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Akılcı İlaç Kullanımı: Hollanda Örneği

Year 2013, Issue: 2, 179 - 202, 01.06.2013


Tüm dünyada ilaçların akılcı olmayan kullanımı önemli halk sağlığı problemlerinden biridir. Dünya Sağlık Örgütü DSÖ ’nün tahminlerine göre; ilaçların yarısından fazlası uygunsuz biçimde reçete edilmekte, satılmakta ve hastaların yarısı ilaçlarını gerektiği şekilde alamamaktadır. Akılcı ilaç kullanımı hastaların klinik ihtiyaçlarına uygun, bireysel gereksinimlerini karşılayacak dozda, yeterli süre boyunca, kendileri ve yaşadıkları toplum için karşılanabilir fiyatta ilaçları almalarını gerektirir. Bu derleme makalesinde Hollanda’daki akılcı ilaç kullanımı uygulamalarına genel olarak değinilmektedir.


  • Sturm, H., Austvoll-Dahlgren, A., Aaserud, M., Oxman, A.D., Ramsay, C.R., Vernby, Å., Kösters, J.P.: Pharmaceutical policies: effects of financial incentives for prescribers, The Cochrane Library, (2011)
  • Grand, A.L., Hogerzeil, H., Haaijer-Ruskamp, F.M.: Intervention research in rational use of drugs: a review, Health Policy and Planning, 14, 2, 89-102 (1999)
  • Rational use of medicines dex.html (16/02/2012)
  • Managing for rational medicine use. tions/upload/MDS3-Ch27-RationalUse-Nov2011.pdf (07/02/2012)
  • Mossialos, E., Mrazek, M., Walley, T.: Regulation pharmaceuticals in Europe: striving for efficacy, equity and quality, Open University Press (2004)
  • Government and regulatory bodies pharmwebk.html (8/02/2012)
  • Schafer, W., Kroneman, M., Boerma, W., van der Berg, M., Westert, G., Deville, W., van Ginneken, E.: The Netherlands: Health system review, Health Systems in Transition, 12, 1, 156-159 (2010)
  • The Medicines Evaluation Board (MEB)- College ter Beoordeling van Geneesmiddelen (CBG) Acces.19/12/2011 (06/02/2012)
  • den Exter, A., Hermans, H., Dosljak, M., Busse, R.: Health Care Systems in Transition. (Eds.) Busse, R., van Ginneken, E., Schreyögg, J., Wisbaum, W (2004) http://www. (22/02/2012)
  • European Medicines Agency, Science Medicines Health. http://www.ema.europa. eu/ema/index.jsp?curl=pages/regulation/landing/human_medicines_regulatory. jsp&mid=WC0b01ac058001ff89 (06/02/2012)
  • Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) medicines/default.asp (06/02/2012)
  • Farmatec. systeem/default.aspx (06/02/2012)
  • Health Care Insurance Board (College voor zorgeverzekerinden) home (19/12/2011)
  • van Grootheest, A.C., de Jong-van den Berg, L.T.W.: The role of hospital and com- munity pharmacists in pharmacovigilance. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 1, 126–133 (2005) S1551741104000105 (22/02/2012)
  • Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb (06/02/2012)
  • The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) http://www.rivm. nl/en/ (17/01/2012)
  • Wettermark, B., Vlahovic-Palcevski, V., Blix, H.S., Ronning, M., Stichele, R.H.V.: Drug Utilization Research. Hartzema, A.G., Tilson, H.H., Chan, K.A., (1st Eds), Pharmacoep- idemiology and Theraopeutic Risk Management, USA, Harvey Whitney Books Company, 159-195 (2008)
