Year 2019,
, 572 - 575, 04.05.2019
Elif Başaran Gündoğdu
Mehmet Ali Ekici
- [1] Iacopino DG, Giugno A, Gulì C, Basile L, Graziano F, Maugeri R. Surgical nuances on the treatment of giant dumbbell cervical spine schwannomas: description of a challenging case and review of the literature. Spinal Cord Ser Cases 2016;2:15042.
- [2] Mc.Cormick PC, Stein BM. Spinal Cord Tumors in Adults. In Youmans Julian R (Ed) Neurosurgical Surgery. 6th Edition. Volume 3, Ch 309. WB Saunders Company. 2011 (CD Edition).
- [3] Quillo-Olvera J, Lin GX, Kim JS. Severe spinal cord compression by pure giant intradural schwannoma of cervical spine. World Neurosurg 2018;110:17-9.
- [4] Pan E, Prados MD. Spinal cord tumors, in Kufe DW, Pollock RE, Weichselbaum RR, et al (eds): Holland-Frei Cancer Medicine, 6th ed. Hamilton, ON: BC Decker, 2003.
- [5] Conti P, Pansini G, Mouchaty H, Capuano C, Conti R. Spinal neurinomas: retrospective analysis and long-term outcome of 179 consecutively operated cases and review of the literature. Surg Neurol 2004;61:34-43; discussion 44.
- [6] De Verdelhan O, Haegelen C, Carsin-Nicol B, Riffaud L, Amlashi SF, Brassier G, et al. MR imaging features of spinal schwannomas and meningiomas. J Neuroradiol 2005;32:42-9.
- [7] Gu BS, Park JH, Roh SW, Jeon SR, Jang JW, Hyun SJ, et al. Surgical strategies for removal of intra- and extraforaminal dumbbell-shaped schwannomas in the subaxial cervical spine. Eur Spine J 2015;24:2114-8.
- [8] Kim SH, Doh JW, Yoon SM, Yun IG. Huge schwannoma extended from craniocervical junction to upper thoracic spine. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 2003;34:589-92.
- [9] Wong AP, Lall RR, Dahdaleh NS, Lawton CD, Smith ZA, Wong RH, et al. Comparison of open and minimally invasive surgery for intradural-extramedullary spine tumors. Neurosurg Focus 2015;39:E11.
Intradural extramedullary cystic schwannoma of the cervical spine
Year 2019,
, 572 - 575, 04.05.2019
Elif Başaran Gündoğdu
Mehmet Ali Ekici
Giant cervical intradural extramedullary schwannoma
with severe spinal cord compression is a rare entity. Tumor spread and size are
very important for surgical approach. In this case, we report a 55-years-old
male patient with a giant intradural-extramedullary cervical schwannoma extending
between C5 and T1 and causing spinal cord compression that underwent total
resection with laminoplasty at C5-6-7 levels. The patient developed no
additional deficit. To preserve the cervical lordosis, the patient used a
cervical collar for three months. There has been no recurrence during two years
of follow-up. Using the appropriate surgical method is essential in patients
with spinal tumor in order to avoid additional neurological deficits and
achieve cure.
- [1] Iacopino DG, Giugno A, Gulì C, Basile L, Graziano F, Maugeri R. Surgical nuances on the treatment of giant dumbbell cervical spine schwannomas: description of a challenging case and review of the literature. Spinal Cord Ser Cases 2016;2:15042.
- [2] Mc.Cormick PC, Stein BM. Spinal Cord Tumors in Adults. In Youmans Julian R (Ed) Neurosurgical Surgery. 6th Edition. Volume 3, Ch 309. WB Saunders Company. 2011 (CD Edition).
- [3] Quillo-Olvera J, Lin GX, Kim JS. Severe spinal cord compression by pure giant intradural schwannoma of cervical spine. World Neurosurg 2018;110:17-9.
- [4] Pan E, Prados MD. Spinal cord tumors, in Kufe DW, Pollock RE, Weichselbaum RR, et al (eds): Holland-Frei Cancer Medicine, 6th ed. Hamilton, ON: BC Decker, 2003.
- [5] Conti P, Pansini G, Mouchaty H, Capuano C, Conti R. Spinal neurinomas: retrospective analysis and long-term outcome of 179 consecutively operated cases and review of the literature. Surg Neurol 2004;61:34-43; discussion 44.
- [6] De Verdelhan O, Haegelen C, Carsin-Nicol B, Riffaud L, Amlashi SF, Brassier G, et al. MR imaging features of spinal schwannomas and meningiomas. J Neuroradiol 2005;32:42-9.
- [7] Gu BS, Park JH, Roh SW, Jeon SR, Jang JW, Hyun SJ, et al. Surgical strategies for removal of intra- and extraforaminal dumbbell-shaped schwannomas in the subaxial cervical spine. Eur Spine J 2015;24:2114-8.
- [8] Kim SH, Doh JW, Yoon SM, Yun IG. Huge schwannoma extended from craniocervical junction to upper thoracic spine. J Korean Neurosurg Soc 2003;34:589-92.
- [9] Wong AP, Lall RR, Dahdaleh NS, Lawton CD, Smith ZA, Wong RH, et al. Comparison of open and minimally invasive surgery for intradural-extramedullary spine tumors. Neurosurg Focus 2015;39:E11.