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Yıl 2021, , 235 - 254, 07.10.2021



  • Abor, J. Y., Amidu, M. (2006). Determinants of Dividend Payout Ratios in Ghana. The Journal of Risk Finance. 7(2): 136 – 145.
  • Abor, J., Bokpin, G. A. (2010). Investment Opportunities, Corporate Finance, and Dividend Payout Policy: Evidence from Emerging Markets. Studies in Economics and Finance. 27(3): 180 – 194.
  • Agca, S., Mozumdar A. (2017). Investment – Cash Flow Sensitivity: Fact or Fiction. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 52(3): 1111 – 41.
  • Ahsan, A. F. M. M. (2012). Can ROE be Used to Predict Portfolio Performance?. Economics, Management, and Financial Markets. 7(2): 132 – 48.
  • Aivazian, V., Booth, L., Cleary, S. (2003). Do Emerging Market Firms Follow Different Dividend Policies from U.S. Firms?. The Journal of Financial Research. 26(3): 371 – 87.
  • Allen, F., Michaely, R. (2003). Payout Policy. Handbook of the Economics of Finance: Corporate Finance, Vol. 1A, ed. GM Constantinides, M Harris, RM Stulz, pp. 337 – 429. Amsterdam: North Holland.
  • Alti, A. (2003). How Sensitive is Investment to Cash Flow When Financing is Frictionless. The Journal of Finance. 58(2): 707 – 22.
  • Anwaar, M. (2016). Impact of Firms’ Performance on Stock Returns (Evidence from Listed Companies of FTSE-100 Index London, UK). Global Journal of Management and Business Research. 16(1): 30 – 39.
  • Arellano, M., Bond, S. (1991). Some Tests of Specification for Panel Data: Monte Carlo Evidence and an Application to Employment Equations. The Review of Economic Studies. 58(2): 277 – 97.
  • Arellano, M., Bover, O. (1995). Another Look at the Instrumental Variable Estimation of Error-Components Model. Journal of Econometrics. 68(1995): 29 – 51.
  • Baker, M., Wurgler, J. (2004a). Appearing and Disappearing Dividends: The Link to Catering Incentives. Journal of Financial Economics. 73(2004): 271 – 88.
  • Baker, M., Wurgler, J. (2004b). A Catering Theory of Dividends. The Journal of Finance. 59(3): 1125 – 65.
  • Barro, R. J. (1990). The Stock Market and Investment. The Review of Financial Studies. 3(1): 115 – 31.
  • Berk, J., DeMarzo, P. (2017). Corporate Finance, Vol 4: Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
  • Bischoff, C. W. (1970). A Model of Nonresidential Construction in the United States. The American Economic Review. 60(2): 10 – 7.
  • Blanchard, O., Rhee, C., Summers, L. (1993). The Stock Market, Profit, and Investment. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 108(1): 115 – 36.
  • Blundell, B., Bond, S. (1998). Initial Conditions and Moment Restrictions in Dynamic Panel Data Models. Journal of Econometrics. 87(1998): 115 – 43.
  • Bolbol, A. A., Omran, M. M. (2005). Investment and the Stock Market: Evidence from Arab Firm-level Panel Data. Emerging Markets Review. 6(2005): 85 – 106.
  • Bosworth, B. (1975). The Stock Market and the Economy. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. 1975(2): 257 – 300.
  • Brennan, J. M. (1970). Taxes, Market Valuation and Corporate Financial Policy. National Tax Journal. 23(4): 417 – 27.
  • Chay, J. B., Suh, J. (2009). Payout Policy and Cash-Flow Uncertainty. Journal of Financial Economics. 93: 88 – 107.
  • Cleary, S. (1999). The Relationship Between Firm Investment and Financial Status. The Journal of Finance. 54(2): 673 – 92.
  • Danila, N., Noreen, U., Azizan, N. A., Farid, M., Ahmed, Z. (2020). Growth Opportunities, Capital Structure and Dividend Policy in Emerging Market: Indonesia Case Study. Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business. 7(10): 1 – 8.
  • Denis, D. J., Sibilkov, V. (2010). Financial Constraints, Investment, and the Value of Cash Holdings. The Review of Financial Studies. 23(1): 247 – 269.
  • Dittmar, A., Mahrt-Smith, J. (2007). Corporate Governance and the Value of Cash Holdings. Journal of Financial Economics. 83: 599 – 634.
  • Duong, H. N., Nguyen, J. H., Nguyen, M., Rhee, S. G. (2020). Navigating Through Economic Policy Uncertainty: The Role of Corporate Cash Holdings. Journal of Corporate Finance. 62: 1 – 22.
  • Durham, J. B. (2000). Econometrics of the Effects of Stock Market Development on Growth and Private Investment in Lower Income Countries. Work. Pap. 53, Queen Elizabeth House.
  • Fama, E. F., French, K. R. (2001). Disappearing Dividends: Changing Firm Characteristics or Lower Propensity to Pay?. Journal of Financial Economics. 60(2001): 3 – 43.
  • Farrar, E. D., Farrar, F. D., Selwyn, L. L. (1967). Taxes Corporate Financial Policy and Return to Investors. National Tax Journal. 20(4): 444 – 54.
  • Fazzari, S. M., Hubbard, R. G., Petersen, B. C., Blinder, A. S., Poterba, J. M. (1988). Financing Constraints and Corporate Investment, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. 1988(1): 141 – 206.
