Research Article
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Year 2018, , 1 - 13, 16.04.2018


Global liquidity has been more and more
important in the last couple of years and everbody from media to policy makers
are talking about it. In order to shed light on the effects of global
liquidity, we investigate the impact of global liquidity expansion on major
macroeconomic variables of G-7 countries by using panel vector autoregressive
(PVAR) model and four different global liquidity indicators. We find that our
data is non-stationary, there is cross sectional dependence and no
cointegration relationship exits. Impulse response results show that an
increase in global liquidity lowers government bond yields and has very limited
effect on output, inflation and real exchange rate. Additionally, global
liquidity explains up to 10 percent of the variation in government bond yields.
Our model results imply that the impact of global liquidity on the
macroeconomic variables of G-7 countries is not very striking as some other
studies suggest. 


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  • Arellano, M. and O. Bover (1995). Another look at the instrumental variable estimation of error-components models. Journal of Econometrics, 68(1), 29-51.
  • Baks, K. and C. Kramer (1999). Global Liquidity and Asset Prices: Measurement, Implications, and Spillovers. IMF Working Paper, No. 99/168.
  • Beckmann, J., Belke, A. and R. Czudaj (2014). Does global liquidity drive commodity prices? Journal of Banking & Finance, 48, 224–234.
  • Belke, A., Bordon, I.G. and T.W. Hendricks (2010). Global liquidity and commodity prices–a cointegrated VAR approach for OECD countries. Applied Financial Economics, Volume 20, Issue 3, 227-242.
  • Belke, A., Orth, W. and R. Setzer (2010). Liquidity and the dynamic pattern of asset price adjustment: A global view. Journal of Banking & Finance, 34(8), 1933-1945.
  • Bracke, T. and M. Fidora (2012). The macro-financial factors behind the crisis: Global liquidity glut or global savings glut? The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Volume 23, Issue 2, August 2012, Pages 185–202.
  • Brana, S., Djigbenou, M. and S. Prat (2012). Global excess liquidity and asset prices in emerging countries: A PVAR approach. Emerging Markets Review, 13, 256–267.
  • Brana, S. and S. Prat (2016). The effects of global excess liquidity on emerging stock market returns: Evidence from a panel threshold model. Economic Modelling, 52, 26-34.
  • BIS (2013). Global Liquidity: Selected Indicators. October, 2013.
  • Borio, C. (2008). The Financial turmoil of 2007-?: A preliminary assessment and some policy considerations. BIS Working Paper, No 251.
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  • D’Agostino, A. and P. Surico (2009). Does global liquidity help to forecast U.S. inflation? Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 41(2-3): 479-489.
  • Eickmeier, S., Gambacorta, L. and B. Hofmann, (2014). Understanding global liquidity. European Economic Review, 68, 1–18.
  • Fratzscher, M., Duca, M. and R. Straub (2013). On the International Spillovers of US Quantitative Easing. ECB Working Paper, No 1557.
  • Gagnon, J., Raskin, M., Remache, J. and B. Sack (2011). The financial market effects of the Federal Reserve’s large-scale asset purchases. International Journal of Central Banking, 7(1), 3-43.
  • Gambacorta, L., Hofmann, B. and G. Peersman (2014). The Effectiveness of Unconventional Monetary Policy at the Zero Lower Bound: A Cross-Country Analysis. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 46(4), 615-642.
  • Hernández-Salmerón, M. and D. Romero-Ávila (2015). Econometric Methods. In Convergence in Output and Its Sources Among Industrialised Countries (pp. 15-24). Springer International Publishing.
  • IMF (2010). Global liquidity expansion: effects on receiving economies and policy response options. Global Financial Stability Report, Chapter 4, April. IMF (2013). Global Liquidity-Credit and Funding Indicators. IMF Policy Paper.
  • Joyce, M., Lasaosa, A., Stevens, I. and M. Tong (2011). The Financial Market Impact of Quantitative Easing in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Central Banking, Volume 7, No 3, 113-161.
  • Love, I. and L. Zicchino (2006). Financial development and dynamic investment behavior: Evidence from panel VAR. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 46(2), 190-210.
  • Maddala, G. S. and S. Wu (1999). A comparative study of unit root tests with panel data and a new simple test. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics,61(S1), 631-652.
