Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 51 Issue: 1, 123 - 147, 01.05.2022



  • Abid, M., Butt, O. M., Aan, Q., Rashid, B., & Devi, N. S. (2020). “Role of Critical Success Factors (CSF) In the Impelemntation of Six Sigma in Hospitals: A Preliminary Study in Pakistan”. Asia-Pasific Journal of Health Management, 15(1), 1-9.
  • Aiastui, A. L., Perez de Eulate, U. A., & Guisasola, M. M. (2020). “A Strategic Approach for Bottleneck Identification in Make-To-Order Environments: A Drum-Buffer-Rope Action Research Based Case Study”. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 13(1), 18-37.
  • Akbulut, H., & Ertan, S. (2015). “Hizmet Sektöründe Kısıtlar Teorisi ve Katkı Muhasebesi: Bir Otel İşletmesinde Uygulama”. Muhasebe ve Vergi Uygulamaları Dergisi, 8(3), 243-270.
  • Akçimen, C., & Antmen, F. (2019). “Kısıtlar Teorisinde Kapasite Kısıtı ve Bir Üretim İşletmesinde Uygulaması”. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 15, 618-626.
  • Al-Fasfus, F., Hamza, M., & Elkotayni, K. (2020). “The Attitudes of The Industrial Companies Towards The Implementation of Theory of Constraints (A Field Study)”. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 19(2), 1-14.
  • Alghaithi, A., & Sartawi, K. (2020). “Improving Remote Employees' Organisational Productivity- Practical Guidelines for Identifying and Managing Bottlenecks in Today's World”. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 22(2), 63-74. doi: 10.9790/487X-2202046374
  • Ali, A. Y. (2020). “Six Sigma-DMAIC and Food Waste Hierarchy based Framework for Reducing Food Waste in University Canteens in Ethiopia”. Int. Journal of Research in Industrial Engineering, 9(1), 77-83. doi: 10.22105/riej.2020.209160.1105
  • Antony, J. (2004). “Some Pros and Cons of Six Sigma: An Academic Perspective”. The TQM Magazine, 16(4), 303-306.
  • Ayanoğlu, M., & Şakar, M. (2015). “Bir Kargo Fimasının Ek Taleplerinin Karşılanması İçin Kısıtlar Kuramı Yaklaşımı Uygulaması”. İşletme Bilimi Dergisi, 3(2), 19-38.
  • Bircan, H., & Köse, S. (2012). “Altı Sigma ve Firmaların Altı Sigmaya Bakış Açısı: Sivas-Kayseri İli Örneği”. Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8(2), 107-129.
  • Boangmanalu, E., Abigail, T., Sembiring, A., & Tampubolon, J. (2020). “Minimizing Damage of Product Using Six Sigma and Triz Methods”. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (1-8).IOP Publishing.
  • Coronado, R.B., & Anthony, J. (2004). “Six Sigma or Design for Six Sigma”. The TQM Magazine, 16(2), 250-263.
  • Coşkun, O., & Ekmekçi, İ. (2012). “Bir İnşaat Projesinin Evreleri ile Zaman ve Maliyet Analizinin Proje Yönetim Teknikleri Vasıtasıyla İncelenmesi”. İstanbul Ticaret Ünv. Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(20), 39-53.
  • Çalışkan, G. (2006). “Altı Sigma ve Toplam Kalite Yönetimi”. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 5(17), 60-75.
  • Dakhil, A. (2019). “Development of Effective Methodology for Improving Undergraduate Program Curriculum in Higher Education Utilizing Six Sigma Approach”. Ankara: Atılım Üniversitesi. Available from National Thesis Center database (No: 603687)
  • Demir, L. (2004). “İstatistiksel Deney Tasarım Yöntemi ve Bir Tekstil İşletmesinde Uygulanması”. Denizli: Pamukkale Üniversitesi. Retrived from
  • Demircioğlu, E. N., & Akkaya, N. (2016). “Kısıtlar Teorisi 5 Adım Sürekli İyileştirme Sürecinin Boya Sektöründe Uygulaması”. Muhasebe Bilim Dünyası Dergisi, 18(1), 269-295.
