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RP-HPLC’ nin Rosuvastatin Kalsiyumun İyonlaşma Sabitlerinin Bulunmasında Kullanımı

Yıl 2012, Sayı: 2, 133 - 144, 01.06.2012


Bir ilaç molekülünün iyonlaşma sabiti pKa , o ilacın biyofarmasötik davranışını etkileyen en önemli fizikokimyasal parametrelerden biridir. Bu çalışamda, rosuvastatin kalsiyumun iyonlaşma sabiti değerleri RP-HPLC kullanılarak tespit edilmiştir. Rosuvastatin kalsiyum elüsyonu C18 kolon ACE 125x4,6 mm, 5 μm kullanılırken farklı pH değerlerine ayarlanmış asetonitril:fosfat tamponu 40 mM 50:50 h/h hareketli faz olarak kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Akış hızı 1 mL dak-1 olarak ayarlanmıştır ve enjeksiyon hacmi 20 μL’ dir. Dedektör 205 nm dalgaboyunda ölçüm yapmıştır. İyonlaşma sabiti değerleri, kapasite faktörü ile hareketli faz pH değerelri arasındaki ilişkiden yola çıkılarak bulunmuştur. Böylece elde edilen sigmoidal eğrilerden rosuvastatin kalsiyuma ait üç farklı iyonlaşma sabiti değeri sırasıyla 3,7; 4,8 ve 6,6 olarak bulunmuştur.