  • Fischer, S., Merton, R. C. (1984). Macroeconomics and Finance: The Role of the Stock Market. Work. Pap. 1291, National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Galeotti, M., Schiantarelli, F. (1994). Stock Market Volatility and Investment: Do Only Fundamentals Matter?. Economica. 61(242): 147 – 65.
  • Ghosh, C., Sun, L. (2014). Agency Cost, Dividend Policy and Growth: The Special Case of REITs. J Real Estate Finan Econ. 48: 660 – 708.
  • Gordon, M. J. (1959). Dividends, Earnings, and Stock Prices. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 41(2): 99 – 105.
  • Gul, F. A. (1999). Growth Opportunities, Capital Structure and Dividend Policies in Japan. Journal of Corporate Finance. 5: 141 – 168.
  • Gul, F. A., Kealey, B. T. (1999). Chaebol, Investment Opportunity Set and Corporate Debt and Dividend Policies of Korean Companies. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting. 13: 401 – 416.
  • Harakeh, M. (2020). Dividend Policy and Corporate Investment Under Information Shocks. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money. 65: 1 – 21.
  • Harford, J. (1999). Corporate Cash Reserves and Acquisitions. The Journal of Finance. 54(6): 1969 – 1997.
  • Harford, J., Klasa, S., Maxwell, W. F. (2014). Refinancing Risk and Cash Holdings. The Journal of Finance. 69(3): 975 – 1012.
  • Harford, J., Mansi, S. A., Maxwell, W. F. (2008). Corporate Governance and Firm Cash Holdings in the US. Journal of Financial Economics. 87: 535 – 555.
  • Harrod, R. F. (1939). An Essay in Dynamic Theory. The Economic Journal. 49(193): 14 – 33.
  • Hirth, S., Viswanatha, M. (2011). Financing Constraints, Cash – Flow Risk, and Corporate Investment. Journal of Corporate Finance. 17(2011): 1496 – 509.
  • Huang, C. S., You, C. F., Lin, S. H. (2009). Cash Dividends, Stock Dividends and Subsequent Earnings Growth. Pasific – Basin Finance Journal. 17(2009): 594 – 610.
  • Hunjra, I. A., Ijaz, S. M., Chani, I. M., Hassan, U. S., Mustafa, U. (2014). Impact of Dividend Policy, Earning per Share, Return on Equity, Profit After Tax on Stock Prices. International Journal of Economics and Empirical Research. 2(3): 109 – 15.
  • Jabbouri, I. (2016). Determinants of Corporate Finance Dividend Policy in Emerging Markets: Evidence from MENA Stock Markets. Research in International Business and Finance. 37: 283 – 298.
  • Jensen, M. C. (1986). Agency Costs of Free Cash Flow, Corporate Finance, and Takeovers. The American Economic Review. 76(2): 323 – 329.
  • Lintner, J. (1962). Dividends, Earnings, Leverage, Stock Prices and the Supply of Capital to Corporations. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 44(3): 243 – 69. Miller, M. H., Modigliani, F. (1961). Dividend Policy, Growth, and the Valuation of Shares. The Journal of Business. 34(4): 411 – 33.
  • Modigliani, F., Miller, M. H. (1958). The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment. The American Economic Review. 48(3): 261 – 97.
  • Moyen, N. (2004). Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivities: Constrained Versus Unconstrained Firms. The Journal of Finance. 59(5): 2061 – 92.
  • Moyen, N., Platikanov, S. (2013). Investment and Financing Constraints. Journal of Accounting and Finance. 13(3): 29 – 50.
  • Opler, T., Pinkowitz, L., Stulz, R., Williamson, R. (1999). The Determinants and Implications of Corporate Cash Holdings. Journal of Financial Economics. 52: 3 – 46.
  • Ressy, A. E., Chariri, A. (2013). Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan Terhadap Kebijakan Dividen di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Diponegoro Journal of Accounting. 2(4): 1 – 10.
  • Roodman, D. (2009). How to do xtabond2: An Introduction to Difference and System GMM in Stata. The Stata Journal. 9(1): 86 – 136.
  • Ross, S. A. (1977). The Determination of Financial Structure: The Incentive-Signalling Approach. The Bell Journal of Economics. 8(1): 23 – 40.
  • Shah, A. S., Noreen, U. (2016). Stock Price Volatility and Role of Dividend Policy: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues. 6(2): 461 – 72.
  • Sobel, M. E. (1982). Asymptotic Confidence Intervals for Indirect Effects in Structural Equation Models. Sociological Methodology. 13(1982): 290 – 312.
  • Weber, S. (2010). bacon: An Effective way to Detect Outliers in Multivariate Data Using Stata (and Mata). The Stata Journal. 10(3): 331 – 8.
  • Windmeijer, F. (2005). A Finite Sample Correction for the Variance of Linear Efficient two-step GMM Estimators. Journal of Econometrics. 126(2005): 25 – 51.
  • Zhou, P., Ruland, W. (2006), Dividend Payout and Future Earnings Growth. Financial Analysts Journal. 62(3): 58 – 69.

