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COVID-19 Pandemisi Sırasında Dezenfektan, Terapötik ve Yasadışı Maddelere Maruziyetin Halk Sağlığına Etkileri

Yıl 2022, , 60 - 71, 01.03.2022


SARS-CoV-2 virüsü hızlı bir şekilde yayılarak dünya çapında yüz milyonun üzerinde kişiye bulaşmış ve bu süreç, hastalığa yakalanmamak ve virüsten korunmak için maske takmak, sosyal mesafe kurallarına uymak, elleri doğru şekilde sık sık yıkamak, dezenfektan kullanmanın önem kazandığı COVID-19 pandemisi olarak adlandırılmıştır. Bu nedenle dezenfektan, yüzey temizleyiciler ve çamaşır suyu gibi temizlik maddelerinin tüketimi pandemi süresince artmıştır. Bu maddelerin içilmesi/ gargara yapılması veya aşırı miktarlarda kullanımı yanlış kullanımı birçok zehirlenme vakasına ve hatta ölümlere sebep olmuştur. Buna ek olarak, pandemi süresince yapılan karantina uygulamaları insanların sosyalleşememesine ve kendilerini soyutlanmış hissetmelerine neden olmuştur. Ayrıca, ekonomik sorunlar nedeniyle birçok kişinin işsiz kalması, madde bağımlılığı ve alkol kullanım sıklığını etkileyerek zehirlenme vakalarını da beraberinde getirmiştir. Bu derleme, COVID-19'un dezenfektan veya temizleyici kaynaklı zehirlenme vakalarını nasıl etkilediğini ve pandemi sebebiyle ortaya çıkan ilaç veya madde suistimalinin halk sağlığı üzerindeki etkilerini gözden geçirmeyi amaçlamaktadır.


  • 1. Rauf, A., Abu-Izneid, T., Olatunde, A., Ahmed Khalil, A., Alhumaydhi, F.A., Tufail, T., Shariati, M.A., Rebezov, M., Almarhoon, Z.M., Mabkhot, Y.N., Alsayari, A., and Rengasamy, K.R.R. (2020) COVID-19 Pandemic: Epidemiology, Etiology, Conventional and Non-Conventional Therapies. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17 (21), 8155.
  • 2. Wu, D., Wu, T., Liu, Q., and Yang, Z. (2020) International Journal of Infectious Diseases The SARS-CoV-2 outbreak : What we know. Elsevier, 94, 44–48.
  • 3. Abdul-Rasool, S., and Fielding, B.C. (2010) Understanding Human Coronavirus HCoV-NL63. Open Virol. J., 4, 76–84.
  • 4. Shereen, M.A., Khan, S., Kazmi, A., Bashir, N., and Siddique, R. (2020) COVID-19 infection: Origin, transmission, and characteristics of human coronaviruses. J. Adv. Res., 24, 91–98.
  • 5. Anderson, E.L., Turnham, P., Griffin, J.R., and Clarke, C.C. (2020) Consideration of the Aerosol Transmission for COVID‐19 and Public Health. Risk Anal., 40 (5), 902–907.
  • 6. World Health Organization, (WHO) (2021) WHO COVID-19 Dashboard Advices.; 2021 January 30. Available from: [Website]
  • 7. FDA FDA approval of remdesivir.; 2021 January 30. Available from: [Website]
  • 8. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health-COVID-19 Informatiın Page.; 2021 January 30. Available from: [Website]
  • 9. World Health Organization, (WHO) (2021) Draft Landscape and Tracker of COVID-19 candidate vaccines. 26.01.2021.; Available from: [Website]
  • 10. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC COVID-19 Vaccines.;2021 January 21. Available from: [Website]
  • 11. Arasteh, P., Pakfetrat, M., and Roozbeh, J. (2020) A Surge in Methanol Poisoning Amid COVID-19 Pandemic: Why Is This Occurring? Am. J. Med. Sci., 360 (2), 201.
  • 12. Babić, Å., Turk, R., and MacAn, J. (2020) Toxicological aspects of increased use of surface and hand disinfectants in Croatia during the COVID-19 pandemic: A preliminary report. Arh. Hig. Rada Toksikol., 71 (3), 261–264.
