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Yıl 2017, , 39 - 44, 30.06.2017



  • Maraşlıoğlu F, Soylu EN, Gönülol A. Seasonal Variation and Occurrence of Epiphytic Diatom Assemblages on Mats of Cladophora glomerata in Lake Ladik, Samsun, Turkey. Cryptogamie Algologie 28(4) (2007) 373- 384.
  • Sıvacı ER, Pabuçcu K. Epipelic and epilithic diatoms of the Balıklı Spa in central Anatolia, Turkey. J. of Freshw. Ecology 22 (2007) 145-146. DOI: 10.1080/02705060.2007.9664154
  • Soylu EN, Maraşlıoğlu F, Gönülol A. Epipelic algae and seasonal variation of Gıcı Lake (Samsun-Bafra). J. of 4(4) (2010) 437-445.
  • Çiçek NL, Kalyoncu H., Akköz C., Ertan ÖO. Seasonal Distribution and Species of Epilithic Algae in Darıören and Isparta Stream (Isparta-Turkey). J. of FisheriesSciences. com 4(1) (2010) 78-90.
  • Çolak-Sabancı F. Relationship of Epilithic Diatom Communities to Environmental Variables in Homa Lagoon (İzmir, Turkey). Aquatic Biol. 13 (2011) 233-241. DOI: 10.3354/ab00367
  • Maraşlıoğlu F, Soylu EN, Gönülol A. Seasonal Variations and Occurrence of Algal Turf Community in Lake Ladik (Turkey). J. of Environmental Biol. 34 (2013) 107-111.
  • Ongun-Sevindik T, Küçük F. Benthic Diatoms as Indicators of Water Quality in the Acarlar Floodplain Forest (Northern Turkey). Fresenius Environmental Bull. 25(10) (2016) 4013- 4025.
  • Kalyoncu H, Lerzan-Çiçek N, Cengiz Akköz C, Yorulmaz B. Comparative performance of diatom indices in aquatic pollution assessment. African J. of Agricultural Research 4 (10) (2009) 1032-1040.
  • Tokatlı C.. Use of Some Diatom Indices for Evaulating Water Quality: Sample of Gürleyik Stream (Eskişehir). Dumlupınar University, J. of Nat. Sci. 29 (2012) 21-28.
  • Solak CN, Fehér G, Barlas M, Pabuçcu K. 2007. Use of epilithic diatoms to evaluate water quality of Akçay Stream (Büyük Menderes River) in Mugla/Turkey. Large Rivers 17 (3-4) (2007) 327-338. DOI: 10.1127/lr/17/2007/327
  • Zelinka M, Marvan P. Zur Prazisierung derbiologischen Klassifikation des Reinheit fliessender Gewisser. Arch. für Hydrobiologie 57 (1961) 389-407.
  • Round FE. An investigation of two benthic algal communities in Malharm Tarn,Yorkshire. J. of Ecology 41 (1953) 97-174. DOI: 10.2307/2257108
  • Sladeckova A. Limnological investigation methods for the perifiton (Aufwouch) community. Botanical Review 28 (1962) 286-350.
  • John DM, Whitton BA, Brook AJ. The Freshwater Algal Flora of the British Isles: An identification guide to freshwater and terrestrial algae. The Natural History Museum and The British Phycological Society, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003.
  • Krammer K, Lange-Bertalot H. Sübwasserflora von Mitteleuropa. Bacillariophyceae, 3. Teil. Centrales, Fragillariaceae, Eunoticeae. Gustav Fischer Verlag, 35. Strickland JDH, Parsons TR. A Pratical Handbook of Stuttgart, 1991a.
  • Krammer K, Lange-Bertalot H. Sübwasserflora von Mitteleuropa. Bacillariophyceae, 4. Teil. Achnanthaceae, Kritische Erganzungen zu Navicula (Lineolate) und Gomphonema Gesamtliterat. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, 1991b.
  • Krammer K, Lange-Bertalot H. Sübwasserflora von Mitteleuropa. Bacillariophyceae, 1. Teil. Naviculaceae. Spectrum Acad. Verlag, Berlin, 1999a.
