Research Article
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Year 2022, , 233 - 243, 29.12.2022


UV-curable thermoset resins had been utilized in organic coating industry because of their benefits over conventional adhesives like fast curing, less energy consumption and equipment. In this article, the effects of micro and nano-scaled reinforcements on the mechanical properties of a UV-curable thermoset resin were investigated. The reinforcements are chosen to be nano-scaled Montmorillonite (MMT) and micro-scaled Silica (SiO2). The reason for this choice is that the aforementioned particles are non-toxic, low-cost and in the case of MMT; abundant in nature. According to our knowledge, there is no study on the synergistic effects of those two additives in thermoset resins.
The instrumented microindentation test results reveal that maximum improvement on hardness (288%) was achieved by single addition of MMT thanks to the well-distributed silicate layers. Conversely, SiO2 addition diminished both strength (-51%) and modulus (-68%) drastically which is attributed to the possible poor dispersion and weak surface attraction. On the other hand, when those additives were utilized together, the property improvements namely; hardness and modulus are observed to be in between of single addition of either additive. It is suggested that SiO2 contribution does not disturb intercalated/exfoliated-MMT structure and similarly by simultaneous MMT reinforcement, quality of SiO2 dispersion is not affected. It is concluded that one benefit of these SiO2-MMT combinations over single MMT reinforcement could be related to plasticity since they result in less plasticity reduction of -22%-27% compared to MMT (-43%) with the further benefit of higher hardness improvement (+66%) than bare SiO2 addition (-51%).

Supporting Institution

TED University

Project Number



This study is funded by TED University Institutional Research Fund.


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  • [13] Kandemir, AC, Erdem D, Ma H, Reiser A & Spolenak R. Polymer nanocomposite patterning by dip-pen nanolithography. Nanotechnology 2016; 27 (13):135303
  • [14] Kandemir AC, Ramakrishna SN, Erdem D, Courty D, & Spolenak R. Gradient nanocomposite printing by dip pen nanolithography. Comp Sci Tech 2017; 138: 186–200.
  • [15] Lam CK, Lau KT & Zhou LM. Nano-mechanical Creep Properties of Nanoclay / Epoxy Composite by Nanoindentation. Adv Comp Mater Struct 2007; 335: 669–672.
  • [16] Li Y, Li C, He J, Gao Y, & Hu Z. Effect of functionalized nano-SiO2 addition on bond behavior of adhesively bonded CFRP-steel double-lap joint. Constr Build Mater 2020; 244:118400
  • [17] Ma Z, Jiang D, Cui Y & Liu Y. The Development of Nanoclay-Epoxy Composite for Application in Ballistic Protection , SAE Technical Papers, 2018
  • [18] Meng Q, Wang CH, Saber N, Kuan H, Dai J, Friedrich K & Ma J. Nanosilica-toughened polymer adhesives. Mater Des, 2014; 61: 75–86.
  • [19] Milman YV, Chugunova SI & Goncharova IV. Plasticity determined by indentation and theoretical plasticity of materials. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 2009; 73(9):1215–1221.
  • [20] Milman YV, Chugunova SI, Goncharov IV & Golubenko AA. Plasticity of materials determined by the indentation method. Prog Phys Metals 2008; 19(3): 271-308
  • [21] Nai MH, Lim CT, Zeng KY & Tan VBC. Nanoindentation study of polymer based nanocomposites. J Metastable Nanocryst Mater 2005; 23: 363–366
  • [22] Norland Products Incorporated. (1966). Norland Optical Adhesives 61 Datasheet.
  • [23] Oleinik EF, Mazo MA, Strel’nikov IA, Rudnev SN & Salamatina OB. Plasticity Mechanism for Glassy Polymers: Computer Simulation Picture. Polym Sci - Series A. 2018; 60(1): 1-49
  • [24] Yasin S, Shakeel A, Iqbal T, Ahmad F, Mehmood H, Luckham PF & Ullah N. Effect of experimental conditions on nano-indentation response of low density polyethylene (LDPE). J Macromol Sci 2019; 56(7), 640–647.
  • [25] Oliver WC & Pharr GM. An Improved Technique for Determining Hardness and Elastic Modulus Using Load and Displacement Sensing Indentation Experiments. J Mater Res 1992; 7(6): 1564–1583.
  • [26] Oliver WC and Pharr GM. Measurement of Hardness and Elastic Modulus by Instrumented Indentation: Advances in Understanding and Refinements to Methodology. J Mater Res 2004; 19(01): 3–20.
Year 2022, , 233 - 243, 29.12.2022


