Year 2019,
, 66 - 76, 16.12.2019
Sedef Dikmen
Zafer Dikmen
Gülgün Yılmaz
Seyhan Fırat
In this study, physical, mineralogical and morphological
characteristics of mechanically treated fly ashes are investigated. The
compositional analysis of the raw fly ash was determined using X-ray fluorescence
(XRF) technique. The XRD patterns reveal that the main phase quartz along with
mullite and anhydrite. The raw fly ash was also wet ground using a laboratory
mill, for several different times (from 2 to 16 hours) in order to examine how
the grinding increases the activity of the fly ash. The ground fly ash was
characterized for (i) particle size distribution: laser diffraction method,
(ii) specific surface area: BET-method, (iii) crystalline structure: X-ray
diffractometer, and (iv) morphology of particles: scanning electron microscope.
According to physical characterization, fineness increasing of samples with
grinding time was observed, but loss of effectiveness occurred for grinding
time longer than 12 hours. In addition, the unmilled fly ash showed lower
specific surface area, due to the presence of cenospheres in the original fly
ash. Only a little change in crystalline structure of fly ashes was observed
when grinding and
there were changes in the area and height of each diffraction peak.
The authors are thankful to Mr. Orhan ÇETİN, from Ceramic Research Centre for XRD and XRF analysis, and to Mr. Naci SARAÇOĞLU from ATOMIKA Teknik Trade and Limited Company.
- [1] Ahmaruzzaman M. A review on the utilization of fly ash. Prog Energ and Combust 2010; 36: 327–363.
- [2] Collins RJ, Ciesielski SK. Highway construction use of wastes and by-products. In: Inyang HI, Bergeson KL, editors. Utilization of Waste Materials in Civil Engineering Construction. ASCE, NY, 1992, pp. 140.
- [3] Sundum T, Szecsenyi KM, Kaewtatip K. Preparation and characterization of thermoplastic composites with ash modified by planetary ball milling. Carbohydr Polym 2018; 191: 198-204.
- [4] Patil AG, Anandhan S. Influence of planetary ball milling parameters on the mechano-chemical activation of fly ash, Powder Technol 2015; 281: 151-158.
- [5] Dindi A, Quang DV, Vega LF, Nashef E, Abu-Zahra MRM. Applications of fly ash for CO2 capture, utilization, and storage. J CO2 Util 2019; 29: 82–102.
- [6] Blissett RS, Rowson NA. A review of the multi-component utilization of coal fly ash. Fuel 97 2012; 1–23.
- [7] Feng W, Wan Z, Daniels J, Li Z, Xiao G, Yu J, Xu D, Guo H, Zhang D, May EF, Li G. Synthesis of high quality zeolites from coal fly ash: Mobility of hazardous elements and environmental applications. J Clean Prod 2018; 202: 390–400.
- [8] Iyer RS, Scott JA, Power station fly ash-a review of value-added utilization outside of the construction industry. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 2001; 31: 217–228.
- [9] Ojha K, Pradhan NC, Samanta AN. Zeolite from fly ash: synthesis and characterization. Bull Mater Sci 2004; 27(6): 555–564.
- [10] Castellanos AG, Mawson H, Burke V, Prabhakar P. Fly-ash cenosphere/clay blended composites for impact resistant tiles, Constr Build Mater 2017; 156: 307-313.
- [11] Yanga J, Huanga J, Sua Y, Hea XY, Tanb H, Yange W, Strnadel B. Eco-friendly treatment of low-calcium coal fly ash for high pozzolanic reactivity: A step towards waste utilization in sustainable building material. J Clean Prod 2019; 238: 117962.
- [12] Schwarz N, Neithalath N. Influence of a fine glass powder on cement hydration: comparison to fly ash and modeling the degree of hydration. Cement Concr Res 2008; 38 (4): 429-436.