  • Krammer K, Lange-Bertalot H. Sübwasserflora von Mitteleuropa. Bacillariophyceae, 2. Teil. Bacillariaceae, Epithemiaceae, Surirellaceae. Spectrum Academicher Verlag, Berlin, 1999b.
  • Guiry MD, Guiry GM. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication. Galway: National University of Ireland, 2016. Retrieved from
  • Brummitt RK, Powell CE. Authors of plant names. A list of authors of scientific names of plants, with recommended standart forms of their names, including abbreviations, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 1992.
  • Shannon CE, Weaver W. The Mathematical Theory of Communication. The University of Illinois Press, 1949.
  • Kelly MG, Whitton BA. The trophic diatom index: A new index for monitoring eutrophication in rivers. J. of Appl. Phycology 7 (1995) 433-444. DOI: 10.1007/BF00003802
  • Lenoir A, Coste M. Development of a practical diatom index of overall water quality applicable to the French National Water Board network, in: Whitton BA and Rott E (eds.) Use of Algae for Monitoring Rivers II. Institut für Botanik, Universität Innsbruck. pp. 29-43, 1996.
  • Pantle R, Buck H. Die biologische Überwachung der Gewässer und die Darstellung der Ergebnisse (Biological monitoring of water bodies and the presentation of results). Gas -und Wasserfach 96 (1955) 604-618.
  • Muscio C. The diatom pollution tolerance index: assigning tolerance values. Water Protection & Development Review Department. Environmental Resource Management, 2002. Seawater Analysis. Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 1972.
  • Sienkiewicz E. Limnological record inferred from diatoms in sediments of Lake Skaliska (north-eastern Poland). Acta Palaeobotanica 53(1) (2013) 99-104. DOI: 10.2478/acpa- 2013-0007
  • Gönülol A, Öztürk M, Öztürk M. A Check-list of the Freshwater Algae of Turkey. Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Arts and Science, J. of Sci. 7(1) (1996) 8-46 (in Turkish).
  • Gönülol, A. 2017. Turkishalgae Electronic Publication, Samsun, Turkey. (searched on 07 February 2017)
  • Sıvacı R, Dere Ş. Seasonal Changes of Epilithic (Aksaray- Ihlara) Diatom of Melendiz Stream and Effect on Total Organisms of Water Flow. Ekoloji 16(6) (2007) 29-36 (in Turkish).
  • Yavuz O, Çetin K. Seasonal Variation and Algae on Pelagic Region of Cip Stream (Elazığ-Turkey). Fırat University, J. of Sci. and Eng. 12(2) (2000) 25-39 (in Turkish).
  • Wetzel RG. Limnology. Michigan State University. Academic Press, 2001.
  • DSI. Water Quality and Dam Lakes which Provide Drinking Water of Ankara. DSI General Directory Research Reports, Ankara, 1998.
  • Round FE. The Ecology of Algae. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1981.
  • Vinebrooke RD. Abiotic and Biotic Regulation of Periphyton in Recovering Acidified Lakes. J. of the N. Am. Benthological Soc. 15 (1996) 318-331. DOI: 10.2307/1467280
  • Moses BS. The status of the fisheries downstream in river Niger the Kainji Dam, in: Proceedings of International Conference of Kainji Lake and River Basins Development in Africa. New Bussa, Nigeria, Kainji Lake Research Institute pp. 612, 1979.
  • Köster D, Hübener T. Application of Diatom Indices in a planted ditch constructed for tertiary sewage treatment in Schwaan, Germany. Internationale Revue der Gesamten. Hidrobiology 86 (2001) 241-252.