  • Ng, S. and P. Perron (2001). Lag Length Selection and the Construction of Unit Root Tests with Good Size and Power. Econometrica, 69, 1529–1554. O'Connell, P.G. (1998). The overvaluation of purchasing power parity. Journal of International Economics, 44(1), 1-19.
  • Pesaran, M.H. (2004). General Diagnostic Tests for Cross Section Dependence in Panels. Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), No. 1240.
  • Pesaran, M.H. (2007). A simple panel unit root test in the presence of cross-section dependence. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22(2), 265-312.
  • Pesaran, M.H., Ullah, A. and T. Yamagata (2008). A bias adjusted LM test of error cross section independence. The Econometrics Journal, 11(1), 105-127.
  • Ruffer, R. and L. Stracca (2006). What is global excess liquidity, and does it matter? ECB Working Paper, 696.
  • Sousa, J. and A. Zaghini (2007). Global Monetary policy shocks in the G-5: A SVAR approach. Int. Fin. Markets, Inst. and Money, 17, 403–419.
  • Sousa, J. and A. Zaghini (2008). Monetary policy shocks in the euro area and global liquidity spillovers. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 13, 205-218.
  • Shin, H.S. (2013). The second phase of global liquidity and its impact on emerging economies. Keynote address at Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Asia Economic Policy Conference, November.
  • Westerlund, J. (2008). Panel cointegration tests of the Fisher effect. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 23(2), 193-233.
Year 2018, , 1 - 13, 16.04.2018



  • Abrigo, M. R. and I. Love, (2015). Estimation of panel vector autoregression in Stata: A package of programs. Panel Data Conference.
  • Arellano, M. and O. Bover (1995). Another look at the instrumental variable estimation of error-components models. Journal of Econometrics, 68(1), 29-51.
  • Baks, K. and C. Kramer (1999). Global Liquidity and Asset Prices: Measurement, Implications, and Spillovers. IMF Working Paper, No. 99/168.
  • Beckmann, J., Belke, A. and R. Czudaj (2014). Does global liquidity drive commodity prices? Journal of Banking & Finance, 48, 224–234.
  • Belke, A., Bordon, I.G. and T.W. Hendricks (2010). Global liquidity and commodity prices–a cointegrated VAR approach for OECD countries. Applied Financial Economics, Volume 20, Issue 3, 227-242.
  • Belke, A., Orth, W. and R. Setzer (2010). Liquidity and the dynamic pattern of asset price adjustment: A global view. Journal of Banking & Finance, 34(8), 1933-1945.
  • Bracke, T. and M. Fidora (2012). The macro-financial factors behind the crisis: Global liquidity glut or global savings glut? The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Volume 23, Issue 2, August 2012, Pages 185–202.
  • Brana, S., Djigbenou, M. and S. Prat (2012). Global excess liquidity and asset prices in emerging countries: A PVAR approach. Emerging Markets Review, 13, 256–267.
  • Brana, S. and S. Prat (2016). The effects of global excess liquidity on emerging stock market returns: Evidence from a panel threshold model. Economic Modelling, 52, 26-34.
  • BIS (2013). Global Liquidity: Selected Indicators. October, 2013.
  • Borio, C. (2008). The Financial turmoil of 2007-?: A preliminary assessment and some policy considerations. BIS Working Paper, No 251.
  • Bruno, V. and H. S. Shin (2012). Capital flows and the risk-taking channel of monetary policy. NBER Working Paper, No. 18942.
  • CGFS (2011). Global liquidity - concepts, measurement and policy implications. CGFS Paper, 45.
  • Chung, H., Laforte, J. P., Reifschneider, D. and J.C. Williams (2012). Have we underestimated the likelihood and severity of zero lower bound events?. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 44(s1), 47-82.
  • D’Agostino, A. and P. Surico (2009). Does global liquidity help to forecast U.S. inflation? Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 41(2-3): 479-489.
  • Eickmeier, S., Gambacorta, L. and B. Hofmann, (2014). Understanding global liquidity. European Economic Review, 68, 1–18.
  • Fratzscher, M., Duca, M. and R. Straub (2013). On the International Spillovers of US Quantitative Easing. ECB Working Paper, No 1557.
  • Gagnon, J., Raskin, M., Remache, J. and B. Sack (2011). The financial market effects of the Federal Reserve’s large-scale asset purchases. International Journal of Central Banking, 7(1), 3-43.
