Research Article
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Year 2020, , 525 - 538, 28.12.2020



  • [1] Lamers HJGLM, Gieles M. Clusters in the solar neighborhood: how are they destroyed? Astron Astrophys 2006; 455: 17.
  • [2] Ann HB, Lee SH. UBVI CCD Photometry of the Open Cluster NGC 559. J Korean Astron Soc 2002; 35: 29.
  • [3] Bland-Hawthorn J, Gerhard O. The Galaxy in Context: Structural, Kinematic, and Integrated Properties. Annu Rev Astron Astr 2016; 54: 529.
  • [4] Skrutskie MF, Cutri R, Stiening R, Weinberg MD, Schneider SE, Carpenter JM, Beichman C, Capps R. The Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS). Astron J 2006; 131: 1163-1183.
  • [5] Bonatto C, Bica E. Old open clusters in the inner Galaxy: FSR1744, FSR89 and FSR31. Astron Astrophys 2007; 473: 445.
  • [6] King IR. The structure of star clusters. III. Some simple dynamical models. Astron J 1966; 71: 64.
  • [7] Cantat-Gaudin T, Jordi C, Vallenari A, Bragaglia A, Balaguer-Nunez L, Soubiran C, Bossini, D.; Moitinho A, Castro-Ginard A, Krone-Martins A et al. A Gaia DR2 view of the Open Cluster population in the Milky Way. Astron Astrophys 2018; 618: 93.
  • [8] Lindegren L, Hernandez J, Bombrun A, Klioner S, Bastian U, Ramos-Lerate M, de Torres A, Steidelmüller H, Stephenson C, Hobbs, D et al. Gaia Data Release 2. The astrometric solution. Astron Astrophys 2018; 616: A2.
  • [9] Jacobson HR, Pilachowski CA, Friel ED. A Chemical Abundance Study of 10 Open Clusters Based on WIYN-Hydra Spectroscopy. Astron J 2011; 142: 59.
  • [10] Pancino E, Carrera R, Rossetti E, Gallart C. Chemical abundance analysis of the open clusters Cr 110, NGC 2099 (M 37), NGC 2420, NGC 7789, and M 67 (NGC 2682). Astron Astrophys 2010; 511: 56.
  • [11] Bressan A, Marigo P, Girardi L, Salasnich B, Dal Cero C, Rubele S, Nanni A. stellar tracks and isochrones with the PAdova and TRieste Stellar Evolution Code. Mon Not R Astron Soc 2012; 427: 127.
  • [12] Dutra CM, Santiago BX, Bica E. A Low-extinction windows in the inner Galactic Bulge. Astron Astrophys 2002; 381. 219.
  • [13] Bragaglia A, Fu X, Mucciarelli A, Andreuzzi G, Donati P. The chemical composition of the oldest nearby open cluster Ruprecht 147. Astron Astrophys 2018; 619: A176.
  • [14] Gunes O, Karatas Y, Bonatto C. A dynamical evolution study of 40 2MASS open clusters. Astron Nachr 2017; 338: 464.
  • [15] Bonatto C, Bica E. Investigating the age and structure of the infrared old open clusters LK1, LK10, FSR1521 and FSR155. Mon Not R Astron Soc 2009; 392: 483
  • [16] Kharchenko NV, Piskunov EA, Schilbach E, Roeser S, Scholz RD. Global survey of star clusters in the Milky Way. II. The catalogue of basic parameters. Astron Astrophys 2013; 558A: 53.
  • [17] Bonatto C, Bica E. Detailed analysis of open clusters: A mass function break and evidence of a fundamental plane. Astron Astrophys 2005; 437: 483.
  • [18] Bica E, Bonatto C, Barbuy B, Ortolani, S. Globular cluster system and Milky Way properties revisited. Astron Astrophys 2006; 450. 105.