  • Edgeman, R., & Bigio, D. (2004). “Six Sigma in Metaphor: Heresy or Holy Writ?”. Quality Progress, 37(1), 1-6.
  • Ehie, I., & Sheu, C. (2005). “Integrating Six Sigma and Theory of Constraints for Continuous Improvement: A Case Study”. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 16(5), 542-553.
  • Elmacı, O., Uslu, M., & Tutkavul, K. (2013). “Sürdürülebilir Rekabet Gücünün Sağlanmasında Altı Sigma Yönteminin Kullanılması ve Ford Otomotiv Sanayi A.Ş.’ de Bir Uygulama Örneği”, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Özel Sayı, 465-494.
  • Erdiller, A., & Orbak, A.Y., (2005). “Otomotiv Yan Sanayinde Altı Sigma Araçlarının Kullanımı ve Uygulama Örneği”. V. Ulusal Üretim Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, 557-559, İstanbul
  • Eren, B. “Altı sigma seviyesinin hesaplanması. Free Lean Six sigma. Retrived from
  • Escobar, V. G., Vega, P. G., & Zamora, M.-d. M. (2016). “Applying the Theory of Constraints to the Logistic Service of Medical Records of a Hospital”. European Research on Management and Business Economics, 22, 139-146.
  • Fizibilite Info. Retrived from
  • Garza, M. E., Garcia, J. A., Gonzales, S. H., Santoyo, E. A., Esquivias, M. T., & Fernandez, V. F. (2019). “Reduction of Work in Process in Manufacturing Systems by Means of a Theory of Constraints Approach and Discrete Event Simulation”. Engineering and Technology Journal, 4(2), 537-544.
  • Goldratt, E. M., & Cox, J. (2018). Amaç [The Goal] (A.B. Dicleli, Trans.). İstanbul, Turkey: Optimist.
  • Grida, M., & Zeid, M. (2018). “A System Dynamics-Based Model to Implement The Theory of Constraints in a Healthcare System”. Medical Simulation, 95(7), 593-605.
  • Harish, U. (2019). “Implementation of Theory of Constraints (TOC) in a Manufacturing Plant”. International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management, 228-232.
  • Hsu, Y., Pearn, W.L. & Wu, P. (2008). “Capability Adjustment for Gamma Processes with Mean Shift Consideration in Implementing Six Sigma Program”. European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevieri vol. 191(2), 517-529, December.
  • Ikumapayi, O. M., Akinlabi, E. T., Mwema, F. M., & Ogbonna, O. S. (2020). “Six Sigma versus Lean Manufacturing - An Overview”. Materials Today: Proceedings, 26(2), 3275-3281. DOI:10.1016/j.matpr.2020.02.986
  • Jin, K., Abdul-Razzak, H., Elkassabgi, Y., Zhou, H., & Herrera, A. (2009). “Integrating the Theory of Constraints and Six Sigma in Manufacturing Process Improvement”. International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, 3(1), 85-89.
  • Kahya, E., & Karaböcek, K. Bir Atölyede Oranlarla İş Gücü Verimlilik (WPMR) Modelinin Tasarımı ve Uygulanması. Silo Tips: Retrived from
  • Kaygusuz, S. Y. (2005). “Kısıtlar Teorisi: Varsayımlar, Süreç ve Bir Uygulama”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 60(4), 133-156.
  • Kelly, M. C., & Germain, R. H. (2020). “Applying Theory of Constraints to Timber Harvesting: A Case Study from the Northeast USA”. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, 41, 59-69. DOI:10.5552/crojfe.2020.534
  • Koch, P.N., Yang, R.J., & Gu, L. (2004). “Design for six sigma through robust optimization”. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 26, 235-248.
  • Kwalk, Y. H., & Anbari, F. T. (2006). “Benefit, Obstacles and Future of Six Sigma Approach”. Technovation, 26(5-6), 708-715.
