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Yıl 2018, Cilt: 47 Sayı: 2, 105 - 123, 27.03.2019



  • Achtenhagen, L., & Welter, F. (2011). Surfing on the ironing board’ – the representation of women’s entrepreneurship in German newspapers, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development: An International Journal, 23, 9-10, pp. 763-786. Doi: 10.1080/08985626.2010.520338
  • Ahl, H. (2004). The scientific reproduction of gender inequality: A discourse analysis of research texts on Women’s entrepreneurship, Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press
  • Ahl, H. (2006). Why research on women entrepreneurs needs new directions, Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice, 30, 5, pp. 595-621. Doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199546992.003.0023
  • Ahl, H., & Nelson, T. (2010). Moving forward: Institutional perspectives on gender and entrepreneurship, International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 2, pp. 5–9. Doi: 10.1108/17566261011044259
  • Ahl, H., & Marlow, S. (2012). Exploring the dynamics of gender, feminism and entrepreneurship: advancing debate to escape a dead end? Organization, 19, 5, pp. 543-562. Doi: 10.1177/1350508412448695
  • Ahl, H., Berglund, K., Pettersson, K., & Tillmar, M. (2016). From feminism to femInc.ism: On the uneasy relationship between feminism, entrepreneurship and the Nordic welfare state, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 12, pp. 369-392. Doi: 10.1007/s11365-014-0341-4
  • Al-Dajani, H., & Marlow, S. (2013). Empowerment and entrepreneurship: A theoretical framework, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, 19, 5, pp. 503-524. Doi: 10.1108/IJEBR-10-2011-0138
  • Amoros, J.E., & Bosma, N. (2013). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2013 Global Report: Fifteen Years of Assessing Entrepreneurship across the Globe. Global Entrepreneurship Research Association (GERA).
  • Ayre, M., Mills, J., & Gill, J. (2011). Two steps forward, one step back: Women in Professional engineering in Australia, International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 3, 2, pp. 293-312.
  • Baxter, J. (1997). Gender equality and participation in housework: A cross-national perspective, Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 28, pp. 220-247. Doi: 10.1177/S0038038500000389 Seçkin-Halaç, Seçkin-Çelik / A Qualitative Look into Gendered Entrepreneurship in Turkey 17 Bögenhold, D., & Klinglmair, A. (2015). Female solo self-employment – Features of gendered entrepreneurship, International Review of Entrepreneurship, 13, 1, pp. 47-58.
  • Brush, C.G, DeBruin, A., & Welter, F. (2009). A gender-aware framework for women’s entrepreneurship, International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 1, 1, pp. 8-24. Doi: 10.1108/17566260910942318
  • Calas, M.B., & Smircich, L. (1989). Using the F word: Feminist theories and the social consequences of organizational research, Academy of Management Proceedings (August 1989 Meeting Abstract Supplement), pp. 355-359.
  • Carkoglu, A., & Kalaycioglu, E. (2012). Türkiye’de aile, iş ve toplumsal cinsiyet, Istanbul, Turkey: Koc ve Sabancı Universitesi Istanbul Politikalar Merkezi
  • Cetindamar, D., Gupta, V.K., Karadeniz, E.E., & Egrican, N. (2012). What the numbers tell: The impact of human, family and financial capital on women and men’s entry into entrepreneurship in Turkey, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 24, 1-2, pp. 29-51. Doi: 10.1080/08985626.2012.637348
  • Cromie, S. (1987). Motivations of aspiring male and female entrepreneurs, Journal of Occupational Behavior, 8, 3, pp. 251-261.
  • DeMartino, R., & Barbato, R. (2003). Differences between women and men MBA entrepreneurs: Exploring family flexibility and wealth creation as career motivators, Journal of Business Venturing, 18, pp. 815-832. Doi: 10.1016/S08839026(03)00003-X
  • Directorate for Women’s Status (1995). Small size entrepreneurship project, available at: http:// (accessed 28 March 2017).