Project Number



  • [1] Ahmad KZK, Ahmad SH, Tarawneh MA & Apte PR. Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Epoxy / Nanoclay / Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites using Taguchi Method, 2012; 4: 80–86.
  • [2] Ahmad T & Mamat O. Studying the Effects of Adding Silica Sand Nanoparticles on Epoxy Based Composites. J Nanoparticle 2013.
  • [3] Alsagayar ZS, Rahmat AR, Arsad A & Mus SNHB. Tensile and Flexural Properties of Montmorillonite Nanoclay Reinforced Tensile and Flexural Properties of Montmorillonite Nanoclay Reinforced Epoxy Resin Composites. Adv Mat Res 2015; 1112: 373–376.
  • [4] Briscoe, BJ., Fiori, L, & Pelillo. Nano-indentation of polymeric surfaces. J Phys D Appl Phys, 1998; 31(19): 2395–2405.
  • [5] Donmez F, Kandemir AC & Kaplan CH. Biocompatible nanocomposite production via nanoclays with diverse morphology. Int J Polym Anal Charact 2022; 27 (13): 158-179.
  • [6] Bufford D, Liu Y, Wang J, Wang H & Zhang X. In situ nanoindentation study on plasticity and work hardening in aluminium with incoherent twin boundaries. Nat Commun 2014; 5.
  • [7] Castriota M, Fasanella A, Cazzanelli E, De Sio L, Caputo R & Umeton C. In situ polarized micro-Raman investigation of periodic structures realized in liquid-crystalline composite materials. Optics Express 2011; 19(11):10494.
  • [8] De Menezes LR & Da Silva EO. The use of montmorillonite clays as reinforcing fillers for dental adhesives. Mater Res 2016; 19(1): 236–242.
  • [9] Díez-Pascual AM, Gómez-Fatou, MA, Ania F & Flores A. Nanoindentation in polymer nanocomposites. Prog Mater Sci 2015; 67:1-95.
  • [10] Encalada-Alayola JJ, Veranes-Pantoja Y, Uribe-Calderón JA, Cauich-Rodríguez JV & Cervantes-Uc JM. Effect of type and concentration of nanoclay on the mechanical and physicochemical properties of bis-GMA/TTEGDMA dental resins. Polym 2020; 12(3)
  • [11] Fox-Rabinovich GS, Veldhuis SC, Scvortsov VN, Shuster LS, Dosbaeva GK & Migranov MS. Elastic and plastic work of indentation as a characteristic of wear behavior for cutting tools with nitride PVD coatings. Thin Solid Films 2004; 469(2): 505–512.
  • [12] Gerberich WW, Stauffer DD, Beaber AR & Mook WM. Connectivity between plasticity and brittle fracture: An overview from nanoindentation studies. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part N: Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems, 2007; 221(4): 139–156.
  • [13] Kandemir, AC, Erdem D, Ma H, Reiser A & Spolenak R. Polymer nanocomposite patterning by dip-pen nanolithography. Nanotechnology 2016; 27 (13):135303
  • [14] Kandemir AC, Ramakrishna SN, Erdem D, Courty D, & Spolenak R. Gradient nanocomposite printing by dip pen nanolithography. Comp Sci Tech 2017; 138: 186–200.
  • [15] Lam CK, Lau KT & Zhou LM. Nano-mechanical Creep Properties of Nanoclay / Epoxy Composite by Nanoindentation. Adv Comp Mater Struct 2007; 335: 669–672.
  • [16] Li Y, Li C, He J, Gao Y, & Hu Z. Effect of functionalized nano-SiO2 addition on bond behavior of adhesively bonded CFRP-steel double-lap joint. Constr Build Mater 2020; 244:118400
  • [17] Ma Z, Jiang D, Cui Y & Liu Y. The Development of Nanoclay-Epoxy Composite for Application in Ballistic Protection , SAE Technical Papers, 2018
  • [18] Meng Q, Wang CH, Saber N, Kuan H, Dai J, Friedrich K & Ma J. Nanosilica-toughened polymer adhesives. Mater Des, 2014; 61: 75–86.
  • [19] Milman YV, Chugunova SI & Goncharova IV. Plasticity determined by indentation and theoretical plasticity of materials. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 2009; 73(9):1215–1221.
  • [20] Milman YV, Chugunova SI, Goncharov IV & Golubenko AA. Plasticity of materials determined by the indentation method. Prog Phys Metals 2008; 19(3): 271-308
  • [21] Nai MH, Lim CT, Zeng KY & Tan VBC. Nanoindentation study of polymer based nanocomposites. J Metastable Nanocryst Mater 2005; 23: 363–366
  • [22] Norland Products Incorporated. (1966). Norland Optical Adhesives 61 Datasheet.
  • [23] Oleinik EF, Mazo MA, Strel’nikov IA, Rudnev SN & Salamatina OB. Plasticity Mechanism for Glassy Polymers: Computer Simulation Picture. Polym Sci - Series A. 2018; 60(1): 1-49
  • [24] Yasin S, Shakeel A, Iqbal T, Ahmad F, Mehmood H, Luckham PF & Ullah N. Effect of experimental conditions on nano-indentation response of low density polyethylene (LDPE). J Macromol Sci 2019; 56(7), 640–647.
  • [25] Oliver WC & Pharr GM. An Improved Technique for Determining Hardness and Elastic Modulus Using Load and Displacement Sensing Indentation Experiments. J Mater Res 1992; 7(6): 1564–1583.
  • [26] Oliver WC and Pharr GM. Measurement of Hardness and Elastic Modulus by Instrumented Indentation: Advances in Understanding and Refinements to Methodology. J Mater Res 2004; 19(01): 3–20.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Ayse Cagil Kandemir 0000-0001-7378-0202

Arda Baytaroğlu 0000-0001-5422-5836

Project Number T-18-B2010-33018
Publication Date December 29, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022