  • [19] Bonatto C, Bica E. Astron Astrophys 2006; 455: 931.[20] Binney J, Merrifield M. Princeton Series in Astrophysics (2nd ed.) Princeton University Press. Princeton 1998.
  • [21] Girardi L, Bertelli G, Bressan A, Chiosi C, Groenewegen MAT, Marigo P, Salasnich B, Weiss A. Theoretical isochrones in several photometric systems. I. Johnson-Cousins-Glass, HST/WFPC2, HST/NICMOS, Washington, and ESO Imaging Survey filter sets. Astron Astrophys 2002: 391: 195.
  • [22] Bukowiecki L, Maciejewski G, Konorski P, Strobel A. Open Clusters in 2MASS Photometry. I. Structural and Basic Astrophysical Parameters. Acta Astronomica 2011; 61: 231-246.
  • [23] Yi S, Demarque P, Kim YC, Lee YW, Ree CH, Lejeune T, Barnes S. Toward Better Age Estimates for Stellar Populations: The Y2 Isochrones for Solar Mixture. Astron Astrophys Sup 2001; 136: 417.
  • [24] Burke CJ, Gaudi BS, DePoy DL, Pogge RW, Pinsonneault MH. Survey for transiting extrasolar planets in stellar systems. I. Fundamental parameters of the open cluster NGC 1245. Astron J 2004; 127: 2382.
  • [25] Bressan A, Fagotto F, Bertelli G, Chiosi C. Evolutionary Sequences of Stellar Models with New Radiative Opacities. II. Z = 0.02. Astron Astrophys Sup 1993; 100: 647.
  • [26] Carraro G, Patat F. CCD BV photometry of the intermediate age open cluster NGC 1245. Astron Astrophys 1994; 289: 397.
  • [27] Bertelli G, Bressan A, Chiosi C, Fagotto F, Nasi E. Theoretical isochrones from models with new radiative opacities. Astron Astrophys Sup 1994; 106: 275.
  • [28] Wee SO, Lee MG. Washington CCD photometry of the old open cluster NGC 1245. J Korean Astron Soc 1996; 29: 145.
  • [29] Girardi L, Bressan A, Bertelli G, Chiosi, C. Evolutionary tracks and isochrones for low- and intermediate-mass stars: From 0.15 to 7 M, and from Z = 0.0004 to 0.03. Astron Astrophys Sup 2000; 141: 371.
  • [30] Lee SH, Kang YW, Ann HB. Deep and wide photometry of the two open clusters NGC 1245 and NGC 2506: CCD observation and physical properties. Mon Not R Astron Soc 2012; 425: 1567.
  • [31] Subramaniam A. NGC 1245 - an intermediate age open cluster. B Astron Soc India 2003; 31: 49.
  • [32] Ventura P, Zeppieri A, Mazzitelli I, D'Antona F.Full spectrum of turbulence convective mixing: I. theoretical main sequences and turn-off for 0.6  15 M. Astron Astrophys 1998; 334: 953.
  • [33] Kalirai JS, Ventura P, Richer HB, Fahlman GG, Durrell PR, D'Antona F, Marconi G. The CFHT open star cluster survey. III. The white dwarf cooling age of the rich open stars cluster NGC 2099 (M37). Astron J 2001; 122: 3239.
  • [34] Nilakshi SR, Sagar R. A comprehensive study of the rich open star cluster NGC 2099 based on deep BVI CCD observations. Astron Astrophys 2002; 381: 65.
  • [35] Kang YB, Kim SL, Rey SC, Lee CU, Kim YH, Koo JR, Jeon, YB. Variable Stars in the Open Cluster NGC 2099 (M37). Publ Astron Soc Pac 2007; 119: 239.
  • [36] Schaller G, Shaerer D, Meynet G, Maeder A. New grids of stellar models from 0.8 to 120 M_solar at Z=0.020 and Z=0.001. Astron Astrophys Sup 1992; 96: 269.
