Research Article
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Year 2023, , 124 - 130, 04.01.2023



  • 1. Sarwer DB, LaRossa D, Bartlett SP, Low, DW, Bucky LP, Whitaker LA. Body image concerns of breast augmentation patients. Plast Reconstr Surg 2003;112:83-90.
  • 2. Webb JB, Wood-Barcalow NL, Tylka TL. Assessing positive body image: contemporary approaches and future directions. Body Image 2015;14:130-45.
  • 3. Gillen MM, Markey CH. Body image, weight management behavior, and women’s interest in cosmetic surgery. Psychol Health Med 2021;26:621-30.
  • 4. Featherstone M. Body modification: an introduction. Body Soc 1999;5:1-13.
  • 5. DeMello M. Bodies of Inscription: A Cultural History of the Modern Tattoo Community. Duke University Press 2000.
  • 6. Tokdemir Özüdoğru I, Varol TE. [Aesthetic Perception of today and returning to Excuded: tattoo art example]. İDİL 2020;75:1761-8. [Article in Turkish]
  • 7. Forbes GB. College students with tattoos and piercings: motives, family experiences, personality factors, and perception by others. Psychol Rep 2001;89:774-96.
  • 8. Swami V. Marked for life? A prospective study of tattoos on appearance anxiety and dissatisfaction, perceptions of uniqueness, and self-esteem. Body Image 2011;8:237-44.
  • 9. Le Breton D. Signes d’identité. Tatouages, piercings et autres marquescorporelles. Paris: Métailié 2000.
  • 10. Atkinson M. Tattooing and civilizing processes: body modification as self-control. Can Rev Soc 2004;41:125-46.
  • 11. Kosut M. Tattoo narratives: the intersection of the body, self-identity, and society. Visual Soc 2000;15:79-100.
  • 12. Wymann C. Tattoo: a multifaceted medium of communication. MedieKultur 2010;49:41-54.
  • 13. Fisher JA. Tattooing the body, marking culture. Body Soc 2002;8:91-107.
  • 14. Swami V. Body art: tattooing and piercing. in: Cash, T.F. (ed.) Encyclopedia of body image and human appearance. Oxford Elsevier. 2012: pp. 58-65.
  • 15. Swami V. Marked for life? A prospective study of tattoos on appearance anxiety and dissatisfaction, perceptions of uniqueness, and self-esteem. Body Image 2001;8:237-44.
  • 16. Cash TF, Pruzinsky T. Body image: a handbook of theory, research, and clinical practice. New York Guilford; 2002.
  • 17. Cash TF, Theriault J, Annis NM. Body image in an interpersonal context: adult attachment, fear of intimacy and social anxiety. J Soc Clin Psychol 2004;23:89-103.
  • 18. Cash TF, Santos, MT, ve Fleming Williams E. Coping with body-image threats and challenges: validation of the Body Image Coping Strategies Inventory. J Psychosom Res 2005;58:191-9.
  • 19. Farshidfar Z, Dastjerdi R, Shahabizadeh F. Acceptance of cosmetic surgery: body image, self esteem and conformity. Procedia Soc Behav Sci 2013;84:238-42.
  • 20. Barone M, Cogliandro A, Di Stefano N, Tambone V, Persichetti, P. A systematic review of patient-reported outcome measures after rhinoplasty. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2016;274:1807-11.
  • 21. Swami V. Body appreciation, media influence, and weight status predict consideration of cosmetic surgery among female undergraduates. Body Image 2009;6:315-7.
  • 22. Callaghan GM, Lopez A, Wong L, Northcross J, Anderson, K R. Predicting consideration of cosmetic surgery in a college population: a continuum of body image disturbance and the importance of coping strategies. Body Image 2011;8:267-74.
  • 23. Henderson-King D, Henderson-King, E. Acceptance of cosmetic surgery: scale development and validation. Body Image 2005;2:137-49.
  • 24. Karaca S, Karakoç A, Onan N, Kadıoğlu H. [Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the acceptance of cosmetic surgery scale (ACSS)]. J Psy Nurs 2017;8:17-22. [Article in Turkish]
  • 25. Doğan T, Sapmaz F, Totan T. [Adaptation of the body image coping strategies inventory to Turkish: a validity and reliability study]. Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2011;12:121-9. [Article in Turkish]
  • 26. Pallant J. SPSS survival manual: A step by step guide to data analysis using IBM SPSS. (7th edition). London: Routledge 2020.
  • 27. George D, Mallery P. SPSS for Windows step by step: A simple guide and reference. 11.0 update (4. baskı.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon 2003.
  • 28. Armstrong ML, Roberts AE, Owen DC, Koch JR. Toward building acomposite of college student influences with body art. Issues Compr Pediatr Nurs 2004;27:277-95.
  • 29. Gillen MM, Markey CN. Beauty and the burn: tanning and other appearance altering attitudes and behaviors. Psychol Health Med 2017;22:1271-7.
  • 30. Biolcati R, Ghigi R, Mameli C, Passini S. What can I do with my body? Boys and girls facing body dissatisfaction. Int J Adolesc Youth 2017;22:283-95.
  • 31. Smith-Jackson T, Reel JJ, Thackeray R. Coping with “bad body image days”: strategies from first-year young adult college women. Body Image 2011;8:335-42.
  • 32. Pajor AJ, Broniarczyk-Dyła, G, Świtalska J. Satisfaction with life, self-esteem and evaluation of mental health in people with tattoos or piercings. Psychiatri Pol 2015;49:559-73.
  • 33. Carroll L, Anderson R. Body piercing, tattooing, self-esteem, and body investment in adolescent girls. Adolescence 2002;37:627-37.
  • 34. Arnett JJ. Emerging adulthood: a theory of development from the late teens through the twenties. Am Psychol 2000;55:469-80.