- [13] Yamamotoa T, Kanazua T, Nambub M, Tanosakic T. Pozzolanic reactivity of fly ash–API method and K-value. Fuel 85 2006: 2345–2351.
- [14] Mezhov A, Pott U, Stephan D, Kovler K. Influence of mechanical activation of fly ash in presence of polynaphthalene sulfonate superplasticizer on rheology and hydration kinetics of cement – fly ash pastes. Constr Build Mater 2019; 210: 380-390.
- [15] Rakngana W, Williamsona T, Ferrona RD, Santb G, Juenger MCG. Controlling workability in alkali-activated Class C fly ash. Construction and Building Materials 2018; 183: 226-233.
- [16] Dakhanea A, Tweedleyb S, Kailasa S, Marzkec R, Neithalathd N. Mechanical and microstructural characterization of alkali sulfate activated high volume fly ash binders. Materials and Design 2017; 122: 236-246.
- [17] Marjanovića N, Komljenovića M, Baščarevića Z, Nikolić V. Comparison of two alkali-activated systems: mechanically activated fly ash and fly ash-blast furnace slag blends. In: 7th Scientific-Technical Conference Material Problems in Civil Engineering (MATBUD’2015); 2015; Procedia Engineering 108 ( 2015 ) 231–238
- [18] Marjanovica N, Komljenovića M, Baščarevića Z, Nikolić V. Comparison of two alkali-activated systems: mechanically activated fly ash and fly ash-blast furnace slag blends. Procedia Engineering 108 ( 2015 ) 231 – 238 7th Scientific-Technical Conference Material Problems in Civil Engineering (MATBUD’2015)
- [19] Kumar R, Kumar S, Mehrotra SP. Towards sustainable solutions for fly ash through mechanical activation. Resour Conserv and Recy 2007; 52(2): 157-179.
- [20] Rajak DK, Raj A, Guria C. Pathak AK. Grinding of Class-F fly ash using planetary ball mill: A simulation study to determine the breakage kinetics by direct- and back-calculation method. S Afr J Chem Eng 2017; 24: 135-147.
- [21] Chindaprasirta P, Homwuttiwongb S, Sirivivatnanon V. Influence of fly ash fineness on strength, drying shrinkageand sulfate resistance of blended cement mortar. Cement Concr Res 2004; 34: 1087–1092.
- [22] Lee SH, Kima HJ, Sakaib E, Daimon M. Effect of particle size distribution of fly ash–cement system on the fluidity of cement pastes. Cement Concr Res 2003; 33; 763–768.
- [23] Turkish Statistical Institute,
- [24] ASTM C 618 (American society for testing and materials). Fly ash and raw or calcined natural pozzolan for use as, mineral admixture in portland cement concrete, Philadelphia, PA ASTM, 1997.[25] Firat S, Yilmaz G, Comert AT, Sumer M, Utilization of marble dust, fly ash and waste sand (silt-quartz) in road subbase filling materials. KSCE J Civ Eng 2012; 16(7): 1143-1151.
- [26] Yilmaz G. Structural characterization of glass-ceramics made from fly ash containing SiO2-Al2O3-Fe2O3-CaO and analysis by FT-IR-XRD-SEM methods. J of Mol Struct 2012; 1019: 37-42.
- [27] Wang T, Ishida T, Gu R. A comparison of the specific surface area of fly ash measured by image analysis with conventional methods. Constr Build Mater 2018; 190: 1163-1172.
- [28] Sadique M, Al-Nageim H, Atherton W, Seton L, Dempster N. Mechano-chemical activation of high-Ca fly ash by cement free blending and gypsum aided grinding, Constr Build Mater 2013; 43: 480-489.
- [29] Kato K, Xin Y, Hitomi T, Shiraia T. Surface modification of fly ash by mechano-chemical treatment. Ceram Int 2019; 45(1): 849-853.
