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İnsülin Glarjin Kullanımının Toksikolojik Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2010, Issue: 2, 187 - 204, 01.06.2010


Diabetes mellitus vücudun yeteri kadar insülin üretememesi Tip 1 veya üretilen insüline yeteri kadar cevap verememesi Tip 2 ile ortaya çıkan ve yüksek kan şekeri ile kendini gösteren bir hastalıktır. İnsülin, pankreasta üretilen ve vücudun glukozu absorplamasını ve enerjiye dönüştürmesini sağlayan bir hormondur. Eğer vücutta yeteri kadar glukoz emilimi olmazsa, hiperglisemi ortaya çıkar ve birçok potansiyel medikal komplikasyonlara neden olur. Obezite, hareketsiz yaşam tarzı, popülasyonun yaşlanması ve geriatrik mortalite oranındaki düşüş diyabet insidansında artışa neden olmaktadır. İnsülin analogları, doğada bulunan insülin formlarından farklı olarak sentezlenen ve glisemik kontrolü sağlamak için kullanılan anti-diyabetiklerdir. İnsülin glarjin C267H- 408N72O77S6 , rekombinant DNA teknolojisi ile üretilen uzun etki süreli bir insan insülini analoğudur. Etki süresi 18-26 saat arasındadır ve “pik” oluşturmayan bir profil çizen etki-zaman eğrisi verir. Bu derlemede insülin glarjinin toksikolojik profiline farmako/toksiko-kinetik ve dinamiği, yan etkileri, ilaç etkileşmeleri ve kanser ile ilişkisi ilişkin verilerden bahsedilecektir.


  • Rother, K.I. : Diabetes treatment—bridging the divide. New Engl J Med, 356, 1499 (2007)
  • Masharani, U., “Diabetes mellitus and hypoglisemia”, Tierney, L.M., McPhee, S.J., Pa- padakis MA (Eds.) Current medical Diagnosis and Treatment. International Edition, New York, Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill, (2002), sayfa 1203.
  • Sabetsky, V., Ekblom, J. : Insulin: a new era for an old hormone. Pharmacol Res, 61, 1 (2010)
  • Carr, D.B., Gabbe, S. : Gestational Diabetes: Detection, Management, and Implicati- ons. Clin Diabetes, 16: 4 (1998)
  • Zimmet, P., Alberti, K.G., Shaw, J. : Global and societal implications of the diabetes epidemic. Nature, 414, 782 (2001)
  • Chatterjee, S., Tringham, J.R., Davies, M.J. : Insulin glargine and its place in the tre- atment of Types 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus. Expert Opin Pharmacother, 7: 1357 (2006)
  • Diabetes: facts and figures. Ottawa (ON): Public Health Agency of Canada; 2003. http//:
  • Guidance for Industry. Diabetes mellitus. Developing drugs and therapeutic biologics for treatment and prevention. Draft guidance. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Food and Drug Administration. Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER). February 2008, 1-34. http:// ceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/ucm071624.pdf.
  • An introduction to insulin analogues and premixed insulin analogues. 2005. http://
  • Hartman, I. : Insulin analogs: impact on treatment success, satisfaction, quality of life, and adherence. Clin Med Res, 6, 54 (2008)
  • Guerci, B., Sauvanet, J.P. : Subcutaneous insulin: pharmacokinetic variability and glycemic variability. Diabetes Metab, 31, 4S7 (2005)
  • Lantus Injection. Description. _sa- nofi_aventis.html.