  • Carswell, C.I., Plosker, G.L. Jarvis, B.: Rosuvastatin. Drugs, 62(14), 2086 (2002).
  • Carter, N.J.: Rosuvastatin: a review of its use in the prevention of cardiovascular dis- ease in apparently healthy women or men with normal LDL-C levels and elevated hsCRP levels. Am J Cardiovasc Drugs, 10(6), 383 (2010).
  • Hogben, C.A., Tocco, D.J., Brodie, B.B. Schanker, L.S.: On the mechanism of intesti- nal absorption of drugs. J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 125(4), 275 (1959).
  • Manallack, D.T.: The pK(a) Distribution of Drugs: Application to Drug Discovery. Per- spect Medicin Chem, 1, 25 (2008).
  • Malkia, A., Murtomaki, L., Urtti, A. Kontturi, K.: Drug permeation in biomembranes: in vitro and in silico prediction and influence of physicochemical properties. Eur J Pharm Sci, 23(1), 13 (2004).
  • Remko, M., Bohac, A. Kovacikova, L.: Molecular structure, pKa, lipophilicity, solubility, absorption, polar surface area, and blood brain barrier penetration of some antiangio- genic agents. Struct Chem, 22(3), 635 (2011).
  • Bocci, V.: Physicochemical and biologic properties of interferons and their potential uses in drug delivery systems. Critical reviews in therapeutic drug carrier systems, 9(2), 91 (1992).
  • Price, D.A., Blagg, J., Jones, L., Greene, N. Wager, T.: Physicochemical drug proper- ties associated with in vivo toxicological outcomes: a review. Expert opinion on drug metabolism & toxicology, 5(8), 921 (2009).
  • Newton, D.W. Kluza, R.B.: Pka Values of Medicinal Compounds in Pharmacy Practice. Drug Intel Clin Phar, 12(9), 546 (1978).
  • Ghosh, I. Nau, W.M.: The strategic use of supramolecular pK(a) shifts to enhance the bioavailability of drugs. Adv Drug Deliv Rev, 64(9), 764 (2012).
  • Kawakami, K.: Modification of physicochemical characteristics of active pharmaceuti- cal ingredients and application of supersaturatable dosage forms for improving bio- availability of poorly absorbed drugs. Adv Drug Deliv Rev, 64(6), 480 (2012).
  • Avdeef, A. Testa, B.: Physicochemical profiling in drug research: a brief survey of the state-of-the-art of experimental techniques. Cell Mol Life Sci, 59(10), 1681 (2002).
  • Santos, E., Rosillo, I., Delcastillo, B. Avendano, C.: Determination of Pka Values for Hydantoins by Spectrophotometry. J Chem Res-S, 5, 131 (1982).
  • Rosenberg, L.S., Simons, J. Schulman, S.G.: Determination of Pka Values of N-Hetero- cyclic Bases by Fluorescence Spectrophotometry. Talanta, 26(9), 867 (1979).
  • Pereira, A.V., Garabeli, A.A., Schunemann, G.D. Borck, P.C.: Determination of Disso- ciation Constant (K-a) of Captopril and Nimesulide - Analytical Chemistry Experiments for Undergraduate Pharmacy. Quim Nova, 34(9), 1656 (2011).
  • Grant, G.F. Hubbard, J.W.: Spectrophotometric Determination of the Pka of Phenobar- bital. Am J Pharm Educ, 53(1), 46 (1989).
  • Uhrova, M., Miksik, I., Deyl, Z. Bellini, S.: Determination of dissociation constants by separation methods (HPLC and CE). Theoretical background and guidelines for ap- plication. Process Contr Qual, 10(1-2), 151 (1997).
  • Oumada, F.Z., Rafols, C., Roses, M. Bosch, E.: Chromatographic determination of aqueous dissociation constants of some water-insoluble nonsteroidal antiinflamma- tory drugs. J Pharm Sci, 91(4), 991 (2002).
  • Demiralay, E.C., Koc, D., Daldal, Y.D. Cakir, C.: Determination of chromatographic and spectrophotometric dissociation constants of some beta lactam antibiotics. J Phar- maceut Biomed, 71, 139 (2012).
  • Canbay, H.S., Demiralay, E.C., Alsancak, G. Ozkan, S.A.: Chromatographic Deter- mination of pK(a) Values of Some Water-Insoluble Arylpropionic Acids and Arylacetic Acids in Acetonitrile plus Water Media. J Chem Eng Data, 56(5), 2071 (2011).
  • Demiralay, E.C., Alsancak, G. Ozkan, S.A.: Determination of pKa values of nonsteroi- dal antiinflammatory drug-oxicams by RP-HPLC and their analysis in pharmaceutical dosage forms. J Sep Sci, 32(17), 2928 (2009).
  • Wiczling, P., Kawczak, P., Nasal, A. Kaliszan, R.: Simultaneous determination of pKa and lipophilicity by gradient RP HPLC. Anal Chem, 78(1), 239 (2006).
  • Fu, X.F., Liu, Y., Li, W., Bai, Y., Liao, Y.P. Liu, H.W.: Determination of dissociation constants of aristolochic acid I and II by capillary electrophoresis with carboxymethyl chitosan-coated capillary. Talanta, 85(1), 813 (2011).
  • Ehala, S., Misek, J., Stara, I.G., Stary, I. Kasicka, V.: Determination of acid-base dis- sociation constants of azahelicenes by capillary zone electrophoresis. J Sep Sci, 31(14), 2686 (2008).
  • Fuguet, E., Rafols, C., Bosch, E. Roses, M.: A fast method for pKa determination by capillary electrophoresis. Chemistry & biodiversity, 6(11), 1822 (2009).
  • Ishihama, Y., Nakamura, M., Miwa, T., Kajima, T. Asakawa, N.: A rapid method for pKa determination of drugs using pressure-assisted capillary electrophoresis with pho- todiode array detection in drug discovery. J Pharm Sci, 91(4), 933 (2002).
  • Schurman.H, Thun, H. Verbeek, F.: Potentiometric Determination of Dissociation Con- stants of Itaconic Acid. J Electroanal Chem, 26(2-3), 299 (1970).
  • Qiang, Z.M. Adams, C.: Potentiometric determination of acid dissociation constants (pK(a)) for human and veterinary antibiotics. Water Res, 38(12), 2874 (2004).
  • Roda, G., Dallanoce, C., Grazioso, G., Liberti, V. De Amici, M.: Determination of Acid Dissociation Constants of Compounds Active at Neuronal Nicotinic Acetylcholine Re- ceptors by Means of Electrophoretic and Potentiometric Techniques. Anal Sci, 26(1), 51 (2010).