  • [37] Mermilliod JC, Huestamendia G, del Rio G, Mayor M. Red giants in open clusters. V. NGC 2099. Astron Astrophys 1996; 307: 80.
  • [38] Salpeter EE. The Luminosity Function and Stellar Evolution. Astrophys J 1955; 121: 161.
  • [39] Kroupa P. On the variation of the initial mass function. Mon Not R Astron Soc 2001; 322: 231.
  • [40] Camargo D, Bonatto C, Bica E. Towards a census of the Galactic anticentre star clusters: colour-magnitude diagram and structural analyses of a sample of 50 objects. Astron Astrophys 2010; 521: 42.
  • [41] Mackey AD, Wilkinson MI, Davies MB, Gilmore GF. Black holes and core expansion in massive star clusters. Mon Not R Astron Soc 2008; 386: 65.
  • [42] Mackey AD, Gilmore GF. Surface brightness profiles and structural parameters for 10 rich stellar clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud. Mon Not R Astron Soc 2003; 338: 120.


Year 2020, , 525 - 538, 28.12.2020


We derive astrophysical and structural parameters of open clusters NGC 1245 and NGC 2099 from 2MASS JHKs and Gaia DR2 photometric / astrometric data bases. Their likely members have been determined from Gaia DR2 proper motion data. Our E(B – V) values (2MASS) are slightly smaller than the literature values, whereas our E(B – V) values (Gaia DR2) agree with the literature within the uncertainties. Their distance moduli/distances and ages are in good coincident with the literature. NGC 1245 has steep negative core mass function slope (MFs) (χ_core=-1.24). It’s at halo (χ_halo=+0.78) and at overall (χ_overall=-0.95) MFs mean that it presents signs of small-scale mass segregation to the outer regions from its core, due to its [t_rlx (overall),τ_overall ]=[302 Myr,5]. The MFs of NGC 2099 is very negative steep (χ_core=-2.67) in the core, and quite positive steep (χ_halo=+1.41) in the halo. This kind of MF slope steeping from the core to the outskirts indicates that low-mass stars in the core are transferred to the cluster's outskirts, while massive stars sink in the core, because of mass segregation. NGC 2099's flat overall MFs (χ_overall=+0.91) and its τ_overall=8 presents a sign of mass segregation. These OCs with the relatively large masses 8700 Msolar (NGC 1245) and 5660 Msolar (NGC 2099), which locate at RGC > 9 kpc, expose to external perturbations such as tidal effects and shock waves, and they lose their stars in low-proportions.


  • [1] Lamers HJGLM, Gieles M. Clusters in the solar neighborhood: how are they destroyed? Astron Astrophys 2006; 455: 17.
  • [2] Ann HB, Lee SH. UBVI CCD Photometry of the Open Cluster NGC 559. J Korean Astron Soc 2002; 35: 29.
  • [3] Bland-Hawthorn J, Gerhard O. The Galaxy in Context: Structural, Kinematic, and Integrated Properties. Annu Rev Astron Astr 2016; 54: 529.
  • [4] Skrutskie MF, Cutri R, Stiening R, Weinberg MD, Schneider SE, Carpenter JM, Beichman C, Capps R. The Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS). Astron J 2006; 131: 1163-1183.
  • [5] Bonatto C, Bica E. Old open clusters in the inner Galaxy: FSR1744, FSR89 and FSR31. Astron Astrophys 2007; 473: 445.
  • [6] King IR. The structure of star clusters. III. Some simple dynamical models. Astron J 1966; 71: 64.
  • [7] Cantat-Gaudin T, Jordi C, Vallenari A, Bragaglia A, Balaguer-Nunez L, Soubiran C, Bossini, D.; Moitinho A, Castro-Ginard A, Krone-Martins A et al. A Gaia DR2 view of the Open Cluster population in the Milky Way. Astron Astrophys 2018; 618: 93.