  • Ekedahl, A., Mansson, N.: Unclaimed prescriptions after automated prescription trans- mittals to pharmacies, Pharm World Sci., 26, 26-31 (2000)
  • Fischer, M.A., Choudhry, N.K., Brill, G., Avorn, J., Schneeweiss, S., Hutchins, D., Liberman, J.N., Brennan, T.A., Shrank, W.H.: Trouble Getting Started: Predictors of Primary Medication Nonadherence, The American Journal of Medicine, 124, 1081.e9- 1081.e22 (2011)
  • Beardon, P.H.G., McGilchrist, M.M., McKendrick, A.D., McDevitt, D.G., MacDonald, T.M.: Primary non-compliance with prescribed medication in primary care, BMJ, 307, 846-848 (1993)
  • The NHS Information Centre, Prescribing and Primary Care Services. Prescribing com- pliance: a review of the proportion of prescriptions dispensed. Version: 1 (2011) www. (07/02/2012)
  • Hagströma, B., Mattssonb, B., Rostb, I-M., Gunnarssona, R.K.: What happened to the prescriptions? A single, short, standardized telephone call may increase compliance, Family Practice Vol. 21, No. 1, 46-50 (2004)
  • How to develop and implement a national drug policy ocs/pdf/s2283e/s2283e.pdf (07/02/2012)
  • Instituut voor verantwoord medicijngebruik about-us.html (07/02/2012)
  • Kocken, G.A.L.: Medication discussion groups in the Netherlands: five years of experi- ence, Medical educations, 33, 390- 393 (1999)
  • Health Action International (17/01/2012)
  • Grol, R.,Wensing, M., Eccles, M.: Improving Patient Care the implementation of change in clinical practice, Elsevier limited. (2005)
  • Robinson, M.M., Zhang, X. The world medicines Situation 2011 medicines/areas/policy/world_medicines_situation/WMS_ch18_wTraditionalMed.pdf (17/01/2012)
  • Denig, P., Wahlström, R., Chaput De Saintonge, M., Haaijer-Ruskamp, F.M.: The value of clinical judgement analysis for improving the quality of doctors’ prescribing deci- sions, Medical Education, 36, 770–780 (2002)
  • Wensing, M., van der Weijden, T., Grol, R.: Implementing guidelines and innovations in general practice: which interventions are effective? British Journal of General Practice, 48, 991-997 (1998)
  • Weston, C., Raju, S., Easton, K., Simmonds, J., Williamson, M.: Antibiotic use for re- spiratory tract infections, Formative Research Phase 2, Sydney, National Prescribing Service (2011)
  • Changing role of pharmacies pdf (07/02/2012)
  • Wiedenmayer, K., Summers, R.S., Mackie, C.A., Gous, A.G.S., Everard, M., Tromp D., Developing pharmacy practice. A focus on patient care. Handbook 2006 Edition, (2006),14-5.
  • Developing pharmacy practice- A focus on patient care cines/publications/WHO_PSM_PAR_2006.5.pdf (17/01/2012)
  • The role of the pharmacist ‘seven star pharmacist’ en/d/Js2214e/3.2.html#Js2214e.3.2 (07/02/2012)
  • Kroezen, M., van Dijk, L., Groenewegen, P.P., Francke, A.L.: Nurse prescribing of medi- cines in Western European and Anglo-Saxon countries: a systematic review of the lit- erature, BMC Health Services Research, 11,127 (2011)
  • van Ruth, L.M., Mistiaen, P., Francke, A.L.: Effects Of Nurse Prescribing Of Medication: A Systematic Review, The Internet Journal of Healthcare Administration, 5, 2 (2008) volume-5-number-2/effects-of-nurse-prescribing-of-medication-a-systematic-review. html (22/02/2012)