  • 13. Gharpure, R., Hunter, C.M., Schnall, A.H., Barrett, C.E., Kirby, A.E., Kunz, J., Berling, K., Mercante, J.W., Murphy, J.L., and Garcia-Williams, A.G. (2020) Knowledge and practices regarding safe household cleaning and disinfection for COVID-19 prevention — United States, May 2020. Am. J. Transplant., 20 (10), 2946–2950.
  • 14. Rosenman, K.D., Reilly, M.J., and Wang, L. (2020) Calls to a State Poison Center Concerning Cleaners and Disinfectants From the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic Through April 2020. Public Health Rep. 36(1):27-31.
  • 15. Hulsey, J., Mellis, A., and Kelly, B. (2020) COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Patients, Families & Individuals in Recovery from a SUD. Addict. Policy Forum.
  • 16. Horigian, V.E., Schmidt, R.D., and Feaster, D.J. (2020) Loneliness, Mental Health, and Substance Use among US Young Adults during COVID-19. J. Psychoactive Drugs, 00 (00), 1–9.
  • 17. Kardaş, Ö. (2020) Adolescent with substance abuse disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic (tur). J. Clin. Psychiatry, 103–104.
  • 18. PubChem (2021) Ethanol (Compound Summary); 2021 February 12. Available from: [Website].
  • 19. Le Daré, B., Lagente, V., and Gicquel, T. (2019) Ethanol and its metabolites: update on toxicity, benefits, and focus on immunomodulatory effects. Drug Metab. Rev., 51 (4), 545–561.
  • 20. LaHood AJ, Kok SJ. Ethanol Toxicity. 2021 March 28. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021 Jan-. Available from: [Website].
  • 21. Babić, Ž., Turk, R., and Macan, J. (2020) Toxicological aspects of increased use of surface and hand disinfectants in Croatia during the COVID-19 pandemic: a preliminary report. Arch. Ind. Hyg. Toxicol., 71 (3), 261–264.
  • 22. AAPCC (2021) AAPCC-Hand Santisizer.; 2021 February 12. Available from: [Website]
  • 23. Chang, A., Schnall, A.H., Law, R., Bronstein, A.C., Marraffa, J.M., Spiller, H.A., Hays, H.L., Funk, A.R., Mercurio-Zappala, M., Calello, D.P., Aleguas, A., Borys, D.J., Boehmer, T., and Svendsen, E. (2020) Cleaning and Disinfectant Chemical Exposures and Temporal Associations with COVID-19 — National Poison Data System, United States, January 1, 2020–March 31, 2020. MMWR. Morb. Mortal. Wkly. Rep., 69 (16), 496–498.
  • 24. World Health Organization, (WHO) (2020) Cleaning and Disinfection of Environmental Surfaces in the context of COVID-19: Interim guidance. Who, (May), 7.
  • 25. Zheng, G., Filippelli, G.M., and Salamova, A. (2020) Increased Indoor Exposure to Commonly Used Disinfectants during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett., 7 (10), 760–765.
  • 26. Cates, A.L., and Krueger, J. (2020) 103 Impact of Stay-at-Home Orders on Reported Pediatric Poisonings during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Ann. Emerg. Med., 76 (4), S40–S41.
  • 27. Le Roux, G., Sinno-Tellier, S., and Descatha, A. (2020) COVID-19: home poisoning throughout the containment period. Lancet Public Heal., 5 (6), 314.
  • 28. Benzoni, T. (2020) Bleach Toxicity.; 2021 February 12. Available from:[Website]
  • 29. AAPCC (2021) AAPCC Bleach.; 2021 February 12. Available from: [Website]
  • 30. AAPCC (2021) AAPCC Hand Sanitizer 2021.; 2021 February 12. Available from: [Website]
  • 31. AAPCC (2021) AAPCC Disinfectants.; 2021 February 12. Available from: [Website]
  • 32. CDC (2020) Six Steps for Properly Cleaning and Disinfecting Your School.; 2021 June 14. Available from: [Website]
  • 33. EPA (2020) 6 Steps for Safe & Effective Disinfectant Use.; 2021 June 14. Available from: [Website]
  • 34. PEHSU (2020) Safer Cleaning, Sanitizing and Disinfecting during the COVID-19 Pandemic.; 2021 June 14. Available from: [Website]
  • 35. Gharpure, R., Miller, G.F., Hunter, C.M., Schnall, A.H., Kunz, J., and Garcia-Williams, A.G. (2021) Safe use and storage of cleaners, disinfectants, and hand sanitizers: Knowledge, attitudes, and practices among U.S. adults during the COVID-19 pandemic, May 2020. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 104 (2), 496–501.