  • [8] Lindegren L, Hernandez J, Bombrun A, Klioner S, Bastian U, Ramos-Lerate M, de Torres A, Steidelmüller H, Stephenson C, Hobbs, D et al. Gaia Data Release 2. The astrometric solution. Astron Astrophys 2018; 616: A2.
  • [9] Jacobson HR, Pilachowski CA, Friel ED. A Chemical Abundance Study of 10 Open Clusters Based on WIYN-Hydra Spectroscopy. Astron J 2011; 142: 59.
  • [10] Pancino E, Carrera R, Rossetti E, Gallart C. Chemical abundance analysis of the open clusters Cr 110, NGC 2099 (M 37), NGC 2420, NGC 7789, and M 67 (NGC 2682). Astron Astrophys 2010; 511: 56.
  • [11] Bressan A, Marigo P, Girardi L, Salasnich B, Dal Cero C, Rubele S, Nanni A. stellar tracks and isochrones with the PAdova and TRieste Stellar Evolution Code. Mon Not R Astron Soc 2012; 427: 127.
  • [12] Dutra CM, Santiago BX, Bica E. A Low-extinction windows in the inner Galactic Bulge. Astron Astrophys 2002; 381. 219.
  • [13] Bragaglia A, Fu X, Mucciarelli A, Andreuzzi G, Donati P. The chemical composition of the oldest nearby open cluster Ruprecht 147. Astron Astrophys 2018; 619: A176.
  • [14] Gunes O, Karatas Y, Bonatto C. A dynamical evolution study of 40 2MASS open clusters. Astron Nachr 2017; 338: 464.
  • [15] Bonatto C, Bica E. Investigating the age and structure of the infrared old open clusters LK1, LK10, FSR1521 and FSR155. Mon Not R Astron Soc 2009; 392: 483
  • [16] Kharchenko NV, Piskunov EA, Schilbach E, Roeser S, Scholz RD. Global survey of star clusters in the Milky Way. II. The catalogue of basic parameters. Astron Astrophys 2013; 558A: 53.
  • [17] Bonatto C, Bica E. Detailed analysis of open clusters: A mass function break and evidence of a fundamental plane. Astron Astrophys 2005; 437: 483.
  • [18] Bica E, Bonatto C, Barbuy B, Ortolani, S. Globular cluster system and Milky Way properties revisited. Astron Astrophys 2006; 450. 105.
  • [19] Bonatto C, Bica E. Astron Astrophys 2006; 455: 931.[20] Binney J, Merrifield M. Princeton Series in Astrophysics (2nd ed.) Princeton University Press. Princeton 1998.
  • [21] Girardi L, Bertelli G, Bressan A, Chiosi C, Groenewegen MAT, Marigo P, Salasnich B, Weiss A. Theoretical isochrones in several photometric systems. I. Johnson-Cousins-Glass, HST/WFPC2, HST/NICMOS, Washington, and ESO Imaging Survey filter sets. Astron Astrophys 2002: 391: 195.
  • [22] Bukowiecki L, Maciejewski G, Konorski P, Strobel A. Open Clusters in 2MASS Photometry. I. Structural and Basic Astrophysical Parameters. Acta Astronomica 2011; 61: 231-246.
  • [23] Yi S, Demarque P, Kim YC, Lee YW, Ree CH, Lejeune T, Barnes S. Toward Better Age Estimates for Stellar Populations: The Y2 Isochrones for Solar Mixture. Astron Astrophys Sup 2001; 136: 417.
  • [24] Burke CJ, Gaudi BS, DePoy DL, Pogge RW, Pinsonneault MH. Survey for transiting extrasolar planets in stellar systems. I. Fundamental parameters of the open cluster NGC 1245. Astron J 2004; 127: 2382.
  • [25] Bressan A, Fagotto F, Bertelli G, Chiosi C. Evolutionary Sequences of Stellar Models with New Radiative Opacities. II. Z = 0.02. Astron Astrophys Sup 1993; 100: 647.
