Case Report
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Methemoglobinemia after local anesthesia with prilocaine in adults: four case reports

Year 2024, , 249 - 253, 04.03.2024


Methemoglobinemia is a serious hematological disease characterized by the incapability of sufficient oxygen delivery to tissues and cyanosis when iron within hemoglobin in ferrous form (Fe+2) is oxidized to ferric form (Fe+3). Methemoglobinemia may be congenital or acquired. While prilocaine-induced methemoglobinemia can be seen in newborns and early pediatric ages, it is a rare condition in adults. We aimed to investigate prilocaine-induced adult methemoglobinemia with four cases.


  • 1. Honig GR. Hemoglobin disorder. In: Behrman RE, Kleigman RM, Jenson HB, editors. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 16th ed., WB Saunders Company: Philadelpiha. 2004: pp. 1478-1488.
  • 2. Aygencel SG, Akinci E, Pamukcu G. Prilocaine induced methemoglobinemia. Saudi Med J. 2006;27(1):111-113.
  • 3. Coleman MD, Coleman NA. Drug-induced methaemoglobinaemia. Treatment issues. Drug Saf. 1996;14(6):394-405. doi: 10.2165/00002018-199614060-00005.
  • 4. Shibuya M, Hojo T, Hase Y, Kimura Y, Fujisawa T. Methemoglobinemia caused by a low dose of prilocaine during general anesthesia. J Dent Anesth Pain Med. 2021;21(4):357-361. doi: 10.17245/jdapm.2021.21.4.357.
  • 5. Türkmen E, Kocabay G, Yavuz AS, Öztürk S. [A case of methemoglobinemia induced by the administratıon of prilocaine prior to an epilation procedure]. İst Tıp Fak. Derg. 2005;68(1):19-21. [Article in Turkish]
  • 6. Balcı C, Koçoğulları C, Yılmaz M, Bayram E, Gürbüz S, Aydın U, et al. Prilokain Kullanımına Sekonder Gelişen Methemoglobinemi Olgusu (Poster). Göğüs Kalp Damar Anestezi ve Yoğun Bakım Derneği 20. Ulusal kongresi 2014.
  • 7. Caner İ, Ziraatçi Ö, Taştekin A. [Methemoglobinemia due to prilocaine which treated wıth oral methylene blue]. Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg. 2011;5(3):172-176. [Article in Turkish]
  • 8. Arslan MT, Arıca V, Tutanç M, Arıca SG. [Methemoglobinemia due to prilocaine administration]. Türk Pediatri Arşivi 2012;47(4):305-306. doi: 10.4274/tpa.308. [Article in Turkish]
  • 9. Tutak E, Yapıcıoğlu H, Narlı N, Satar M. [A newborn infant with acquired methemoglobinemia after prilocaine injection]. Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 2002;27(1):145-148. [Article in Turkish]
  • 10. Korkmaz L, Korkut S, Baştuğ O, Özdemir A, Öztürk MA. [Methemoglobinemia in a 3 days old new born: case report]. Bakırköy Tıp Dergisi. 2017;13(3):145-148. doi: 10.5350/BTDMJB201713307 [Article in Turkish]
  • 11. Engin MMN, Öz NA, Şengün Y, Timur F, Kocabay K. [Using methylene blue and intravenous ascorbic acid quick therapy in prilocaine dependent toxic methaemoglobinemia after circumcision: a case report. KSÜ Tıp Fak Derg. 2017;12(3):9-11. doi: 10.17517/ksutfd.33584. [Article in Turkish]
  • 12. Mayer JM, Capellen CF, Holzbach T. [Liposuction with consequences: what to consider when using prilocaine]. Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir. 2021;53(4):407-411. doi: 10.1055/a-1382-1628. [Article in German]
  • 13. Cicek Y, Durakoglugil ME, Usta EH. Methemoglobinemia due to local anesthesia: a rare cause of cyanosis and chest pain after placement of implantable cardioverter defibrillator. J Rural Med. 2020;15(2):63-64. doi: 10.2185/jrm.2019-007.
  • 14. Yildirim B, Karagoz U, Acar E, et al. A Case Report of Prilocaine-Induced Methemoglobinemia after Liposuction Procedure. Case Rep Emerg Med. 2015;2015:282347. doi: 10.1155/2015/282347.
  • 15. Lata K, Janardhanan R. Methemoglobinemia: a diagnosis not to be missed. Am J Med. 2015;128(10):45-46. doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2015.04.031.
  • 16. Svecová D, Böhmer D. [Congenital and acquired methemoglobinemia and its therapy]. Cas Lek Cesk. 1998;137(6):168-170. [Article in Slovak]
  • 17. Rehman HU. Methemoglobinemia. West J Med. 2001;175(3):193-196. doi: 10.1136/ewjm.175.3.193.
  • 18. Tran AN, Koo JY. Risk of systemic toxicity with topical lidocaine/prilocaine: a review. J Drugs Dermatol. 2014;13(9):1118-1122.
  • 19. Öztürk E, Turalı Aktaş B, Öztarhan K, Adal E. [Methemoglobinemia after local anesthetic administration]. JOPP Derg. 2010;2:46-48. [Article in Turkish]
Year 2024, , 249 - 253, 04.03.2024