  • 36. Griffin, J.B. (1990) Substance Abuse, in Clinical Methods: The History,Physical, and Laboratory Examinations, 3ed., Butterworths, Boston.
  • 37. McLellan, A.T. (2017) Substance Misuse and Substance use Disorders: Why do they Matter in Healthcare? Trans. Am. Clin. Climatol. Assoc., 128, 112–130.
  • 38. Our World in Data (2017) Substance Use Disorders.; 2021 February 27. Available from: [Website]
  • 39. Hedegaard, H., Miniño, A.M., and Warner, M. (2020) Drug Overdose Deaths in the United States, 1999-2018. NCHS Data Brief, (356), 1–8.
  • 40. Ochalek, T.A., Cumpston, K.L., Wills, B.K., Gal, T.S., and Moeller, F.G. (2020) Nonfatal Opioid Overdoses at an Urban Emergency Department During the COVID-19 Pandemic. JAMA, 324 (16), 1673.
  • 41. Wainwright, J.J., Mikre, M., Whitley, P., Dawson, E., Huskey, A., Lukowiak, A., and Giroir, B.P. (2020) Analysis of Drug Test Results Before and After the US Declaration of a National Emergency Concerning the COVID-19 Outbreak. JAMA, 324 (16), 1674.
  • 42. Alter, A., and Yeager, C. (2020) COVID-19 Impact on US National Overdose Crisis. (March), 1–5. Available from: [Website]
  • 43. Overholser, B.R., and Foster, D.R. (2011) Opioid pharmacokinetic drug-drug interactions. Am. J. Manag. Care, 17 Suppl 1 (september), 276–287.
  • 44. Slavova, S., Rock, P., Bush, H.M., Quesinberry, D., and Walsh, S.L. (2020) Signal of increased opioid overdose during COVID-19 from emergency medical services data. Drug Alcohol Depend., 214 (January), 108176.
  • 45. CDC (2021) Provisional Drug Overdose Death Counts.; 2021 Febuary 15. Available from: [Website]
  • 46. Gavin (2020) Real-Time Overdose Tracking Helps Show COVID-19’s Effects.
  • 47. Governor (2020) Suspected Drug Overdose Increases in Georgia Amid COVID-19. (Report). Available from: [Website]
  • 48. DPH (2020) Updated Suspected Drug Overdose Increases in Georgia Amid COVID-19.; 2021 February 23. Available from: [Website]
  • 49. CDC Health Alert Network (2020) Increase in Fatal Drug Overdoses Across the United States Driven by Synthetic Opioids Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic.; 2021 February 23. available from: [Website]
  • 50. Corallo (2020) Impact of Coronavirus on Community Health Centers.; 2021 February 15. Available from: [Website]
  • 51. Rouphael, C., D’Amico, G., Ricci, K., Cywinski, J., Miranda, C., Koval, C., Duggal, A., Quintini, C., Menon, K.V.N., Miller, C., and Modaresi Esfeh, J. (2020) Successful orthotopic liver transplantation in a patient with a positive SARS‐CoV2 test and acute liver failure secondary to acetaminophen overdose. Am. J. Transplant., 2 (5763), ajt.16330.
  • 52. Arthritis Foundation (2020) Analgesics.; 2021 February 27. Available from: are a class of,are only available by prescription. [Website]
  • 53. AAPCC (2019) APCC Dashboard 2019.; 2021 February 21. Available from: [Website]
  • 54. Wen, T., Chu, J., Allenspach, D., and Van, D. (2020) Delirium Associated with Salicylate and Acetaminophen Overdose in a Patient with COVID-19: A Case Report. Clin. Pract. Cases Emerg. Med., 4 (4), 517–520.
  • 55. CCSA (2020) 25% of Canadians (aged 35-54) are drinking more while at home due to COVID-19 pandemic; cite lack of regular schedule, stress and boredom as main factors. (April).; 2021. Available from: [Website]
  • 56. Sallie, S.N., Ritou, V., Bowden-Jones, H., and Voon, V. (2020) Assessing international alcohol consumption patterns during isolation from the COVID-19 pandemic using an online survey: Highlighting negative emotionality mechanisms. BMJ Open, 10 (11), 1–10.
