Research Article
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Year 2020, , 539 - 553, 28.12.2020



  • Kurudirek M. Heavy metal borate glasses: potential use for radiation shielding. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2017; 727: 1227-1236.
  • Kirdsiri K, Kaewkhao J, Pokaipisit A, Chewpraditkul W, Limsuwan P. Gamma-rays shielding properties of xPbO:(100 -x)B2O3 glasses system at 662 keV. Annals of Nuclear Energy 2009; 36: 1360-1365.
  • Singh T, Kaur A, Sharma J, Singh PS. Gamma rays' shielding parameters for some Pb-Cu binary alloys. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 2018; 21: 1078-1085.
  • Akkurt I. Effective atomic and electron numbers of some steels at different energies. Annals of Nuclear Energy 2009; 36: 1702–1705.
  • Alım B, Şakar E, Baltakesmez A, Han İ, Sayyed MI, Demir L. Experimental investigation of radiation shielding performances of some important AISI-coded stainless steels: Part I. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 2019; 160; 108455.
  • Icelli O, Erzeneoglu S, Karahan IH. Cankaya G. Effective atomic numbers for CoCuNi alloys using transmission experiments. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 2005; 91(4): 485-491.
  • Han I, Demir L. Studies on effective atomic numbers, electron densities from mass attenuation coefficients in TixCo1-x and CoxCu1-x alloys. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B, 2009; 267: 3505–3510.
  • Şakar E, Büyükyıldız M, Alım B, Şakar BC, Kurudirek M. Leaded brass alloys for gamma-ray shielding applications. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 2019; 159: 64–69.
  • Akman F, Kaçal MR, Sayyed MI, Karataş HA. Study of gamma radiation attenuation properties of some selected ternary alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2019; 782: 315–322
  • Baltas H, Celik S, Cevik U, Yanmaz E. Measurement of mass attenuation coefficients and effective atomic numbers for MgB2 superconductor using X-ray energies. Radiation Measurements 2007; 42: 55-60.
  • Baltas H, Cevik U, Tırasoglu E, Ertugral B, Apaydın G, Kobya AI. Mass attenuation coefficients of YBaCuO and BiPbSrCaCuO superconductors at 511, 661 and 1274 keV energies. Radiation Measurements 2005; 39: 33–37.
  • Cevik U, Baltas H. The mass attenuation coefficients and electron densities for BiPbSrCaCuO superconductor at different energies. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B 2007; 256: 619–625.
  • Oto B, Yıldız N, Akdemir F, Kavaz E. Investigation of gamma radiation shielding properties of various ores. Progress in Nuclear Energy 2015; 85: 391-403.
  • Akkurt I, Basyigit C, Kilincarslan S, Mavi B. The shielding of γ-rays by concretes produced with barite. Progress in Nuclear Energy 2005; 46 (1); 1-11.
  • Singh K, Singh H, Sharma G, Gerward L, Khanna A, Kumar R, Nathuram R, Sahota HS. Gamma-ray shielding properties of CaO–SrO–B2O3 glasses. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 2005; 72: 225–228.
  • Gerward L, Guilbert N, Jensen KB, Levring H. WinXCom - a program for calculating X-ray attenuation coefficients. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 2004; 71; 653–654.
  • Chanthima N, Kaewkhao J. Investigation on radiation shielding parameters of bismuth borosilicate glass from 1 keV to 100 GeV. Annals of Nuclear Energy 2013; 55: 23–28.
  • Mostafa AMA, Issa SA, Sayyed MI. Gamma ray shielding properties of PbO-B2O3-P 2O5 doped with WO3. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2017; 708: 294-300.