Seasonal and Spatial Variation of Epilithic Algal Community in Batlama Stream Giresun, Turkey

Yıl 2017, , 39 - 44, 30.06.2017


Spatio-temporal changes in taxonomic composition and structure of epilithic algal community with some physicochemical features of the Batlama stream were assessed between June 2013 and May 2014 at the intertidal zone of the Batlama Stream, Giresun, Turkey. A total of 90 taxa were identified belonging to division of Bacillariophyta 80 taxa , Euglenophyta 3 taxa , Cyanobacteria 3 taxa , Charophyta 2 taxa and Chlorophyta 2 taxa on epilitihic algae of Batlama Stream. Encyonema minutum, Ulnaria ulna, Cocconeis placentula, and Navicula cryptocephala species were the most abundant taxa among all samples of the four stations throughout the study. The Shannon diversity index H’ values varied in the range from 0.5 to 1.2 and correlated with both species richness and relative species abundance evenness . The results of the diversity analysis and the counting did not exactly match up with each other. Chlorophyll-a values of the stream and trophic classification TDI, BDI based on epilithic diatoms ascribed Batlama Stream to the mezotrophic range. Also, according to the calculated pollution index PTI, S values, all stations of the Batlama Stream were moderately polluted β-mesosaprobity .


  • Maraşlıoğlu F, Soylu EN, Gönülol A. Seasonal Variation and Occurrence of Epiphytic Diatom Assemblages on Mats of Cladophora glomerata in Lake Ladik, Samsun, Turkey. Cryptogamie Algologie 28(4) (2007) 373- 384.
  • Sıvacı ER, Pabuçcu K. Epipelic and epilithic diatoms of the Balıklı Spa in central Anatolia, Turkey. J. of Freshw. Ecology 22 (2007) 145-146. DOI: 10.1080/02705060.2007.9664154
  • Soylu EN, Maraşlıoğlu F, Gönülol A. Epipelic algae and seasonal variation of Gıcı Lake (Samsun-Bafra). J. of 4(4) (2010) 437-445.
  • Çiçek NL, Kalyoncu H., Akköz C., Ertan ÖO. Seasonal Distribution and Species of Epilithic Algae in Darıören and Isparta Stream (Isparta-Turkey). J. of FisheriesSciences. com 4(1) (2010) 78-90.
  • Çolak-Sabancı F. Relationship of Epilithic Diatom Communities to Environmental Variables in Homa Lagoon (İzmir, Turkey). Aquatic Biol. 13 (2011) 233-241. DOI: 10.3354/ab00367
  • Maraşlıoğlu F, Soylu EN, Gönülol A. Seasonal Variations and Occurrence of Algal Turf Community in Lake Ladik (Turkey). J. of Environmental Biol. 34 (2013) 107-111.
  • Ongun-Sevindik T, Küçük F. Benthic Diatoms as Indicators of Water Quality in the Acarlar Floodplain Forest (Northern Turkey). Fresenius Environmental Bull. 25(10) (2016) 4013- 4025.
  • Kalyoncu H, Lerzan-Çiçek N, Cengiz Akköz C, Yorulmaz B. Comparative performance of diatom indices in aquatic pollution assessment. African J. of Agricultural Research 4 (10) (2009) 1032-1040.
  • Tokatlı C.. Use of Some Diatom Indices for Evaulating Water Quality: Sample of Gürleyik Stream (Eskişehir). Dumlupınar University, J. of Nat. Sci. 29 (2012) 21-28.
  • Solak CN, Fehér G, Barlas M, Pabuçcu K. 2007. Use of epilithic diatoms to evaluate water quality of Akçay Stream (Büyük Menderes River) in Mugla/Turkey. Large Rivers 17 (3-4) (2007) 327-338. DOI: 10.1127/lr/17/2007/327
  • Zelinka M, Marvan P. Zur Prazisierung derbiologischen Klassifikation des Reinheit fliessender Gewisser. Arch. für Hydrobiologie 57 (1961) 389-407.
  • Round FE. An investigation of two benthic algal communities in Malharm Tarn,Yorkshire. J. of Ecology 41 (1953) 97-174. DOI: 10.2307/2257108
  • Sladeckova A. Limnological investigation methods for the perifiton (Aufwouch) community. Botanical Review 28 (1962) 286-350.
  • John DM, Whitton BA, Brook AJ. The Freshwater Algal Flora of the British Isles: An identification guide to freshwater and terrestrial algae. The Natural History Museum and The British Phycological Society, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003.
  • Krammer K, Lange-Bertalot H. Sübwasserflora von Mitteleuropa. Bacillariophyceae, 3. Teil. Centrales, Fragillariaceae, Eunoticeae. Gustav Fischer Verlag, 35. Strickland JDH, Parsons TR. A Pratical Handbook of Stuttgart, 1991a.
