1. Yang, S., Yang, W., Cai, Y., and Wei L., An energy efficient PTS scheme for PAPR reduction in OFDM relay systems. in ChinaCom2015: Shanghai, China. p.858-863.
2. Patidar, M.K., Mishra, A., and Saxena, R., Partial approximate gradient constellation for PAPR reduction in OFDM signals. International Journal of systems, Control and Communications, 2016. 7(1): p.83-96.
3. Joshi, A., and Saini, D.S., Peak-to-average power ratio reduction of OFDM signals using improved PTS scheme with low computational complexity. WSEAS Transactions on Communications, 2013. 12(12): p. 630-640.
4. Huang, X., Diversity performance of precoded OFDM with MMSE equalization. in ISCIT’07: Sydney, Australia. p.802-807.
5. Wang, J., Guo, Y., and Zhou, X., PTS-clipping method to reduce the PAPR in ROF-OFDM system. IEEE Transactions Consumer Electronics, 2009. 55(2): p. 356-359.
6. Jones, A.E., Wilkinson, T.A., and Barton, S.K., Block coding scheme for reduction of peak to mean envelope power ratio of multicarrier transmission scheme. Electron Lett, 1994. 30(25): p. 2098–2099.
7. Sharma, C., Tomar, S.K., and Gupta, A.K., PAPR reduction in OFDM system using adaptive coding technique with pre distortion method. WSEAS Transactions Communications, 2011. 10(9): p. 255-262.
8. Huang, X., Lu, J., Zheng, J., and Letaief, K.B., Companding transform for reduction in peak-to-average power ratio of OFDM signals. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2004, 3(6): p. 2030-2039.
9. Jie, Y., Lei, C., Quan, L., and De, C., A modified selected mapping technique to reduce the peak-to-average power ratio of OFDM signal. IEEE Transactions Consum Electr, 2007. 53(3): p. 846-851.
10. Chen, J.C., and Li, C.P., Tone reservation using near- optimal peak reduction tone set selection algorithm for PAPR reduction in OFDM systems. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2010. 17(11): p. 933-936.
11. Cimini, L.J., and Sollenberger, N.R., Peak-to-average power ratio reduction of an OFDM signal using partial transmits sequences. IEEE Commun Lett, 2000. 4(3): p. 86-88.
12. Tokur Bozkurt, Y., and Taspinar, N., PAPR reduction in OFDM systems using partial transmit sequence with Cuckoo search optimization algorithm. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 2016. 4(1): p. 260-263, 2016.
13. Kermani, E.M., Salehinejad, H., and Talebi, S., PAPR reduction of OFDM signals using harmony search algorithm, in ICT2011: Ayia Napa, Cyprus. p. 90-94.
14. Hung, H.L., and Huang, Y.F., Peak-to-average power ratio reduction in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system using differential evolution-based partial transmit sequences scheme. Commun IET, 2012. 6(11): p. 1483-1488.
15. Taspinar, N., Kalinli, A., and Yildirim, M., Partial transmit sequences for PAPR reduction using parallel tabu search algorithm in OFDM systems. IEEE Commun Lett, 2011. 15(9): p. 974-976.
16. Taspinar, N., Karaboga, D., Yildirim, M., and Akay, B., PAPR reduction using artificial bee colony algorithm in OFDM systems. Turk J Elec Eng & Comp Sci, 2011. 19(1): p. 47-58.
17. Gao, J., Wang, J., and Wang, B., Improved particle swarm optimization for PAPR reduction of OFDM systems. International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, in ICNSC2010: Chicago, IL, USA. p.621-624.
18. Chaieb, H., and Sakly, A., Review and comparison BAT and PSO MPPT’s based algorithms for photovoltaic system. WSEAS Trans on Power Systems, 2018. 13: p.108-117.
19. Yang, X.S., A new metaheuristic bat-inspired algorithm-Inspired Algorithm, Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization, Springer, 2010. 284: p. 65-74.
20. Mishra, S., Shaw, K., and Mishra D., A new meta-heuristic bat inspired classification approach for microarray data. Procedia Technology, 2012. 4: p. 802-806.
PAPR reduction performance of bat algorithm in OFDM systems
Year 2019,
Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 150 - 155, 15.12.2019
The progression in technology
requires improved modulation techniques for wideband digital communication
systems. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing is efficacious systems to
fulfill high-speed data transmissions needs. However, high peak-to-average
power ratio (PAPR) is one of the significant limitations on the performance and
power efficiency of OFDM systems. Due to industrial and scientific relevance,
the assessment of the PAPR reduction has become popular subject in the current
decade. This study presents the combination of bat algorithm with partial
transmit sequence scheme as an efficient PAPR reduction method with an
alleviated computational load. A set of simulations with different partial
transmit sequence schemes are performed to comparatively evaluate the PAPR
reduction performance of the partial transmit sequence based on bat algorithm
scheme in OFDM system. The simulation results elucidate that BA-PTS scheme can
provides better PAPR reduction performance with less computational load.
1. Yang, S., Yang, W., Cai, Y., and Wei L., An energy efficient PTS scheme for PAPR reduction in OFDM relay systems. in ChinaCom2015: Shanghai, China. p.858-863.
2. Patidar, M.K., Mishra, A., and Saxena, R., Partial approximate gradient constellation for PAPR reduction in OFDM signals. International Journal of systems, Control and Communications, 2016. 7(1): p.83-96.
3. Joshi, A., and Saini, D.S., Peak-to-average power ratio reduction of OFDM signals using improved PTS scheme with low computational complexity. WSEAS Transactions on Communications, 2013. 12(12): p. 630-640.