  • Lee, M.-C., & Chang, T. (2012). “Combination of theory of constraints, root cause analysis and Six Sigma for quality improvement framework”. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 10(4), 447-463. DOI:10.1504/IJPQM.2012.049633
  • Mehdizadeh, E., & Jalili, S. (2019). “An Algorithm Based on Theory of Constraints and Branch and Bound for Solving Integrated Product-Mix-Outsourcing Problem”. Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering, 12(1), 167-172. doi: 10.22094/joie.2018.664.1429
  • Mishra, A. K. (2020). “Implication of Theory of Constraints in Project Management”. International Journal of Advanced Trends in Engineering and Technology, 5(1), 1-13. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3605056
  • Nave, D. (2002). “How to Compare Six Sigma, Lean and Theory of Constraints”. Quality Progress, 35(3), 73-78.
  • Nonthaleerak, P., & Hendry, L. (2006). “Six Sigma: Literature Review and Key Future Research Areas”. International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage, 2(2), 105-161. DOI:10.1504/IJSSCA.2006.010111
  • Pyzdek, T. What is Six Sigma. Pyzdek Institute: Retrived from
  • Rahman, S.-u. (1998). “Theory of Constraints: A Review of The Philosophy and Its Applications”. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 18(4), 336-355. DOI:10.1108/01443579810199720
  • Rasis, D., Gitlow, H.S., Popovich, E. (2002). “Paper Organizers International: A Fictitious Six Sigma Green Belt Case Study”. II. Quality Engineering, 15(2), 127-145.
  • Rebull, M. V., Lara, A. B., Lara, A. B., & Ninerola, A. (2020). “Six Sigma for Improving Cash Flow Deficit: A Case Study in the Food Can Manufacturing Industry”. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma. Vol. 11 No. 6, 1119-1140.
  • Rojas, M. D., Jurado, D. A., & Londono, L. M. (2018). “Constrains Theory Explained Trough a Serious Game”. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 13(18), 13978-13984.
  • Rowlands, H. (2003). “Six Sigma: A new philosophy or repackaging of old ideas?”. Engineering Management, 13(2), 18-21.
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  • Saray, E. (2019). Yenilenebilir Enerji Üretim ve Yatırım Maliyetleri Karşılaştırması: Ege Bölgesi Örneği. Denizli: Pamukkale Üniversitesi. Retrived from
  • Sithole, C., & Nyembwe, D. (2020). “Application of Six Sigma Framework to Rapid Sand Casting”. RAPSADA 2019 Conference Preceedings, (381-388). South Africa. Abstract retrived from
  • Sorkun, M. F. (2018). “Improving The Effectiveness of Solid Waste Treatment Plants via Integrated System Approach: A Case Study on Manisa”. MCBÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 16(4), 239-268.
  • Stanivuk, T., Gvozdenovic, T., Mikulicic, J. Z., & Lukovac, V. (2020). “Application of Six Sigma Model on Efficient use of Vehicle Fleet”. Symmetry, 12(857), 1-20.
  • Taştan, H., & Demircioğlu, E. (2015). “Düşünme Süreci Araçları ve Kalite Maliyetlerinin Birlikte Kullanılması: Bir Otel İşletmesinde Uygulama”. Muhasebe ve Denetime Bakış (October), 97-112.
  • Tekin, M., & Şahin, Ş. (2014). “Kısıtlar Teorisine Göre Sanayi İşletmelerinde Çalışanların Motivasyonu ve İşletme Başarısına Etkisi: PVC Üretim İşletmesi Üzerine Bir Uygulama”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi (Dr. Mehmet Yıldız Özel Sayısı), 209-223.
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Integrating the Theory of Constraints and Six Sigma: Process Improvement Implementation

Year 2022, Volume: 51 Issue: 1, 123 - 147, 01.05.2022


Businesses apply many management philosophies aiming to manage processes effectively, eliminate bottlenecks and improve their process performance. The most important of these philosophies are the Theory of Constraints and the Six Sigma. These are used separately in process improvement and performance enhancement in many businesses. Recently, an integration model approach of two philosophies has been examined in the literature in an effort to reduce their weaknesses and increase their strong effects. In the literature, three different approaches are identified for the integration model of Theory of Constraints and Six Sigma. In this study, the integration model of Jin, Abdul-Razzak, Elkassabgi, Zhou, & Herrera, (2009) was applied in an industrial enterprise in order to identify and eliminate the root causes of the decline in sales figures. It has been revealed that the integration model can help to identify and eliminate these root causes and how it benefits the business. As a result of the application, an improvement in production cost by 1.56% and 3.55% and an increase in σ value from 1.4 to 2.3 were determined. With this model, constraints in the production process were determined, managed and eliminated.