  • Ecevit, Y. (2007). Turkiye’de kadin girisimciligine elestirel bir yaklasim, Ankara, Turkey: International Labor Organization –ILO Publication)
  • Ecevit, Y., & Yuksel-Kaptanoglu, I. (2015). Research on women entrepreneurs. Project report. Istanbul, Turkey: Garanti Bankası Yayınları Entrepreneurship Strategy and Action Plan of Turkey 2015-2018, available at: (accessed 20 February 2017).
  • Ekinsmyth, C. (2013). Managing the business of everyday life: The roles of space and place in mumpreneuership, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, 19, 5, pp. 525-546. Doi: 10.1108/IJEBR-10-2011-0139
  • Fischer, E.M., Reuber, A.R., & Dyke, L.S. (1993). A theoretical overview and extension of research on sex, gender and entrepreneurship, Journal of Business Venturing, 8, pp. 151-168.
  • Foss, L. (2010). Research on entrepreneur networks: The case for a constructionist feminist theory perspective, International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 2, 1, pp. 83-102. Doi: 10.1108/17566261011026565
  • Garcia, P.O. (2017). The discourse on entrepreneurship of women from a gender perspective. Vivat Academia: Revista de Communicacion, 140, pp. 115-129. Doi: 10.15178/va.2017.140.115-129
  • Gul, S.S., & Altındal, Y. (2016). Turkiye’de kadın girisimciligin seruveni: Basari mumkun mu?”, Suleyman Demirel University Journal of Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, 21, 4, pp. 1361-1377.
  • Henry, C., Foss, L., & Ahl, H. (2016). Gender and entrepreneurship research: A review of methodological approaches, International Small Business Journal, 34, 3, pp. 217-241. Doi: 10.1177/0266242614549779
  • Hurley, A.E. (1999). Incorporating feminist theories into sociological theories of entrepreneurship, Women in Management Review, 14, 2, pp. 54-62. Doi: 10.1108/09649429910261396
  • Jabeen, F., Katsioloudes, M.I., & Das, S.S. (2015). Is family the key? Exploring the motivation and success factors of female Emirati entrepreneurs, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 25, 4, pp. 375-394. Doi: 10.1504/IJESB.2015.070214
  • Jennings, J.E., & Brush, C.G. (2013). Research on women entrepreneurs: Challenges to (and from) the broader entrepreneurship literature? The Academy of Management Annals, 7, 1, pp. 663715. Doi: 10.1080/19416520.2013.782190
  • Kabasakal, H., Aycan, Z. Başkurt, A. B., Varnalı, R., & Erdoğan, I. (2016). Girişimcilikte başarı kriterleri ve temel başarı faktörleri: Kadın-erkek Karşılaştırması. In Ç. Kağıtçıbaşı, H. Şimga, D. Barlas, M. Önok, Z. G. Göker (Eds.) Kadın odaklı, (pp. 83-115). İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Kelly, D.J., Brush, C.G, Greene, P.G., & Litovsky, Y. (2013). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2013 Women’s Report, Global Entrepreneurship Research Association (GERA)
  • Kelly, D.J., Brush, C.G, Greene, P., Herrington, M., Ali, A., & Kew, P. (2015). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2015 Women’s Special Report, Global Entrepreneurship Research Association (GERA).
  • Korunka, C., Kessler, A., Frank, H., & Lueger, M. (2011). Conditions for growth in one-person startups: A longitudinal study spanning eight years, Psicothema, 23, 3, pp. 446-452.
  • Marlow, S., Hart, M., Levie, J., & Shamsul, M.K. (2012). Women in enterprise: A different perspective, RBS Group Report, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, available at: dam/rbs/Documents/Sustainability/Women-in-Enterprise.pdf (accessed 20 March 2017).