The differences between tattooed and non-tattooed individuals In body image coping strategies and attitudes toward cosmetic surgery

Year 2023, , 124 - 130, 04.01.2023


Objectives: This study aims to compare tattooed and non-tattooed individuals in terms of their attitude toward cosmetic surgery in multiple motivational sources. Also, the differences across groups are examined by use of three different body image coping strategies

Methods: Participants were 108 tattooed and 202 non tattooed individuals. Respondents were 267 females and 43 males from Turkey in a private university. Their age ranged between 18 to 29, and the mean age is 21.

The analysis indicated that tattooed individuals had a more positive attitude toward any cosmetic surgery application. Also, there is a difference in appearance fixation coping strategy between two groups. Tattooed individuals prefered to use appearance fixation to cope with their body image. However, the effect size of this difference was negligible to small.

These results suggest that tattooed and non- tattooed individuals differ remarkably in cosmetic surgery attitude. Having tattoos has an effect on cosmetic surgery motivational sources. Tattooed individuals are more motivated and look positive toward cosmetic surgery interventions than non-tattooed individuals. Also, tattooed individuals use more appearance fixation coping strategy.


  • 1. Sarwer DB, LaRossa D, Bartlett SP, Low, DW, Bucky LP, Whitaker LA. Body image concerns of breast augmentation patients. Plast Reconstr Surg 2003;112:83-90.
  • 2. Webb JB, Wood-Barcalow NL, Tylka TL. Assessing positive body image: contemporary approaches and future directions. Body Image 2015;14:130-45.
  • 3. Gillen MM, Markey CH. Body image, weight management behavior, and women’s interest in cosmetic surgery. Psychol Health Med 2021;26:621-30.
  • 4. Featherstone M. Body modification: an introduction. Body Soc 1999;5:1-13.
  • 5. DeMello M. Bodies of Inscription: A Cultural History of the Modern Tattoo Community. Duke University Press 2000.
  • 6. Tokdemir Özüdoğru I, Varol TE. [Aesthetic Perception of today and returning to Excuded: tattoo art example]. İDİL 2020;75:1761-8. [Article in Turkish]
  • 7. Forbes GB. College students with tattoos and piercings: motives, family experiences, personality factors, and perception by others. Psychol Rep 2001;89:774-96.
  • 8. Swami V. Marked for life? A prospective study of tattoos on appearance anxiety and dissatisfaction, perceptions of uniqueness, and self-esteem. Body Image 2011;8:237-44.
  • 9. Le Breton D. Signes d’identité. Tatouages, piercings et autres marquescorporelles. Paris: Métailié 2000.
  • 10. Atkinson M. Tattooing and civilizing processes: body modification as self-control. Can Rev Soc 2004;41:125-46.
  • 11. Kosut M. Tattoo narratives: the intersection of the body, self-identity, and society. Visual Soc 2000;15:79-100.
  • 12. Wymann C. Tattoo: a multifaceted medium of communication. MedieKultur 2010;49:41-54.
  • 13. Fisher JA. Tattooing the body, marking culture. Body Soc 2002;8:91-107.
  • 14. Swami V. Body art: tattooing and piercing. in: Cash, T.F. (ed.) Encyclopedia of body image and human appearance. Oxford Elsevier. 2012: pp. 58-65.
  • 15. Swami V. Marked for life? A prospective study of tattoos on appearance anxiety and dissatisfaction, perceptions of uniqueness, and self-esteem. Body Image 2001;8:237-44.
  • 16. Cash TF, Pruzinsky T. Body image: a handbook of theory, research, and clinical practice. New York Guilford; 2002.
  • 17. Cash TF, Theriault J, Annis NM. Body image in an interpersonal context: adult attachment, fear of intimacy and social anxiety. J Soc Clin Psychol 2004;23:89-103.