  • 57. Kim, J.U., Majid, A., Judge, R., Crook, P., Nathwani, R., Selvapatt, N., Lovendoski, J., Manousou, P., Thursz, M., Dhar, A., Lewis, H., Vergis, N., and Lemoine, M. (2020) Effect of COVID-19 lockdown on alcohol consumption in patients with pre-existing alcohol use disorder. Lancet Gastroenterol. Hepatol., 5 (10), 886–887.
  • 58. Sugarman, D.E., and Greenfield, S.F. (2021) Alcohol and COVID-19: How Do We Respond to This Growing Public Health Crisis? J. Gen. Intern. Med., 36 (1), 214–215.
  • 59. MDHHS (2020) Alcohol Use and COVID-19.; 2021 February 23. Available from: [Website]
  • 60. Barbosa (2020) How Has Drinking Behavior Changed During the COVID-19 Pandemic?; 2021 February 23. Available from: [Website]
  • 61. CIHR (2020) Alcohol consumption and the COVID-19 pandemic: synthesizing knowledge for policy action.; 2021 February 15. Availabe from: [Website]
  • 62. Shokoohi, M., Nasiri, N., Sharifi, H., Baral, S., and Stranges, S. (2020) A syndemic of COVID-19 and methanol poisoning in Iran: Time for Iran to consider alcohol use as a public health challenge? Alcohol, 87 (January), 25–27.
  • 63. Lauermann, Gerhard & Häussinger, Peter & Lohmüller, Reiner & Watson, Allan. (2013). Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. 10.1002/14356007.a13_297.pub3.
  • 64. World Health Organization, (WHO) (2014) Information note of Methanol. (September). Available from: [Website]
  • 65. Aghababaeian, H., Ahvazi, L.A., and Ostadtaghizadeh, A. (2019) The methanol poisoning outbreaks in Iran 2018. Alcohol Alcohol., 54 (2), 128–130.
  • 66. World Health Organization, (WHO) (2021) WHO COVID-19 Dashboard-Iran.; 2021 February 11. Available from: [Website]

Public Health Impacts of Exposure to Disinfectants, Therapeutics, and Illicit Substances During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Yıl 2022, , 60 - 71, 01.03.2022


The SARS-CoV-2 virus spread rapidly, infecting over a hundred million people worldwide, and by this way, it has been called the COVID-19 pandemic, in which it is very important to wear a protective mask, wash hands properly, obey social distance rules, and use disinfectants to protect ourselves against infection. Therefore, the consumption of cleaning agents such as disinfectants, surface cleaners, and bleach has increased during the pandemic. Misuse of these substances such as drinking or gargling of cleaners and excessive use has led to many poisoning cases and even deaths. In addition, quarantine and stay-at-home orders during the pandemic caused people to could not socialize and feel dissociated. Moreover, due to the economic problems, many people became unemployed, which affected substance abuse and alcohol consumption frequency, thus poisoning cases as well. This article aimed to review how COVID-19 affected disinfectant or cleaner-induced poisoning cases and the public health impacts between the drug or substance abuse due to pandemic.


  • 1. Rauf, A., Abu-Izneid, T., Olatunde, A., Ahmed Khalil, A., Alhumaydhi, F.A., Tufail, T., Shariati, M.A., Rebezov, M., Almarhoon, Z.M., Mabkhot, Y.N., Alsayari, A., and Rengasamy, K.R.R. (2020) COVID-19 Pandemic: Epidemiology, Etiology, Conventional and Non-Conventional Therapies. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17 (21), 8155.
  • 2. Wu, D., Wu, T., Liu, Q., and Yang, Z. (2020) International Journal of Infectious Diseases The SARS-CoV-2 outbreak : What we know. Elsevier, 94, 44–48.
  • 3. Abdul-Rasool, S., and Fielding, B.C. (2010) Understanding Human Coronavirus HCoV-NL63. Open Virol. J., 4, 76–84.