  • Maden, C. (2015). A gendered lens on entrepreneurship: Women entrepreneurship in Turkey, Gender in Management: An International Journal, 30, 4, pp. 312-331. Doi: 10.1108/GM-11-2013-0131
  • Martin, L., Wright, L, Beaven, Z., & Matlay, H. (2015). An unusual job for a woman? Female entrepreneurs in scientific, engineering and technology sectors, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 21, 4, pp. 539556. Doi: 10.1108/IJEBR-08-2011-0095
  • Matsa, D.A., & Miller, A.R. (2014). Workforce reductions at women- owned businesses in the United States, ILR Review, 67, 2, pp. 422-452.
  • Mehtap, S., Ozmenekse, L., & Caputa, A. (2019). “I’m a stay at home businesswoman”: An insight into informal entrepreneurship in Jordan, Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, 11, 1, pp. 44-65. Doi: 10.1108/JEEE-10-2017-0080
  • Metin, S., & Kariman, R.A. (2013). TBMM Kadin Erkek Firsat Esitligi Komisyonu Yayinlari/ The Grand National Assembly of Turkey – Women and Men Equal Opportunities Commission Publications, Number: 12, available at: http://www. raporu_2014_1.pdf (accessed 15 December 2014).
  • Mills, J.E. (2011). Reflections on the past, present and future of women in engineering, Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, 17, 3, pp. 139-146.
  • Orlandi, L.B. (2017). Am i an entrepreneur? Identity struggle in the contemporary women entrepreneurship discourse, Contemporary Economics, 11, 4, pp. 487-498. Doi: 10.1007/s11365-015-0364-5
  • Ozkazanc-Pan, B. (2015). Secular and Islamic feminist entrepreneurship in Turkey, International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 7, 1, pp. 45-65. Doi: 10.1108/IJGE-03-2014-0006
  • Poggesi, S., Mari, M., & DeVita, L. (2016). What’s new in female entrepreneurship research? Answers from the literature, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 12, pp. 735-765.
  • Rehman, S., & Roomi, M. A. (2012). Gender and work-life balance: A phenomenological study of women entrepreneurs in Pakistan, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 19, 2, pp. 209-228. Doi: 10.1108/14626001211223865
  • Robb, A.M. & Watson, J. (2012). Gender differences in firm performance: Evidence from new ventures in the United States, Journal of Business Venturing, 27, pp. 544-558. Doi: 10.1016/j. jbusvent.2011.10.002
  • Santos, G., Silva, R., Rodrigues, R.G., Marques, C., & Leal, C. (2017). Nascent entrepreneurs’ motivations in european economies: A gender approach using GEM data, Journal of Global Marketing, 30, 3, pp. 122-137. Doi: 10.1080/08911762.2017.1302542
  • Schrör, H. (2006). The profile of successful entrepreneur (EUROSTAT report), available at: documents/3433488/5443129/KS-NP-06029-EN.PDF/22202ac8-b984-4b87-9f727e774e80a1ac?version=1.0 (accessed 20 February 2017).
  • Sexton, D.L., & Bowman-Upton, N. (1990). Female and male entrepreneurs: psychological characteristics and their role in gender-related discrimination, Journal of Business Venturing, 5, 1, pp. 29-36. Doi: 10.1016/0883-9026(90)90024
  • Shinnar R.S., Giacomin, O., & Janssen, F. (2012). Entrepreneurial perceptions and intentions: The role of gender and culture, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, May, pp. 465-493. Doi: 10.1111/j.1540-6520.2012.00509.x
  • Shmailan, A.B. (2016). Compare the Characteristics of Male and Female Entrepreneurs as Explorative Study. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Organization and Managment, 5, 4, pp. 1-7. Doi: 10.4172/2169-026X.1000203
  • Simmons, S.A., Wiklund, J., Levie, J., Bradley, S.W., & Suny, S.A. (2018). Gender gaps and reentry into entrepreneurial ecosystems after business failure, Small Business Economics. Doi: 10.1007/s11187-018-9998-3
  • Smith, R. (2014). Assessing the contribution of the ‘theory of matriarchy’ to the entrepreneurship and family business literatures, International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 6, 3, pp. 255-275. Doi: 10.1108/ IJGE-06-2011-0061
  • Sonmez, A., & Toksoy, A. (2014). Turkiye’de girisimcilik ve Turk girisimci profili uzerine bir analiz, Yönetim ve Ekonomi, 21, 2, pp. 41-58.
