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Effect on Hyperlipidemia on Periodontal Diseases

Yıl 2023, , 41 - 46, 30.04.2023


In recent years, as a result of the decrease in physical activity and the increase in consumption of animal products with the advancement of technological developments, hyperlipidemia is an important threat today. Hyperlipidemia is thought to be associated with the pathogenesis of periodontal disease, since it is a metabolic condition that occurs with increased lipid levels in the blood. There are studies showing that blood lipid levels increase in individuals with periodontal disease, the picture of hyperlipidemia improves after treatment, and similarly, the clinical periodontal parameters of a hyperlipidemic patient (gingival index, plaque index, clinical attachment loss, probable pocket depth, bleeding on probing, etc.) return to normal. takes. In this review, the relationship between hyperlipidemia and periodontal disease and its treatment have been discussed in the light of previous studies.


  • Altay U, Gürgan CA, Ağbaht K. Changes in ınflammatory and metabolic parameters after periodontal treatment in patients with and without obesity. J. Periodontol. 2013; 84:13-23. doi: 10.1902/jop.2012.110646.
  • Altay U. Kronik periodontitisli ve dislipidemili obez hastalarda cerrahi olmayan perio-dontal tedavinin etkisinin değerlendirilmesi. Ankara Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, Bilimsel Araştırma Projesi. 2010.
  • Amar S, Zhou Q, Shaik-Dasthagirisaheb Y, Leeman S. Diet-Induced obesity in mice causes changes in ımmune responses and bone loss manifested by bacterial challenge. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A. (PNAS). 2007;104:20466–20471. doi: 10. 1073/pnas.0710335105.
  • Başkal N. Lipid Metabolizması Bozuklukları. İçinde: Koloğlu Endokrinoloji Temel ve Klinik. Erdoğan G. (Ed), 2. baskı, MN Medikal ve Nobel, Ankara; 2005.P.755-773.
  • Blasco-Baque V, Serino M, Vergnes JN, Riant E, Loubieres P, Arnal JF, et al. High-fat diet induces periodontitis in mice through lipopolysaccharides (LPS) receptor signaling: protective action of estrogens. PLoS One. 2012;7. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0048220.
  • Cavagni J, de Macedo IC, José Gaio E, Souza A, de Molon RS, Cirelli JA, Hoefel, AL, Kucharski LC, da Silva Torres IL, Rosing CK. Obesity and hyperlipidemia modulate alveolar bone loss in wistar rats. J. Periodontol. (JOP) 2016; 87(2):e9-e17 doi: 10.1902/jop.2015.150330.
  • Civan E. Hiperlipideminin Periodontal Sağlık ve Periodontal Tedavi Üzerine Etkisi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, Bitirme Tezi.2020
  • Duan Jin-Yu, Ou-Yang Xiang-ying, Zhouyu-Xiang. Effect of periodontal ınitial therapy on the serum level of lipid in the patients with both periodontitis and hyperlipidemia. Beijing. Da. Xue Bao Yi. Xue. Ban.2009;41(1):36-39.
  • Esteve E, Ricart W, Fernandez-Real JM. Dyslipidemia and inflammation: an evolutionary conserved mechanism. Clin. Nutr. 2004; 24(1):16-31.doi:10. 1016/j.clnu.2004.08.004.
  • Fentoğlu Ö, Öz G, Taşdelen P, Uskun E, Aykaç Y, Bozkurt FY. Periodontal status in subjects with hyperlipidemia. J. Periodontol.(JOP).2009;80(2):267-273. doi: 10.1902/jop.2009.080104.
  • Fentoğlu Ö, Koçak H, Sütçü R, Kırzıoğlu FY. Periodontal hastalıklı ve hiperlipidemili bireylerde salya malondialdehit, süperoksit dismutaz, glutatyon ve glutatyon peroksidaz seviyelerinin değerlendirilmesi. S.D.Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2010 (a); 1(2):69-81
  • Fentoğlu Ö, Sözen T, Öz SG, Kale B, Sönmez Y, Tonguç MÖ, Gürgan CA, Aykaç Y, Kırzıoğlu FY. Short-Term Effects of periodontal therapy as an 40 adjunct to anti-lipemic treatment. Oral Dis. 2010(b); 16:648–654. doi:10.1111/j.1601-0825.2010.01668.x
  • Fentoğlu Ö, Köroğlu BK, Hiçyılmaz H, Sert T, Özdem M, Sütçü R, Tamer MN, Orhan H, Ay ZY, Öztürk Tonguc ̧ M, Kırzıoğlu FY. Pro-inflammatory cytokine levels in association between periodontal disease and hyperlipidaemia. J. Clin. Periodontol. 2011; 38: 8–16. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2010.01644.x