  • 4. Shereen, M.A., Khan, S., Kazmi, A., Bashir, N., and Siddique, R. (2020) COVID-19 infection: Origin, transmission, and characteristics of human coronaviruses. J. Adv. Res., 24, 91–98.
  • 5. Anderson, E.L., Turnham, P., Griffin, J.R., and Clarke, C.C. (2020) Consideration of the Aerosol Transmission for COVID‐19 and Public Health. Risk Anal., 40 (5), 902–907.
  • 6. World Health Organization, (WHO) (2021) WHO COVID-19 Dashboard Advices.; 2021 January 30. Available from: [Website]
  • 7. FDA FDA approval of remdesivir.; 2021 January 30. Available from: [Website]
  • 8. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health-COVID-19 Informatiın Page.; 2021 January 30. Available from: [Website]
  • 9. World Health Organization, (WHO) (2021) Draft Landscape and Tracker of COVID-19 candidate vaccines. 26.01.2021.; Available from: [Website]
  • 10. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC COVID-19 Vaccines.;2021 January 21. Available from: [Website]
  • 11. Arasteh, P., Pakfetrat, M., and Roozbeh, J. (2020) A Surge in Methanol Poisoning Amid COVID-19 Pandemic: Why Is This Occurring? Am. J. Med. Sci., 360 (2), 201.
  • 12. Babić, Å., Turk, R., and MacAn, J. (2020) Toxicological aspects of increased use of surface and hand disinfectants in Croatia during the COVID-19 pandemic: A preliminary report. Arh. Hig. Rada Toksikol., 71 (3), 261–264.
  • 13. Gharpure, R., Hunter, C.M., Schnall, A.H., Barrett, C.E., Kirby, A.E., Kunz, J., Berling, K., Mercante, J.W., Murphy, J.L., and Garcia-Williams, A.G. (2020) Knowledge and practices regarding safe household cleaning and disinfection for COVID-19 prevention — United States, May 2020. Am. J. Transplant., 20 (10), 2946–2950.
  • 14. Rosenman, K.D., Reilly, M.J., and Wang, L. (2020) Calls to a State Poison Center Concerning Cleaners and Disinfectants From the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic Through April 2020. Public Health Rep. 36(1):27-31.
  • 15. Hulsey, J., Mellis, A., and Kelly, B. (2020) COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Patients, Families & Individuals in Recovery from a SUD. Addict. Policy Forum.
  • 16. Horigian, V.E., Schmidt, R.D., and Feaster, D.J. (2020) Loneliness, Mental Health, and Substance Use among US Young Adults during COVID-19. J. Psychoactive Drugs, 00 (00), 1–9.
  • 17. Kardaş, Ö. (2020) Adolescent with substance abuse disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic (tur). J. Clin. Psychiatry, 103–104.
  • 18. PubChem (2021) Ethanol (Compound Summary); 2021 February 12. Available from: [Website].
  • 19. Le Daré, B., Lagente, V., and Gicquel, T. (2019) Ethanol and its metabolites: update on toxicity, benefits, and focus on immunomodulatory effects. Drug Metab. Rev., 51 (4), 545–561.
  • 20. LaHood AJ, Kok SJ. Ethanol Toxicity. 2021 March 28. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021 Jan-. Available from: [Website].
  • 21. Babić, Ž., Turk, R., and Macan, J. (2020) Toxicological aspects of increased use of surface and hand disinfectants in Croatia during the COVID-19 pandemic: a preliminary report. Arch. Ind. Hyg. Toxicol., 71 (3), 261–264.
  • 22. AAPCC (2021) AAPCC-Hand Santisizer.; 2021 February 12. Available from: [Website]
  • 23. Chang, A., Schnall, A.H., Law, R., Bronstein, A.C., Marraffa, J.M., Spiller, H.A., Hays, H.L., Funk, A.R., Mercurio-Zappala, M., Calello, D.P., Aleguas, A., Borys, D.J., Boehmer, T., and Svendsen, E. (2020) Cleaning and Disinfectant Chemical Exposures and Temporal Associations with COVID-19 — National Poison Data System, United States, January 1, 2020–March 31, 2020. MMWR. Morb. Mortal. Wkly. Rep., 69 (16), 496–498.
  • 24. World Health Organization, (WHO) (2020) Cleaning and Disinfection of Environmental Surfaces in the context of COVID-19: Interim guidance. Who, (May), 7.
