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Yıl 2022, , 76 - 104, 13.12.2022


Bu makalede Sokrates’in epagoge terimini mantıksal açıdan hangi tür akıl yürütme yöntemi olarak kullandığı üzerine gelişen modern tartışmalar ikincil literatür üzerinden karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenecektir. Robinson, Santas ve McPherren gibi bazı isimler Aristoteles’in epagoge (tümevarım) kullanımını da içeren geniş bir yorumun Sokrates’te bulunabileceğini iddia ederler. Bu yönüyle onlar tümevarımın ilk kez Sokrates tarafından ortaya koyulduğu iddiasını savunurlar. Diğer taraftan Guthrie, Vlastos ve Ausland gibi bazıları Sokrates’in epagoge kullanımını Sokratik çürütmelerin bir bileşeni olarak Aristoteles’in kullanımını kapsamayan alternatif yönden değerlendirirler. Filozofun epagoge kullanımını net bir biçimde Aristoteles’in tümevarım anlayışından ayrıştırırlar. İlk gruptakiler Platon diyaloglarını ve çeşitli akıl yürütme formlarını öncelerken, ikinciler Ksenophon gibi Sokrates’in diğer takipçilerinin eserlerindeki ve terimin diğer Sokrates öncesi metinlerdeki kullanımlarını ön plana çıkarmaktadırlar. Çalışmada öncelikle iki grubun analizlerine yer verilecek, sonrasında Sokrates’in epagoge kullanımlarının Aristoteles’e olan muhtemel katkıları Ross, Von Fritz ve Helmig gibi Aristoteles uzmanlarının tespitleriyle tamamlanacaktır.