  • Gambacorta, L., Hofmann, B. and G. Peersman (2014). The Effectiveness of Unconventional Monetary Policy at the Zero Lower Bound: A Cross-Country Analysis. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 46(4), 615-642.
  • Hernández-Salmerón, M. and D. Romero-Ávila (2015). Econometric Methods. In Convergence in Output and Its Sources Among Industrialised Countries (pp. 15-24). Springer International Publishing.
  • IMF (2010). Global liquidity expansion: effects on receiving economies and policy response options. Global Financial Stability Report, Chapter 4, April. IMF (2013). Global Liquidity-Credit and Funding Indicators. IMF Policy Paper.
  • Joyce, M., Lasaosa, A., Stevens, I. and M. Tong (2011). The Financial Market Impact of Quantitative Easing in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Central Banking, Volume 7, No 3, 113-161.
  • Love, I. and L. Zicchino (2006). Financial development and dynamic investment behavior: Evidence from panel VAR. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 46(2), 190-210.
  • Maddala, G. S. and S. Wu (1999). A comparative study of unit root tests with panel data and a new simple test. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics,61(S1), 631-652.
  • Ng, S. and P. Perron (2001). Lag Length Selection and the Construction of Unit Root Tests with Good Size and Power. Econometrica, 69, 1529–1554. O'Connell, P.G. (1998). The overvaluation of purchasing power parity. Journal of International Economics, 44(1), 1-19.
  • Pesaran, M.H. (2004). General Diagnostic Tests for Cross Section Dependence in Panels. Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), No. 1240.
  • Pesaran, M.H. (2007). A simple panel unit root test in the presence of cross-section dependence. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 22(2), 265-312.
  • Pesaran, M.H., Ullah, A. and T. Yamagata (2008). A bias adjusted LM test of error cross section independence. The Econometrics Journal, 11(1), 105-127.
  • Ruffer, R. and L. Stracca (2006). What is global excess liquidity, and does it matter? ECB Working Paper, 696.
  • Sousa, J. and A. Zaghini (2007). Global Monetary policy shocks in the G-5: A SVAR approach. Int. Fin. Markets, Inst. and Money, 17, 403–419.
  • Sousa, J. and A. Zaghini (2008). Monetary policy shocks in the euro area and global liquidity spillovers. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 13, 205-218.
  • Shin, H.S. (2013). The second phase of global liquidity and its impact on emerging economies. Keynote address at Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Asia Economic Policy Conference, November.
  • Westerlund, J. (2008). Panel cointegration tests of the Fisher effect. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 23(2), 193-233.
There are 33 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Mesut Türkay

Publication Date April 16, 2018
Submission Date September 6, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Türkay, M. (2018). DOES INTERNATIONAL LIQUIDITY MATTER FOR G-7 COUNTRIES? A PVAR APPROACH. International Econometric Review, 10(1), 1-13.
AMA Türkay M. DOES INTERNATIONAL LIQUIDITY MATTER FOR G-7 COUNTRIES? A PVAR APPROACH. IER. April 2018;10(1):1-13. doi:10.33818/ier.336895
Chicago Türkay, Mesut. “DOES INTERNATIONAL LIQUIDITY MATTER FOR G-7 COUNTRIES? A PVAR APPROACH”. International Econometric Review 10, no. 1 (April 2018): 1-13.
EndNote Türkay M (April 1, 2018) DOES INTERNATIONAL LIQUIDITY MATTER FOR G-7 COUNTRIES? A PVAR APPROACH. International Econometric Review 10 1 1–13.
IEEE M. Türkay, “DOES INTERNATIONAL LIQUIDITY MATTER FOR G-7 COUNTRIES? A PVAR APPROACH”, IER, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1–13, 2018, doi: 10.33818/ier.336895.
ISNAD Türkay, Mesut. “DOES INTERNATIONAL LIQUIDITY MATTER FOR G-7 COUNTRIES? A PVAR APPROACH”. International Econometric Review 10/1 (April 2018), 1-13.
MLA Türkay, Mesut. “DOES INTERNATIONAL LIQUIDITY MATTER FOR G-7 COUNTRIES? A PVAR APPROACH”. International Econometric Review, vol. 10, no. 1, 2018, pp. 1-13, doi:10.33818/ier.336895.