  • Abid, M., Butt, O. M., Aan, Q., Rashid, B., & Devi, N. S. (2020). “Role of Critical Success Factors (CSF) In the Impelemntation of Six Sigma in Hospitals: A Preliminary Study in Pakistan”. Asia-Pasific Journal of Health Management, 15(1), 1-9.
  • Aiastui, A. L., Perez de Eulate, U. A., & Guisasola, M. M. (2020). “A Strategic Approach for Bottleneck Identification in Make-To-Order Environments: A Drum-Buffer-Rope Action Research Based Case Study”. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 13(1), 18-37.
  • Akbulut, H., & Ertan, S. (2015). “Hizmet Sektöründe Kısıtlar Teorisi ve Katkı Muhasebesi: Bir Otel İşletmesinde Uygulama”. Muhasebe ve Vergi Uygulamaları Dergisi, 8(3), 243-270.
  • Akçimen, C., & Antmen, F. (2019). “Kısıtlar Teorisinde Kapasite Kısıtı ve Bir Üretim İşletmesinde Uygulaması”. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 15, 618-626.
  • Al-Fasfus, F., Hamza, M., & Elkotayni, K. (2020). “The Attitudes of The Industrial Companies Towards The Implementation of Theory of Constraints (A Field Study)”. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 19(2), 1-14.
  • Alghaithi, A., & Sartawi, K. (2020). “Improving Remote Employees' Organisational Productivity- Practical Guidelines for Identifying and Managing Bottlenecks in Today's World”. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 22(2), 63-74. doi: 10.9790/487X-2202046374
  • Ali, A. Y. (2020). “Six Sigma-DMAIC and Food Waste Hierarchy based Framework for Reducing Food Waste in University Canteens in Ethiopia”. Int. Journal of Research in Industrial Engineering, 9(1), 77-83. doi: 10.22105/riej.2020.209160.1105
  • Antony, J. (2004). “Some Pros and Cons of Six Sigma: An Academic Perspective”. The TQM Magazine, 16(4), 303-306.
  • Ayanoğlu, M., & Şakar, M. (2015). “Bir Kargo Fimasının Ek Taleplerinin Karşılanması İçin Kısıtlar Kuramı Yaklaşımı Uygulaması”. İşletme Bilimi Dergisi, 3(2), 19-38.
  • Bircan, H., & Köse, S. (2012). “Altı Sigma ve Firmaların Altı Sigmaya Bakış Açısı: Sivas-Kayseri İli Örneği”. Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8(2), 107-129.
  • Boangmanalu, E., Abigail, T., Sembiring, A., & Tampubolon, J. (2020). “Minimizing Damage of Product Using Six Sigma and Triz Methods”. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (1-8).IOP Publishing.
  • Coronado, R.B., & Anthony, J. (2004). “Six Sigma or Design for Six Sigma”. The TQM Magazine, 16(2), 250-263.
  • Coşkun, O., & Ekmekçi, İ. (2012). “Bir İnşaat Projesinin Evreleri ile Zaman ve Maliyet Analizinin Proje Yönetim Teknikleri Vasıtasıyla İncelenmesi”. İstanbul Ticaret Ünv. Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(20), 39-53.
  • Çalışkan, G. (2006). “Altı Sigma ve Toplam Kalite Yönetimi”. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 5(17), 60-75.