  • Singh, S.R., Ahmad, F., Lal, A., Yu, C., Bai, Z., Bennett, H. : Efficacy and safety of in- sulin analogues for the management of diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis. CMAJ 180, 385 (2009)
  • Levien, T.L., Baker, D.E., White, J.R. Jr., Campbell, RK. : Insulin glargine: a new ba- sal insulin. Ann Pharmacother, 36,1019 (2002)
  • Abrahamson, M.J. : Basal insulins: Pharmacological properties and patient perspec- tives. Prim Care Diabetes, 4S1, S19 (2010)
  • Gillies, P.S., Figgitt, D.P., Lamb, H.M. : Insulin glargine. Drugs, 59, 253 (2000)
  • Hirsch, I.B., Bode, B.W., Garg, S., Lane, W.S., Sussman, A., Hu, P., Santiago, O.M., Kolaczynski, J.W., Insulin Aspart CSII/MDI Comparison Study Group. : Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) of insulin aspart versus multiple daily injection of insulin aspart/insulin glargine in type 1 diabetic patients previously treated with CSII. Diabetes Care, 28, 533 (2005)
  • Sommerfeld, M.R., Müller, G., Tschank, G., Seipke, G., Habermann, P., Kurrle, R., Tennagels, N. : In vitro metabolic and mitogenic signaling of insulin glargine and its metabolites. PLoS One, 5, e9540 (2010)
  • Kurtzhals, P., Schäffer, L., Sİrensen, A., Kristensen, C., Jonassen, I., Schmid, C., Trüb, T. : Correlations of receptor binding and metabolic and mitogenic potencies of insulin analogs designed for clinical use. Diabetes, 49, 999 (2000)
  • Stammberger, I., Seipke, G., Bartels, T. : Insulin glulisine--a comprehensive preclini- cal evaluation. Int J Toxicol, 25, 25 (2006)
  • Insulin Glargine (rDNA origin) Injection. ginfo/meds/a600027.html.
  • Horvath, K., Jeitler, K., Berghold, A., Ebrahim, S.H., Gratzer, T.W., Plank, J., Kaiser, T., Pieber, T.R., Siebenhofer, A. : Long-acting insulin analogues versus NPH insulin (human isophane insulin) for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2, CD005613, (2007)
  • Morris, A.D., Boyle, D.I., McMahon, A.D., Greene, S.A., MacDonald, T.M., Newton, R.W. : Adherence to insulin treatment, glycaemic control, and ketoacidosis in insulin- dependent diabetes mellitus. The DARTS/MEMO Collaboration. Diabetes Audit and Research in Tayside Scotland. Medicines Monitoring Unit. Lancet, 350, 1505 (1997)
  • Rhee, M.K., Slocum, W., Ziemer, D.C., Culler, S.D., Cook, C.B., El-Kebbi, I.M., Gallina, D.L., Barnes, C., Phillips, L.S. : Patient adherence improves glycemic control. Diabe- tes Educ, 31, 240 (2005)
  • Bronson, S.K., Reiter, C.E., Gardner, T.W. : An eye on insulin. J Clin Invest, 111, 1817 (2003)
  • Gargiulo, P., Giusti, C., Pietrobono, D., La Torre, D., Diacono, D., Tamburrano, G. : Di- abetes mellitus and retinopathy. Dig Liver Dis, 36S1, S101 (2004)
  • Valentine, W.J., Palmer, A.J., Erny-Albrecht, K.M., Ray, J.A., Cobden, D., Foos, V., Lu- rati, F.M., Roze, S. : Cost-effectiveness of basal insulin from a US health system pers- pective: comparative analyses of detemir, glargine, and NPH. Adv Ther, 23, 191 (2006)
  • Davis, M.D., Beck, R.W., Home, P.D., Sandow, J., Ferris, F.L. : Early retinopathy prog- ression in four randomized trials comparing insulin glargine and NPH [corrected] in- sulin. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes, 115, 240 (2007)
  • Rosenstock, J., Park, G., Zimmerman, J., U.S. Insulin Glargine (HOE 901) Type 1 Di- abetes Investigator Group. : Basal insulin glargine (HOE 901) versus NPH insulin in patients with type 1 diabetes on multiple daily insulin regimens. U.S. Insulin Glargi- ne (HOE 901) Type 1 Diabetes Investigator Group. Diabetes Care, 23, 1137 (2000)
  • Comparison of Insulin Glargine and NPH Human Insulin in Progression of Diabetic Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetic Patients. 00174824?term=NCT00174824&rank=1.