  • Description of nurse prescribing in nine Western European and Anglo-Saxon countries according to core themes (22/02/2012)
  • Vermeire, E.I.J.J., Wens, J., Van Royen, P., Biot, Y., Hearnshaw, H., Lindenmeyer, A.: Interventions for improving adherence to treatment recommendations in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus, The Cochrane Library (2009)
  • Haynes, R.B., Ackloo, E., Sahota, N., McDonald, H.P., Yao, X.: Interventions for en- hancing medication adherence (Review), The Cochrane Library, Issue 4 (2008)
  • Guide to Good Prescribing- A Practical Manual (1994). de Vries T. P. G. M., Henning R. H., Hogerzeil H. V., Fresle D. A., World Health Organization
  • De Vries, T.P., Daniels, J.M., Mulder, C.W., Groot, O.A., Wewerinke, L., Barnes, K.I., Bakathir, H.A., Hassan, N.A., van Bortel, L., Kriska, M., Santoso, B., Sanz, E.J., Thom- as, M., Ziganshina, L.E., Bezemer, P.D., van Kan, C., Richir, M.C., Hogerzeil, H.V.: Should medical students learn to develop a personal formulary? An international, mul- ticentre, randomized controlled study, Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 64, 6, 641-6 (2008)
  • Chetley, A., Hardon, A., Hodgkin, C., Ha aland, A., Fresle, D. How to improve the use of medicines by consumers, WHO pres (2007)
  • Mol, P.G.M., Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Pharmacology, University Medical Center of Groningen (UMCG), Workshop Date: 18/01/2012
  • Starting or Strengthening a Drug Bulletin- A Practical Manual medicinedocs/pdf/s8111e/s8111e.pdf (07/02/2012)
  • Gagliardi, A.R., Brouwers, M.C., Palda, V.A., Lemieux-Charles, L., Grimshaw, J.M.: How can we improve guideline use? A conceptual framework of implementability. Im- plementation Science, 6, 26 (2011)
  • Veninga, C.C.M., Denig, P., Zwaagstrab, R., Haaijer-Ruskampa, F.M.: Improving drug treatment in general practice, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 53, 762–772 (2000)
  • Mol, P.G.M., Wieringa, J.E.W., Nannan, P.V., Gans, R.O.B., Degener, J.E., Laseur, Haaijer-Ruskamp, F.M.: Improving compliance with hospital antibiotic guidelines: a time-series intervention analysis, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 55, 550– 557 (2005)
  • Gill, P.S., Mäkelä, M., Vermeulen, K.M., Freemantle, N., Ryan, G., Bond, C., Thorsen, T., Haaijer-Ruskamp, F.M.: Changing doctor prescribing behavior, Pharmacy World and Science, 21, 4, 158-167 (1999)
  • Denig, P., Witteman, C.L.M., Schouten H.W.: Scope and nature of prescribing decisions made by general practitioners, Qual Saf Health Care, 11, 137–143 (2002)
  • Denig, P., Haaijer-Ruskamp, F.M., Investigating decision-making by prescribers. Hand- book of drug use research methodology, (Edt). McCavock, H., Newcastle upon Tyne (2000), United Kingdom Drug Utilisation
  • Denig, P., Haaijer- Ruskamp, F.M.: Thinking aloud’as a method of analysing the treat- ment decisions of physicians, European journal of Public Health, 4, 55-59 (1994)

