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Zayıflama Amacıyla Kullanılan Çok Etken Maddeli Bazı Preparatların Toksikolojik Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi: Fen-Phen ve Usnik Asit

Year 2009, Issue: 2, 131 - 148, 01.06.2009


Kilo alımına karşı mücadelede 1940’lardan beri birçok ilaç ve bitkisel preparat kullanılmıştır. Bazıları ciddi yan etkilerinden dolayı kullanımdan kalkmıştır. Fen-Phen preparatları fenfluramin ve fentermin, usnik asit preparatları ise sodyum usniyat, fenilpropanolamin, yohimbin, kafein ve 3,5-diiyodotironin içermektedir. Fen-Phen preparatlarının kullanımı kardiyak valvulopatiye, usnik asit preparatlarının kullanımı ise ciddi karaciğer toksisitesine neden olmuştur. Ayrıca her iki tip ürünün kullanımıyla da ölümler görülmüştür. Her ne kadar fenfluramin artık kullanımından kalkmış olsa da, doktorlar halen fentermin ürünlerini reçetelendirmekte ve usnik asit preparatları ise internetten satın alınabilmektedir. Bu derlemede Fen-Phen ve usnik asit preparatlarının kullanımıyla ortaya çıkabilecek toksikolojik sonuçlar üzerinde durulacaktır.


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Toxicological Evaluation of Slimming Prepations with Several Ingredients

Year 2009, Issue: 2, 131 - 148, 01.06.2009


To aid the fighting against weight gain, many drugs or herbal preparations have been used since 1940s. Some of them are withdrawn from the market because of the serious side effects. Fen-Phen preparations contained fenfluramine and phentermine while usnic acid preparations had sodium usniate, phenylpropanolamine, yohimbine, caffeine and 3,5-diiodithyroinine as ingredients. Fen-Phen usage caused cardiac valvulopathy while preparations with usnic acid caused serious liver toxicity. Furthermore, there were several reports of deaths in patients taking these two kinds of preparations. Although fenfluramine is no longer available, physicians can still prescribe phentermine and preparations of usnic acid are still available on internet sales. This review will focus on Fen-Phen and usnic acid preparations and the possible toxicological outcomes in the usage of these two kinds of preparations.


  • mokdad, A.H., Serdula, m.K., Dietz, W.H., Bowman, B.A., marks j.S., Koplan j.P. : The spread of the obesity epidemic in the united States, 1991-1998. jAmA, 282, 1519 (1999)
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  • Coleman, E. : Anorectics on trial: A half century of federal regulation of prescriptions appetite suppressants, Ann. Intern med, 143, 380, (2005)
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  • Bray, G.A. : Treatment and secondary prevention of obesity, Nutrition,16, 384, (2000)
  • Dixon, j.B. : Weight loss medications--where do they fit in?, Aust Fam Physician, 35, 576, (2006)
  • Bray, G.A. : Drug treatment of obesity, Rev Endocr metab Disord, 2, 403, (2001)
  • Schnee, D.m., Zaiken, K., mcCloskey, W.W : Curr med Res opin, 22, 463, (2006)
  • Ioannides-Demos, L.L., Proietto, j., Tonkin, A.m., mcNeil, j.j. : Safety of drug thera- pies used for weight loss and treatment of obesity. Drug Saf, 29, 277, (2006)
  • Greenway FL, Caruso mK. : Safety of obesity drugs. Expert opin Drug Saf, 4, 1083, (2005)
  • Li, Z., maglione, m., Tu, W., mojica, W., Arterburn, D., Shugarman, L.R., Hilton, L., Suttorp, m., Solomon, V., Shekelle, P.G., morton, S.C. : meta-analysis: pharmacologic treatment of obesity. Ann Intern med, 142, 532, (2005)
  • Garrett, S.D., Cupp, m.j. : The fenfluramine/phentermine combination for weight loss. Nurse Pract, 22, 166, 1997.
  • Fastin tablet. Drug Description. Available at:
  • Poston WS, 2nd, Foreyt jP, Borrell L, Haddock CK. Challenges in obesity management. South med j, 91, 710, (1998)
  • Adipex-P. Drug Description. Available at:
  • Cannistra, L.B., Gaasch, W.H. : Appetite-suppressing drugs and valvular heart disease, Cardiol Rev,7, 356, (1999)
  • Campbell, m.L., mathys, m.L.: Pharmacologic options for the treatment of obesity. Am j Health Syst Pharm, 58, 1301, (2001)
  • Weissman, N.j., Panza, j.A, Tighe, j.F., Gwynne, j.T. : Natural history of valvular regurgitation 1 year after discontinuation of dexfenfluramine therapy. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, Ann Intern med, 134, 267, (2001)
  • Spencer D.C., Hwang, j., morrell, m.j. : Fenfluramine-Phentermine (Fen-Phen) and Seizures: Evidence for an Association, Epilepsy Behav, 1, 448, (2000)
  • Vaughan, S.F. : Fen-Phen-noumenon: A mass tort litigation and settlement about to come and go. Natl med Assoc, 94, C2, (2002)
  • Fleming, R.m, Boyd, L.B. :The longitudinal effects of fenfluramine-phentermine use. Angiology, 58, 353, (2007)
  • Connolly, H.m., Crary, j.L., mcGoon, m.D., Hensrud, D.D., Edwards, B.S., Edwards, W.D., Schaff, H.V. : Valvular heart disease associated with fenfluramine-phentermine. N Engl j med, 337, 581, (1997)
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There are 108 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Belma Giray This is me

Pınar Erkekoğlu This is me

Gönül Şahin This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Issue: 2


Vancouver Giray B, Erkekoğlu P, Şahin G. Zayıflama Amacıyla Kullanılan Çok Etken Maddeli Bazı Preparatların Toksikolojik Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi: Fen-Phen ve Usnik Asit. HUJPHARM. 2009(2):131-48.