  • Chantelau, E., Kimmerle, R., Meyer-Schwickerath, R. : Insulin, insulin analogues and diabetic retinopathy. Arch Physiol Biochem, 114, 54 (2008)
  • Valentine, W.J., Palmer, A.J., Lammert, M., Nicklasson, L., Foos, V., Roze, S. : Long- term clinical and cost outcomes of treatment with biphasic insulin aspart 30/70 versus insulin glargine in insulin naïve type 2 diabetes patients: cost-effectiveness analysis in the UK setting. Curr Med Res Opin, 21, 2063 (2005)
  • EQuality1 Study Group--Evaluation of QUALITY of Life and Costs in Diabetes Type 1, Nicolucci, A., Maione, A., Franciosi, M., Amoretti, R., Busetto, E., Capani, F., Brutto- messo, D., Di Bartolo, P., Girelli, A., Leonetti, F., Morviducci, L., Ponzi, P., Vitacolonna, E. : Quality of life and treatment satisfaction in adults with Type 1 diabetes: a com- parison between continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion and multiple daily injec- tions. Diabet Med, 25, 213 (2008)
  • Holstein, A., Stege, H., Kovacs, P. : Lipoatrophy associated with the use of insulin ana- logues: a new case associated with the use of insulin glargine and review of the lite- rature. Expert Opin Drug Saf, 9, 225 (2010)
  • Arranz, A., Andia, V., López-Guzmán, A. : A case of lipoatrophy with Lispro insulin without insulin pump therapy. Diabetes Care, 27, 625. (2004)
  • Griffin, M.E., Feder, A., Tamborlane, WV. : Lipoatrophy associated with lispro insulin in insulin pump therapy: an old complication, a new cause? Diabetes Care, 24, 174 (2001)
  • Ampudia-Blasco, F.J., Hasbum, B., Carmena, R. : A new case of lipoatrophy with lisp- ro insulin in insulin pump therapy: is there any insulin preparation free of complica- tions? Diabetes Care, 26, 953 (2003)
  • Ampudia-Blasco, F.J., Girbes J, Carmena R. : A case of lipoatrophy with insulin glar- gine: long-acting insulin analogs are not exempt from this complication. Diabetes, Care. 28, 2983, (2005)
  • Reeves, W.G., Allen, B.R., Tattersall, R.B. : Insulin-induced lipoatrophy: evidence for an immune pathogenesis. Br Med J, 280, 1500 (1980)
  • Atlan-Gepner, C., Bongrand, P., Farnarier, C. : Insulin-induced lipoatrophy in type I diabetes. A possible tumor necrosis factor-alpha-mediated dedifferentiation of adi- pocytes. Diabetes Care, 19, 1283 (1996)
  • Nagai, T., Nagai, Y., Tomizawa, T., Mori, M. : Immediate-type human insulin allergy successfully treated by continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion. Intern Med, 36, 575 (1997)
  • Kumar, D. : Lispro analog for treatment of generalized allergy to human insulin. Dia- betes Care, 20, 1357 (1997)
  • Castéra, V., Dutour-Meyer, A., Koeppel, M., Petitjean, C., Darmon, P. : Systemic al- lergy to human insulin and its rapid and long acting analogs: successful treatment by continuous subcutaneous insulin lispro infusion. Diabetes Metab, 31, 391 (2005)
  • Gonzalo, M.A., De Argila, D., Revenga, F., García, J.M., Díaz, J., Morales, F. Cutaneo- us allergy to human (recombinant DNA) insulin. Allergy, 53, 106 (1998)
  • Pratt, E.J., Miles, P., Kerr, D. : Localized insulin allergy treated with continuous sub- cutaneous insulin. Diabet Med, 18, 515 (2001)
  • Näf, S., Esmatjes, E., Recasens, M., Valero, A., Halperin, I., Levy, I., Gomis, R.. : Con- tinuous subcutaneous insulin infusion to resolve an allergy to human insulin. Dia- betes Care, 25, 634 (2002)
  • Barranco, R., Herrero, T., Tornero, P., Barrio, M., Frutos, C., Rodríguez, A., Malvet- ti, V., Luisa Baeza, M. : Systemic allergic reaction by a human insulin analog. Allergy, 58, 536 (2003)
  • Lantus. Insulin glargine [r DNA origin] injection. lantus/lantus.html
  • Chakkarwar, P.N., Manjrekar, N.A. İnsülin glargine: A long acting insülin analog. J Postgrad Med, 51, 68 (2005)
  • Product information. Lantus (Insülin glargine). Kansas City, MO: Aventis Pharmace- uticals, February 2001.