Rational Use of Medicine: Example of Netherlands

Year 2013, Issue: 2, 179 - 202, 01.06.2013


Irrational use of medicines is a major public health problem all around the world. World Health Organization WHO estimates that more than half of all medicines are prescribed, dispensed or sold inappropriately, and that half of all patients fail to take them correctly. Rational use of medicines requires that patients receive medications appropriate to their clinical needs, in doses that meet their own individual requirements, for an adequate period of time, and at the lowest cost to them and their community. This review is an overview on rational use of medicine practices in the Netherlands.


  • Sturm, H., Austvoll-Dahlgren, A., Aaserud, M., Oxman, A.D., Ramsay, C.R., Vernby, Å., Kösters, J.P.: Pharmaceutical policies: effects of financial incentives for prescribers, The Cochrane Library, (2011)
  • Grand, A.L., Hogerzeil, H., Haaijer-Ruskamp, F.M.: Intervention research in rational use of drugs: a review, Health Policy and Planning, 14, 2, 89-102 (1999)
  • Rational use of medicines dex.html (16/02/2012)
  • Managing for rational medicine use. tions/upload/MDS3-Ch27-RationalUse-Nov2011.pdf (07/02/2012)
  • Mossialos, E., Mrazek, M., Walley, T.: Regulation pharmaceuticals in Europe: striving for efficacy, equity and quality, Open University Press (2004)
  • Government and regulatory bodies pharmwebk.html (8/02/2012)
  • Schafer, W., Kroneman, M., Boerma, W., van der Berg, M., Westert, G., Deville, W., van Ginneken, E.: The Netherlands: Health system review, Health Systems in Transition, 12, 1, 156-159 (2010)
  • The Medicines Evaluation Board (MEB)- College ter Beoordeling van Geneesmiddelen (CBG) Acces.19/12/2011 (06/02/2012)
  • den Exter, A., Hermans, H., Dosljak, M., Busse, R.: Health Care Systems in Transition. (Eds.) Busse, R., van Ginneken, E., Schreyögg, J., Wisbaum, W (2004) http://www. (22/02/2012)
  • European Medicines Agency, Science Medicines Health. http://www.ema.europa. eu/ema/index.jsp?curl=pages/regulation/landing/human_medicines_regulatory. jsp&mid=WC0b01ac058001ff89 (06/02/2012)
  • Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS) medicines/default.asp (06/02/2012)
  • Farmatec. systeem/default.aspx (06/02/2012)
  • Health Care Insurance Board (College voor zorgeverzekerinden) home (19/12/2011)
  • van Grootheest, A.C., de Jong-van den Berg, L.T.W.: The role of hospital and com- munity pharmacists in pharmacovigilance. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 1, 126–133 (2005) S1551741104000105 (22/02/2012)
  • Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb (06/02/2012)
  • The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) http://www.rivm. nl/en/ (17/01/2012)
  • Wettermark, B., Vlahovic-Palcevski, V., Blix, H.S., Ronning, M., Stichele, R.H.V.: Drug Utilization Research. Hartzema, A.G., Tilson, H.H., Chan, K.A., (1st Eds), Pharmacoep- idemiology and Theraopeutic Risk Management, USA, Harvey Whitney Books Company, 159-195 (2008)
  • Ekedahl, A., Mansson, N.: Unclaimed prescriptions after automated prescription trans- mittals to pharmacies, Pharm World Sci., 26, 26-31 (2000)
  • Fischer, M.A., Choudhry, N.K., Brill, G., Avorn, J., Schneeweiss, S., Hutchins, D., Liberman, J.N., Brennan, T.A., Shrank, W.H.: Trouble Getting Started: Predictors of Primary Medication Nonadherence, The American Journal of Medicine, 124, 1081.e9- 1081.e22 (2011)
  • Beardon, P.H.G., McGilchrist, M.M., McKendrick, A.D., McDevitt, D.G., MacDonald, T.M.: Primary non-compliance with prescribed medication in primary care, BMJ, 307, 846-848 (1993)
  • The NHS Information Centre, Prescribing and Primary Care Services. Prescribing com- pliance: a review of the proportion of prescriptions dispensed. Version: 1 (2011) www. (07/02/2012)
  • Hagströma, B., Mattssonb, B., Rostb, I-M., Gunnarssona, R.K.: What happened to the prescriptions? A single, short, standardized telephone call may increase compliance, Family Practice Vol. 21, No. 1, 46-50 (2004)
  • How to develop and implement a national drug policy ocs/pdf/s2283e/s2283e.pdf (07/02/2012)
  • Instituut voor verantwoord medicijngebruik about-us.html (07/02/2012)
  • Kocken, G.A.L.: Medication discussion groups in the Netherlands: five years of experi- ence, Medical educations, 33, 390- 393 (1999)
  • Health Action International (17/01/2012)
  • Grol, R.,Wensing, M., Eccles, M.: Improving Patient Care the implementation of change in clinical practice, Elsevier limited. (2005)
  • Robinson, M.M., Zhang, X. The world medicines Situation 2011 medicines/areas/policy/world_medicines_situation/WMS_ch18_wTraditionalMed.pdf (17/01/2012)