  • Fentoğlu Ö, Kırzıoğlu FY, Özdem M, Koçak H, Sütçü R, Sert T. Proinflammatory cytokine levels İn hyperlipidemic patients with periodontitis after perio-dontal treatment. Oral Dis. 2012; 18(3): 299-306. doi: 10.1111/j.1601-0825.2011.01880.x.
  • Fu YW, Li XX, Xu HZ, Gong YQ, Yang Y. effects of periodontal therapy on serum lipid profile and proinflammatory cytokines in patientswith hyperlipidemia: a randomized controlled trial .Clin. Oral. Investig. 2016; 20(6):1263-1269. doi: 10.1007/s00784-015-1621-2.
  • Garde S, Akhter R, Nguyen MA, Chow CK, Eberhard J. Periodontal therapy for ımproving lipid profiles in patients withtype 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019; 20(15): 3826. doi: 10.3390/ijms20153826.
  • Iacopino AM. Diabetic periodontitis: possible lipid induced defect intissue repair through alteration of macrophage phenotype and function. Oral. Dis.1995; 1(4):214-229. doi: 10.1111/j.1601-0825.1995.tb00187.x.
  • Iacopino AM, Cutler CW. Pathophysiological relationships between periodontitis and systemic disease: Recent concepts involving serum lipids. J Periodontol. 2000; 71(8):1375-1384.doi: 10.1902/jop.2000.71.8.1375.
  • Machado ACP, de Souza Quirino MR, Nascimento LFC. Relation between chronic periodontal disease and plasmatic levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol and fractions. Braz Oral Res.2005;19(4):284-289.doi: 10.1590/s1806-83242005000400009
  • Magan-Fernandez A, Papay-Ramirez L, Tomas J, Marfil-Alvarez R, Rizzo M, Bravo M, Mesa F. Association of simvastatin and hyperlipidemia with periodontal status and bone metabolism markers. J. Periodontol.2014; 85(10):1408-1415. doi: 10.1902/jop.2014.130652
  • Noack B, Jachmann I, Roscher S, Sieber L, Kopprasch S, Lück C, Hanefeld M, Hoffmann T. Metabolic diseases and their possible link to risk indicators of periodontitis. J. Periodontol. 2000; 71(6):898-903.doi: 10.1902/jop.2000.71.6.898.
  • Page R. The role of inflammatory mediators in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease. J. Periodontal. Res.1991; 26:230-242.
  • Rağbetli C. Hiperlipidemi. Van Med. J. 2009; 16 (1):43-47.
  • Sangwan A, Tewari S, Singh H, Sharma RK, Narula SC. Effect of hyperlipidemia on response to nonsurgical periodontal therapy: statin users versus nonusers. Eur. J. Dent. (EJD) 2016;10(1):69-76. doi: 10.4103/1305-7456.175685.
  • Shivakumar TP, Patil VA, Desai MH. Periodontal status in subjects with hyperlipidemia and determination of association between hyperlipidemia and periodontal health: a clinico-biochemical study. J. Contemp. Dent. Pract.2013;14(5):785-789. doi: 10. 5005/jp-journals-10024-1403.
  • Skoog T, Dichtl W, Boquist S. Plasma tumor necrosis factor-alpha and early carotid atherosclerosis in healthy middle-aged men. Eur. Heart. J.2002; 23(5):376-383. doi: 10.1053/euhj.2001.2805.
  • Socransky SS, Haffajee AD. The bacterial etiology of destructive periodontal disease: current concepts. J. Periodontol.1992; 63: 322-331. doi: 10. 1902/jop.1992. 63.4s.322.
  • Socransky SS, Haffajee AD. The nature of periodontal diseases. Ann. Periodontol. 1996; 2(1): 3-10. doi: 10. 1902/annals.1997.2.1.3
  • Tawfig A. Effects of non-surgical periodontal therapy on serum lipids and c-reactive protein among hyperlipidemic patients with chronic periodontitis. J. Int. Soc. Prev. Community. Dent. 2017; doi:10.4103/2231-0762. 156524.
  • Van Dyke TE, Horoszewicz HU, Cianciola LJ, Genco RJ. Neutrophil chemotaxis dysfunction in human periodontitis. Infect. Immun.1980; 27(1):124-132. doi:10. 1128/iai.27.1.124-132.1980
  • Yıldırım HS, Katı GT, Ağralı ÖB, Noyan Ü, Kuru L, Kuru B. Hiperlipidemi ve periodontitis arasında bir ilişki var mı? Yeditepe J. Dent. 2017; 13(3): 15-24 doi:10. 5505/yeditepe.2017. 91300.
  • Zuza EP, Barroso EM, Fabricio M, Carrareto ALV, Toledo BEC, Pires JR. Lipid profile and high-sensitivity c- reactive protein levels in obese and non-obese subjects undergoing non-surgical periodontal therapy. J. Oral. Sci. 2016;58(3):423-430.doi: 10. 2334/josnusd.16-0173