  • Hemkens, L.G., Bender, R., Grouven, U., Sawicki, P.T. : Insulin glargine and cancer. Lancet, 374, 1743 (2009)
  • Jonasson JM, Ljung R, Talbäck M, Haglund B, Gudbjörnsdòttir S, Steineck G. Insulin glargine use and short-term incidence of malignancies-a population-based follow-up study in Sweden. Diabetologia, 52, 1745 (2009)
  • Currie, C.J., McEwan, P., Poole, C., Valentine, W.J., Palmer, A.J., Lammert, M., Nick- lasson, L., Foos, V., Roze, S. : Comments on long-term clinical and cost outcomes of treatment with biphasic insulin aspart 30/70 versus insulin glargine in insulin-naïve type 2 diabetes patients: cost-effectiveness analysis in the UK setting. Curr Med Res Opin, 22, 967 (2006)
  • Colhoun, H.M., SDRN Epidemiology Group. Use of insulin glargine and cancer inci- dence in Scotland: a study from the Scottish Diabetes Research Network Epidemio- logy Group. Diabetologia, 52, 1755 (2009)
  • European Medicines Agency. Press Release. European Medicines Agency update on safety of insulin glargine. London, 23 July 2009. Doc. Ref. EMEA/470632/2009.
  • The American Diabetes Association (ADA). : Statement from the American Diabetes Association Related to Studies Published in ‘Diabetologia’. Research conflicting and inconclusive; Patients should not stop using insulin and should talk to their doc- tor. html.
  • Bloomgarden, Z.T. : No increased cancer risk with insulin detemir vs. human insulin. 45th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes. http://
  • Hernández-Díaz, S., Adami, H.O. Diabetes therapy and cancer risk: causal effects and other plausible explanations. Diabetologia, 53, 802 (2010)

Toxicological Evaluation of Insulin Glargine

Year 2010, Issue: 2, 187 - 204, 01.06.2010


Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which a person has a high blood glucose level as a result of the body either not producing enough insulin Type 1 , or because body cells do not properly respond to the insulin that is produced Type 2 . Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas which enables body cells to absorb glucose, to turn into energy. If the body cells do not absorb the glucose, hyperglycemia leads to various potential medical complications. Obesity, sedentary life style, aging population and mortality decreases of geriatric population cause increases in the incidence of diabetes. Insulin analogues are altered forms of insulin, different from any occurring in nature and they are anti-diabetics used for supplying glycemic control. Insulin glargine C267H408N72O77S6 is a human insulin analogue produced by recombinant DNA technology. It is a long-acting analogue with a duration of action of 18 to 26 hours and with a “peakless” profile of effect-time curve. This review will focus on the toxicological profile of insulin glargine: pharmaco/toxico-kinetics and dynamics, side effects, drug interactions and its relationship with cancer due to evidences related to the subject.


  • Rother, K.I. : Diabetes treatment—bridging the divide. New Engl J Med, 356, 1499 (2007)
  • Masharani, U., “Diabetes mellitus and hypoglisemia”, Tierney, L.M., McPhee, S.J., Pa- padakis MA (Eds.) Current medical Diagnosis and Treatment. International Edition, New York, Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill, (2002), sayfa 1203.
