. (2012). Designing Public Participation Processes. Public Administration Review, 73(1): 23-34.
  • Buabeng, T. (2015). Implementation of a Public-Private Partnership in local government in Ghana: A study of Ga West and Adentan Municipal Assemblies in the Greater Accra Region. African J. of Governance and Development, 4(2): 17-32.
  • Cheung, E. Chan, A.P. and Kajewski, S. (2009). Reasons for implementing public-private projects: perspectives from Hong Kong, Australian and British practitioners. Journal of Property Invesment Finance, 27(1). 81-95.
  • Chinyio, E. and Olomolaiye, P. (2010). Introducing Stakeholder Management. Construction Stakeholder Management, Chichester Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Creswell, J.W. (2012). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research, 4th Edition.
  • Cuevas-Rodriguez, G., Gomez-Meija, L.R. and Weiseman, R.M. (2012). Has Agency theory Run as Course? Making them to inform the management of reward systems more flexible. Corporate Governance Int. Review, 20(6): 526- 546.
  • Damoah I.S. and Akwei, C. (2017). Government Project Fairlure in Ghana. A Multidimensional Approach. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business. 10(1): 32-59.
  • Denhardt, (2003). Theories of Public Organizations. Australia: Thompson Wadsworth.
  • Denhardt J.V. and Denhardt R.B. (2011,2015). The New Public Service Revisited. Public Administration Review. American Society for Public Administration. 664-672.
  • Dentoni, D, Bitzer, V. Schouten G., (2018). Harnessing Wicked Problems in Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships. Journal of Business Ethics 150: 333-356
  • De Schepper, S. Dooms, M., and Haezendonck, (2014). Stakeholder Dynamics and Responsibilities in Public-Private Partnerships: A Mixed Experience. International Journal of Project Management, 32: 1210-1222.
  • Devanga, S.R. (2014). Thin vs. Thick Descriptions. A critical Analysis of Representations of CSD Literature. Clinical Aphasiology Paper. 1-3.
  • De Vos A.S. (2005). Qualitative Data Analysis and Interpretation. In De Vos (Ed) Strydom H. Fouche, C.B. Delport, C.L.S. Research at Grassroots for the Social Sciences and Human Service Professions. 3rd ed. Pretoria: Van Schaik Publishers.
  • Donahue, J.D. and Zeckhauser, R. (2006, 2011) – Collaborative Governance. Princeton University Press. Pp. 496-525 In Oxford Hanbook of Public Policy. Oxford University Press.
  • Eisenhardt K.M. (2006). Building Theories from Case Study Research.” The Academy of Management Review, 14(4): 57-74.
  • El-Gohary, N. Osman, H. and El-Diraby, T. (2006). Stakeholder management for Public-Private Partnerships. Project Man., 24(7). 595-604.
  • Fombad, M. (2016). Governance in Public-Private Partnerships in South Africa: Some Lessons from the Gautrain. J. of Southern African Studies, 41(6): 1199-1217.
  • Fombad, M. (2013). An Overview of Accountabilitiy Mechanisms in Public-Private Partnerships in South Africa. Ufahamu: A Journal of African Studies, 37(1): 1-31.
  • Forrer J. Kee, J.E. Newcomer K.E. and Eric B. (2010. Public-Private Partnership and the Public Accountability Question. Public Administration Review 70, American Society of Public Administration (ASPA). 475-484.
  • Freeman, R.E. (1984). Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach, 1st ed.; Pitman Publishing: Boston, MA, USA, 1984. 24–25.
  • Frederickson, G. Smith K.B, Larimer C.W. and Licari, (2012). The Public Administration Theory Primer. Westview Press.
  • Fung, A. (2015). Putting the Public Back into Governance: The Challenges of Citizen Participation and Its Future. Public Administration Rew., 75(4):1-5.
  • Geertz, C., (1973). The interpretation of cultures. New York, N. Y: Basic Books.Ghana Decentralization Policy Framework, (2010). Ghana National Decentralization Action Plan- Accelerating Decentralization and Local Governance for National Development.
  • Grant, C. and Osanloo, A. (2014). Understanding, Selecting and Integrating a Theoretical Framework in Dissertation Research. Creating the Blueprint for your “House”. Administrative Issues Journal: Connecting Education, Practice and Research. DOI: 10.5929/2014.4.9: 12-26.
  • Guasch, J., Laffont, J. and Straub, S. (2008). Renegotiation of concession contracts in Latin America: evidence from the water and transport sectors. Int. Journal Indust. Org. 26.421-442.
  • Hall, D. (2015). “Why Public-Private Partnerships Don’t Work. The many advantages of the public alternative”, Public Services International Research Unit, University of Greenwich, U.K.
  • Henjewele, C., Fewings, P. and Rwelamila P.D. (2013) De-margnalising the public in PPP projects through multi-stakeholders management. “Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction”. 18 (3). 210-231.
  • Hodge, G. and Greve, C. (2017): Contemporary public-private partnership: Towards a global research agenda. Financial Accounting Man. 2018; 34: 3-16.
  • Hong, S. and Kim, T.K. (2018) Public-Private Partnership Meets Corporate Social Responsibility- The Case of H-JUMPT School. Public Money and Management Journal, Vol. 38, 2018. 297-304.
  • International Finance Corporation (IFC), (2007). Good Practice on Stakeholder Engagement. 2007. International Finance Corporation.
  • Işık, C., Sirakaya-Turk, E. and Ongan, S. (2020). Testing the efficacy of the economic policy uncertainty index on tourism demand in USMCA: Theory and evidence. Tourism Economics, 26(8):1344-1357.
  • Janesick, V., (2000). The Choreography of Qualitative Research Design: Minuets Improvisation and Crystallization. In N.K. Denzin and Y.S. Lincoln (Eds.). The Handbook of Qualitative Research Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Pub. (Pp.379-400).
  • Jawarhar, I.M. and McLaughin, J.M. (2001). Towards d Descriptive Stakeholder Theory. An Organizational Life Cycle approach. Academy of Management Review, 26 (3): 397-414.
  • Johnston, J., and Gudergan, S.P., 2007. Governance Lessons from public-private partnerships: examining two cases in the Greater Ottawa Region. Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance. 569-582.
  • Jomo KS, Chowdury A.S., and Sharma, K, Platz, D. (2016). Public-Private Partnerships and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Fit for Purpose? DESA Working Paper. No. 148 ST/ESA/2016/DWP/148. Http//www.un.prg/en/development/desa/papers.
  • Jooste, S.F. (2011). “Beyond One Size Fits All” How Local Conditions Shape PPP Enabling Field Development. The Engineering Project Organisation Journal 1: 11-25.
  • Kettl. D.F. (2002). The Transformation of Governance: Public Administration for Twenty-First Century America. Baltimore, MD. Johns Hopkins University Press.
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Toplam 96 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Ekonomi
Bölüm Research Articles

Anita Djoble-d’almeida 0000-0002-4412-3745

Proje Numarası 2
Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Mart 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Djoble-d’almeida, A. (2022). Managing citizen engagement: Public-private partnership governance in selected metropolitan, municipal and district assemblies in Ghana. Journal of Ekonomi, 4(1), 21-37.

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