  • Aristoteles. Metafizik, çev. A. Arslan, 3. Baskı, İstanbul: Sosyal Yayınlar, 2010.
  • Aristotle. Categories, Tr. J. L. Ackrill, içinde Ed. J. Barnes, The Complete Works of Aristotle, The Revised Oxford Translation, One Volume Digital Edition, Princeton/Bollingen Series, LXXI. 2, 6th Printing with Corrections, Princeton University Press, 1995.
  • Aristotle. Eudemian Ethics, Tr. J. Solomon, içinde Ed. J. Barnes, The Complete Works of Aristotle, The Revised Oxford Translation, One Volume Digital Edition, Princeton/Bollingen Series, LXXI. 2, 6th Printing with Corrections, Princeton University Press, 1995.
  • Aristotle. Metaphysics, Tr. W. D. Ross, içinde Ed. J. Barnes, The Complete Works of Aristotle, The Revised Oxford Translation, One Volume Digital Edition, Princeton/Bollingen Series, LXXI. 2, 6th Printing with Corrections, Princeton University Press, 1995.
  • Aristotle. Parts of Animals, Tr. W. Ogle, içinde Ed. J. Barnes, The Complete Works of Aristotle, The Revised Oxford Translation, One Volume Digital Edition, Princeton/Bollingen Series, LXXI. 2, 6th Printing with Corrections, Princeton University Press, 1995.
  • Aristotle. Posterior Analytics, Tr. Jonathan Barnes, içinde Ed. J. Barnes, The Complete Works of Aristotle, The Revised Oxford Translation, One Volume Digital Edition, Princeton/Bollingen Series, LXXI. 2, 6th Printing with Corrections, Princeton University Press, 1995.
  • Aristotle. Prior Analytics, Tr. A. J. Jenkinson, içinde Ed. J. Barnes, The Complete Works of Aristotle, The Revised Oxford Translation, One Volume Digital Edition, Princeton/Bollingen Series, LXXI. 2, 6th Printing with Corrections, Princeton University Press, 1995.
  • Aristotle. Rhetoric, W. Rhys Roberts, içinde Ed. J. Barnes, The Complete Works of Aristotle, The Revised Oxford Translation, One Volume Digital Edition, Princeton/Bollingen Series, LXXI. 2, 6th Printing with Corrections, Princeton University Press, 1995.
  • Aristotle. Sophistical Refutations, Tr. W. A. Pickard-Cambridge, içinde Ed. J. Barnes, The Complete Works of Aristotle, The Revised Oxford Translation, One Volume Digital Edition, Princeton/Bollingen Series, LXXI. 2, 6th Printing with Corrections, Princeton University Press, 1995.
  • Aristotle. Topics, Tr. W. A. Pickard-Cambridge, içinde Ed. J. Barnes, The Complete Works of Aristotle, The Revised Oxford Translation, One Volume Digital Edition, Princeton/Bollingen Series, LXXI. 2, 6th Printing with Corrections, Princeton University Press, 1995.
  • Ausland, Hayden, W. “Forensic Characteristics of Socratic Argumentation”, ss. 36-60, içinde, Ed. Gary Alan Scott, Does Socrates Have a Method? Rethinking the Elencus in Plato’s Dialogues and Beyond, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park, 2002.
  • Ausland, Hayden, W. “Socratic Induction in Plato and Aristotle”, ss. 224-250, içinde Ed. J. L. Fink, The Development of Dialectic from Plato to Aristotle, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
  • Ed. Danil W. Graham, Studies in Greek Philosophy Gregory Vlastos,Vol: II Sokrates, Plato and Their Tradition, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1995.
  • Ed. Myles Burnyeat. Socratic Studies-Gregory Vlastos, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
  • Empiricus Sextus. Phyrrhonculuğun Ana Hatları, içinde Kuşkuculuk, çev. Mustafa Kaya Sütçüoğlu, İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları, 2017.
  • Engberg-Petersen, T. “More On Aristotelian Epagoge”, Phronesis, 24/3, 1979. ss. 301-319.
  • Fârâbi. Kitâbu’l Hurûf-Harfler Kitabı, çev. Ömer Türker, İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 2008.
  • Guthrie, W. K. C. Socrates, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971.
  • Helmig, Christoph. Forms and Concepts, Concept Formation in the Platonic Tradition, Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2012.
  • Kenale W.-Kneale M. The Development of Logic, Great Britain: Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1971.
  • Xeneophon. Memoribilia, tr. A. L. Bonnette, Ithaca and London: Cornel University Press, 1994.
  • Laertius, D. Ünlü Filozofların Yaşamları ve Öğretileri Üzerine, çev. Candan Şentuna, 6. Baskı, İstanbul: YKY, 2015.
  • Lutoslawski, W. Plato’s Logic, London-Newyork-Bombay: Longmans, Green and Co., 1897.
  • McPherran, Mark, L. “Santas, Socrates, and Induction”, ss 53-74, içinde ed. G. Anagtostopoulos, Socratic, Platonic and Aristotelian Studies: Essays in Honor of Gerasimos Santas, Philosophical Studies Series, Vo. 117, London-New York: Springer, 2011.
  • Milton, J. R. “Induction Before Hume”, British Journal of Philosophy and Science, No: 38, 1987, ss. 49-74.
  • Peters, F. E. Antik Yunan Terimleri Sözlüğü, çev. Haz. Hakkı Hünler, İstanbul: Paradigma Yayınları, 2004.
  • Platon. Büyük Hippias-Thages, çev. Furkan Akderin, İstanbul: Say Yayınları, 2016.
  • Platon. Gorgias, çev. Furkan Akderin, 2. Baskı, İstanbul: Say Yayınları, 2016.
  • Platon. Sokrates’in Savunması, çev. Furkan Akderin, 7. Baskı, İstanbul: Say Yayınları, 2017.
  • Robinson Richard. Plato’s Earlier Dialectic, Ithaca-NewYork: Cornell University Press, 1941.
  • Ross, W. David. Aristotle’s Prior and Posterior Analytics, A revisited Text with Introduction and Commentary, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1957.
  • Santas, Grasimos Xeneophon. Socrates, London-New York: Routledge, 1999.
  • Simplicus. On Aristotle Categories, 9-15, tr. Richard Gaskin, Ed. Richard Sorabji, Ancient Commentators on Aristotle, London: Bloomsbury, 2013.
  • Vlastos, Gregory. Plato’s “Protagoras” ed. by B. Jowett, Revisted with Introduction and translatin and revised by M. Ostwald, New York, 1956.
  • Vlastov, Gregory. Socrates, Ironist and Moral Philosopher, Cambridge- New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
  • Von Fritz, K. ‘Die Epagoge bei Aristoteles’, içinde K. Von Fritz, Grundprobleme der antiken Wissenschaft, Berlin-New York: de Gruyter, 1971.
  • Zeller Eduard. Grek Felsefesi Tarihi, çev. Ahmet Aydoğan, 3. Baskı, İstanbul: Say Yayınları, 2017.