  • [26] Carraro G, Patat F. CCD BV photometry of the intermediate age open cluster NGC 1245. Astron Astrophys 1994; 289: 397.
  • [27] Bertelli G, Bressan A, Chiosi C, Fagotto F, Nasi E. Theoretical isochrones from models with new radiative opacities. Astron Astrophys Sup 1994; 106: 275.
  • [28] Wee SO, Lee MG. Washington CCD photometry of the old open cluster NGC 1245. J Korean Astron Soc 1996; 29: 145.
  • [29] Girardi L, Bressan A, Bertelli G, Chiosi, C. Evolutionary tracks and isochrones for low- and intermediate-mass stars: From 0.15 to 7 M, and from Z = 0.0004 to 0.03. Astron Astrophys Sup 2000; 141: 371.
  • [30] Lee SH, Kang YW, Ann HB. Deep and wide photometry of the two open clusters NGC 1245 and NGC 2506: CCD observation and physical properties. Mon Not R Astron Soc 2012; 425: 1567.
  • [31] Subramaniam A. NGC 1245 - an intermediate age open cluster. B Astron Soc India 2003; 31: 49.
  • [32] Ventura P, Zeppieri A, Mazzitelli I, D'Antona F.Full spectrum of turbulence convective mixing: I. theoretical main sequences and turn-off for 0.6  15 M. Astron Astrophys 1998; 334: 953.
  • [33] Kalirai JS, Ventura P, Richer HB, Fahlman GG, Durrell PR, D'Antona F, Marconi G. The CFHT open star cluster survey. III. The white dwarf cooling age of the rich open stars cluster NGC 2099 (M37). Astron J 2001; 122: 3239.
  • [34] Nilakshi SR, Sagar R. A comprehensive study of the rich open star cluster NGC 2099 based on deep BVI CCD observations. Astron Astrophys 2002; 381: 65.
  • [35] Kang YB, Kim SL, Rey SC, Lee CU, Kim YH, Koo JR, Jeon, YB. Variable Stars in the Open Cluster NGC 2099 (M37). Publ Astron Soc Pac 2007; 119: 239.
  • [36] Schaller G, Shaerer D, Meynet G, Maeder A. New grids of stellar models from 0.8 to 120 M_solar at Z=0.020 and Z=0.001. Astron Astrophys Sup 1992; 96: 269.
  • [37] Mermilliod JC, Huestamendia G, del Rio G, Mayor M. Red giants in open clusters. V. NGC 2099. Astron Astrophys 1996; 307: 80.
  • [38] Salpeter EE. The Luminosity Function and Stellar Evolution. Astrophys J 1955; 121: 161.
  • [39] Kroupa P. On the variation of the initial mass function. Mon Not R Astron Soc 2001; 322: 231.
  • [40] Camargo D, Bonatto C, Bica E. Towards a census of the Galactic anticentre star clusters: colour-magnitude diagram and structural analyses of a sample of 50 objects. Astron Astrophys 2010; 521: 42.
  • [41] Mackey AD, Wilkinson MI, Davies MB, Gilmore GF. Black holes and core expansion in massive star clusters. Mon Not R Astron Soc 2008; 386: 65.
  • [42] Mackey AD, Gilmore GF. Surface brightness profiles and structural parameters for 10 rich stellar clusters in the Small Magellanic Cloud. Mon Not R Astron Soc 2003; 338: 120.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Hikmet Çakmak 0000-0002-1959-6049

Orhan Güneş 0000-0003-1263-808X

Yüksel Karataş 0000-0002-7737-6589

Publication Date December 28, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


AMA Çakmak H, Güneş O, Karataş Y. ASTROPHYSICAL AND STRUCTURAL PARAMETERS, AND DYNAMICAL EVOLUTION OF THE OPEN CLUSTERS NGC 1245 AND NGC 2099. Estuscience - Se. December 2020;21(4):525-538. doi:10.18038/estubtda.673575