  • Sabetsky, V., Ekblom, J. : Insulin: a new era for an old hormone. Pharmacol Res, 61, 1 (2010)
  • Carr, D.B., Gabbe, S. : Gestational Diabetes: Detection, Management, and Implicati- ons. Clin Diabetes, 16: 4 (1998)
  • Zimmet, P., Alberti, K.G., Shaw, J. : Global and societal implications of the diabetes epidemic. Nature, 414, 782 (2001)
  • Chatterjee, S., Tringham, J.R., Davies, M.J. : Insulin glargine and its place in the tre- atment of Types 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus. Expert Opin Pharmacother, 7: 1357 (2006)
  • Diabetes: facts and figures. Ottawa (ON): Public Health Agency of Canada; 2003. http//:
  • Guidance for Industry. Diabetes mellitus. Developing drugs and therapeutic biologics for treatment and prevention. Draft guidance. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Food and Drug Administration. Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER). February 2008, 1-34. http:// ceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/ucm071624.pdf.
  • An introduction to insulin analogues and premixed insulin analogues. 2005. http://
  • Hartman, I. : Insulin analogs: impact on treatment success, satisfaction, quality of life, and adherence. Clin Med Res, 6, 54 (2008)
  • Guerci, B., Sauvanet, J.P. : Subcutaneous insulin: pharmacokinetic variability and glycemic variability. Diabetes Metab, 31, 4S7 (2005)
  • Lantus Injection. Description. _sa- nofi_aventis.html.
  • Singh, S.R., Ahmad, F., Lal, A., Yu, C., Bai, Z., Bennett, H. : Efficacy and safety of in- sulin analogues for the management of diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis. CMAJ 180, 385 (2009)
  • Levien, T.L., Baker, D.E., White, J.R. Jr., Campbell, RK. : Insulin glargine: a new ba- sal insulin. Ann Pharmacother, 36,1019 (2002)
  • Abrahamson, M.J. : Basal insulins: Pharmacological properties and patient perspec- tives. Prim Care Diabetes, 4S1, S19 (2010)
  • Gillies, P.S., Figgitt, D.P., Lamb, H.M. : Insulin glargine. Drugs, 59, 253 (2000)
  • Hirsch, I.B., Bode, B.W., Garg, S., Lane, W.S., Sussman, A., Hu, P., Santiago, O.M., Kolaczynski, J.W., Insulin Aspart CSII/MDI Comparison Study Group. : Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) of insulin aspart versus multiple daily injection of insulin aspart/insulin glargine in type 1 diabetic patients previously treated with CSII. Diabetes Care, 28, 533 (2005)
  • Sommerfeld, M.R., Müller, G., Tschank, G., Seipke, G., Habermann, P., Kurrle, R., Tennagels, N. : In vitro metabolic and mitogenic signaling of insulin glargine and its metabolites. PLoS One, 5, e9540 (2010)
  • Kurtzhals, P., Schäffer, L., Sİrensen, A., Kristensen, C., Jonassen, I., Schmid, C., Trüb, T. : Correlations of receptor binding and metabolic and mitogenic potencies of insulin analogs designed for clinical use. Diabetes, 49, 999 (2000)
  • Stammberger, I., Seipke, G., Bartels, T. : Insulin glulisine--a comprehensive preclini- cal evaluation. Int J Toxicol, 25, 25 (2006)
  • Insulin Glargine (rDNA origin) Injection. ginfo/meds/a600027.html.