  • 25. Zheng, G., Filippelli, G.M., and Salamova, A. (2020) Increased Indoor Exposure to Commonly Used Disinfectants during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett., 7 (10), 760–765.
  • 26. Cates, A.L., and Krueger, J. (2020) 103 Impact of Stay-at-Home Orders on Reported Pediatric Poisonings during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Ann. Emerg. Med., 76 (4), S40–S41.
  • 27. Le Roux, G., Sinno-Tellier, S., and Descatha, A. (2020) COVID-19: home poisoning throughout the containment period. Lancet Public Heal., 5 (6), 314.
  • 28. Benzoni, T. (2020) Bleach Toxicity.; 2021 February 12. Available from:[Website]
  • 29. AAPCC (2021) AAPCC Bleach.; 2021 February 12. Available from: [Website]
  • 30. AAPCC (2021) AAPCC Hand Sanitizer 2021.; 2021 February 12. Available from: [Website]
  • 31. AAPCC (2021) AAPCC Disinfectants.; 2021 February 12. Available from: [Website]
  • 32. CDC (2020) Six Steps for Properly Cleaning and Disinfecting Your School.; 2021 June 14. Available from: [Website]
  • 33. EPA (2020) 6 Steps for Safe & Effective Disinfectant Use.; 2021 June 14. Available from: [Website]
  • 34. PEHSU (2020) Safer Cleaning, Sanitizing and Disinfecting during the COVID-19 Pandemic.; 2021 June 14. Available from: [Website]
  • 35. Gharpure, R., Miller, G.F., Hunter, C.M., Schnall, A.H., Kunz, J., and Garcia-Williams, A.G. (2021) Safe use and storage of cleaners, disinfectants, and hand sanitizers: Knowledge, attitudes, and practices among U.S. adults during the COVID-19 pandemic, May 2020. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg., 104 (2), 496–501.
  • 36. Griffin, J.B. (1990) Substance Abuse, in Clinical Methods: The History,Physical, and Laboratory Examinations, 3ed., Butterworths, Boston.
  • 37. McLellan, A.T. (2017) Substance Misuse and Substance use Disorders: Why do they Matter in Healthcare? Trans. Am. Clin. Climatol. Assoc., 128, 112–130.
  • 38. Our World in Data (2017) Substance Use Disorders.; 2021 February 27. Available from: [Website]
  • 39. Hedegaard, H., Miniño, A.M., and Warner, M. (2020) Drug Overdose Deaths in the United States, 1999-2018. NCHS Data Brief, (356), 1–8.
  • 40. Ochalek, T.A., Cumpston, K.L., Wills, B.K., Gal, T.S., and Moeller, F.G. (2020) Nonfatal Opioid Overdoses at an Urban Emergency Department During the COVID-19 Pandemic. JAMA, 324 (16), 1673.
  • 41. Wainwright, J.J., Mikre, M., Whitley, P., Dawson, E., Huskey, A., Lukowiak, A., and Giroir, B.P. (2020) Analysis of Drug Test Results Before and After the US Declaration of a National Emergency Concerning the COVID-19 Outbreak. JAMA, 324 (16), 1674.
  • 42. Alter, A., and Yeager, C. (2020) COVID-19 Impact on US National Overdose Crisis. (March), 1–5. Available from: [Website]
  • 43. Overholser, B.R., and Foster, D.R. (2011) Opioid pharmacokinetic drug-drug interactions. Am. J. Manag. Care, 17 Suppl 1 (september), 276–287.
  • 44. Slavova, S., Rock, P., Bush, H.M., Quesinberry, D., and Walsh, S.L. (2020) Signal of increased opioid overdose during COVID-19 from emergency medical services data. Drug Alcohol Depend., 214 (January), 108176.
  • 45. CDC (2021) Provisional Drug Overdose Death Counts.; 2021 Febuary 15. Available from: [Website]
  • 46. Gavin (2020) Real-Time Overdose Tracking Helps Show COVID-19’s Effects.