Hiperlipideminin Periodontal Hastalıklar Üzerine Etkisi

Yıl 2023, , 41 - 46, 30.04.2023


Son yıllarda teknolojik gelişmelerin ilerlemesiyle birlikte fiziksel aktivitenin azalması ve hayvansal ürün tüketiminin artması sonucu günümüzde hiperlipidemi önemli bir tehdit olmaktadır. Hiperlipidemi, kanda lipid seviyesinin artmasıyla ortaya çıkan metabolik bir durum olduğundan periodontal hastalık patogenezi ile de bağlantılı olduğu düşünülmektedir. Periodontal hastalığı bulunan bireylerde kan lipid seviyelerinin yükseldiği, tedavi sonrası ise hiperlipidemi tablosunun düzeldiği ve aynı şekilde hiperlipidemik bir hastanın klinik periodontal parametrelerinin de (gingival indeks, plak indeksi, klinik ataşman kaybı, sondalanabilir cep derinliği, sondalamada kanama vb.) normale döndüğü yönünde çalışmalar yer almaktadır. Bu derlemede hiperlipidemi ile periodontal hastalık arasındaki ilişki ve tedavisi, bugüne kadar yapılan çalışmalar eşliğinde tartışılmıştır.


  • Altay U, Gürgan CA, Ağbaht K. Changes in ınflammatory and metabolic parameters after periodontal treatment in patients with and without obesity. J. Periodontol. 2013; 84:13-23. doi: 10.1902/jop.2012.110646.
  • Altay U. Kronik periodontitisli ve dislipidemili obez hastalarda cerrahi olmayan perio-dontal tedavinin etkisinin değerlendirilmesi. Ankara Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, Bilimsel Araştırma Projesi. 2010.
  • Amar S, Zhou Q, Shaik-Dasthagirisaheb Y, Leeman S. Diet-Induced obesity in mice causes changes in ımmune responses and bone loss manifested by bacterial challenge. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A. (PNAS). 2007;104:20466–20471. doi: 10. 1073/pnas.0710335105.
  • Başkal N. Lipid Metabolizması Bozuklukları. İçinde: Koloğlu Endokrinoloji Temel ve Klinik. Erdoğan G. (Ed), 2. baskı, MN Medikal ve Nobel, Ankara; 2005.P.755-773.
  • Blasco-Baque V, Serino M, Vergnes JN, Riant E, Loubieres P, Arnal JF, et al. High-fat diet induces periodontitis in mice through lipopolysaccharides (LPS) receptor signaling: protective action of estrogens. PLoS One. 2012;7. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0048220.
  • Cavagni J, de Macedo IC, José Gaio E, Souza A, de Molon RS, Cirelli JA, Hoefel, AL, Kucharski LC, da Silva Torres IL, Rosing CK. Obesity and hyperlipidemia modulate alveolar bone loss in wistar rats. J. Periodontol. (JOP) 2016; 87(2):e9-e17 doi: 10.1902/jop.2015.150330.
  • Civan E. Hiperlipideminin Periodontal Sağlık ve Periodontal Tedavi Üzerine Etkisi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi, Bitirme Tezi.2020
  • Duan Jin-Yu, Ou-Yang Xiang-ying, Zhouyu-Xiang. Effect of periodontal ınitial therapy on the serum level of lipid in the patients with both periodontitis and hyperlipidemia. Beijing. Da. Xue Bao Yi. Xue. Ban.2009;41(1):36-39.