  • Denig, P., Wahlström, R., Chaput De Saintonge, M., Haaijer-Ruskamp, F.M.: The value of clinical judgement analysis for improving the quality of doctors’ prescribing deci- sions, Medical Education, 36, 770–780 (2002)
  • Wensing, M., van der Weijden, T., Grol, R.: Implementing guidelines and innovations in general practice: which interventions are effective? British Journal of General Practice, 48, 991-997 (1998)
  • Weston, C., Raju, S., Easton, K., Simmonds, J., Williamson, M.: Antibiotic use for re- spiratory tract infections, Formative Research Phase 2, Sydney, National Prescribing Service (2011)
  • Changing role of pharmacies pdf (07/02/2012)
  • Wiedenmayer, K., Summers, R.S., Mackie, C.A., Gous, A.G.S., Everard, M., Tromp D., Developing pharmacy practice. A focus on patient care. Handbook 2006 Edition, (2006),14-5.
  • Developing pharmacy practice- A focus on patient care cines/publications/WHO_PSM_PAR_2006.5.pdf (17/01/2012)
  • The role of the pharmacist ‘seven star pharmacist’ en/d/Js2214e/3.2.html#Js2214e.3.2 (07/02/2012)
  • Kroezen, M., van Dijk, L., Groenewegen, P.P., Francke, A.L.: Nurse prescribing of medi- cines in Western European and Anglo-Saxon countries: a systematic review of the lit- erature, BMC Health Services Research, 11,127 (2011)
  • van Ruth, L.M., Mistiaen, P., Francke, A.L.: Effects Of Nurse Prescribing Of Medication: A Systematic Review, The Internet Journal of Healthcare Administration, 5, 2 (2008) volume-5-number-2/effects-of-nurse-prescribing-of-medication-a-systematic-review. html (22/02/2012)
  • Description of nurse prescribing in nine Western European and Anglo-Saxon countries according to core themes (22/02/2012)
  • Vermeire, E.I.J.J., Wens, J., Van Royen, P., Biot, Y., Hearnshaw, H., Lindenmeyer, A.: Interventions for improving adherence to treatment recommendations in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus, The Cochrane Library (2009)
  • Haynes, R.B., Ackloo, E., Sahota, N., McDonald, H.P., Yao, X.: Interventions for en- hancing medication adherence (Review), The Cochrane Library, Issue 4 (2008)
  • Guide to Good Prescribing- A Practical Manual (1994). de Vries T. P. G. M., Henning R. H., Hogerzeil H. V., Fresle D. A., World Health Organization
  • De Vries, T.P., Daniels, J.M., Mulder, C.W., Groot, O.A., Wewerinke, L., Barnes, K.I., Bakathir, H.A., Hassan, N.A., van Bortel, L., Kriska, M., Santoso, B., Sanz, E.J., Thom- as, M., Ziganshina, L.E., Bezemer, P.D., van Kan, C., Richir, M.C., Hogerzeil, H.V.: Should medical students learn to develop a personal formulary? An international, mul- ticentre, randomized controlled study, Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 64, 6, 641-6 (2008)
  • Chetley, A., Hardon, A., Hodgkin, C., Ha aland, A., Fresle, D. How to improve the use of medicines by consumers, WHO pres (2007)
  • Mol, P.G.M., Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Pharmacology, University Medical Center of Groningen (UMCG), Workshop Date: 18/01/2012
  • Starting or Strengthening a Drug Bulletin- A Practical Manual medicinedocs/pdf/s8111e/s8111e.pdf (07/02/2012)
  • Gagliardi, A.R., Brouwers, M.C., Palda, V.A., Lemieux-Charles, L., Grimshaw, J.M.: How can we improve guideline use? A conceptual framework of implementability. Im- plementation Science, 6, 26 (2011)
  • Veninga, C.C.M., Denig, P., Zwaagstrab, R., Haaijer-Ruskampa, F.M.: Improving drug treatment in general practice, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 53, 762–772 (2000)
  • Mol, P.G.M., Wieringa, J.E.W., Nannan, P.V., Gans, R.O.B., Degener, J.E., Laseur, Haaijer-Ruskamp, F.M.: Improving compliance with hospital antibiotic guidelines: a time-series intervention analysis, Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 55, 550– 557 (2005)
  • Gill, P.S., Mäkelä, M., Vermeulen, K.M., Freemantle, N., Ryan, G., Bond, C., Thorsen, T., Haaijer-Ruskamp, F.M.: Changing doctor prescribing behavior, Pharmacy World and Science, 21, 4, 158-167 (1999)
  • Denig, P., Witteman, C.L.M., Schouten H.W.: Scope and nature of prescribing decisions made by general practitioners, Qual Saf Health Care, 11, 137–143 (2002)
  • Denig, P., Haaijer-Ruskamp, F.M., Investigating decision-making by prescribers. Hand- book of drug use research methodology, (Edt). McCavock, H., Newcastle upon Tyne (2000), United Kingdom Drug Utilisation
  • Denig, P., Haaijer- Ruskamp, F.M.: Thinking aloud’as a method of analysing the treat- ment decisions of physicians, European journal of Public Health, 4, 55-59 (1994)
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

İlknur Dolu This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Issue: 2


Vancouver Dolu İ. Akılcı İlaç Kullanımı: Hollanda Örneği. HUJPHARM. 2013(2):179-202.