  • Horvath, K., Jeitler, K., Berghold, A., Ebrahim, S.H., Gratzer, T.W., Plank, J., Kaiser, T., Pieber, T.R., Siebenhofer, A. : Long-acting insulin analogues versus NPH insulin (human isophane insulin) for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2, CD005613, (2007)
  • Morris, A.D., Boyle, D.I., McMahon, A.D., Greene, S.A., MacDonald, T.M., Newton, R.W. : Adherence to insulin treatment, glycaemic control, and ketoacidosis in insulin- dependent diabetes mellitus. The DARTS/MEMO Collaboration. Diabetes Audit and Research in Tayside Scotland. Medicines Monitoring Unit. Lancet, 350, 1505 (1997)
  • Rhee, M.K., Slocum, W., Ziemer, D.C., Culler, S.D., Cook, C.B., El-Kebbi, I.M., Gallina, D.L., Barnes, C., Phillips, L.S. : Patient adherence improves glycemic control. Diabe- tes Educ, 31, 240 (2005)
  • Bronson, S.K., Reiter, C.E., Gardner, T.W. : An eye on insulin. J Clin Invest, 111, 1817 (2003)
  • Gargiulo, P., Giusti, C., Pietrobono, D., La Torre, D., Diacono, D., Tamburrano, G. : Di- abetes mellitus and retinopathy. Dig Liver Dis, 36S1, S101 (2004)
  • Valentine, W.J., Palmer, A.J., Erny-Albrecht, K.M., Ray, J.A., Cobden, D., Foos, V., Lu- rati, F.M., Roze, S. : Cost-effectiveness of basal insulin from a US health system pers- pective: comparative analyses of detemir, glargine, and NPH. Adv Ther, 23, 191 (2006)
  • Davis, M.D., Beck, R.W., Home, P.D., Sandow, J., Ferris, F.L. : Early retinopathy prog- ression in four randomized trials comparing insulin glargine and NPH [corrected] in- sulin. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes, 115, 240 (2007)
  • Rosenstock, J., Park, G., Zimmerman, J., U.S. Insulin Glargine (HOE 901) Type 1 Di- abetes Investigator Group. : Basal insulin glargine (HOE 901) versus NPH insulin in patients with type 1 diabetes on multiple daily insulin regimens. U.S. Insulin Glargi- ne (HOE 901) Type 1 Diabetes Investigator Group. Diabetes Care, 23, 1137 (2000)
  • Comparison of Insulin Glargine and NPH Human Insulin in Progression of Diabetic Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetic Patients. 00174824?term=NCT00174824&rank=1.
  • Chantelau, E., Kimmerle, R., Meyer-Schwickerath, R. : Insulin, insulin analogues and diabetic retinopathy. Arch Physiol Biochem, 114, 54 (2008)
  • Valentine, W.J., Palmer, A.J., Lammert, M., Nicklasson, L., Foos, V., Roze, S. : Long- term clinical and cost outcomes of treatment with biphasic insulin aspart 30/70 versus insulin glargine in insulin naïve type 2 diabetes patients: cost-effectiveness analysis in the UK setting. Curr Med Res Opin, 21, 2063 (2005)
  • EQuality1 Study Group--Evaluation of QUALITY of Life and Costs in Diabetes Type 1, Nicolucci, A., Maione, A., Franciosi, M., Amoretti, R., Busetto, E., Capani, F., Brutto- messo, D., Di Bartolo, P., Girelli, A., Leonetti, F., Morviducci, L., Ponzi, P., Vitacolonna, E. : Quality of life and treatment satisfaction in adults with Type 1 diabetes: a com- parison between continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion and multiple daily injec- tions. Diabet Med, 25, 213 (2008)
  • Holstein, A., Stege, H., Kovacs, P. : Lipoatrophy associated with the use of insulin ana- logues: a new case associated with the use of insulin glargine and review of the lite- rature. Expert Opin Drug Saf, 9, 225 (2010)
  • Arranz, A., Andia, V., López-Guzmán, A. : A case of lipoatrophy with Lispro insulin without insulin pump therapy. Diabetes Care, 27, 625. (2004)
  • Griffin, M.E., Feder, A., Tamborlane, WV. : Lipoatrophy associated with lispro insulin in insulin pump therapy: an old complication, a new cause? Diabetes Care, 24, 174 (2001)
  • Ampudia-Blasco, F.J., Hasbum, B., Carmena, R. : A new case of lipoatrophy with lisp- ro insulin in insulin pump therapy: is there any insulin preparation free of complica- tions? Diabetes Care, 26, 953 (2003)
  • Ampudia-Blasco, F.J., Girbes J, Carmena R. : A case of lipoatrophy with insulin glar- gine: long-acting insulin analogs are not exempt from this complication. Diabetes, Care. 28, 2983, (2005)