Direct and Indirect Effects of Cash Dividend Policies on Firms’ Capital Accumulation in Selected Developed Markets

Yıl 2021, , 235 - 254, 07.10.2021


The effects of cash dividend policies on the capital accumulation of non-bank firms operating in The United States (S&P 500), The United Kingdom (FTSE 100), Japan (Nikkei 225), and France (CAC 40) have been investigated in this study. The dataset used in the study consists of annual observations between 2010 and 2015. Also, the data were retrieved from the Thomson Reuters database. The system in GMM is employed in the econometric estimations in this paper. “Total effect” of cash dividend policies on capital accumulation has been bisected as “direct” and “indirect” effects. In this study, we call the effect of the cash dividend policies on investments via financial and liquidity constraints as “direct effect” and the effect of the policies on the accumulation via market value and business reputation as “indirect effect”. Obtained results show that the indirect effect is positive, whereas the direct effect is negative. However , the magnitude of the direct effect is larger than that of the indirect. Therefore , the total effect of cash dividend policies on the accumulation of capital and investments is negative. The fact that movements in stock prices of firms have an effect on the capital accumulation has shown that the financial markets could affect real economic variables. Also, the results that the cash dividend policies positively affect the market value of firms are mounting evidence to the validity of Signalling and Information Content Approach and Bird in Hand Theory. .


