Review Process

Review process

This journal uses a double-anonymous model of peer review. Neither author nor reviewers know the identity of each other.

All submissions will undergo a double blind peer review process by at least two reviewers. In the case of disparate opinions on the part of reviewers, the work will be forwarded to a third reviewer. Authors may be asked by the editors at all times during the editorial process to revise a contribution in order to maintain scientific standards and comply with the journal’s author guidelines and style guide. Reviews are made based on the system of the The editors may commission additional reviews as part of the editorial process. For authors who are requested by reviewers or editors to revise and resubmit their article it is mandatory to resubmit the article together with a documentation of the changes made according to the recommendations of reviewers or editors and to defend these changes. This statement will be provided to the reviewer together with the resubmitted article. Reviewers will receive all reviews in order to re-review resubmitted papers. Reviewers are expected to comply with the principles of good scientific conduct. Reviewers should not accept reviews if anonymity is breached or a conflict of interest exists. Review results will be made available to the authors anonymously. Decisions on the acceptance of papers, revision of contributions, additional reviews or re-reviews and copy editing are solely the responsibility of the editors in agreement with the publisher, and are final. Review results are merged in a file as Paper Review Form.

By submitting a contribution, the corresponding author declares that the article has not been submitted or published previously, and that no copyright-protected material is used (unless by permission and properly acknowledged). 


To appeal an editorial decision, contact the Editor in Chief and specify the reason for your appeal. Your appeal will be reviewed by the Editor in Chief. The final decision regarding your appeal will rest with the Editor in Chief.

Son Güncelleme Zamanı: 14.09.2024 15:15:49

As the first video article in Turkey, it was featured in the Journal of Ekonomi.

Instagram: @journalofekonomi
YouTube: Journal of Ekonomi


View Watch Video Articles

(Kuru ve Balkan, 2020: Türkiye Ekonomisi Özel Sayısı, 5-9)

(Işık et al., 2019: 1(1): 1-27)

(Radulescu and Sandra, 2019 1(1): 28-32)

(Berger, 2019, 1(1): 43-48)

(Özelli, 2019 1(1): 49-83)

(Crenguta, 2019 1(1): 84-86)