Application of RP-HPLC for Determination of the Dissociation Constants of Rosuvastatin Calcium

Yıl 2012, Sayı: 2, 133 - 144, 01.06.2012


The acid-base dissociation constant pKa of a drug is a key physicochemical parameter influencing many biopharmaceutical characteristics. In this work, dissociation constant values of rosuvastatin calcium were determined by using RP-HPLC method. The elution of rosuvastatin calcium was achieved by using C18 column ACE 125x4,6 mm, 5 μm while the mobile phase was acetonitrile: phosphate buffer 40 mM 50:50 v/v at various pH values. The flow rate was 1 mL min-1 and the injection volume was 20 μL. The detector was set at 205 nm wavelength. Dissociation constant values were obtained through the relationship between the capacity factors and the pH values of the mobile phases. Thus, three ionization steps were properly observed from the sigmoidal curves and the dissociation constant values were found to be 3.7, 4.8 and 5.6, respectively.


  • Carswell, C.I., Plosker, G.L. Jarvis, B.: Rosuvastatin. Drugs, 62(14), 2086 (2002).
  • Carter, N.J.: Rosuvastatin: a review of its use in the prevention of cardiovascular dis- ease in apparently healthy women or men with normal LDL-C levels and elevated hsCRP levels. Am J Cardiovasc Drugs, 10(6), 383 (2010).
  • Hogben, C.A., Tocco, D.J., Brodie, B.B. Schanker, L.S.: On the mechanism of intesti- nal absorption of drugs. J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 125(4), 275 (1959).
  • Manallack, D.T.: The pK(a) Distribution of Drugs: Application to Drug Discovery. Per- spect Medicin Chem, 1, 25 (2008).
  • Malkia, A., Murtomaki, L., Urtti, A. Kontturi, K.: Drug permeation in biomembranes: in vitro and in silico prediction and influence of physicochemical properties. Eur J Pharm Sci, 23(1), 13 (2004).
  • Remko, M., Bohac, A. Kovacikova, L.: Molecular structure, pKa, lipophilicity, solubility, absorption, polar surface area, and blood brain barrier penetration of some antiangio- genic agents. Struct Chem, 22(3), 635 (2011).
  • Bocci, V.: Physicochemical and biologic properties of interferons and their potential uses in drug delivery systems. Critical reviews in therapeutic drug carrier systems, 9(2), 91 (1992).
  • Price, D.A., Blagg, J., Jones, L., Greene, N. Wager, T.: Physicochemical drug proper- ties associated with in vivo toxicological outcomes: a review. Expert opinion on drug metabolism & toxicology, 5(8), 921 (2009).
  • Newton, D.W. Kluza, R.B.: Pka Values of Medicinal Compounds in Pharmacy Practice. Drug Intel Clin Phar, 12(9), 546 (1978).
  • Ghosh, I. Nau, W.M.: The strategic use of supramolecular pK(a) shifts to enhance the bioavailability of drugs. Adv Drug Deliv Rev, 64(9), 764 (2012).
  • Kawakami, K.: Modification of physicochemical characteristics of active pharmaceuti- cal ingredients and application of supersaturatable dosage forms for improving bio- availability of poorly absorbed drugs. Adv Drug Deliv Rev, 64(6), 480 (2012).
  • Avdeef, A. Testa, B.: Physicochemical profiling in drug research: a brief survey of the state-of-the-art of experimental techniques. Cell Mol Life Sci, 59(10), 1681 (2002).
  • Santos, E., Rosillo, I., Delcastillo, B. Avendano, C.: Determination of Pka Values for Hydantoins by Spectrophotometry. J Chem Res-S, 5, 131 (1982).
  • Rosenberg, L.S., Simons, J. Schulman, S.G.: Determination of Pka Values of N-Hetero- cyclic Bases by Fluorescence Spectrophotometry. Talanta, 26(9), 867 (1979).