  • Sayyed MI, Kaky KM, Şakar E, Akbaba U, Taki MM, Agar O. Gamma radiation shielding investigations for selected germanate glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 2019; 512: 33–40.
  • Ahmed GSM, Mahmoud AS, Salem SM, Abou-Elnasr TZ. Study of Gamma-Ray Attenuation Coefficients of Some Glasses Containing CdO. American Journal of Physics and Applications 2015; 3(4): 112-120.
  • Cengiz G, Çağlar I, Bilir G. Optical Properties and Natural Radioactivity Levels of Turkish Natural Glass Obsidian. The Eurasia Proceedings of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics 2019; 6: 138-141.
  • Çolak A, Aygün H. Sarıkamış (Kars) civarı obsidiyenleri bilgi notu. MTA. Maden Etüt ve Arama Dairesi Başkanlığı SERKA Raporu. Kars, 2011.
  • (06.11.2020)
  • Jackson DF, Hawkes DJ. X-ray attenuation coefficients of elements and mixtures. Physics Reports 1981; 70: 169–233.
  • Elmahroug Y, Tellili B, Souga C. Determination of total mass attenuation coefficients, effective atomic numbers and electron densities for different shielding materials. Annals of Nuclear Energy 2015; 75: 268-274.
  • Sayyed MI. Bismuth modified shielding properties of zinc boro-tellurite glasses. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2016; 688: 111–117.
  • Yorgun NY, Kavaz E. Gamma photon protection properties of some cancer drugs for medical applications. Results in Physics 2019; 13: 102150.
  • Raut, SD, Awasarmol VV, Shaikh SF, Ghule BG, Ekar SU, Mane RS, Pawar PP. Study of gamma ray energy absorption and exposure buildup factors for ferrites by geometric progression fitting method. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 2018; 173: 3-4, 429-438.
  • Sakar E, Ozpolat OF, Alım B, Sayyed M, Kurudirek M. Phy-X/PSD: Development of a user friendly online software for calculation of parameters relevant to radiation shielding and dosimetry. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 2020: 108496; 1-12.
  • ANSI/ANS-6.4.3, 1991. Gamma Ray Attenuation Coefficient and Buildup Factors for Engineering Materials. American Nuclear Society La Grange Park, Illions.
  • Kavaz E, Ahmadishadbad N, Özdemir Y. Photon buildup factors of some chemotherapy drugs. Biomed Pharmacother 2015; 69: 34–41.
  • Ekinci N. Kavaz E, Aygün B, Perişanoğlu U. Gamma ray shielding capabilities of rhenium-based superalloys, Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 2019; 174:5-6, 435-451.
  • Harima Y. An approximation of gamma-ray buildup factors by modified geometrical progression. Nuclear Science and Engineering 1983; 83(2): 299–309.
  • Bootjomchai C, Laopaiboon L, Yenchai C, Laopaiboon R. Gamma-ray shielding and structural properties of barium–bismuth–borosilicateglasses. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 2012; 81: 785–790.
  • Singh VP, Badiger NM. Investigation on radiation shielding parameters of ordinary, heavy and super heavy concretes. Nuclear Technology Radiation &Protection 2014; 29 (2); 149-156.
  • Sayyed MI, Kaky KM, Gaikwad DK, Agar O, Gawai UP, Baki SO. Physical, structural, optical and gamma radiation shielding properties of borate glasses containing heavy metals (Bi2O3/MoO3). Journal of Non-Crystalline Solid 2019; 507: 30–37.
  • Küçük N, Gezer O. Doğal Siyah Obsidyen Cevherleri İçin Yığılma Faktörlerinin Belirlenmesi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 2017; 17 (031101): 872-880.