  • Sperber, S., & Linder, C. (2018). Gender-specifics in start-up strategies and the role of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, Small Business Economics, pp. 1-14. Doi: 10.1007/s11187-018-9999-2
  • Stead, V. (2017). Belonging and women entrepreneurs: Women’s navigation of gendered assumptions in entrepreneurial practice, International Small Business Journal, 35, 1, pp. 61–77.
  • Stevenson, L. (1990). Some methodological problems associated with researching women entrepreneurs, Journal of Business Ethics, 9, 4-5, pp. 439-446.
  • TÜİK (2013). Girişimcilik, 2010, Haber Bülteni 1 Mart 2013. Number 13664, available at http:// (accessed 27 February 2019).
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  • Tuzun, I.K., & Takay, B.A. (2017). Patterns of female entrepreneurial activities in Turkey, Gender in Management: An International Journal, 32, 3, pp. 166-182. Doi: 10.1108/GM-05-2016-0102
  • Ufuk, H., & Ozgen, O. (2001). Interaction between the business and family lives of women entrepreneurs in Turkey, Journal of Business Ethics, 31, 2, pp. 95-106. Doi: 10.1023/A:1010712023858
  • Yılmaz, E., Ozdemir, G., & Oraman, Y. (2012). Women entrepreneurs: Their problems and entrepreneurial ideas, African Journal of Business Management, 6, 26, pp. 7896-7904. Doi: 10.5897/AJBM12.081
  • World Economic Forum Gender Gap Report, (2018), available at: docs/WEF_GGGR_2018.pdf (accessed 27 February 2019).

A Qualitative Look into Gendered Entrepreneurship in Turkey

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 47 Sayı: 2, 105 - 123, 27.03.2019


People have started to question mainstream, supposedly gender-neutral, entrepreneurship definitions and perceptions with the confrontations of feminist perspective. Considering entrepreneurship as a gendered concept, in this study we handled gender as a lens in entrepreneurship. The purpose of this study is to portray gender specific characteristics and perceptions of entrepreneurship in Turkey. With this objective, we analyzed interviews with entrepreneurs in two Turkish entrepreneurship-focused business magazines and one popular business blog consisting of valuable startup and women entrepreneurs’ stories and interviews. We performed qualitative analysis on the content of these interviews to understand the perspectives of female and male entrepreneurs, and the differences between them as to their statements. We analyzed the choice of words and interviewees’ discourses. As to the findings, the most referred element of gendered entrepreneurship is family embeddedness based on stereotypical beliefs and norm systems. In addition, this finding shows how culturally embedded beliefs deeply effect women’s expectations/projections, barriers and needs concerning entrepreneurship. In Turkey, there is only a handful of studies concerning women entrepreneurship from the perspective of gender as a lens. Therefore, in this article, gender specific perceptions of entrepreneurship in Turkey as a developing and a masculine country were revealed. 