  • Abor, J. Y., Amidu, M. (2006). Determinants of Dividend Payout Ratios in Ghana. The Journal of Risk Finance. 7(2): 136 – 145.
  • Abor, J., Bokpin, G. A. (2010). Investment Opportunities, Corporate Finance, and Dividend Payout Policy: Evidence from Emerging Markets. Studies in Economics and Finance. 27(3): 180 – 194.
  • Agca, S., Mozumdar A. (2017). Investment – Cash Flow Sensitivity: Fact or Fiction. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 52(3): 1111 – 41.
  • Ahsan, A. F. M. M. (2012). Can ROE be Used to Predict Portfolio Performance?. Economics, Management, and Financial Markets. 7(2): 132 – 48.
  • Aivazian, V., Booth, L., Cleary, S. (2003). Do Emerging Market Firms Follow Different Dividend Policies from U.S. Firms?. The Journal of Financial Research. 26(3): 371 – 87.
  • Allen, F., Michaely, R. (2003). Payout Policy. Handbook of the Economics of Finance: Corporate Finance, Vol. 1A, ed. GM Constantinides, M Harris, RM Stulz, pp. 337 – 429. Amsterdam: North Holland.
  • Alti, A. (2003). How Sensitive is Investment to Cash Flow When Financing is Frictionless. The Journal of Finance. 58(2): 707 – 22.
  • Anwaar, M. (2016). Impact of Firms’ Performance on Stock Returns (Evidence from Listed Companies of FTSE-100 Index London, UK). Global Journal of Management and Business Research. 16(1): 30 – 39.
  • Arellano, M., Bond, S. (1991). Some Tests of Specification for Panel Data: Monte Carlo Evidence and an Application to Employment Equations. The Review of Economic Studies. 58(2): 277 – 97.
  • Arellano, M., Bover, O. (1995). Another Look at the Instrumental Variable Estimation of Error-Components Model. Journal of Econometrics. 68(1995): 29 – 51.
  • Baker, M., Wurgler, J. (2004a). Appearing and Disappearing Dividends: The Link to Catering Incentives. Journal of Financial Economics. 73(2004): 271 – 88.
  • Baker, M., Wurgler, J. (2004b). A Catering Theory of Dividends. The Journal of Finance. 59(3): 1125 – 65.
  • Barro, R. J. (1990). The Stock Market and Investment. The Review of Financial Studies. 3(1): 115 – 31.
  • Berk, J., DeMarzo, P. (2017). Corporate Finance, Vol 4: Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
  • Bischoff, C. W. (1970). A Model of Nonresidential Construction in the United States. The American Economic Review. 60(2): 10 – 7.
  • Blanchard, O., Rhee, C., Summers, L. (1993). The Stock Market, Profit, and Investment. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 108(1): 115 – 36.
  • Blundell, B., Bond, S. (1998). Initial Conditions and Moment Restrictions in Dynamic Panel Data Models. Journal of Econometrics. 87(1998): 115 – 43.
  • Bolbol, A. A., Omran, M. M. (2005). Investment and the Stock Market: Evidence from Arab Firm-level Panel Data. Emerging Markets Review. 6(2005): 85 – 106.
  • Bosworth, B. (1975). The Stock Market and the Economy. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. 1975(2): 257 – 300.
  • Brennan, J. M. (1970). Taxes, Market Valuation and Corporate Financial Policy. National Tax Journal. 23(4): 417 – 27.
  • Chay, J. B., Suh, J. (2009). Payout Policy and Cash-Flow Uncertainty. Journal of Financial Economics. 93: 88 – 107.
  • Cleary, S. (1999). The Relationship Between Firm Investment and Financial Status. The Journal of Finance. 54(2): 673 – 92.
  • Danila, N., Noreen, U., Azizan, N. A., Farid, M., Ahmed, Z. (2020). Growth Opportunities, Capital Structure and Dividend Policy in Emerging Market: Indonesia Case Study. Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business. 7(10): 1 – 8.
  • Denis, D. J., Sibilkov, V. (2010). Financial Constraints, Investment, and the Value of Cash Holdings. The Review of Financial Studies. 23(1): 247 – 269.
  • Dittmar, A., Mahrt-Smith, J. (2007). Corporate Governance and the Value of Cash Holdings. Journal of Financial Economics. 83: 599 – 634.
  • Duong, H. N., Nguyen, J. H., Nguyen, M., Rhee, S. G. (2020). Navigating Through Economic Policy Uncertainty: The Role of Corporate Cash Holdings. Journal of Corporate Finance. 62: 1 – 22.
  • Durham, J. B. (2000). Econometrics of the Effects of Stock Market Development on Growth and Private Investment in Lower Income Countries. Work. Pap. 53, Queen Elizabeth House.
  • Fama, E. F., French, K. R. (2001). Disappearing Dividends: Changing Firm Characteristics or Lower Propensity to Pay?. Journal of Financial Economics. 60(2001): 3 – 43.
  • Farrar, E. D., Farrar, F. D., Selwyn, L. L. (1967). Taxes Corporate Financial Policy and Return to Investors. National Tax Journal. 20(4): 444 – 54.
  • Fazzari, S. M., Hubbard, R. G., Petersen, B. C., Blinder, A. S., Poterba, J. M. (1988). Financing Constraints and Corporate Investment, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity. 1988(1): 141 – 206.
  • Fischer, S., Merton, R. C. (1984). Macroeconomics and Finance: The Role of the Stock Market. Work. Pap. 1291, National Bureau of Economic Research.