Year 2020, , 539 - 553, 28.12.2020


The present study was carried out to estimate gamma radiation shielding properties of natural glass obsidian. For this purpose, linear attenuation coefficient, mass attenuation coefficient, mean free path, half-value layer, tenth-value layer, effective atomic number and effective electron number values of obsidian samples in black and brown colors were experimentally measured for 661.66, 1172.23 and 1332.48 keV gamma ray energies obtained from 137Cs, and 60Co radioactive sources. Measurements were performed at narrow-beam transmission geometry using a NaI(Tl) scintillation detector. In addition, all these parameters were theoretically calculated by using WinXCOM program in the energy region of 0.015 to 15 MeV. A good agreement was observed between theoretical and experimental values. Furthermore, energy absorption and exposure buildup factors (EABF and EBF) of obsidian specimens were determined in the energy range of 0.015 to 15 MeV using G-P fitting method. Finally, it can be concluded that these naturally occurring volcanic glasses can be used for radiation shielding applications.


  • Kurudirek M. Heavy metal borate glasses: potential use for radiation shielding. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2017; 727: 1227-1236.
  • Kirdsiri K, Kaewkhao J, Pokaipisit A, Chewpraditkul W, Limsuwan P. Gamma-rays shielding properties of xPbO:(100 -x)B2O3 glasses system at 662 keV. Annals of Nuclear Energy 2009; 36: 1360-1365.
  • Singh T, Kaur A, Sharma J, Singh PS. Gamma rays' shielding parameters for some Pb-Cu binary alloys. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 2018; 21: 1078-1085.
  • Akkurt I. Effective atomic and electron numbers of some steels at different energies. Annals of Nuclear Energy 2009; 36: 1702–1705.
  • Alım B, Şakar E, Baltakesmez A, Han İ, Sayyed MI, Demir L. Experimental investigation of radiation shielding performances of some important AISI-coded stainless steels: Part I. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 2019; 160; 108455.
  • Icelli O, Erzeneoglu S, Karahan IH. Cankaya G. Effective atomic numbers for CoCuNi alloys using transmission experiments. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 2005; 91(4): 485-491.
  • Han I, Demir L. Studies on effective atomic numbers, electron densities from mass attenuation coefficients in TixCo1-x and CoxCu1-x alloys. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B, 2009; 267: 3505–3510.
  • Şakar E, Büyükyıldız M, Alım B, Şakar BC, Kurudirek M. Leaded brass alloys for gamma-ray shielding applications. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 2019; 159: 64–69.
  • Akman F, Kaçal MR, Sayyed MI, Karataş HA. Study of gamma radiation attenuation properties of some selected ternary alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2019; 782: 315–322
  • Baltas H, Celik S, Cevik U, Yanmaz E. Measurement of mass attenuation coefficients and effective atomic numbers for MgB2 superconductor using X-ray energies. Radiation Measurements 2007; 42: 55-60.
  • Baltas H, Cevik U, Tırasoglu E, Ertugral B, Apaydın G, Kobya AI. Mass attenuation coefficients of YBaCuO and BiPbSrCaCuO superconductors at 511, 661 and 1274 keV energies. Radiation Measurements 2005; 39: 33–37.
  • Cevik U, Baltas H. The mass attenuation coefficients and electron densities for BiPbSrCaCuO superconductor at different energies. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B 2007; 256: 619–625.
  • Oto B, Yıldız N, Akdemir F, Kavaz E. Investigation of gamma radiation shielding properties of various ores. Progress in Nuclear Energy 2015; 85: 391-403.
  • Akkurt I, Basyigit C, Kilincarslan S, Mavi B. The shielding of γ-rays by concretes produced with barite. Progress in Nuclear Energy 2005; 46 (1); 1-11.
  • Singh K, Singh H, Sharma G, Gerward L, Khanna A, Kumar R, Nathuram R, Sahota HS. Gamma-ray shielding properties of CaO–SrO–B2O3 glasses. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 2005; 72: 225–228.
  • Gerward L, Guilbert N, Jensen KB, Levring H. WinXCom - a program for calculating X-ray attenuation coefficients. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 2004; 71; 653–654.
