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2012-2023 Ulusal Deprem Stratejisi ve Eylem Planı’nın Toplumsal Cinsiyet Bakış Açısı ile İncelenmesi

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 33 - 49, 01.06.2016


Afet eylem plan/programlarında toplumsal cinsiyet perspektifini kullanmak kadınların temel haklarına erişimleri açısından kaçınılmazdır. Bu çalışma, 2012-2023 Ulusal Deprem Stratejisi ve Eylem Planı UDSEP ’nın toplumsal cinsiyet bakış açışıyla irdelenmesini amaçlamaktadır. UDSEP’de üç ana eksen, “Depremleri Öğrenmek” Eksen A , “Depremde Güvenli Yerleşme ve Yapılaşma” Eksen B , “Depremlerin Etkileriyle Baş Edebilmek” Eksen C bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışma, eylem planının Eksen C’de belirtilen stratejileri ve eylem maddelerini “toplumsal cinsiyete kör”, “toplumsal cinsiyet nötr” ya da “toplumsal cinsiyete duyarlı” olmak üzere üç kategoride değerlendirmektedir. Eksen C’de yer alan ‘‘Depremlere ve Diğer Afetlere İlişkin Eğitim ve Halkın Bilinçlendirilmesi Faaliyetlerinin Geliştirilmesi’’ hedefi doğrultusunda belirlenen strateji ve eylemler cinsiyete kördür. ‘‘Riskli birey grupları için özel düzenleme yapılması sağlanacaktır’’ stratejisi de toplumsal cinsiyet bakış açısından sorunludur. ‘‘Depremlere ve Diğer Afetlere Zamanında Hızlı ve Etkili Olarak Müdahale Edilebilmesinin Sağlanması’’ hedefi doğrultusunda belirlenen strateji ve eylemler kapsamında toplumsal cinsiyete duyarlı ifadeler bulunmamaktadır. UDSEP, Toplumsal cinsiyete duyarlı politika ve program yaklaşımı açısından önemli kısıtlılıklara sahiptir


