Research Article
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Investigation of the relationship between weight self-stigma, emotional eating, and diet satisfaction in obese individuals

Year 2023, , 407 - 415, 04.03.2023


Objectives: Obese people are often stigmatized and discriminated against as unmotivated, incompatible, sloppy, undisciplined, and lazy because of their excess weight. The stigma associated with weight has serious adverse effects on mental health, social functioning, and physical health. It has been suggested that weight stigma can be internalized and lead to the development and maintenance of self-stigma.

Methods: Personal Information Form, Turkish Emotional Eating Scale (EES), Weight Self-Stigma Scale (WSSQ), and Diet Satisfaction Scale (DSS) were used.

Results: One hundred forty-five volunteer obese individuals who applied to the Diet Clinic and whose informed consent was obtained were included in the study. When the differences between the scale scores of the individuals according to demographic, health, and nutrition findings are examined, it is seen that the TEES scores according to the gender and income status of the obese individuals, the WSSQ scores according to the gender and employment status of the obese individuals, and the DSS scores according to the income status of the obese individuals, the psychological diagnosis status made by the physician, It was found that there was a significant difference according to the chronic disease states and the number of daily snacks (p < 0.05 and p < 0.001, respectively).

Conclusions: When the relationship between the scales was examined, a significant correlation was found between the WSSQ scores of obese individuals and their EES scores. It was found that there was a statistically significant effect of WSSQ scores on EES scores. It is thought that the findings of this study will contribute significantly to the relevant literature.