  • Chanthima N, Kaewkhao J. Investigation on radiation shielding parameters of bismuth borosilicate glass from 1 keV to 100 GeV. Annals of Nuclear Energy 2013; 55: 23–28.
  • Mostafa AMA, Issa SA, Sayyed MI. Gamma ray shielding properties of PbO-B2O3-P 2O5 doped with WO3. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2017; 708: 294-300.
  • Sayyed MI, Kaky KM, Şakar E, Akbaba U, Taki MM, Agar O. Gamma radiation shielding investigations for selected germanate glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 2019; 512: 33–40.
  • Ahmed GSM, Mahmoud AS, Salem SM, Abou-Elnasr TZ. Study of Gamma-Ray Attenuation Coefficients of Some Glasses Containing CdO. American Journal of Physics and Applications 2015; 3(4): 112-120.
  • Cengiz G, Çağlar I, Bilir G. Optical Properties and Natural Radioactivity Levels of Turkish Natural Glass Obsidian. The Eurasia Proceedings of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics 2019; 6: 138-141.
  • Çolak A, Aygün H. Sarıkamış (Kars) civarı obsidiyenleri bilgi notu. MTA. Maden Etüt ve Arama Dairesi Başkanlığı SERKA Raporu. Kars, 2011.
  • (06.11.2020)
  • Jackson DF, Hawkes DJ. X-ray attenuation coefficients of elements and mixtures. Physics Reports 1981; 70: 169–233.
  • Elmahroug Y, Tellili B, Souga C. Determination of total mass attenuation coefficients, effective atomic numbers and electron densities for different shielding materials. Annals of Nuclear Energy 2015; 75: 268-274.
  • Sayyed MI. Bismuth modified shielding properties of zinc boro-tellurite glasses. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2016; 688: 111–117.
  • Yorgun NY, Kavaz E. Gamma photon protection properties of some cancer drugs for medical applications. Results in Physics 2019; 13: 102150.
  • Raut, SD, Awasarmol VV, Shaikh SF, Ghule BG, Ekar SU, Mane RS, Pawar PP. Study of gamma ray energy absorption and exposure buildup factors for ferrites by geometric progression fitting method. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 2018; 173: 3-4, 429-438.
  • Sakar E, Ozpolat OF, Alım B, Sayyed M, Kurudirek M. Phy-X/PSD: Development of a user friendly online software for calculation of parameters relevant to radiation shielding and dosimetry. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 2020: 108496; 1-12.
  • ANSI/ANS-6.4.3, 1991. Gamma Ray Attenuation Coefficient and Buildup Factors for Engineering Materials. American Nuclear Society La Grange Park, Illions.
  • Kavaz E, Ahmadishadbad N, Özdemir Y. Photon buildup factors of some chemotherapy drugs. Biomed Pharmacother 2015; 69: 34–41.
  • Ekinci N. Kavaz E, Aygün B, Perişanoğlu U. Gamma ray shielding capabilities of rhenium-based superalloys, Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 2019; 174:5-6, 435-451.
  • Harima Y. An approximation of gamma-ray buildup factors by modified geometrical progression. Nuclear Science and Engineering 1983; 83(2): 299–309.
  • Bootjomchai C, Laopaiboon L, Yenchai C, Laopaiboon R. Gamma-ray shielding and structural properties of barium–bismuth–borosilicateglasses. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 2012; 81: 785–790.
  • Singh VP, Badiger NM. Investigation on radiation shielding parameters of ordinary, heavy and super heavy concretes. Nuclear Technology Radiation &Protection 2014; 29 (2); 149-156.
  • Sayyed MI, Kaky KM, Gaikwad DK, Agar O, Gawai UP, Baki SO. Physical, structural, optical and gamma radiation shielding properties of borate glasses containing heavy metals (Bi2O3/MoO3). Journal of Non-Crystalline Solid 2019; 507: 30–37.
  • Küçük N, Gezer O. Doğal Siyah Obsidyen Cevherleri İçin Yığılma Faktörlerinin Belirlenmesi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 2017; 17 (031101): 872-880.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Gülçin Bilgici Cengiz (eker) 0000-0002-6164-3232

İlyas Çağlar 0000-0002-6958-8469

Gökhan Bilir 0000-0003-1963-0902

Publication Date December 28, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


AMA Bilgici Cengiz (eker) G, Çağlar İ, Bilir G. GAMMA RADIATION SHIELDING PROPERTIES OF NATURAL GLASS OBSIDIAN. Estuscience - Se. December 2020;21(4):539-553. doi:10.18038/estubtda.755217