  • Akman, Petek. Türkiye’deki Toplumsal Cinsiyete Duyarlı Risk/Zarar Azaltma Çalışmaları İçin Öneriler. (İstanbul: ITU Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Bitirme Tezi, 2011:62)
  • Aksaray, Gökay, Gökhan Kotran, Hakan Erkaya, Çınar Yenilmez& Cem Kaptanoğlu. (2006). Gender differences in psychological effect of the August 1999 earthquake in Turkey. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 60, 387-391.
  • Arpacı, Burak, Selin Bayrak, Zeynep Önel, M. Çağrı Öcalan & B. Yüsra Şirin. Tüberküloz kontrolü toplumsal cinsiyet rollerinden etkileniyor mu? Başkent Üniversitesi Kadın-Çocuk Sağlığı ve Aile Planlaması Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi. (erişim tarihi Mart 2016)
  • Balamir, Murat. Restructuring Urban Society For Mitigation: Risk Sectors In The Earthquake Master Plan Of Metropolitan Istanbul. From Hazard Assessment to Risk Reduction (Conference Proceedings,University of Karlsruhe, Almanya, 26-27 Temmuz 2004).
  • Başoğlu, Metin, Ebru Şalcıoğlu Maria Livanou. Traumatic stress responses in earthquake survivors in Turkey. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 15, 2002:269-276.
  • Başoğlu, Metin, Cengiz Kılıç, Ebru Şalcıoğlu & Maria Livanou. Prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder and comorbid depression in earthquake survivors in Turkey: An epidemiological study. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 17, 2004:133–141.
  • Childs, Merilyn. Not Through Women’s Eyes: Photo-Essays And The Construction Of a Gendered Tsunami Disaster. Disaster Prevention and Management. no. 15 (2006):202-212.
  • Delaney, Patricia , Shrader, Elizabeth. Gender and Post Disaster Reconstruction. The Case of Hurricane Mitch in Honduras and Nicaragua. (Decision Review Draft. ICSPG/LAG Gender Team. The World Bank. January: 2000:10)
  • Eade, Deborah and Williams, Suzanne. The Oxfam Handbook of Development and Relief. (Volume 1. Oxfam: Oxford, 1995)
  • Ecevit, Yıldız. Toplumsal Cinsiyet Sosyolojisi ed. Ecevit Y, Karkıner N. (T.C. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayını No:2307, Eskişehir:4, 2011)
  • Enarson, Elaine and Betty Marrow. Women Will Rebuild Miami: A Case Study Of Feminist Response To Disaster.1998.
  • Enarson, Elaine. Gender and Natural Disasters. (IPCRR Working Paper, 1, ILO,2000) (erişim tarihi Ekim 2015)
  • European Commission. Equal-Guide on Gender Mainstreaming. Luxembourg. (Office for Official the Publications (erişim tarihi Aralık 2015) of European Communities, 2005)
  • Fothergill, Alice. ‘’The Neglect of Gender In Disaster Work: An Overview Of The Literature.’’ ed. E. Enarson and B. Morrow, The Gendered Terrain of Disasters: Through Women’s Eyes, (Westport, CT and London: Praeger. 1998)
  • Ginige, Kanchana and Amaratunga Dilanthi and Haigh Richard. Mainstreaming Gender In Disaster Reduction: Why and how? Disaster Prevention and Management, no.18 (2009): 23 – 34.
  • Hoffman, Susanna. ‘’Eve and Adam among the Embers: Gender patterns after the Oakland Berkeley firestorm.’’ ed. Enarson and Betty Morrow, The Gendered Terrain of Disasters: Through Women’s Eyes, (Westport, CT and London: Praeger. 1998).
  • IASC (Inter-Agency Standing Commitee). Women, Girls, Boys and Men- Different Needs Equal Opportunities. (Inter-Agency Standing Commitee, 2006)
  • Kadıoğlu, Mikdat ve Emin Özdamar. Afet Zararlarını Azaltmanın Temel İlkeleri. (Ankara: JICA Türkiye Ofisi, 2008). (erişim tarihi Aralık 2015)
  • Karancı, N. A., Alkan, N., Aksit, B., Sucuoglu, H. ve Balta, E. (1999). Gender differences in psychological distress, coping, social support, and related variables following the 1995 Dinar (Turkey) earthquake.
  • Kasapoğlu, Aytül & Mehmet Ecevit. Impact of the 1999 East Marmara Earthquake in Turkey. Population and Environment, 24, 2003:339-358.
  • Laska, Shirley and Betty Morrow, Beth Willinger, Nancy Mock“Gender and Disasters: Theoretical Considerations” in Katrina and the Women of New Orleans. University of New Orleans: Newcomb College Center for Research on Women (2008). (erişim tarihi Ekim 2015)
  • Neumayer, Eric, Thomas Plümper. The Gendered Nature of Natural Disasters: The Impact of Catastrophic Events on the Gender Gap in Life Expectancy, 1981–2002. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. Volume 97, Issue 3, pages 551–566, September 2007.
  • Olsen, Frances. From False Paternalism To False Equality: Judicial Assaults on Feminist Community Illinois 1869- 1895. Michigan Law Review. 84(7) (1986): 1518-1541.
  • OSAGI (Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women). Gender Mainstreaming: An Overview. New York: Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women (2002). (erişim tarihi Aralık 2015)
  • Pincha, Chaman. Toplumsal Cinsiyete Duyarlı Afet Yönetimi. Uygulamacılar İçin El Kitabı. Çeviri: Derya Keskin Demirer. (Kocaeli Üniversitesi Yayınları:362. ISBN 978-605-4158-11-9: 11-76, 2009)
  • United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs. Internationally Agreed Glossary of Basic Terms Related to Disaster Management (DNA/93/36). (1992)
  • Sphere Project. Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response. (2011).
  • T.C. Başbakanlık Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı Türkiye Afet Müdahale Planı-2013 (TAMP-2013). (erişim tarihi: 26.04.2016)
  • UNFPA (The United Nations Population Fund). Looking Back Moving Forward. Results and Recommendations From the ICPD-at-15 process. Disaster Preparedness and Humanitarian Response. 2010:39. (erişim tarihi Ocak 2015)
  • UN-HABITAT (The United Nations Human Settlements Programme) (2007). Crisis, Gender and Post-Crisis Reconstruction: A Practitioner’s Handbook. (erişim tarihi Aralık 2015)
  • UNISDR(The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction), UNDP (The United Nations Development Programme), IUCN (The International Union for Conservation of Nature). Making Disaster Risk Reduction Gender-Sensitive: Policy and Practical Guidelines. Geneva: UN. 2009:52-54.
  • UN/ISDR, UNDP, IUCN. Making Disaster Risk Reduction Gender-Sensitive Policy and Practical Guidelines. Geneva: UN (2009). (erişim tarihi Aralık 2015)
  • Vaizoğlu, Songül, Dilek Aslan, Sare Mıhçıokur. Kadın, Çevre ve Sağlık İlişkisi. Toplum Hekimliği Bülteni.şim tarihi: 26.04.2016(
  • Wiest, Raymond. ‘’A Comparative Perspective On Household, Gender, And Kinship In Relation to Disaster.’’ The Gendered Terrain of Disasters: Through Women’s Eyes ed. Enarson and B. H. Morrow (Westport, CT and London: Praeger, 1998)
  • 28029 Sayılı Ulusal Deprem Stratejisi ve Eylem Planı-2023 (UDSEP-2023) 9/8/2011 tarihli 2011/1 Karar Numaralı Resmi Gazete.