  • Achtenhagen, L., & Welter, F. (2011). Surfing on the ironing board’ – the representation of women’s entrepreneurship in German newspapers, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development: An International Journal, 23, 9-10, pp. 763-786. Doi: 10.1080/08985626.2010.520338
  • Ahl, H. (2004). The scientific reproduction of gender inequality: A discourse analysis of research texts on Women’s entrepreneurship, Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press
  • Ahl, H. (2006). Why research on women entrepreneurs needs new directions, Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice, 30, 5, pp. 595-621. Doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199546992.003.0023
  • Ahl, H., & Nelson, T. (2010). Moving forward: Institutional perspectives on gender and entrepreneurship, International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 2, pp. 5–9. Doi: 10.1108/17566261011044259
  • Ahl, H., & Marlow, S. (2012). Exploring the dynamics of gender, feminism and entrepreneurship: advancing debate to escape a dead end? Organization, 19, 5, pp. 543-562. Doi: 10.1177/1350508412448695
  • Ahl, H., Berglund, K., Pettersson, K., & Tillmar, M. (2016). From feminism to femInc.ism: On the uneasy relationship between feminism, entrepreneurship and the Nordic welfare state, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 12, pp. 369-392. Doi: 10.1007/s11365-014-0341-4
  • Al-Dajani, H., & Marlow, S. (2013). Empowerment and entrepreneurship: A theoretical framework, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, 19, 5, pp. 503-524. Doi: 10.1108/IJEBR-10-2011-0138
  • Amoros, J.E., & Bosma, N. (2013). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2013 Global Report: Fifteen Years of Assessing Entrepreneurship across the Globe. Global Entrepreneurship Research Association (GERA).
  • Ayre, M., Mills, J., & Gill, J. (2011). Two steps forward, one step back: Women in Professional engineering in Australia, International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 3, 2, pp. 293-312.
  • Baxter, J. (1997). Gender equality and participation in housework: A cross-national perspective, Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 28, pp. 220-247. Doi: 10.1177/S0038038500000389 Seçkin-Halaç, Seçkin-Çelik / A Qualitative Look into Gendered Entrepreneurship in Turkey 17 Bögenhold, D., & Klinglmair, A. (2015). Female solo self-employment – Features of gendered entrepreneurship, International Review of Entrepreneurship, 13, 1, pp. 47-58.
  • Brush, C.G, DeBruin, A., & Welter, F. (2009). A gender-aware framework for women’s entrepreneurship, International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 1, 1, pp. 8-24. Doi: 10.1108/17566260910942318
  • Calas, M.B., & Smircich, L. (1989). Using the F word: Feminist theories and the social consequences of organizational research, Academy of Management Proceedings (August 1989 Meeting Abstract Supplement), pp. 355-359.
  • Carkoglu, A., & Kalaycioglu, E. (2012). Türkiye’de aile, iş ve toplumsal cinsiyet, Istanbul, Turkey: Koc ve Sabancı Universitesi Istanbul Politikalar Merkezi
  • Cetindamar, D., Gupta, V.K., Karadeniz, E.E., & Egrican, N. (2012). What the numbers tell: The impact of human, family and financial capital on women and men’s entry into entrepreneurship in Turkey, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 24, 1-2, pp. 29-51. Doi: 10.1080/08985626.2012.637348
  • Cromie, S. (1987). Motivations of aspiring male and female entrepreneurs, Journal of Occupational Behavior, 8, 3, pp. 251-261.
  • DeMartino, R., & Barbato, R. (2003). Differences between women and men MBA entrepreneurs: Exploring family flexibility and wealth creation as career motivators, Journal of Business Venturing, 18, pp. 815-832. Doi: 10.1016/S08839026(03)00003-X
  • Directorate for Women’s Status (1995). Small size entrepreneurship project, available at: http:// (accessed 28 March 2017).
  • Ecevit, Y. (2007). Turkiye’de kadin girisimciligine elestirel bir yaklasim, Ankara, Turkey: International Labor Organization –ILO Publication)
  • Ecevit, Y., & Yuksel-Kaptanoglu, I. (2015). Research on women entrepreneurs. Project report. Istanbul, Turkey: Garanti Bankası Yayınları Entrepreneurship Strategy and Action Plan of Turkey 2015-2018, available at: (accessed 20 February 2017).
  • Ekinsmyth, C. (2013). Managing the business of everyday life: The roles of space and place in mumpreneuership, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, 19, 5, pp. 525-546. Doi: 10.1108/IJEBR-10-2011-0139
  • Fischer, E.M., Reuber, A.R., & Dyke, L.S. (1993). A theoretical overview and extension of research on sex, gender and entrepreneurship, Journal of Business Venturing, 8, pp. 151-168.
