Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 27 - 35, 27.11.2023


Objectives: Home exercise programs are widely used for the treatment of children with Obstetric Brachial Plexus Palsy (OBPP). Our objective was to investigate the effects of telephone coaching on the home exercise program’s adherence and efficiency.
Methods: Thirty-three children with OBPP and their parents were quasi-randomized into two groups; control and study groups. The parents in both the groups were informed about the OBPP, taught home exercises, given exercise diaries and regularly received face-to-face coaching with six-week intervals for 12 week period. Study group, consisting of 17 children, was called weekly for motivating to adhere exercise program and answering any questions about exercises or OBPP. Also, the study group was allowed to call the researchers at any time throughout the study. To measure telephone coaching’s effects, we used Intrinsic Motivation Inventory to assess parental motivation, an exercise diary for exercise adherence, and Gilbert and Raimondi Scores and Active Movement Scores for clinical progress.
Results: As a result of our 12-week follow-up, both groups had similar improvements in our outcome measurements. Additional weekly telephone coaching did not provide improvement to the 6-week face-to-face follow-ups in OBPP.
Discussion: In the rehabilitation of OBPP, weekly telephone coaching did not provide any significant improvements to home exercise efficiency.


  • 1. Zafeiriou DI, Psychogiou K. Obstetrical brachial plexus palsy. Pediatr Neurol. 2008;38(4):235-42.
  • 2. Yang LJ-S, editor Neonatal brachial plexus palsy—management and prognostic factors. Semin Perinatol; 2014: Elsevier.
  • 3. Trumble T. Principles of hand surgery and therapy: Saunders; 2010.
  • 4. O’Berry P, Brown M, Phillips L, Evans SH. Obstetrical brachial plexus palsy. Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care. 2017;47(7):151-5.
  • 5. Dambi JM, Mandizvidza C, Chiwaridzo M, Nhunzvi C, Tadyanemhandu C. Does an educational workshop have an impact on caregivers’ levels of knowledge about cerebral palsy? A comparative, descriptive cross-sectional survey of Zimbabwean caregivers. Malawi Med J. 2016;28(4):167-73.
  • 6. Ho ES, Ulster AA. Evaluation of an education day for families of children with obstetrical brachial plexus palsy. Families, Systems, & Health. 2011;29(3):206.
  • 7. Murphy KM, Rasmussen L, Hervey-Jumper SL, Justice D, Nelson VS, Yang LJ-S. An assessment of the compliance and utility of a home exercise DVD for caregivers of children and adolescents with brachial plexus palsy: a pilot study. Pm&r. 2012;4(3):190-7.
  • 8. Rasmussen L, Justice D, Chang KW, Nelson VS, Yang LJ. Home exercise DVD promotes exercise accuracy by caregivers of children and adolescents with brachial plexus palsy. Pm&r. 2013;5(11):924-30.
  • 9. Bohlin A, Hagman E, Klaesson S, Danielsson P. Childhood obesity treatment: telephone coaching is as good as usual care in maintaining weight loss - a randomized controlled trial. Clin Obes. 2017;7(4):199-205.
  • 10. McCorkle R, Siefert ML, Dowd MF, Robinson JP, Pickett M. Effects of advanced practice nursing on patient and spouse depressive symptoms, sexual function, and marital interaction after radical prostatectomy. Urol Nurs. 2007;27(1):65-77.
  • 11. Coroneos CJ, Voineskos SH, Christakis MK, Thoma A, Bain JR, Brouwers MC. Obstetrical brachial plexus injury (OBPI): Canada's national clinical practice guideline. BMJ open. 2017;7(1):e014141.
  • 12. Abid A. Brachial plexus birth palsy: Management during the first year of life. Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research. 2016;102(1):S125-S32.
  • 13. Nelson VS, Justice D, Rasmussen L, Popadich MG. Rehabilitation concepts for pediatric brachial plexus palsies. Practical Management of Pediatric and Adult Brachial Plexus Palsies: Elsevier; 2012. p. 143-56.
  • 14. Curtis C, Stephens D, Clarke HM, Andrews D. The active movement scale: an evaluative tool for infants with obstetrical brachial plexus palsy. The Journal of hand surgery. 2002;27(3):470-1.
  • 15. Gilbert A, Pivato G, Kheiralla T. Long‐term results of primary repair of brachial plexus lesions in children. Microsurgery: Official Journal of the International Microsurgical Society and the European Federation of Societies for Microsurgery. 2006;26(4):334-42.
  • 16. Muhlig RS, Blaauw G, Slooff A, Kortleve JW, Tonino AJ. Conservative treatment of obstetrical brachial plexus palsy (OBPP) and rehabilitation. Brachial plexus injuries. 2001:173-87.
  • 17. Thompson S. Effect of the Rehabilitation Setting on Motivation and Clinical Outcomes Post Stroke-a Pilot Study: University of Otago; 2013.
  • 18. Çalışkur A, Demirhan A. İçsel güdülenme envanteri dilsel eşdeğerlik, güvenirlik ve geçerlik çalışması. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2013;7(2):2-31.
  • 19. Leow MQ, Chan SW. Evaluation of a video, telephone follow-ups, and an online forum as components of a psychoeducational intervention for caregivers of persons with advanced cancer. Palliat Support Care. 2016;14(5):474-8.
  • 20. Karmali S, Ng V, Battram D, Burke S, Morrow D, Pearson ES, et al. Coaching and/or education intervention for parents with overweight/obesity and their children: study protocol of a single-centre randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health. 2019;19(1):345.
  • 21. Garbutt JM, Highstein G, Yan Y, Strunk RC. Partner randomized controlled trial: study protocol and coaching intervention. BMC Pediatr. 2012;12:42.
  • 22. DeMatteo C, Bain JR, Gjertsen D, Harper JA. 'Wondering and waiting' after obstetrical brachial plexus injury: Are we underestimating the effects of the traumatic experience on the families? Plast Surg (Oakv). 2014;22(3):183-7.
  • 23. Hudson PL, Aranda S, Hayman-White K. A psycho-educational intervention for family caregivers of patients receiving palliative care: a randomized controlled trial. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2005;30(4):329-41.
  • 24. Keniş-Coşkun Ö, Atabay CE, Şekeroğlu A, Akdeniz E, Kasil B, Bozkurt G, et al. The Relationship Between Caregiver Burden and Resilience and Quality of Life in a Turkish Pediatric Rehabilitation Facility. J Pediatr Nurs. 2020;52:e108-e13.