Analysing National Earthquake Strategy and Action Plan 2012-2023 NESAP with a gender perspective

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 33 - 49, 01.06.2016


Analysing National Earthquake Strategy and Action Plan 2012-2023 NESAP with a gender perspective Using a gender perspective in disaster action plans/programs is essential in terms of women’s access to fundamental rights. This study aims to analyse National Earthquake Strategy and Action Plan 2012- 2023 NESAP by a gendered perspective. There are three main axes in NESAP: “Learning about Earthquake” Axis A , “Safe Settlements and Constructions during Earthquakes” Axis B , “Coping with the Effects of Earthquakes” Axis C . This study evaluates strategies and the articles of action stated in Axis C within the context of three indicators: “Gender Blind”, “Gender Neutral” or “Gender Sensitive”. The strategies and actions determined according to the target of ‘‘Improvement of Education about Earthquakes and other Disasters and the Activities about Raising the Public Awareness’’ are “Gender Blind”. The strategy of ‘‘Special Arrangements are going to be Supplied for Risky Individual Groups’’ is problematic in terms of gender perspective. There are no gender sensitive expressions in the strategies and actions determined in the direction of target ‘‘Supplying Fast and Effective Response to the Earthquakes and other Disasters at the Right Time’’. NESAP has significant limitations in terms of gender sensitive policy and program