  • Foss, L. (2010). Research on entrepreneur networks: The case for a constructionist feminist theory perspective, International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 2, 1, pp. 83-102. Doi: 10.1108/17566261011026565
  • Garcia, P.O. (2017). The discourse on entrepreneurship of women from a gender perspective. Vivat Academia: Revista de Communicacion, 140, pp. 115-129. Doi: 10.15178/va.2017.140.115-129
  • Gul, S.S., & Altındal, Y. (2016). Turkiye’de kadın girisimciligin seruveni: Basari mumkun mu?”, Suleyman Demirel University Journal of Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, 21, 4, pp. 1361-1377.
  • Henry, C., Foss, L., & Ahl, H. (2016). Gender and entrepreneurship research: A review of methodological approaches, International Small Business Journal, 34, 3, pp. 217-241. Doi: 10.1177/0266242614549779
  • Hurley, A.E. (1999). Incorporating feminist theories into sociological theories of entrepreneurship, Women in Management Review, 14, 2, pp. 54-62. Doi: 10.1108/09649429910261396
  • Jabeen, F., Katsioloudes, M.I., & Das, S.S. (2015). Is family the key? Exploring the motivation and success factors of female Emirati entrepreneurs, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 25, 4, pp. 375-394. Doi: 10.1504/IJESB.2015.070214
  • Jennings, J.E., & Brush, C.G. (2013). Research on women entrepreneurs: Challenges to (and from) the broader entrepreneurship literature? The Academy of Management Annals, 7, 1, pp. 663715. Doi: 10.1080/19416520.2013.782190
  • Kabasakal, H., Aycan, Z. Başkurt, A. B., Varnalı, R., & Erdoğan, I. (2016). Girişimcilikte başarı kriterleri ve temel başarı faktörleri: Kadın-erkek Karşılaştırması. In Ç. Kağıtçıbaşı, H. Şimga, D. Barlas, M. Önok, Z. G. Göker (Eds.) Kadın odaklı, (pp. 83-115). İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Kelly, D.J., Brush, C.G, Greene, P.G., & Litovsky, Y. (2013). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2013 Women’s Report, Global Entrepreneurship Research Association (GERA)
  • Kelly, D.J., Brush, C.G, Greene, P., Herrington, M., Ali, A., & Kew, P. (2015). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2015 Women’s Special Report, Global Entrepreneurship Research Association (GERA).
  • Korunka, C., Kessler, A., Frank, H., & Lueger, M. (2011). Conditions for growth in one-person startups: A longitudinal study spanning eight years, Psicothema, 23, 3, pp. 446-452.
  • Marlow, S., Hart, M., Levie, J., & Shamsul, M.K. (2012). Women in enterprise: A different perspective, RBS Group Report, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, available at: dam/rbs/Documents/Sustainability/Women-in-Enterprise.pdf (accessed 20 March 2017).
  • Maden, C. (2015). A gendered lens on entrepreneurship: Women entrepreneurship in Turkey, Gender in Management: An International Journal, 30, 4, pp. 312-331. Doi: 10.1108/GM-11-2013-0131
  • Martin, L., Wright, L, Beaven, Z., & Matlay, H. (2015). An unusual job for a woman? Female entrepreneurs in scientific, engineering and technology sectors, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 21, 4, pp. 539556. Doi: 10.1108/IJEBR-08-2011-0095
  • Matsa, D.A., & Miller, A.R. (2014). Workforce reductions at women- owned businesses in the United States, ILR Review, 67, 2, pp. 422-452.
  • Mehtap, S., Ozmenekse, L., & Caputa, A. (2019). “I’m a stay at home businesswoman”: An insight into informal entrepreneurship in Jordan, Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, 11, 1, pp. 44-65. Doi: 10.1108/JEEE-10-2017-0080
  • Metin, S., & Kariman, R.A. (2013). TBMM Kadin Erkek Firsat Esitligi Komisyonu Yayinlari/ The Grand National Assembly of Turkey – Women and Men Equal Opportunities Commission Publications, Number: 12, available at: http://www. raporu_2014_1.pdf (accessed 15 December 2014).