- [30] Fanghui H, Qiang W, Jingjing F. The differences among the roles of ground fly ash in the paste, mortar and concrete, Constr Build Mater 2015; 93: 172-179.
- [31] Duan S, Liao H, Ma Z, Cheng F, Fang L, Gao H, Yang H. The relevance of ultrafine fly ash properties and mechanical properties in its fly ash-cement gelation blocks via static pressure forming. Constr Build Mater 2018; 186: 1064-1071.
- [32]
- [33] Ersoy B, Kavas T, Evcin A, Baspınar S., Sarıışık, A. Once G. The effect of BaCO3 addition on the sintering behavior of lignite coal fly ash, Fuel 87 2008; 2563-2571.
Year 2019,
, 66 - 76, 16.12.2019
Sedef Dikmen
Zafer Dikmen
Gülgün Yılmaz
Seyhan Fırat
- [1] Ahmaruzzaman M. A review on the utilization of fly ash. Prog Energ and Combust 2010; 36: 327–363.
- [2] Collins RJ, Ciesielski SK. Highway construction use of wastes and by-products. In: Inyang HI, Bergeson KL, editors. Utilization of Waste Materials in Civil Engineering Construction. ASCE, NY, 1992, pp. 140.
- [3] Sundum T, Szecsenyi KM, Kaewtatip K. Preparation and characterization of thermoplastic composites with ash modified by planetary ball milling. Carbohydr Polym 2018; 191: 198-204.
- [4] Patil AG, Anandhan S. Influence of planetary ball milling parameters on the mechano-chemical activation of fly ash, Powder Technol 2015; 281: 151-158.
- [5] Dindi A, Quang DV, Vega LF, Nashef E, Abu-Zahra MRM. Applications of fly ash for CO2 capture, utilization, and storage. J CO2 Util 2019; 29: 82–102.
- [6] Blissett RS, Rowson NA. A review of the multi-component utilization of coal fly ash. Fuel 97 2012; 1–23.
- [7] Feng W, Wan Z, Daniels J, Li Z, Xiao G, Yu J, Xu D, Guo H, Zhang D, May EF, Li G. Synthesis of high quality zeolites from coal fly ash: Mobility of hazardous elements and environmental applications. J Clean Prod 2018; 202: 390–400.
- [8] Iyer RS, Scott JA, Power station fly ash-a review of value-added utilization outside of the construction industry. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 2001; 31: 217–228.
- [9] Ojha K, Pradhan NC, Samanta AN. Zeolite from fly ash: synthesis and characterization. Bull Mater Sci 2004; 27(6): 555–564.
- [10] Castellanos AG, Mawson H, Burke V, Prabhakar P. Fly-ash cenosphere/clay blended composites for impact resistant tiles, Constr Build Mater 2017; 156: 307-313.
- [11] Yanga J, Huanga J, Sua Y, Hea XY, Tanb H, Yange W, Strnadel B. Eco-friendly treatment of low-calcium coal fly ash for high pozzolanic reactivity: A step towards waste utilization in sustainable building material. J Clean Prod 2019; 238: 117962.
- [12] Schwarz N, Neithalath N. Influence of a fine glass powder on cement hydration: comparison to fly ash and modeling the degree of hydration. Cement Concr Res 2008; 38 (4): 429-436.
- [13] Yamamotoa T, Kanazua T, Nambub M, Tanosakic T. Pozzolanic reactivity of fly ash–API method and K-value. Fuel 85 2006: 2345–2351.
- [14] Mezhov A, Pott U, Stephan D, Kovler K. Influence of mechanical activation of fly ash in presence of polynaphthalene sulfonate superplasticizer on rheology and hydration kinetics of cement – fly ash pastes. Constr Build Mater 2019; 210: 380-390.
- [15] Rakngana W, Williamsona T, Ferrona RD, Santb G, Juenger MCG. Controlling workability in alkali-activated Class C fly ash. Construction and Building Materials 2018; 183: 226-233.