  • Esteve E, Ricart W, Fernandez-Real JM. Dyslipidemia and inflammation: an evolutionary conserved mechanism. Clin. Nutr. 2004; 24(1):16-31.doi:10. 1016/j.clnu.2004.08.004.
  • Fentoğlu Ö, Öz G, Taşdelen P, Uskun E, Aykaç Y, Bozkurt FY. Periodontal status in subjects with hyperlipidemia. J. Periodontol.(JOP).2009;80(2):267-273. doi: 10.1902/jop.2009.080104.
  • Fentoğlu Ö, Koçak H, Sütçü R, Kırzıoğlu FY. Periodontal hastalıklı ve hiperlipidemili bireylerde salya malondialdehit, süperoksit dismutaz, glutatyon ve glutatyon peroksidaz seviyelerinin değerlendirilmesi. S.D.Ü. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2010 (a); 1(2):69-81
  • Fentoğlu Ö, Sözen T, Öz SG, Kale B, Sönmez Y, Tonguç MÖ, Gürgan CA, Aykaç Y, Kırzıoğlu FY. Short-Term Effects of periodontal therapy as an 40 adjunct to anti-lipemic treatment. Oral Dis. 2010(b); 16:648–654. doi:10.1111/j.1601-0825.2010.01668.x
  • Fentoğlu Ö, Köroğlu BK, Hiçyılmaz H, Sert T, Özdem M, Sütçü R, Tamer MN, Orhan H, Ay ZY, Öztürk Tonguc ̧ M, Kırzıoğlu FY. Pro-inflammatory cytokine levels in association between periodontal disease and hyperlipidaemia. J. Clin. Periodontol. 2011; 38: 8–16. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2010.01644.x
  • Fentoğlu Ö, Kırzıoğlu FY, Özdem M, Koçak H, Sütçü R, Sert T. Proinflammatory cytokine levels İn hyperlipidemic patients with periodontitis after perio-dontal treatment. Oral Dis. 2012; 18(3): 299-306. doi: 10.1111/j.1601-0825.2011.01880.x.
  • Fu YW, Li XX, Xu HZ, Gong YQ, Yang Y. effects of periodontal therapy on serum lipid profile and proinflammatory cytokines in patientswith hyperlipidemia: a randomized controlled trial .Clin. Oral. Investig. 2016; 20(6):1263-1269. doi: 10.1007/s00784-015-1621-2.
  • Garde S, Akhter R, Nguyen MA, Chow CK, Eberhard J. Periodontal therapy for ımproving lipid profiles in patients withtype 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019; 20(15): 3826. doi: 10.3390/ijms20153826.
  • Iacopino AM. Diabetic periodontitis: possible lipid induced defect intissue repair through alteration of macrophage phenotype and function. Oral. Dis.1995; 1(4):214-229. doi: 10.1111/j.1601-0825.1995.tb00187.x.
  • Iacopino AM, Cutler CW. Pathophysiological relationships between periodontitis and systemic disease: Recent concepts involving serum lipids. J Periodontol. 2000; 71(8):1375-1384.doi: 10.1902/jop.2000.71.8.1375.
  • Machado ACP, de Souza Quirino MR, Nascimento LFC. Relation between chronic periodontal disease and plasmatic levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol and fractions. Braz Oral Res.2005;19(4):284-289.doi: 10.1590/s1806-83242005000400009
  • Magan-Fernandez A, Papay-Ramirez L, Tomas J, Marfil-Alvarez R, Rizzo M, Bravo M, Mesa F. Association of simvastatin and hyperlipidemia with periodontal status and bone metabolism markers. J. Periodontol.2014; 85(10):1408-1415. doi: 10.1902/jop.2014.130652