  • Pereira, A.V., Garabeli, A.A., Schunemann, G.D. Borck, P.C.: Determination of Disso- ciation Constant (K-a) of Captopril and Nimesulide - Analytical Chemistry Experiments for Undergraduate Pharmacy. Quim Nova, 34(9), 1656 (2011).
  • Grant, G.F. Hubbard, J.W.: Spectrophotometric Determination of the Pka of Phenobar- bital. Am J Pharm Educ, 53(1), 46 (1989).
  • Uhrova, M., Miksik, I., Deyl, Z. Bellini, S.: Determination of dissociation constants by separation methods (HPLC and CE). Theoretical background and guidelines for ap- plication. Process Contr Qual, 10(1-2), 151 (1997).
  • Oumada, F.Z., Rafols, C., Roses, M. Bosch, E.: Chromatographic determination of aqueous dissociation constants of some water-insoluble nonsteroidal antiinflamma- tory drugs. J Pharm Sci, 91(4), 991 (2002).
  • Demiralay, E.C., Koc, D., Daldal, Y.D. Cakir, C.: Determination of chromatographic and spectrophotometric dissociation constants of some beta lactam antibiotics. J Phar- maceut Biomed, 71, 139 (2012).
  • Canbay, H.S., Demiralay, E.C., Alsancak, G. Ozkan, S.A.: Chromatographic Deter- mination of pK(a) Values of Some Water-Insoluble Arylpropionic Acids and Arylacetic Acids in Acetonitrile plus Water Media. J Chem Eng Data, 56(5), 2071 (2011).
  • Demiralay, E.C., Alsancak, G. Ozkan, S.A.: Determination of pKa values of nonsteroi- dal antiinflammatory drug-oxicams by RP-HPLC and their analysis in pharmaceutical dosage forms. J Sep Sci, 32(17), 2928 (2009).
  • Wiczling, P., Kawczak, P., Nasal, A. Kaliszan, R.: Simultaneous determination of pKa and lipophilicity by gradient RP HPLC. Anal Chem, 78(1), 239 (2006).
  • Fu, X.F., Liu, Y., Li, W., Bai, Y., Liao, Y.P. Liu, H.W.: Determination of dissociation constants of aristolochic acid I and II by capillary electrophoresis with carboxymethyl chitosan-coated capillary. Talanta, 85(1), 813 (2011).
  • Ehala, S., Misek, J., Stara, I.G., Stary, I. Kasicka, V.: Determination of acid-base dis- sociation constants of azahelicenes by capillary zone electrophoresis. J Sep Sci, 31(14), 2686 (2008).
  • Fuguet, E., Rafols, C., Bosch, E. Roses, M.: A fast method for pKa determination by capillary electrophoresis. Chemistry & biodiversity, 6(11), 1822 (2009).
  • Ishihama, Y., Nakamura, M., Miwa, T., Kajima, T. Asakawa, N.: A rapid method for pKa determination of drugs using pressure-assisted capillary electrophoresis with pho- todiode array detection in drug discovery. J Pharm Sci, 91(4), 933 (2002).
  • Schurman.H, Thun, H. Verbeek, F.: Potentiometric Determination of Dissociation Con- stants of Itaconic Acid. J Electroanal Chem, 26(2-3), 299 (1970).
  • Qiang, Z.M. Adams, C.: Potentiometric determination of acid dissociation constants (pK(a)) for human and veterinary antibiotics. Water Res, 38(12), 2874 (2004).
  • Roda, G., Dallanoce, C., Grazioso, G., Liberti, V. De Amici, M.: Determination of Acid Dissociation Constants of Compounds Active at Neuronal Nicotinic Acetylcholine Re- ceptors by Means of Electrophoretic and Potentiometric Techniques. Anal Sci, 26(1), 51 (2010).
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Research Article

Engin Koçak Bu kişi benim

Mustafa Çelebier Bu kişi benim

Sacide Altınöz

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Koçak E, Çelebier M, Altınöz S. Application of RP-HPLC for Determination of the Dissociation Constants of Rosuvastatin Calcium. HUJPHARM. 2012(2):133-44.