  • 47. Governor (2020) Suspected Drug Overdose Increases in Georgia Amid COVID-19. (Report). Available from: [Website]
  • 48. DPH (2020) Updated Suspected Drug Overdose Increases in Georgia Amid COVID-19.; 2021 February 23. Available from: [Website]
  • 49. CDC Health Alert Network (2020) Increase in Fatal Drug Overdoses Across the United States Driven by Synthetic Opioids Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic.; 2021 February 23. available from: [Website]
  • 50. Corallo (2020) Impact of Coronavirus on Community Health Centers.; 2021 February 15. Available from: [Website]
  • 51. Rouphael, C., D’Amico, G., Ricci, K., Cywinski, J., Miranda, C., Koval, C., Duggal, A., Quintini, C., Menon, K.V.N., Miller, C., and Modaresi Esfeh, J. (2020) Successful orthotopic liver transplantation in a patient with a positive SARS‐CoV2 test and acute liver failure secondary to acetaminophen overdose. Am. J. Transplant., 2 (5763), ajt.16330.
  • 52. Arthritis Foundation (2020) Analgesics.; 2021 February 27. Available from: are a class of,are only available by prescription. [Website]
  • 53. AAPCC (2019) APCC Dashboard 2019.; 2021 February 21. Available from: [Website]
  • 54. Wen, T., Chu, J., Allenspach, D., and Van, D. (2020) Delirium Associated with Salicylate and Acetaminophen Overdose in a Patient with COVID-19: A Case Report. Clin. Pract. Cases Emerg. Med., 4 (4), 517–520.
  • 55. CCSA (2020) 25% of Canadians (aged 35-54) are drinking more while at home due to COVID-19 pandemic; cite lack of regular schedule, stress and boredom as main factors. (April).; 2021. Available from: [Website]
  • 56. Sallie, S.N., Ritou, V., Bowden-Jones, H., and Voon, V. (2020) Assessing international alcohol consumption patterns during isolation from the COVID-19 pandemic using an online survey: Highlighting negative emotionality mechanisms. BMJ Open, 10 (11), 1–10.
  • 57. Kim, J.U., Majid, A., Judge, R., Crook, P., Nathwani, R., Selvapatt, N., Lovendoski, J., Manousou, P., Thursz, M., Dhar, A., Lewis, H., Vergis, N., and Lemoine, M. (2020) Effect of COVID-19 lockdown on alcohol consumption in patients with pre-existing alcohol use disorder. Lancet Gastroenterol. Hepatol., 5 (10), 886–887.
  • 58. Sugarman, D.E., and Greenfield, S.F. (2021) Alcohol and COVID-19: How Do We Respond to This Growing Public Health Crisis? J. Gen. Intern. Med., 36 (1), 214–215.
  • 59. MDHHS (2020) Alcohol Use and COVID-19.; 2021 February 23. Available from: [Website]
  • 60. Barbosa (2020) How Has Drinking Behavior Changed During the COVID-19 Pandemic?; 2021 February 23. Available from: [Website]
  • 61. CIHR (2020) Alcohol consumption and the COVID-19 pandemic: synthesizing knowledge for policy action.; 2021 February 15. Availabe from: [Website]
  • 62. Shokoohi, M., Nasiri, N., Sharifi, H., Baral, S., and Stranges, S. (2020) A syndemic of COVID-19 and methanol poisoning in Iran: Time for Iran to consider alcohol use as a public health challenge? Alcohol, 87 (January), 25–27.
  • 63. Lauermann, Gerhard & Häussinger, Peter & Lohmüller, Reiner & Watson, Allan. (2013). Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. 10.1002/14356007.a13_297.pub3.
  • 64. World Health Organization, (WHO) (2014) Information note of Methanol. (September). Available from: [Website]
  • 65. Aghababaeian, H., Ahvazi, L.A., and Ostadtaghizadeh, A. (2019) The methanol poisoning outbreaks in Iran 2018. Alcohol Alcohol., 54 (2), 128–130.
  • 66. World Health Organization, (WHO) (2021) WHO COVID-19 Dashboard-Iran.; 2021 February 11. Available from: [Website]
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Konular Eczacılık ve İlaç Bilimleri
Bölüm Review Articles

Elif Çöldür Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-3522-9617

Rengin Reis 0000-0002-3484-2201

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2022
Kabul Tarihi 7 Şubat 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Çöldür E, Reis R. Public Health Impacts of Exposure to Disinfectants, Therapeutics, and Illicit Substances During the COVID-19 Pandemic. HUJPHARM. 2022;42(1):60-71.