  • Noack B, Jachmann I, Roscher S, Sieber L, Kopprasch S, Lück C, Hanefeld M, Hoffmann T. Metabolic diseases and their possible link to risk indicators of periodontitis. J. Periodontol. 2000; 71(6):898-903.doi: 10.1902/jop.2000.71.6.898.
  • Page R. The role of inflammatory mediators in the pathogenesis of periodontal disease. J. Periodontal. Res.1991; 26:230-242.
  • Rağbetli C. Hiperlipidemi. Van Med. J. 2009; 16 (1):43-47.
  • Sangwan A, Tewari S, Singh H, Sharma RK, Narula SC. Effect of hyperlipidemia on response to nonsurgical periodontal therapy: statin users versus nonusers. Eur. J. Dent. (EJD) 2016;10(1):69-76. doi: 10.4103/1305-7456.175685.
  • Shivakumar TP, Patil VA, Desai MH. Periodontal status in subjects with hyperlipidemia and determination of association between hyperlipidemia and periodontal health: a clinico-biochemical study. J. Contemp. Dent. Pract.2013;14(5):785-789. doi: 10. 5005/jp-journals-10024-1403.
  • Skoog T, Dichtl W, Boquist S. Plasma tumor necrosis factor-alpha and early carotid atherosclerosis in healthy middle-aged men. Eur. Heart. J.2002; 23(5):376-383. doi: 10.1053/euhj.2001.2805.
  • Socransky SS, Haffajee AD. The bacterial etiology of destructive periodontal disease: current concepts. J. Periodontol.1992; 63: 322-331. doi: 10. 1902/jop.1992. 63.4s.322.
  • Socransky SS, Haffajee AD. The nature of periodontal diseases. Ann. Periodontol. 1996; 2(1): 3-10. doi: 10. 1902/annals.1997.2.1.3
  • Tawfig A. Effects of non-surgical periodontal therapy on serum lipids and c-reactive protein among hyperlipidemic patients with chronic periodontitis. J. Int. Soc. Prev. Community. Dent. 2017; doi:10.4103/2231-0762. 156524.
  • Van Dyke TE, Horoszewicz HU, Cianciola LJ, Genco RJ. Neutrophil chemotaxis dysfunction in human periodontitis. Infect. Immun.1980; 27(1):124-132. doi:10. 1128/iai.27.1.124-132.1980
  • Yıldırım HS, Katı GT, Ağralı ÖB, Noyan Ü, Kuru L, Kuru B. Hiperlipidemi ve periodontitis arasında bir ilişki var mı? Yeditepe J. Dent. 2017; 13(3): 15-24 doi:10. 5505/yeditepe.2017. 91300.
  • Zuza EP, Barroso EM, Fabricio M, Carrareto ALV, Toledo BEC, Pires JR. Lipid profile and high-sensitivity c- reactive protein levels in obese and non-obese subjects undergoing non-surgical periodontal therapy. J. Oral. Sci. 2016;58(3):423-430.doi: 10. 2334/josnusd.16-0173
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Diş Hekimliği
Bölüm Derlemeler

Başak Funda Eken 0000-0002-2690-8071

Şehkar Oktay 0000-0002-2878-288X

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 29 Nisan 2023
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Eken, B. F., & Oktay, Ş. (2023). Hiperlipideminin Periodontal Hastalıklar Üzerine Etkisi. European Journal of Research in Dentistry, 7(1), 41-46.