Socratic Epagoge Usages in Terms of Possible Contributions to Aristotle

Yıl 2022, , 76 - 104, 13.12.2022


In this article, various modern debates that have developed on what kind of reasoning method Socrates uses with the term epagoge logically will be examined comparatively through the secondary literature. Some, such as Robinson, Santas, and McPherren, claim that a broad interpretation can be found in Socrates, including Aristotle's use of the epagoge (induction). In this respect, they defend the claim that induction was first introduced by Socrates. On the other hand, some, such as Guthrie, Vlastos, and Ausland, consider Socrates' use of the epagoge as a component of Socratic elenchus, in an alternative way that does not include Aristotle's usage. They clearly distinguish the philosopher's use of epagoge from Aristotle's understanding of induction. The first group prioritizes Platonic dialogues and various forms of reasoning, while the latter highlight uses of the term in the works of other followers of Socrates, such as Xenophon, and in other pre-Socratic texts. In the study, first of all, the arguments of the two groups will be analysed and then the possible contributions of Socrates' epagoge usage to Aristotle will be completed with the interpretations of Aristotle experts such as Ross, Von Fritz and Helmig.


  • Aristoteles. Metafizik, çev. A. Arslan, 3. Baskı, İstanbul: Sosyal Yayınlar, 2010.
  • Aristotle. Categories, Tr. J. L. Ackrill, içinde Ed. J. Barnes, The Complete Works of Aristotle, The Revised Oxford Translation, One Volume Digital Edition, Princeton/Bollingen Series, LXXI. 2, 6th Printing with Corrections, Princeton University Press, 1995.
  • Aristotle. Eudemian Ethics, Tr. J. Solomon, içinde Ed. J. Barnes, The Complete Works of Aristotle, The Revised Oxford Translation, One Volume Digital Edition, Princeton/Bollingen Series, LXXI. 2, 6th Printing with Corrections, Princeton University Press, 1995.
  • Aristotle. Metaphysics, Tr. W. D. Ross, içinde Ed. J. Barnes, The Complete Works of Aristotle, The Revised Oxford Translation, One Volume Digital Edition, Princeton/Bollingen Series, LXXI. 2, 6th Printing with Corrections, Princeton University Press, 1995.
  • Aristotle. Parts of Animals, Tr. W. Ogle, içinde Ed. J. Barnes, The Complete Works of Aristotle, The Revised Oxford Translation, One Volume Digital Edition, Princeton/Bollingen Series, LXXI. 2, 6th Printing with Corrections, Princeton University Press, 1995.
  • Aristotle. Posterior Analytics, Tr. Jonathan Barnes, içinde Ed. J. Barnes, The Complete Works of Aristotle, The Revised Oxford Translation, One Volume Digital Edition, Princeton/Bollingen Series, LXXI. 2, 6th Printing with Corrections, Princeton University Press, 1995.
  • Aristotle. Prior Analytics, Tr. A. J. Jenkinson, içinde Ed. J. Barnes, The Complete Works of Aristotle, The Revised Oxford Translation, One Volume Digital Edition, Princeton/Bollingen Series, LXXI. 2, 6th Printing with Corrections, Princeton University Press, 1995.
  • Aristotle. Rhetoric, W. Rhys Roberts, içinde Ed. J. Barnes, The Complete Works of Aristotle, The Revised Oxford Translation, One Volume Digital Edition, Princeton/Bollingen Series, LXXI. 2, 6th Printing with Corrections, Princeton University Press, 1995.
  • Aristotle. Sophistical Refutations, Tr. W. A. Pickard-Cambridge, içinde Ed. J. Barnes, The Complete Works of Aristotle, The Revised Oxford Translation, One Volume Digital Edition, Princeton/Bollingen Series, LXXI. 2, 6th Printing with Corrections, Princeton University Press, 1995.
  • Aristotle. Topics, Tr. W. A. Pickard-Cambridge, içinde Ed. J. Barnes, The Complete Works of Aristotle, The Revised Oxford Translation, One Volume Digital Edition, Princeton/Bollingen Series, LXXI. 2, 6th Printing with Corrections, Princeton University Press, 1995.