  • 1. Honig GR. Hemoglobin disorder. In: Behrman RE, Kleigman RM, Jenson HB, editors. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 16th ed., WB Saunders Company: Philadelpiha. 2004: pp. 1478-1488.
  • 2. Aygencel SG, Akinci E, Pamukcu G. Prilocaine induced methemoglobinemia. Saudi Med J. 2006;27(1):111-113.
  • 3. Coleman MD, Coleman NA. Drug-induced methaemoglobinaemia. Treatment issues. Drug Saf. 1996;14(6):394-405. doi: 10.2165/00002018-199614060-00005.
  • 4. Shibuya M, Hojo T, Hase Y, Kimura Y, Fujisawa T. Methemoglobinemia caused by a low dose of prilocaine during general anesthesia. J Dent Anesth Pain Med. 2021;21(4):357-361. doi: 10.17245/jdapm.2021.21.4.357.
  • 5. Türkmen E, Kocabay G, Yavuz AS, Öztürk S. [A case of methemoglobinemia induced by the administratıon of prilocaine prior to an epilation procedure]. İst Tıp Fak. Derg. 2005;68(1):19-21. [Article in Turkish]
  • 6. Balcı C, Koçoğulları C, Yılmaz M, Bayram E, Gürbüz S, Aydın U, et al. Prilokain Kullanımına Sekonder Gelişen Methemoglobinemi Olgusu (Poster). Göğüs Kalp Damar Anestezi ve Yoğun Bakım Derneği 20. Ulusal kongresi 2014.
  • 7. Caner İ, Ziraatçi Ö, Taştekin A. [Methemoglobinemia due to prilocaine which treated wıth oral methylene blue]. Türkiye Çocuk Hast Derg. 2011;5(3):172-176. [Article in Turkish]
  • 8. Arslan MT, Arıca V, Tutanç M, Arıca SG. [Methemoglobinemia due to prilocaine administration]. Türk Pediatri Arşivi 2012;47(4):305-306. doi: 10.4274/tpa.308. [Article in Turkish]
  • 9. Tutak E, Yapıcıoğlu H, Narlı N, Satar M. [A newborn infant with acquired methemoglobinemia after prilocaine injection]. Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 2002;27(1):145-148. [Article in Turkish]
  • 10. Korkmaz L, Korkut S, Baştuğ O, Özdemir A, Öztürk MA. [Methemoglobinemia in a 3 days old new born: case report]. Bakırköy Tıp Dergisi. 2017;13(3):145-148. doi: 10.5350/BTDMJB201713307 [Article in Turkish]
  • 11. Engin MMN, Öz NA, Şengün Y, Timur F, Kocabay K. [Using methylene blue and intravenous ascorbic acid quick therapy in prilocaine dependent toxic methaemoglobinemia after circumcision: a case report. KSÜ Tıp Fak Derg. 2017;12(3):9-11. doi: 10.17517/ksutfd.33584. [Article in Turkish]
  • 12. Mayer JM, Capellen CF, Holzbach T. [Liposuction with consequences: what to consider when using prilocaine]. Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir. 2021;53(4):407-411. doi: 10.1055/a-1382-1628. [Article in German]
  • 13. Cicek Y, Durakoglugil ME, Usta EH. Methemoglobinemia due to local anesthesia: a rare cause of cyanosis and chest pain after placement of implantable cardioverter defibrillator. J Rural Med. 2020;15(2):63-64. doi: 10.2185/jrm.2019-007.
  • 14. Yildirim B, Karagoz U, Acar E, et al. A Case Report of Prilocaine-Induced Methemoglobinemia after Liposuction Procedure. Case Rep Emerg Med. 2015;2015:282347. doi: 10.1155/2015/282347.
  • 15. Lata K, Janardhanan R. Methemoglobinemia: a diagnosis not to be missed. Am J Med. 2015;128(10):45-46. doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2015.04.031.
  • 16. Svecová D, Böhmer D. [Congenital and acquired methemoglobinemia and its therapy]. Cas Lek Cesk. 1998;137(6):168-170. [Article in Slovak]
  • 17. Rehman HU. Methemoglobinemia. West J Med. 2001;175(3):193-196. doi: 10.1136/ewjm.175.3.193.
  • 18. Tran AN, Koo JY. Risk of systemic toxicity with topical lidocaine/prilocaine: a review. J Drugs Dermatol. 2014;13(9):1118-1122.
  • 19. Öztürk E, Turalı Aktaş B, Öztarhan K, Adal E. [Methemoglobinemia after local anesthetic administration]. JOPP Derg. 2010;2:46-48. [Article in Turkish]
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Respiratory Diseases
Journal Section Case Reports

Meltem Yılmaz 0000-0003-0314-4774

Arif İşcan 0000-0002-9005-5173

Levent Mutlu 0000-0002-3535-5704

Early Pub Date July 30, 2023
Publication Date March 4, 2024
Submission Date November 21, 2022
Acceptance Date July 3, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024


AMA Yılmaz M, İşcan A, Mutlu L. Methemoglobinemia after local anesthesia with prilocaine in adults: four case reports. Eur Res J. March 2024;10(2):249-253. doi:10.18621/eurj.1208264

e-ISSN: 2149-3189 

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