  • 1. Chooi YC, Ding C, Magkos F. The epidemiology of obesity. Metab 2019;92:6-10.
  • 2. Sevinçer GM, Konuk N. [Emotional eating]. J Mood Disord 2013;3:171-8. [Article in Turkish]
  • 3. Bayles S, Ebaugh FG. Emotional factors in eating and obesity. J Am Diet Assoc 1950;26:430-4.
  • 4. Van Strien T, Frijters JE, Van Staveren WA, Defares PB, Deurenberg P. The predictive validity of the Dutch restrained eating scale. Int J Eat Disord 1986;5:747-55.
  • 5. Ganley RM. Emotion and eating in obesity: A review of the literature. Int J Eat Disord 1989;8:343-61.
  • 6. Ünal SG. [Emotional eating and obesity]. Başkent Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 2018;2:30-47. [Article in Turkish]
  • 7. Bekker MH, Van De Meerendonk C, Mollerus J. Effects of negative mood induction and impulsivity on self-perceived emotional eating. Int J Eat Disord 2004;36:461-9.
  • 8. Bostancı N. [The stigma towards to individual with mentally ill patients and practices about reducing this situation]. Dusunen Adam 2005;18:32-8. [Article in Turkish]
  • 9. Ciftci A, Jones N, Corrigan PW. Mental health stigma in the Muslim community. J Muslim Ment Health 2013;7:17-32.
  • 10. Wright A, Jorm AF, Mackinnon AJ. Labeling of mental disorders and stigma in young people. Soc Sci Med 2011;73:498-506.
  • 11. Pinel EC, Bosson JK. Turning our attention to stigma: an objective self-awareness analysis of stigma and its consequences. Social Psychological Perspectives on Stigma: Routledge; 2016. p. 63-71.
  • 12. Reynders A, Kerkhof AJ, Molenberghs G, Van Audenhove C. Attitudes and stigma in relation to help-seeking intentions for psychological problems in low and high suicide rate regions. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2014;49:231-9.
  • 13. Corrigan P. How stigma interferes with mental health care. Am Psychol 2004;59:614-25.
  • 14. Bharadwaj P, Pai MM, Suziedelyte A. Mental health stigma. Econ Lett 2017;159:57-60.
  • 15. Bilgen Ş. Türkçe duygusal yeme ölçeği geliştirilmesi, geçerlilik ve güvenirliği çalışması. Üsküdar Üniversitesi. 2018.
  • 16. Lillis J, Luoma JB, Levin ME, Hayes SC. Measuring weight self‐stigma: the weight self-stigma questionnaire. Obes 2010;18:971-6.
  • 17. Jospe MR, Haszard JJ, Taylor RW, Freedhoff Y. A tool for assessing the satisfaction of a diet: Development and preliminary validation of the Diet Satisfaction Score. Nutr Diet 2020;77:268-73.
  • 18. Eskici G, Karahan-Yılmaz K. [The validity and reliability study of the Turkish form of diet satisfaction scale]. Journal of Ankara Health Sciences 2021;10:35-45. [Article in Turkish]
  • 19. Akduman İ. Obez bireylerde problemli yeme davranışları ve çocukluk çağı travmaları ilişkisinin incelenmesi: İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü; 2018.
  • 20. Cihan G. Obez bireylerde damgalanma hissi ile yeme davranışları ve depresyon arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi: Başkent Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü; 2019.
  • 21. Yaşar B. Obez bireylerde kendini damgalama ve duygusal yeme arasındaki ilişki: İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü; 2020.
  • 22. Gökçem Ş, Karaban S. [Effects of nutritional status on emotional eating, night eating and sleep quality]. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2021;7:284-95. [Article in Turkish]
  • 23. Hain B, Langer L, Hünnemeyer K, Rudofsky G, Zech U, Wild B. Translation and validation of the German version of the Weight Self-Stigma Questionnaire (WSSQ). Obes Surg 2015;25:750-3.
  • 24. Lin KP, Lee ML. Validating a Chinese version of the Weight Self-stigma Questionnaire for use with obese adults. Int J Nurs Pract 2017;23:e12537.
  • 25. Sevincer GM, Kaya A, Bozkurt S, Akin E, Kose S. Reliability, validity, and factorial structure of the Turkish version of the Weight Self-Stigma Questionnaire (Turkish WSSQ). Psychiatry Clin Psychopharmacol 2017;27:386-92.
  • 26. Hata K, Inayama T, Matsushita M, Shinoda S. The combined associations of social participation and support with self-rated health and dietary satisfaction in men with spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord 2016;54:406-10.
  • 27. Miyoba N, Ogada I. Diet satisfaction and associated factors among adult surgical orthopaedic inpatients at a teaching hospital in Lusaka province, Zambia; a hospital-based cross-sectional study. BMC Nutr 2019;5:1-7.
Year 2023, , 407 - 415, 04.03.2023