  • Krammer K, Lange-Bertalot H. Sübwasserflora von Mitteleuropa. Bacillariophyceae, 4. Teil. Achnanthaceae, Kritische Erganzungen zu Navicula (Lineolate) und Gomphonema Gesamtliterat. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, 1991b.
  • Krammer K, Lange-Bertalot H. Sübwasserflora von Mitteleuropa. Bacillariophyceae, 1. Teil. Naviculaceae. Spectrum Acad. Verlag, Berlin, 1999a.
  • Krammer K, Lange-Bertalot H. Sübwasserflora von Mitteleuropa. Bacillariophyceae, 2. Teil. Bacillariaceae, Epithemiaceae, Surirellaceae. Spectrum Academicher Verlag, Berlin, 1999b.
  • Guiry MD, Guiry GM. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication. Galway: National University of Ireland, 2016. Retrieved from
  • Brummitt RK, Powell CE. Authors of plant names. A list of authors of scientific names of plants, with recommended standart forms of their names, including abbreviations, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 1992.
  • Shannon CE, Weaver W. The Mathematical Theory of Communication. The University of Illinois Press, 1949.
  • Kelly MG, Whitton BA. The trophic diatom index: A new index for monitoring eutrophication in rivers. J. of Appl. Phycology 7 (1995) 433-444. DOI: 10.1007/BF00003802
  • Lenoir A, Coste M. Development of a practical diatom index of overall water quality applicable to the French National Water Board network, in: Whitton BA and Rott E (eds.) Use of Algae for Monitoring Rivers II. Institut für Botanik, Universität Innsbruck. pp. 29-43, 1996.
  • Pantle R, Buck H. Die biologische Überwachung der Gewässer und die Darstellung der Ergebnisse (Biological monitoring of water bodies and the presentation of results). Gas -und Wasserfach 96 (1955) 604-618.
  • Muscio C. The diatom pollution tolerance index: assigning tolerance values. Water Protection & Development Review Department. Environmental Resource Management, 2002. Seawater Analysis. Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 1972.
  • Sienkiewicz E. Limnological record inferred from diatoms in sediments of Lake Skaliska (north-eastern Poland). Acta Palaeobotanica 53(1) (2013) 99-104. DOI: 10.2478/acpa- 2013-0007
  • Gönülol A, Öztürk M, Öztürk M. A Check-list of the Freshwater Algae of Turkey. Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Arts and Science, J. of Sci. 7(1) (1996) 8-46 (in Turkish).
  • Gönülol, A. 2017. Turkishalgae Electronic Publication, Samsun, Turkey. (searched on 07 February 2017)
  • Sıvacı R, Dere Ş. Seasonal Changes of Epilithic (Aksaray- Ihlara) Diatom of Melendiz Stream and Effect on Total Organisms of Water Flow. Ekoloji 16(6) (2007) 29-36 (in Turkish).
  • Yavuz O, Çetin K. Seasonal Variation and Algae on Pelagic Region of Cip Stream (Elazığ-Turkey). Fırat University, J. of Sci. and Eng. 12(2) (2000) 25-39 (in Turkish).
  • Wetzel RG. Limnology. Michigan State University. Academic Press, 2001.
  • DSI. Water Quality and Dam Lakes which Provide Drinking Water of Ankara. DSI General Directory Research Reports, Ankara, 1998.
  • Round FE. The Ecology of Algae. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1981.
  • Vinebrooke RD. Abiotic and Biotic Regulation of Periphyton in Recovering Acidified Lakes. J. of the N. Am. Benthological Soc. 15 (1996) 318-331. DOI: 10.2307/1467280
  • Moses BS. The status of the fisheries downstream in river Niger the Kainji Dam, in: Proceedings of International Conference of Kainji Lake and River Basins Development in Africa. New Bussa, Nigeria, Kainji Lake Research Institute pp. 612, 1979.
  • Köster D, Hübener T. Application of Diatom Indices in a planted ditch constructed for tertiary sewage treatment in Schwaan, Germany. Internationale Revue der Gesamten. Hidrobiology 86 (2001) 241-252.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Research Article

Faruk Maraslioglu Bu kişi benim

Elif Neyran Soylu Bu kişi benim

Sibel Alturk Karaca Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Maraslioglu F, Soylu EN, Karaca SA. Seasonal and Spatial Variation of Epilithic Algal Community in Batlama Stream Giresun, Turkey. Hittite J Sci Eng. 2017;4(1):39-44.

Hittite Journal of Science and Engineering Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı (CC BY NC) ile lisanslanmıştır.