- [16] Dakhanea A, Tweedleyb S, Kailasa S, Marzkec R, Neithalathd N. Mechanical and microstructural characterization of alkali sulfate activated high volume fly ash binders. Materials and Design 2017; 122: 236-246.
- [17] Marjanovića N, Komljenovića M, Baščarevića Z, Nikolić V. Comparison of two alkali-activated systems: mechanically activated fly ash and fly ash-blast furnace slag blends. In: 7th Scientific-Technical Conference Material Problems in Civil Engineering (MATBUD’2015); 2015; Procedia Engineering 108 ( 2015 ) 231–238
- [18] Marjanovica N, Komljenovića M, Baščarevića Z, Nikolić V. Comparison of two alkali-activated systems: mechanically activated fly ash and fly ash-blast furnace slag blends. Procedia Engineering 108 ( 2015 ) 231 – 238 7th Scientific-Technical Conference Material Problems in Civil Engineering (MATBUD’2015)
- [19] Kumar R, Kumar S, Mehrotra SP. Towards sustainable solutions for fly ash through mechanical activation. Resour Conserv and Recy 2007; 52(2): 157-179.
- [20] Rajak DK, Raj A, Guria C. Pathak AK. Grinding of Class-F fly ash using planetary ball mill: A simulation study to determine the breakage kinetics by direct- and back-calculation method. S Afr J Chem Eng 2017; 24: 135-147.
- [21] Chindaprasirta P, Homwuttiwongb S, Sirivivatnanon V. Influence of fly ash fineness on strength, drying shrinkageand sulfate resistance of blended cement mortar. Cement Concr Res 2004; 34: 1087–1092.
- [22] Lee SH, Kima HJ, Sakaib E, Daimon M. Effect of particle size distribution of fly ash–cement system on the fluidity of cement pastes. Cement Concr Res 2003; 33; 763–768.
- [23] Turkish Statistical Institute,
- [24] ASTM C 618 (American society for testing and materials). Fly ash and raw or calcined natural pozzolan for use as, mineral admixture in portland cement concrete, Philadelphia, PA ASTM, 1997.[25] Firat S, Yilmaz G, Comert AT, Sumer M, Utilization of marble dust, fly ash and waste sand (silt-quartz) in road subbase filling materials. KSCE J Civ Eng 2012; 16(7): 1143-1151.
- [26] Yilmaz G. Structural characterization of glass-ceramics made from fly ash containing SiO2-Al2O3-Fe2O3-CaO and analysis by FT-IR-XRD-SEM methods. J of Mol Struct 2012; 1019: 37-42.
- [27] Wang T, Ishida T, Gu R. A comparison of the specific surface area of fly ash measured by image analysis with conventional methods. Constr Build Mater 2018; 190: 1163-1172.
- [28] Sadique M, Al-Nageim H, Atherton W, Seton L, Dempster N. Mechano-chemical activation of high-Ca fly ash by cement free blending and gypsum aided grinding, Constr Build Mater 2013; 43: 480-489.
- [29] Kato K, Xin Y, Hitomi T, Shiraia T. Surface modification of fly ash by mechano-chemical treatment. Ceram Int 2019; 45(1): 849-853.
- [30] Fanghui H, Qiang W, Jingjing F. The differences among the roles of ground fly ash in the paste, mortar and concrete, Constr Build Mater 2015; 93: 172-179.
- [31] Duan S, Liao H, Ma Z, Cheng F, Fang L, Gao H, Yang H. The relevance of ultrafine fly ash properties and mechanical properties in its fly ash-cement gelation blocks via static pressure forming. Constr Build Mater 2018; 186: 1064-1071.
- [32]
- [33] Ersoy B, Kavas T, Evcin A, Baspınar S., Sarıışık, A. Once G. The effect of BaCO3 addition on the sintering behavior of lignite coal fly ash, Fuel 87 2008; 2563-2571.