Obstetrik Brakiyal Pleksus Paralizi (OBPP) olan çocuklarda Ev Egzersizi Verimliliğini Arttırmak için Telefonla Koçluk

Year 2023, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 27 - 35, 27.11.2023


Amaç: Obstetrik Brakiyal Pleksus Felci (OBPF) olan çocukların tedavisinde ev egzersiz programları yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Amacımız, telefonla yapılan rehberliğin ev egzersiz programına uyuma ve programın etkililiği üzerindeki etkilerini araştırmaktı.
Yöntemler: OBPF olan 33 çocuk ve onların ebeveynleri, kontrol ve çalışma grupları olmak üzere iki gruba kısmi rasgeleleştirme ile ayrıldı. Her iki gruptaki ebeveynlere OBPF hakkında bilgi verildi, evde yapılabilecek egzersizler öğretildi, egzersiz günlükleri verildi ve 12 haftalık bir dönem boyunca altı haftalık aralıklarla yüzyüze rehberlik alarak düzenli olarak eğitildiler. Çalışma grubu, 17 çocuktan oluşmaktaydı ve haftalık olarak aranarak egzersiz programına uyumlarını motive etmek ve egzersiz veya OBPF ile ilgili herhangi bir soruyu yanıtlamak amacıyla iletişim kuruldu. Ayrıca, çalışma grubuna, çalışma süresince istedikleri herhangi bir zamanda araştırmacılara ulaşma izni verildi. Telefon rehberliğinin etkilerini ölçmek amacıyla ebeveyn motivasyonunu değerlendirmek için İçsel Motivasyon Envanteri, egzersiz uyumunu değerlendirmek için egzersiz günlüğü ve klinik ilerlemeyi değerlendirmek için Gilbert ve Raimondi Skorları ile Aktif Hareket Skorları kullanıldı.
Sonuçlar: 12 haftalık takibimizin sonucunda her iki grup da ölçüm sonuçlarımızda benzer iyileşmeler gösterdi. OBPF'deki altı haftalık yüzyüze takiplere ek yapılan haftalık telefon rehberliği ekstra bir iyileşme sağlamadı.
Tartışma: OBPF rehabilitasyonunda, haftalık telefon rehberliği ev egzersiz verimliliğinde önemli bir iyileşme sağlamadı.