  • 18. Cash TF, Santos, MT, ve Fleming Williams E. Coping with body-image threats and challenges: validation of the Body Image Coping Strategies Inventory. J Psychosom Res 2005;58:191-9.
  • 19. Farshidfar Z, Dastjerdi R, Shahabizadeh F. Acceptance of cosmetic surgery: body image, self esteem and conformity. Procedia Soc Behav Sci 2013;84:238-42.
  • 20. Barone M, Cogliandro A, Di Stefano N, Tambone V, Persichetti, P. A systematic review of patient-reported outcome measures after rhinoplasty. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2016;274:1807-11.
  • 21. Swami V. Body appreciation, media influence, and weight status predict consideration of cosmetic surgery among female undergraduates. Body Image 2009;6:315-7.
  • 22. Callaghan GM, Lopez A, Wong L, Northcross J, Anderson, K R. Predicting consideration of cosmetic surgery in a college population: a continuum of body image disturbance and the importance of coping strategies. Body Image 2011;8:267-74.
  • 23. Henderson-King D, Henderson-King, E. Acceptance of cosmetic surgery: scale development and validation. Body Image 2005;2:137-49.
  • 24. Karaca S, Karakoç A, Onan N, Kadıoğlu H. [Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the acceptance of cosmetic surgery scale (ACSS)]. J Psy Nurs 2017;8:17-22. [Article in Turkish]
  • 25. Doğan T, Sapmaz F, Totan T. [Adaptation of the body image coping strategies inventory to Turkish: a validity and reliability study]. Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2011;12:121-9. [Article in Turkish]
  • 26. Pallant J. SPSS survival manual: A step by step guide to data analysis using IBM SPSS. (7th edition). London: Routledge 2020.
  • 27. George D, Mallery P. SPSS for Windows step by step: A simple guide and reference. 11.0 update (4. baskı.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon 2003.
  • 28. Armstrong ML, Roberts AE, Owen DC, Koch JR. Toward building acomposite of college student influences with body art. Issues Compr Pediatr Nurs 2004;27:277-95.
  • 29. Gillen MM, Markey CN. Beauty and the burn: tanning and other appearance altering attitudes and behaviors. Psychol Health Med 2017;22:1271-7.
  • 30. Biolcati R, Ghigi R, Mameli C, Passini S. What can I do with my body? Boys and girls facing body dissatisfaction. Int J Adolesc Youth 2017;22:283-95.
  • 31. Smith-Jackson T, Reel JJ, Thackeray R. Coping with “bad body image days”: strategies from first-year young adult college women. Body Image 2011;8:335-42.
  • 32. Pajor AJ, Broniarczyk-Dyła, G, Świtalska J. Satisfaction with life, self-esteem and evaluation of mental health in people with tattoos or piercings. Psychiatri Pol 2015;49:559-73.
  • 33. Carroll L, Anderson R. Body piercing, tattooing, self-esteem, and body investment in adolescent girls. Adolescence 2002;37:627-37.
  • 34. Arnett JJ. Emerging adulthood: a theory of development from the late teens through the twenties. Am Psychol 2000;55:469-80.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Psychiatry
Journal Section Original Articles

Yasemin Kuş This is me 0000-0003-3288-0367

Ezgi Tan 0000-0002-3548-4063

Publication Date January 4, 2023
Submission Date September 25, 2022
Acceptance Date November 5, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


AMA Kuş Y, Tan E. The differences between tattooed and non-tattooed individuals In body image coping strategies and attitudes toward cosmetic surgery. Eur Res J. January 2023;9(1):124-130. doi:10.18621/eurj.1180023

e-ISSN: 2149-3189 

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