  • 1. Chooi YC, Ding C, Magkos F. The epidemiology of obesity. Metab 2019;92:6-10.
  • 2. Sevinçer GM, Konuk N. [Emotional eating]. J Mood Disord 2013;3:171-8. [Article in Turkish]
  • 3. Bayles S, Ebaugh FG. Emotional factors in eating and obesity. J Am Diet Assoc 1950;26:430-4.
  • 4. Van Strien T, Frijters JE, Van Staveren WA, Defares PB, Deurenberg P. The predictive validity of the Dutch restrained eating scale. Int J Eat Disord 1986;5:747-55.
  • 5. Ganley RM. Emotion and eating in obesity: A review of the literature. Int J Eat Disord 1989;8:343-61.
  • 6. Ünal SG. [Emotional eating and obesity]. Başkent Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 2018;2:30-47. [Article in Turkish]
  • 7. Bekker MH, Van De Meerendonk C, Mollerus J. Effects of negative mood induction and impulsivity on self-perceived emotional eating. Int J Eat Disord 2004;36:461-9.
  • 8. Bostancı N. [The stigma towards to individual with mentally ill patients and practices about reducing this situation]. Dusunen Adam 2005;18:32-8. [Article in Turkish]
  • 9. Ciftci A, Jones N, Corrigan PW. Mental health stigma in the Muslim community. J Muslim Ment Health 2013;7:17-32.
  • 10. Wright A, Jorm AF, Mackinnon AJ. Labeling of mental disorders and stigma in young people. Soc Sci Med 2011;73:498-506.
  • 11. Pinel EC, Bosson JK. Turning our attention to stigma: an objective self-awareness analysis of stigma and its consequences. Social Psychological Perspectives on Stigma: Routledge; 2016. p. 63-71.
  • 12. Reynders A, Kerkhof AJ, Molenberghs G, Van Audenhove C. Attitudes and stigma in relation to help-seeking intentions for psychological problems in low and high suicide rate regions. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2014;49:231-9.
  • 13. Corrigan P. How stigma interferes with mental health care. Am Psychol 2004;59:614-25.
  • 14. Bharadwaj P, Pai MM, Suziedelyte A. Mental health stigma. Econ Lett 2017;159:57-60.
  • 15. Bilgen Ş. Türkçe duygusal yeme ölçeği geliştirilmesi, geçerlilik ve güvenirliği çalışması. Üsküdar Üniversitesi. 2018.
  • 16. Lillis J, Luoma JB, Levin ME, Hayes SC. Measuring weight self‐stigma: the weight self-stigma questionnaire. Obes 2010;18:971-6.
  • 17. Jospe MR, Haszard JJ, Taylor RW, Freedhoff Y. A tool for assessing the satisfaction of a diet: Development and preliminary validation of the Diet Satisfaction Score. Nutr Diet 2020;77:268-73.
  • 18. Eskici G, Karahan-Yılmaz K. [The validity and reliability study of the Turkish form of diet satisfaction scale]. Journal of Ankara Health Sciences 2021;10:35-45. [Article in Turkish]
  • 19. Akduman İ. Obez bireylerde problemli yeme davranışları ve çocukluk çağı travmaları ilişkisinin incelenmesi: İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü; 2018.
  • 20. Cihan G. Obez bireylerde damgalanma hissi ile yeme davranışları ve depresyon arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi: Başkent Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü; 2019.
  • 21. Yaşar B. Obez bireylerde kendini damgalama ve duygusal yeme arasındaki ilişki: İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü; 2020.
  • 22. Gökçem Ş, Karaban S. [Effects of nutritional status on emotional eating, night eating and sleep quality]. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2021;7:284-95. [Article in Turkish]
  • 23. Hain B, Langer L, Hünnemeyer K, Rudofsky G, Zech U, Wild B. Translation and validation of the German version of the Weight Self-Stigma Questionnaire (WSSQ). Obes Surg 2015;25:750-3.
  • 24. Lin KP, Lee ML. Validating a Chinese version of the Weight Self-stigma Questionnaire for use with obese adults. Int J Nurs Pract 2017;23:e12537.
  • 25. Sevincer GM, Kaya A, Bozkurt S, Akin E, Kose S. Reliability, validity, and factorial structure of the Turkish version of the Weight Self-Stigma Questionnaire (Turkish WSSQ). Psychiatry Clin Psychopharmacol 2017;27:386-92.
  • 26. Hata K, Inayama T, Matsushita M, Shinoda S. The combined associations of social participation and support with self-rated health and dietary satisfaction in men with spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord 2016;54:406-10.
  • 27. Miyoba N, Ogada I. Diet satisfaction and associated factors among adult surgical orthopaedic inpatients at a teaching hospital in Lusaka province, Zambia; a hospital-based cross-sectional study. BMC Nutr 2019;5:1-7.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Public Health, Environmental Health
Journal Section Original Articles

Naci Berat Dilsiz 0000-0001-8345-8081

Sedat Arslan 0000-0002-3356-7332

Publication Date March 4, 2023
Submission Date February 12, 2023
Acceptance Date February 20, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


AMA Dilsiz NB, Arslan S. Investigation of the relationship between weight self-stigma, emotional eating, and diet satisfaction in obese individuals. Eur Res J. March 2023;9(2):407-415. doi:10.18621/eurj.1250216

e-ISSN: 2149-3189 

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