  • 1. Zafeiriou DI, Psychogiou K. Obstetrical brachial plexus palsy. Pediatr Neurol. 2008;38(4):235-42.
  • 2. Yang LJ-S, editor Neonatal brachial plexus palsy—management and prognostic factors. Semin Perinatol; 2014: Elsevier.
  • 3. Trumble T. Principles of hand surgery and therapy: Saunders; 2010.
  • 4. O’Berry P, Brown M, Phillips L, Evans SH. Obstetrical brachial plexus palsy. Curr Probl Pediatr Adolesc Health Care. 2017;47(7):151-5.
  • 5. Dambi JM, Mandizvidza C, Chiwaridzo M, Nhunzvi C, Tadyanemhandu C. Does an educational workshop have an impact on caregivers’ levels of knowledge about cerebral palsy? A comparative, descriptive cross-sectional survey of Zimbabwean caregivers. Malawi Med J. 2016;28(4):167-73.
  • 6. Ho ES, Ulster AA. Evaluation of an education day for families of children with obstetrical brachial plexus palsy. Families, Systems, & Health. 2011;29(3):206.
  • 7. Murphy KM, Rasmussen L, Hervey-Jumper SL, Justice D, Nelson VS, Yang LJ-S. An assessment of the compliance and utility of a home exercise DVD for caregivers of children and adolescents with brachial plexus palsy: a pilot study. Pm&r. 2012;4(3):190-7.
  • 8. Rasmussen L, Justice D, Chang KW, Nelson VS, Yang LJ. Home exercise DVD promotes exercise accuracy by caregivers of children and adolescents with brachial plexus palsy. Pm&r. 2013;5(11):924-30.
  • 9. Bohlin A, Hagman E, Klaesson S, Danielsson P. Childhood obesity treatment: telephone coaching is as good as usual care in maintaining weight loss - a randomized controlled trial. Clin Obes. 2017;7(4):199-205.
  • 10. McCorkle R, Siefert ML, Dowd MF, Robinson JP, Pickett M. Effects of advanced practice nursing on patient and spouse depressive symptoms, sexual function, and marital interaction after radical prostatectomy. Urol Nurs. 2007;27(1):65-77.
  • 11. Coroneos CJ, Voineskos SH, Christakis MK, Thoma A, Bain JR, Brouwers MC. Obstetrical brachial plexus injury (OBPI): Canada's national clinical practice guideline. BMJ open. 2017;7(1):e014141.
  • 12. Abid A. Brachial plexus birth palsy: Management during the first year of life. Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research. 2016;102(1):S125-S32.
  • 13. Nelson VS, Justice D, Rasmussen L, Popadich MG. Rehabilitation concepts for pediatric brachial plexus palsies. Practical Management of Pediatric and Adult Brachial Plexus Palsies: Elsevier; 2012. p. 143-56.
  • 14. Curtis C, Stephens D, Clarke HM, Andrews D. The active movement scale: an evaluative tool for infants with obstetrical brachial plexus palsy. The Journal of hand surgery. 2002;27(3):470-1.
  • 15. Gilbert A, Pivato G, Kheiralla T. Long‐term results of primary repair of brachial plexus lesions in children. Microsurgery: Official Journal of the International Microsurgical Society and the European Federation of Societies for Microsurgery. 2006;26(4):334-42.
  • 16. Muhlig RS, Blaauw G, Slooff A, Kortleve JW, Tonino AJ. Conservative treatment of obstetrical brachial plexus palsy (OBPP) and rehabilitation. Brachial plexus injuries. 2001:173-87.
  • 17. Thompson S. Effect of the Rehabilitation Setting on Motivation and Clinical Outcomes Post Stroke-a Pilot Study: University of Otago; 2013.
  • 18. Çalışkur A, Demirhan A. İçsel güdülenme envanteri dilsel eşdeğerlik, güvenirlik ve geçerlik çalışması. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2013;7(2):2-31.
  • 19. Leow MQ, Chan SW. Evaluation of a video, telephone follow-ups, and an online forum as components of a psychoeducational intervention for caregivers of persons with advanced cancer. Palliat Support Care. 2016;14(5):474-8.
  • 20. Karmali S, Ng V, Battram D, Burke S, Morrow D, Pearson ES, et al. Coaching and/or education intervention for parents with overweight/obesity and their children: study protocol of a single-centre randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health. 2019;19(1):345.
  • 21. Garbutt JM, Highstein G, Yan Y, Strunk RC. Partner randomized controlled trial: study protocol and coaching intervention. BMC Pediatr. 2012;12:42.
  • 22. DeMatteo C, Bain JR, Gjertsen D, Harper JA. 'Wondering and waiting' after obstetrical brachial plexus injury: Are we underestimating the effects of the traumatic experience on the families? Plast Surg (Oakv). 2014;22(3):183-7.
  • 23. Hudson PL, Aranda S, Hayman-White K. A psycho-educational intervention for family caregivers of patients receiving palliative care: a randomized controlled trial. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2005;30(4):329-41.
  • 24. Keniş-Coşkun Ö, Atabay CE, Şekeroğlu A, Akdeniz E, Kasil B, Bozkurt G, et al. The Relationship Between Caregiver Burden and Resilience and Quality of Life in a Turkish Pediatric Rehabilitation Facility. J Pediatr Nurs. 2020;52:e108-e13.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Physiotherapy
Journal Section Research Articles

Ezgi Tarhan Altınok This is me 0000-0001-7042-8115

Özgün Uysal 0000-0002-0697-4290

Tüzün Fırat 0000-0001-7091-771X

Publication Date November 27, 2023
Submission Date October 17, 2023
Acceptance Date November 2, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 1 Issue: 1
