Effect of Government Expenditure on GDP in the Turkish Economy
Year 2017,
, 69 - 76, 04.10.2017
Esra Şimşek
Mehmet Orhan
Fatih Macit
The objective of this article is to investigate the
effect of government expenditure on GDP in Turkey from 2000Q1-2015Q4 by the
superexogeneity test. As a consequence of satisfying both conditions of weak exogeneity and structural
invariance, government expenditure is
superexogenous to GDP which implies that the policy regime shift for the
period of the Global Financial Crisis in Turkey did not cause structural
variance in government expenditure. Indeed, the Lucas Critique which indicates
that policy regime shifts cause structural breaks, appears to be refuted.
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Year 2017,
, 69 - 76, 04.10.2017
Esra Şimşek
Mehmet Orhan
Fatih Macit
- Ball, L., & Mazumder, S. (2015). A Phillips Curve with Anchored Expectations and Short-Term Unemployment. IMF Working Paper. https://doi.org/10.3386/w20715
- Berlemann, M., & Wesselhöft, J.-E. (2014). Estimating aggregate capital stocks using the perpetual inventory method. Review of Economics, 65(1), 1–34.
- Castelnuovo, E. (2008). Regime shifts and the stability of backward-looking Phillips curves in open economies. Journal of International Money and Finance, 27(1), 40–53. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jimonfin.2007.09.004
- Davidson, J. E., Hendry, D., Srba, F., & Yeo, S. (1978). Econometric Modelling of the Aggregate Time-Series Relationship Between Consumers’ Expenditure and Income in the United Kingtom. The Economic Journal, 88, 661–692.
- Engle, R. F., & Hendry, D. F. (1993). Testing superexogeneity and invariance in regression models. Journal of Econometrics, 56(1–2), 119–139. https://doi.org/10.1016/0304-4076(93)90103-C
- Engle, R. F., Hendry, D. F., & Richard, J.-F. (1983). Exogeneity. Journal of Econometric Society, 277–304.
- Habibullah, M. S., Azali, M., & Baharumshah, A. Z. (2001). Money, income and the Lucas critique: the case for Malaysia. Analisis, 8(1&2), 69–85. Retrieved from http://repo.uum.edu.my/431/
- Hurn, A. S., & Muscatelli, V. A. (1992). Testing Superexogeneity: the Demand for Broad Money in the Uk. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 54(4), 543–556. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-0084.1992.mp54004004.x
- Karunaratne, N. D. (1996). Growth and trade dynamics under regime shifts in Australia. Journal of Economic Studies, 23(2), 55–69.
- Lindé, J. (2001). Testing for the Lucas critique: A quantitative investigation. American Economic Review, 91(4), 986–1005.
- Lucas, R. E. (1976). Econometric policy evaluation: A Critique. Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 1(1), 19–46. https://doi.org/10.1080/000368497327344
- Montanaro, P. (2003). Lo stock di capitale pubblico: una stima per regione e per tipologia di bene. Rivista Economica Del Mezzogiorno, 17(3), 423–462.
- Rudebusch, G. (2005). Assessing the Lucas critique in monetary policy models. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 37(2), 245–72. https://doi.org/10.1353/mcb.2005.0024
- Valadkhani, A. (1998). Effect of government capital expenditure on GDP in the Iranian economy using superexogeneity testing. Applied Economics Letters, 5(6), 361–364. https://doi.org/10.1080/135048598354726