  • Mills, J.E. (2011). Reflections on the past, present and future of women in engineering, Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, 17, 3, pp. 139-146.
  • Orlandi, L.B. (2017). Am i an entrepreneur? Identity struggle in the contemporary women entrepreneurship discourse, Contemporary Economics, 11, 4, pp. 487-498. Doi: 10.1007/s11365-015-0364-5
  • Ozkazanc-Pan, B. (2015). Secular and Islamic feminist entrepreneurship in Turkey, International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 7, 1, pp. 45-65. Doi: 10.1108/IJGE-03-2014-0006
  • Poggesi, S., Mari, M., & DeVita, L. (2016). What’s new in female entrepreneurship research? Answers from the literature, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 12, pp. 735-765.
  • Rehman, S., & Roomi, M. A. (2012). Gender and work-life balance: A phenomenological study of women entrepreneurs in Pakistan, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 19, 2, pp. 209-228. Doi: 10.1108/14626001211223865
  • Robb, A.M. & Watson, J. (2012). Gender differences in firm performance: Evidence from new ventures in the United States, Journal of Business Venturing, 27, pp. 544-558. Doi: 10.1016/j. jbusvent.2011.10.002
  • Santos, G., Silva, R., Rodrigues, R.G., Marques, C., & Leal, C. (2017). Nascent entrepreneurs’ motivations in european economies: A gender approach using GEM data, Journal of Global Marketing, 30, 3, pp. 122-137. Doi: 10.1080/08911762.2017.1302542
  • Schrör, H. (2006). The profile of successful entrepreneur (EUROSTAT report), available at: documents/3433488/5443129/KS-NP-06029-EN.PDF/22202ac8-b984-4b87-9f727e774e80a1ac?version=1.0 (accessed 20 February 2017).
  • Sexton, D.L., & Bowman-Upton, N. (1990). Female and male entrepreneurs: psychological characteristics and their role in gender-related discrimination, Journal of Business Venturing, 5, 1, pp. 29-36. Doi: 10.1016/0883-9026(90)90024
  • Shinnar R.S., Giacomin, O., & Janssen, F. (2012). Entrepreneurial perceptions and intentions: The role of gender and culture, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, May, pp. 465-493. Doi: 10.1111/j.1540-6520.2012.00509.x
  • Shmailan, A.B. (2016). Compare the Characteristics of Male and Female Entrepreneurs as Explorative Study. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Organization and Managment, 5, 4, pp. 1-7. Doi: 10.4172/2169-026X.1000203
  • Simmons, S.A., Wiklund, J., Levie, J., Bradley, S.W., & Suny, S.A. (2018). Gender gaps and reentry into entrepreneurial ecosystems after business failure, Small Business Economics. Doi: 10.1007/s11187-018-9998-3
  • Smith, R. (2014). Assessing the contribution of the ‘theory of matriarchy’ to the entrepreneurship and family business literatures, International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 6, 3, pp. 255-275. Doi: 10.1108/ IJGE-06-2011-0061
  • Sonmez, A., & Toksoy, A. (2014). Turkiye’de girisimcilik ve Turk girisimci profili uzerine bir analiz, Yönetim ve Ekonomi, 21, 2, pp. 41-58.
  • Sperber, S., & Linder, C. (2018). Gender-specifics in start-up strategies and the role of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, Small Business Economics, pp. 1-14. Doi: 10.1007/s11187-018-9999-2
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Toplam 62 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Articles

Duygu Seckin Halac 0000-0002-1956-7563

Tutku Seckin Celik 0000-0002-8265-5259

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Mart 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Kasım 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 47 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Seckin Halac, D., & Seckin Celik, T. (2019). A Qualitative Look into Gendered Entrepreneurship in Turkey. Istanbul Business Research, 47(2), 105-123.

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