4. Huang, X., Diversity performance of precoded OFDM with MMSE equalization. in ISCIT’07: Sydney, Australia. p.802-807.
5. Wang, J., Guo, Y., and Zhou, X., PTS-clipping method to reduce the PAPR in ROF-OFDM system. IEEE Transactions Consumer Electronics, 2009. 55(2): p. 356-359.
6. Jones, A.E., Wilkinson, T.A., and Barton, S.K., Block coding scheme for reduction of peak to mean envelope power ratio of multicarrier transmission scheme. Electron Lett, 1994. 30(25): p. 2098–2099.
7. Sharma, C., Tomar, S.K., and Gupta, A.K., PAPR reduction in OFDM system using adaptive coding technique with pre distortion method. WSEAS Transactions Communications, 2011. 10(9): p. 255-262.
8. Huang, X., Lu, J., Zheng, J., and Letaief, K.B., Companding transform for reduction in peak-to-average power ratio of OFDM signals. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2004, 3(6): p. 2030-2039.
9. Jie, Y., Lei, C., Quan, L., and De, C., A modified selected mapping technique to reduce the peak-to-average power ratio of OFDM signal. IEEE Transactions Consum Electr, 2007. 53(3): p. 846-851.
10. Chen, J.C., and Li, C.P., Tone reservation using near- optimal peak reduction tone set selection algorithm for PAPR reduction in OFDM systems. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2010. 17(11): p. 933-936.
11. Cimini, L.J., and Sollenberger, N.R., Peak-to-average power ratio reduction of an OFDM signal using partial transmits sequences. IEEE Commun Lett, 2000. 4(3): p. 86-88.
12. Tokur Bozkurt, Y., and Taspinar, N., PAPR reduction in OFDM systems using partial transmit sequence with Cuckoo search optimization algorithm. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 2016. 4(1): p. 260-263, 2016.
13. Kermani, E.M., Salehinejad, H., and Talebi, S., PAPR reduction of OFDM signals using harmony search algorithm, in ICT2011: Ayia Napa, Cyprus. p. 90-94.
14. Hung, H.L., and Huang, Y.F., Peak-to-average power ratio reduction in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system using differential evolution-based partial transmit sequences scheme. Commun IET, 2012. 6(11): p. 1483-1488.
15. Taspinar, N., Kalinli, A., and Yildirim, M., Partial transmit sequences for PAPR reduction using parallel tabu search algorithm in OFDM systems. IEEE Commun Lett, 2011. 15(9): p. 974-976.
16. Taspinar, N., Karaboga, D., Yildirim, M., and Akay, B., PAPR reduction using artificial bee colony algorithm in OFDM systems. Turk J Elec Eng & Comp Sci, 2011. 19(1): p. 47-58.
17. Gao, J., Wang, J., and Wang, B., Improved particle swarm optimization for PAPR reduction of OFDM systems. International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, in ICNSC2010: Chicago, IL, USA. p.621-624.
18. Chaieb, H., and Sakly, A., Review and comparison BAT and PSO MPPT’s based algorithms for photovoltaic system. WSEAS Trans on Power Systems, 2018. 13: p.108-117.
19. Yang, X.S., A new metaheuristic bat-inspired algorithm-Inspired Algorithm, Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization, Springer, 2010. 284: p. 65-74.
20. Mishra, S., Shaw, K., and Mishra D., A new meta-heuristic bat inspired classification approach for microarray data. Procedia Technology, 2012. 4: p. 802-806.
Tokur Bozkurt, Y., & Taşpınar, N. (2019). PAPR reduction performance of bat algorithm in OFDM systems. International Advanced Researches and Engineering Journal, 3(3), 150-155. https://doi.org/10.35860/iarej.405068
Tokur Bozkurt Y, Taşpınar N. PAPR reduction performance of bat algorithm in OFDM systems. Int. Adv. Res. Eng. J. December 2019;3(3):150-155. doi:10.35860/iarej.405068
Tokur Bozkurt, Yüksel, and Necmi Taşpınar. “PAPR Reduction Performance of Bat Algorithm in OFDM Systems”. International Advanced Researches and Engineering Journal 3, no. 3 (December 2019): 150-55. https://doi.org/10.35860/iarej.405068.
Tokur Bozkurt Y, Taşpınar N (December 1, 2019) PAPR reduction performance of bat algorithm in OFDM systems. International Advanced Researches and Engineering Journal 3 3 150–155.
Y. Tokur Bozkurt and N. Taşpınar, “PAPR reduction performance of bat algorithm in OFDM systems”, Int. Adv. Res. Eng. J., vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 150–155, 2019, doi: 10.35860/iarej.405068.
Tokur Bozkurt, Yüksel - Taşpınar, Necmi. “PAPR Reduction Performance of Bat Algorithm in OFDM Systems”. International Advanced Researches and Engineering Journal 3/3 (December 2019), 150-155. https://doi.org/10.35860/iarej.405068.
Tokur Bozkurt Y, Taşpınar N. PAPR reduction performance of bat algorithm in OFDM systems. Int. Adv. Res. Eng. J. 2019;3:150–155.
Tokur Bozkurt, Yüksel and Necmi Taşpınar. “PAPR Reduction Performance of Bat Algorithm in OFDM Systems”. International Advanced Researches and Engineering Journal, vol. 3, no. 3, 2019, pp. 150-5, doi:10.35860/iarej.405068.
Tokur Bozkurt Y, Taşpınar N. PAPR reduction performance of bat algorithm in OFDM systems. Int. Adv. Res. Eng. J. 2019;3(3):150-5.