  • Dakhil, A. (2019). “Development of Effective Methodology for Improving Undergraduate Program Curriculum in Higher Education Utilizing Six Sigma Approach”. Ankara: Atılım Üniversitesi. Available from National Thesis Center database (No: 603687)
  • Demir, L. (2004). “İstatistiksel Deney Tasarım Yöntemi ve Bir Tekstil İşletmesinde Uygulanması”. Denizli: Pamukkale Üniversitesi. Retrived from
  • Demircioğlu, E. N., & Akkaya, N. (2016). “Kısıtlar Teorisi 5 Adım Sürekli İyileştirme Sürecinin Boya Sektöründe Uygulaması”. Muhasebe Bilim Dünyası Dergisi, 18(1), 269-295.
  • Edgeman, R., & Bigio, D. (2004). “Six Sigma in Metaphor: Heresy or Holy Writ?”. Quality Progress, 37(1), 1-6.
  • Ehie, I., & Sheu, C. (2005). “Integrating Six Sigma and Theory of Constraints for Continuous Improvement: A Case Study”. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 16(5), 542-553.
  • Elmacı, O., Uslu, M., & Tutkavul, K. (2013). “Sürdürülebilir Rekabet Gücünün Sağlanmasında Altı Sigma Yönteminin Kullanılması ve Ford Otomotiv Sanayi A.Ş.’ de Bir Uygulama Örneği”, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Özel Sayı, 465-494.
  • Erdiller, A., & Orbak, A.Y., (2005). “Otomotiv Yan Sanayinde Altı Sigma Araçlarının Kullanımı ve Uygulama Örneği”. V. Ulusal Üretim Araştırmaları Sempozyumu, 557-559, İstanbul
  • Eren, B. “Altı sigma seviyesinin hesaplanması. Free Lean Six sigma. Retrived from
  • Escobar, V. G., Vega, P. G., & Zamora, M.-d. M. (2016). “Applying the Theory of Constraints to the Logistic Service of Medical Records of a Hospital”. European Research on Management and Business Economics, 22, 139-146.
  • Fizibilite Info. Retrived from
  • Garza, M. E., Garcia, J. A., Gonzales, S. H., Santoyo, E. A., Esquivias, M. T., & Fernandez, V. F. (2019). “Reduction of Work in Process in Manufacturing Systems by Means of a Theory of Constraints Approach and Discrete Event Simulation”. Engineering and Technology Journal, 4(2), 537-544.
  • Goldratt, E. M., & Cox, J. (2018). Amaç [The Goal] (A.B. Dicleli, Trans.). İstanbul, Turkey: Optimist.
  • Grida, M., & Zeid, M. (2018). “A System Dynamics-Based Model to Implement The Theory of Constraints in a Healthcare System”. Medical Simulation, 95(7), 593-605.
  • Harish, U. (2019). “Implementation of Theory of Constraints (TOC) in a Manufacturing Plant”. International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management, 228-232.
  • Hsu, Y., Pearn, W.L. & Wu, P. (2008). “Capability Adjustment for Gamma Processes with Mean Shift Consideration in Implementing Six Sigma Program”. European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevieri vol. 191(2), 517-529, December.
  • Ikumapayi, O. M., Akinlabi, E. T., Mwema, F. M., & Ogbonna, O. S. (2020). “Six Sigma versus Lean Manufacturing - An Overview”. Materials Today: Proceedings, 26(2), 3275-3281. DOI:10.1016/j.matpr.2020.02.986
  • Jin, K., Abdul-Razzak, H., Elkassabgi, Y., Zhou, H., & Herrera, A. (2009). “Integrating the Theory of Constraints and Six Sigma in Manufacturing Process Improvement”. International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, 3(1), 85-89.
  • Kahya, E., & Karaböcek, K. Bir Atölyede Oranlarla İş Gücü Verimlilik (WPMR) Modelinin Tasarımı ve Uygulanması. Silo Tips: Retrived from
  • Kaygusuz, S. Y. (2005). “Kısıtlar Teorisi: Varsayımlar, Süreç ve Bir Uygulama”. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 60(4), 133-156.
  • Kelly, M. C., & Germain, R. H. (2020). “Applying Theory of Constraints to Timber Harvesting: A Case Study from the Northeast USA”. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, 41, 59-69. DOI:10.5552/crojfe.2020.534
  • Koch, P.N., Yang, R.J., & Gu, L. (2004). “Design for six sigma through robust optimization”. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 26, 235-248.