  • Galeotti, M., Schiantarelli, F. (1994). Stock Market Volatility and Investment: Do Only Fundamentals Matter?. Economica. 61(242): 147 – 65.
  • Ghosh, C., Sun, L. (2014). Agency Cost, Dividend Policy and Growth: The Special Case of REITs. J Real Estate Finan Econ. 48: 660 – 708.
  • Gordon, M. J. (1959). Dividends, Earnings, and Stock Prices. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 41(2): 99 – 105.
  • Gul, F. A. (1999). Growth Opportunities, Capital Structure and Dividend Policies in Japan. Journal of Corporate Finance. 5: 141 – 168.
  • Gul, F. A., Kealey, B. T. (1999). Chaebol, Investment Opportunity Set and Corporate Debt and Dividend Policies of Korean Companies. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting. 13: 401 – 416.
  • Harakeh, M. (2020). Dividend Policy and Corporate Investment Under Information Shocks. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money. 65: 1 – 21.
  • Harford, J. (1999). Corporate Cash Reserves and Acquisitions. The Journal of Finance. 54(6): 1969 – 1997.
  • Harford, J., Klasa, S., Maxwell, W. F. (2014). Refinancing Risk and Cash Holdings. The Journal of Finance. 69(3): 975 – 1012.
  • Harford, J., Mansi, S. A., Maxwell, W. F. (2008). Corporate Governance and Firm Cash Holdings in the US. Journal of Financial Economics. 87: 535 – 555.
  • Harrod, R. F. (1939). An Essay in Dynamic Theory. The Economic Journal. 49(193): 14 – 33.
  • Hirth, S., Viswanatha, M. (2011). Financing Constraints, Cash – Flow Risk, and Corporate Investment. Journal of Corporate Finance. 17(2011): 1496 – 509.
  • Huang, C. S., You, C. F., Lin, S. H. (2009). Cash Dividends, Stock Dividends and Subsequent Earnings Growth. Pasific – Basin Finance Journal. 17(2009): 594 – 610.
  • Hunjra, I. A., Ijaz, S. M., Chani, I. M., Hassan, U. S., Mustafa, U. (2014). Impact of Dividend Policy, Earning per Share, Return on Equity, Profit After Tax on Stock Prices. International Journal of Economics and Empirical Research. 2(3): 109 – 15.
  • Jabbouri, I. (2016). Determinants of Corporate Finance Dividend Policy in Emerging Markets: Evidence from MENA Stock Markets. Research in International Business and Finance. 37: 283 – 298.
  • Jensen, M. C. (1986). Agency Costs of Free Cash Flow, Corporate Finance, and Takeovers. The American Economic Review. 76(2): 323 – 329.
  • Lintner, J. (1962). Dividends, Earnings, Leverage, Stock Prices and the Supply of Capital to Corporations. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 44(3): 243 – 69. Miller, M. H., Modigliani, F. (1961). Dividend Policy, Growth, and the Valuation of Shares. The Journal of Business. 34(4): 411 – 33.
  • Modigliani, F., Miller, M. H. (1958). The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment. The American Economic Review. 48(3): 261 – 97.
  • Moyen, N. (2004). Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivities: Constrained Versus Unconstrained Firms. The Journal of Finance. 59(5): 2061 – 92.
  • Moyen, N., Platikanov, S. (2013). Investment and Financing Constraints. Journal of Accounting and Finance. 13(3): 29 – 50.
  • Opler, T., Pinkowitz, L., Stulz, R., Williamson, R. (1999). The Determinants and Implications of Corporate Cash Holdings. Journal of Financial Economics. 52: 3 – 46.
  • Ressy, A. E., Chariri, A. (2013). Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan Terhadap Kebijakan Dividen di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Diponegoro Journal of Accounting. 2(4): 1 – 10.
  • Roodman, D. (2009). How to do xtabond2: An Introduction to Difference and System GMM in Stata. The Stata Journal. 9(1): 86 – 136.
  • Ross, S. A. (1977). The Determination of Financial Structure: The Incentive-Signalling Approach. The Bell Journal of Economics. 8(1): 23 – 40.
  • Shah, A. S., Noreen, U. (2016). Stock Price Volatility and Role of Dividend Policy: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues. 6(2): 461 – 72.
  • Sobel, M. E. (1982). Asymptotic Confidence Intervals for Indirect Effects in Structural Equation Models. Sociological Methodology. 13(1982): 290 – 312.
  • Weber, S. (2010). bacon: An Effective way to Detect Outliers in Multivariate Data Using Stata (and Mata). The Stata Journal. 10(3): 331 – 8.
  • Windmeijer, F. (2005). A Finite Sample Correction for the Variance of Linear Efficient two-step GMM Estimators. Journal of Econometrics. 126(2005): 25 – 51.
  • Zhou, P., Ruland, W. (2006), Dividend Payout and Future Earnings Growth. Financial Analysts Journal. 62(3): 58 – 69.
Toplam 59 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular İşletme
Bölüm Articles

Mustafa Çayır 0000-0001-8744-631X

Nasuh Oğuzhan Altay

Yayımlanma Tarihi 7 Ekim 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 21 Şubat 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Çayır, M., & Altay, N. O. (2021). Direct and Indirect Effects of Cash Dividend Policies on Firms’ Capital Accumulation in Selected Developed Markets. Istanbul Business Research, 50(2), 235-254.

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