  • Ausland, Hayden, W. “Forensic Characteristics of Socratic Argumentation”, ss. 36-60, içinde, Ed. Gary Alan Scott, Does Socrates Have a Method? Rethinking the Elencus in Plato’s Dialogues and Beyond, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park, 2002.
  • Ausland, Hayden, W. “Socratic Induction in Plato and Aristotle”, ss. 224-250, içinde Ed. J. L. Fink, The Development of Dialectic from Plato to Aristotle, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
  • Ed. Danil W. Graham, Studies in Greek Philosophy Gregory Vlastos,Vol: II Sokrates, Plato and Their Tradition, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1995.
  • Ed. Myles Burnyeat. Socratic Studies-Gregory Vlastos, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
  • Empiricus Sextus. Phyrrhonculuğun Ana Hatları, içinde Kuşkuculuk, çev. Mustafa Kaya Sütçüoğlu, İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları, 2017.
  • Engberg-Petersen, T. “More On Aristotelian Epagoge”, Phronesis, 24/3, 1979. ss. 301-319.
  • Fârâbi. Kitâbu’l Hurûf-Harfler Kitabı, çev. Ömer Türker, İstanbul: Litera Yayıncılık, 2008.
  • Guthrie, W. K. C. Socrates, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971.
  • Helmig, Christoph. Forms and Concepts, Concept Formation in the Platonic Tradition, Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2012.
  • Kenale W.-Kneale M. The Development of Logic, Great Britain: Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1971.
  • Xeneophon. Memoribilia, tr. A. L. Bonnette, Ithaca and London: Cornel University Press, 1994.
  • Laertius, D. Ünlü Filozofların Yaşamları ve Öğretileri Üzerine, çev. Candan Şentuna, 6. Baskı, İstanbul: YKY, 2015.
  • Lutoslawski, W. Plato’s Logic, London-Newyork-Bombay: Longmans, Green and Co., 1897.
  • McPherran, Mark, L. “Santas, Socrates, and Induction”, ss 53-74, içinde ed. G. Anagtostopoulos, Socratic, Platonic and Aristotelian Studies: Essays in Honor of Gerasimos Santas, Philosophical Studies Series, Vo. 117, London-New York: Springer, 2011.
  • Milton, J. R. “Induction Before Hume”, British Journal of Philosophy and Science, No: 38, 1987, ss. 49-74.
  • Peters, F. E. Antik Yunan Terimleri Sözlüğü, çev. Haz. Hakkı Hünler, İstanbul: Paradigma Yayınları, 2004.
  • Platon. Büyük Hippias-Thages, çev. Furkan Akderin, İstanbul: Say Yayınları, 2016.
  • Platon. Gorgias, çev. Furkan Akderin, 2. Baskı, İstanbul: Say Yayınları, 2016.
  • Platon. Sokrates’in Savunması, çev. Furkan Akderin, 7. Baskı, İstanbul: Say Yayınları, 2017.
  • Robinson Richard. Plato’s Earlier Dialectic, Ithaca-NewYork: Cornell University Press, 1941.
  • Ross, W. David. Aristotle’s Prior and Posterior Analytics, A revisited Text with Introduction and Commentary, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1957.
  • Santas, Grasimos Xeneophon. Socrates, London-New York: Routledge, 1999.
  • Simplicus. On Aristotle Categories, 9-15, tr. Richard Gaskin, Ed. Richard Sorabji, Ancient Commentators on Aristotle, London: Bloomsbury, 2013.
  • Vlastos, Gregory. Plato’s “Protagoras” ed. by B. Jowett, Revisted with Introduction and translatin and revised by M. Ostwald, New York, 1956.
  • Vlastov, Gregory. Socrates, Ironist and Moral Philosopher, Cambridge- New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
  • Von Fritz, K. ‘Die Epagoge bei Aristoteles’, içinde K. Von Fritz, Grundprobleme der antiken Wissenschaft, Berlin-New York: de Gruyter, 1971.
  • Zeller Eduard. Grek Felsefesi Tarihi, çev. Ahmet Aydoğan, 3. Baskı, İstanbul: Say Yayınları, 2017.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Felsefe, Mantık
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Yunus Emre Akbay 0000-0003-1050-4926

Yayımlanma Tarihi 13 Aralık 2022
Gönderilme Tarihi 4 Ekim 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

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