  • Akman, Petek. Türkiye’deki Toplumsal Cinsiyete Duyarlı Risk/Zarar Azaltma Çalışmaları İçin Öneriler. (İstanbul: ITU Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Bitirme Tezi, 2011:62)
  • Aksaray, Gökay, Gökhan Kotran, Hakan Erkaya, Çınar Yenilmez& Cem Kaptanoğlu. (2006). Gender differences in psychological effect of the August 1999 earthquake in Turkey. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 60, 387-391.
  • Arpacı, Burak, Selin Bayrak, Zeynep Önel, M. Çağrı Öcalan & B. Yüsra Şirin. Tüberküloz kontrolü toplumsal cinsiyet rollerinden etkileniyor mu? Başkent Üniversitesi Kadın-Çocuk Sağlığı ve Aile Planlaması Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi. (erişim tarihi Mart 2016)
  • Balamir, Murat. Restructuring Urban Society For Mitigation: Risk Sectors In The Earthquake Master Plan Of Metropolitan Istanbul. From Hazard Assessment to Risk Reduction (Conference Proceedings,University of Karlsruhe, Almanya, 26-27 Temmuz 2004).
  • Başoğlu, Metin, Ebru Şalcıoğlu Maria Livanou. Traumatic stress responses in earthquake survivors in Turkey. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 15, 2002:269-276.
  • Başoğlu, Metin, Cengiz Kılıç, Ebru Şalcıoğlu & Maria Livanou. Prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder and comorbid depression in earthquake survivors in Turkey: An epidemiological study. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 17, 2004:133–141.
  • Childs, Merilyn. Not Through Women’s Eyes: Photo-Essays And The Construction Of a Gendered Tsunami Disaster. Disaster Prevention and Management. no. 15 (2006):202-212.
  • Delaney, Patricia , Shrader, Elizabeth. Gender and Post Disaster Reconstruction. The Case of Hurricane Mitch in Honduras and Nicaragua. (Decision Review Draft. ICSPG/LAG Gender Team. The World Bank. January: 2000:10)
  • Eade, Deborah and Williams, Suzanne. The Oxfam Handbook of Development and Relief. (Volume 1. Oxfam: Oxford, 1995)
  • Ecevit, Yıldız. Toplumsal Cinsiyet Sosyolojisi ed. Ecevit Y, Karkıner N. (T.C. Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayını No:2307, Eskişehir:4, 2011)
  • Enarson, Elaine and Betty Marrow. Women Will Rebuild Miami: A Case Study Of Feminist Response To Disaster.1998.
  • Enarson, Elaine. Gender and Natural Disasters. (IPCRR Working Paper, 1, ILO,2000) (erişim tarihi Ekim 2015)
  • European Commission. Equal-Guide on Gender Mainstreaming. Luxembourg. (Office for Official the Publications (erişim tarihi Aralık 2015) of European Communities, 2005)
  • Fothergill, Alice. ‘’The Neglect of Gender In Disaster Work: An Overview Of The Literature.’’ ed. E. Enarson and B. Morrow, The Gendered Terrain of Disasters: Through Women’s Eyes, (Westport, CT and London: Praeger. 1998)
  • Ginige, Kanchana and Amaratunga Dilanthi and Haigh Richard. Mainstreaming Gender In Disaster Reduction: Why and how? Disaster Prevention and Management, no.18 (2009): 23 – 34.
  • Hoffman, Susanna. ‘’Eve and Adam among the Embers: Gender patterns after the Oakland Berkeley firestorm.’’ ed. Enarson and Betty Morrow, The Gendered Terrain of Disasters: Through Women’s Eyes, (Westport, CT and London: Praeger. 1998).
  • IASC (Inter-Agency Standing Commitee). Women, Girls, Boys and Men- Different Needs Equal Opportunities. (Inter-Agency Standing Commitee, 2006)
  • Kadıoğlu, Mikdat ve Emin Özdamar. Afet Zararlarını Azaltmanın Temel İlkeleri. (Ankara: JICA Türkiye Ofisi, 2008). (erişim tarihi Aralık 2015)
  • Karancı, N. A., Alkan, N., Aksit, B., Sucuoglu, H. ve Balta, E. (1999). Gender differences in psychological distress, coping, social support, and related variables following the 1995 Dinar (Turkey) earthquake.
  • Kasapoğlu, Aytül & Mehmet Ecevit. Impact of the 1999 East Marmara Earthquake in Turkey. Population and Environment, 24, 2003:339-358.
  • Laska, Shirley and Betty Morrow, Beth Willinger, Nancy Mock“Gender and Disasters: Theoretical Considerations” in Katrina and the Women of New Orleans. University of New Orleans: Newcomb College Center for Research on Women (2008). (erişim tarihi Ekim 2015)
  • Neumayer, Eric, Thomas Plümper. The Gendered Nature of Natural Disasters: The Impact of Catastrophic Events on the Gender Gap in Life Expectancy, 1981–2002. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. Volume 97, Issue 3, pages 551–566, September 2007.
  • Olsen, Frances. From False Paternalism To False Equality: Judicial Assaults on Feminist Community Illinois 1869- 1895. Michigan Law Review. 84(7) (1986): 1518-1541.
  • OSAGI (Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women). Gender Mainstreaming: An Overview. New York: Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women (2002). (erişim tarihi Aralık 2015)
  • Pincha, Chaman. Toplumsal Cinsiyete Duyarlı Afet Yönetimi. Uygulamacılar İçin El Kitabı. Çeviri: Derya Keskin Demirer. (Kocaeli Üniversitesi Yayınları:362. ISBN 978-605-4158-11-9: 11-76, 2009)
  • United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs. Internationally Agreed Glossary of Basic Terms Related to Disaster Management (DNA/93/36). (1992)
  • Sphere Project. Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response. (2011).
  • T.C. Başbakanlık Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı Türkiye Afet Müdahale Planı-2013 (TAMP-2013). (erişim tarihi: 26.04.2016)
  • UNFPA (The United Nations Population Fund). Looking Back Moving Forward. Results and Recommendations From the ICPD-at-15 process. Disaster Preparedness and Humanitarian Response. 2010:39. (erişim tarihi Ocak 2015)
  • UN-HABITAT (The United Nations Human Settlements Programme) (2007). Crisis, Gender and Post-Crisis Reconstruction: A Practitioner’s Handbook. (erişim tarihi Aralık 2015)
  • UNISDR(The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction), UNDP (The United Nations Development Programme), IUCN (The International Union for Conservation of Nature). Making Disaster Risk Reduction Gender-Sensitive: Policy and Practical Guidelines. Geneva: UN. 2009:52-54.
  • UN/ISDR, UNDP, IUCN. Making Disaster Risk Reduction Gender-Sensitive Policy and Practical Guidelines. Geneva: UN (2009). (erişim tarihi Aralık 2015)
  • Vaizoğlu, Songül, Dilek Aslan, Sare Mıhçıokur. Kadın, Çevre ve Sağlık İlişkisi. Toplum Hekimliği Bülteni.şim tarihi: 26.04.2016(
  • Wiest, Raymond. ‘’A Comparative Perspective On Household, Gender, And Kinship In Relation to Disaster.’’ The Gendered Terrain of Disasters: Through Women’s Eyes ed. Enarson and B. H. Morrow (Westport, CT and London: Praeger, 1998)
  • 28029 Sayılı Ulusal Deprem Stratejisi ve Eylem Planı-2023 (UDSEP-2023) 9/8/2011 tarihli 2011/1 Karar Numaralı Resmi Gazete.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Kadın Araştırmaları
Bölüm Research Article

Ebru İnal Bu kişi benim

Nüket Paksoy Erbaydar Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Chicago İnal, Ebru, ve Nüket Paksoy Erbaydar. “2012-2023 Ulusal Deprem Stratejisi Ve Eylem Planı’nın Toplumsal Cinsiyet Bakış Açısı Ile İncelenmesi”. Fe Dergi 8, sy. 1 (Haziran 2016): 33-49.