  • Kwalk, Y. H., & Anbari, F. T. (2006). “Benefit, Obstacles and Future of Six Sigma Approach”. Technovation, 26(5-6), 708-715.
  • Lee, M.-C., & Chang, T. (2012). “Combination of theory of constraints, root cause analysis and Six Sigma for quality improvement framework”. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 10(4), 447-463. DOI:10.1504/IJPQM.2012.049633
  • Mehdizadeh, E., & Jalili, S. (2019). “An Algorithm Based on Theory of Constraints and Branch and Bound for Solving Integrated Product-Mix-Outsourcing Problem”. Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering, 12(1), 167-172. doi: 10.22094/joie.2018.664.1429
  • Mishra, A. K. (2020). “Implication of Theory of Constraints in Project Management”. International Journal of Advanced Trends in Engineering and Technology, 5(1), 1-13. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3605056
  • Nave, D. (2002). “How to Compare Six Sigma, Lean and Theory of Constraints”. Quality Progress, 35(3), 73-78.
  • Nonthaleerak, P., & Hendry, L. (2006). “Six Sigma: Literature Review and Key Future Research Areas”. International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage, 2(2), 105-161. DOI:10.1504/IJSSCA.2006.010111
  • Pyzdek, T. What is Six Sigma. Pyzdek Institute: Retrived from
  • Rahman, S.-u. (1998). “Theory of Constraints: A Review of The Philosophy and Its Applications”. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 18(4), 336-355. DOI:10.1108/01443579810199720
  • Rasis, D., Gitlow, H.S., Popovich, E. (2002). “Paper Organizers International: A Fictitious Six Sigma Green Belt Case Study”. II. Quality Engineering, 15(2), 127-145.
  • Rebull, M. V., Lara, A. B., Lara, A. B., & Ninerola, A. (2020). “Six Sigma for Improving Cash Flow Deficit: A Case Study in the Food Can Manufacturing Industry”. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma. Vol. 11 No. 6, 1119-1140.
  • Rojas, M. D., Jurado, D. A., & Londono, L. M. (2018). “Constrains Theory Explained Trough a Serious Game”. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 13(18), 13978-13984.
  • Rowlands, H. (2003). “Six Sigma: A new philosophy or repackaging of old ideas?”. Engineering Management, 13(2), 18-21.
  • Sağlık Yönetimi 2019. Sigma Değerinin Hesaplanması. Sağlıkta Kalite: Retrived from https://kaliteturkiye.
  • Saray, E. (2019). Yenilenebilir Enerji Üretim ve Yatırım Maliyetleri Karşılaştırması: Ege Bölgesi Örneği. Denizli: Pamukkale Üniversitesi. Retrived from
  • Sithole, C., & Nyembwe, D. (2020). “Application of Six Sigma Framework to Rapid Sand Casting”. RAPSADA 2019 Conference Preceedings, (381-388). South Africa. Abstract retrived from
  • Sorkun, M. F. (2018). “Improving The Effectiveness of Solid Waste Treatment Plants via Integrated System Approach: A Case Study on Manisa”. MCBÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 16(4), 239-268.
  • Stanivuk, T., Gvozdenovic, T., Mikulicic, J. Z., & Lukovac, V. (2020). “Application of Six Sigma Model on Efficient use of Vehicle Fleet”. Symmetry, 12(857), 1-20.
  • Taştan, H., & Demircioğlu, E. (2015). “Düşünme Süreci Araçları ve Kalite Maliyetlerinin Birlikte Kullanılması: Bir Otel İşletmesinde Uygulama”. Muhasebe ve Denetime Bakış (October), 97-112.
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There are 65 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Erhan Ekleş 0000-0002-3853-6981

Mevhibe Türkmen 0000-0003-2365-6726

Publication Date May 1, 2022
Submission Date May 17, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 51 Issue: 1


APA Ekleş, E., & Türkmen, M. (2022). Integrating the Theory of Constraints and Six Sigma: Process Improvement Implementation. Istanbul Business Research, 51(1), 123-147.

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