  • Reeves, W.G., Allen, B.R., Tattersall, R.B. : Insulin-induced lipoatrophy: evidence for an immune pathogenesis. Br Med J, 280, 1500 (1980)
  • Atlan-Gepner, C., Bongrand, P., Farnarier, C. : Insulin-induced lipoatrophy in type I diabetes. A possible tumor necrosis factor-alpha-mediated dedifferentiation of adi- pocytes. Diabetes Care, 19, 1283 (1996)
  • Nagai, T., Nagai, Y., Tomizawa, T., Mori, M. : Immediate-type human insulin allergy successfully treated by continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion. Intern Med, 36, 575 (1997)
  • Kumar, D. : Lispro analog for treatment of generalized allergy to human insulin. Dia- betes Care, 20, 1357 (1997)
  • Castéra, V., Dutour-Meyer, A., Koeppel, M., Petitjean, C., Darmon, P. : Systemic al- lergy to human insulin and its rapid and long acting analogs: successful treatment by continuous subcutaneous insulin lispro infusion. Diabetes Metab, 31, 391 (2005)
  • Gonzalo, M.A., De Argila, D., Revenga, F., García, J.M., Díaz, J., Morales, F. Cutaneo- us allergy to human (recombinant DNA) insulin. Allergy, 53, 106 (1998)
  • Pratt, E.J., Miles, P., Kerr, D. : Localized insulin allergy treated with continuous sub- cutaneous insulin. Diabet Med, 18, 515 (2001)
  • Näf, S., Esmatjes, E., Recasens, M., Valero, A., Halperin, I., Levy, I., Gomis, R.. : Con- tinuous subcutaneous insulin infusion to resolve an allergy to human insulin. Dia- betes Care, 25, 634 (2002)
  • Barranco, R., Herrero, T., Tornero, P., Barrio, M., Frutos, C., Rodríguez, A., Malvet- ti, V., Luisa Baeza, M. : Systemic allergic reaction by a human insulin analog. Allergy, 58, 536 (2003)
  • Lantus. Insulin glargine [r DNA origin] injection. lantus/lantus.html
  • Chakkarwar, P.N., Manjrekar, N.A. İnsülin glargine: A long acting insülin analog. J Postgrad Med, 51, 68 (2005)
  • Product information. Lantus (Insülin glargine). Kansas City, MO: Aventis Pharmace- uticals, February 2001.
  • Hemkens, L.G., Bender, R., Grouven, U., Sawicki, P.T. : Insulin glargine and cancer. Lancet, 374, 1743 (2009)
  • Jonasson JM, Ljung R, Talbäck M, Haglund B, Gudbjörnsdòttir S, Steineck G. Insulin glargine use and short-term incidence of malignancies-a population-based follow-up study in Sweden. Diabetologia, 52, 1745 (2009)
  • Currie, C.J., McEwan, P., Poole, C., Valentine, W.J., Palmer, A.J., Lammert, M., Nick- lasson, L., Foos, V., Roze, S. : Comments on long-term clinical and cost outcomes of treatment with biphasic insulin aspart 30/70 versus insulin glargine in insulin-naïve type 2 diabetes patients: cost-effectiveness analysis in the UK setting. Curr Med Res Opin, 22, 967 (2006)
  • Colhoun, H.M., SDRN Epidemiology Group. Use of insulin glargine and cancer inci- dence in Scotland: a study from the Scottish Diabetes Research Network Epidemio- logy Group. Diabetologia, 52, 1755 (2009)
  • European Medicines Agency. Press Release. European Medicines Agency update on safety of insulin glargine. London, 23 July 2009. Doc. Ref. EMEA/470632/2009.
  • The American Diabetes Association (ADA). : Statement from the American Diabetes Association Related to Studies Published in ‘Diabetologia’. Research conflicting and inconclusive; Patients should not stop using insulin and should talk to their doc- tor. html.
  • Bloomgarden, Z.T. : No increased cancer risk with insulin detemir vs. human insulin. 45th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes. http://
  • Hernández-Díaz, S., Adami, H.O. Diabetes therapy and cancer risk: causal effects and other plausible explanations. Diabetologia, 53, 802 (2010)
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Pınar Erkekoğlu This is me

Belma Giray This is me

Gönül Şahin This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Issue: 2


Vancouver Erkekoğlu P, Giray B, Şahin G. İnsülin Glarjin Kullanımının Toksikolojik Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi. HUJPHARM. 2010(2):187-204.