Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 143 - 150, 18.06.2019



  • Aguayo E., Escalona V.H., Artés F., 2008. Effect of hot water treatment and various calcium salts on quality of fresh-cut ‘Amarillo’ melon. Postharvest Biol. Technol. 47:397–406
  • Aguayo E., Requejo C., Stanley R., Woolf A., 2010. Effects of calcium ascorbate treatments and storage atmosphere on antioxidant activity and quality of fresh-cut apple slices. In: Postharvest Biol. Technol., 57:52-60
  • Ahvenainen R., 1996. New approaches in improving the shelf life of minimally processed fruit and vegetables. Trends in Food Science and Technology 179-197
  • Alvarado-Casillas S., Ibarra-Sanchez S., Rodríguez-García O., Martínez-Gonzáles N., Castillo A., 2009. Comparison of rinsing and sanitizing procedures for reducing bacterial pathogens on fresh cantaloupes and bell peppers. J. Food Prot. 7:655–660.
  • Arias E., Gonzalez J., Oria R., Lopez-Buesa P., 2007. Ascorbic acid and 4-hexylresorcicol effects on pear PPO and PPO catalyzed reaction. Journal of Food Science 72:422-429
  • Bargallo R., Chisari M., Caputa G., 2012. Effects of calcium citrate and ascorbate as inhibitors of browning and softening in minimally processed ‘Birgah’ eggplants. Postharvest Biology and Technol 73:107-114
  • Bhagwat A.A., 2006. Microbiological safety of fresh-cut produce: where are we now? In: Matthews KR, eds. Microbiology of Fresh Produce. Washington, DC: ASM Press; 121–165.
  • Bond T., Goslan, E. H., Parsons, S. A., & Jefferson, B., 2012. A critical review of trihalomethane and haloacetic acid formation from natural organic matter surrogates. Environmental Technology Reviews. 1(1):93-113.
  • Caballero B., 2009. Guide to nutritional supplements.Academic Press. Elsevier. 548
  • Chien P.J., Sheu F., Yang, F.H., 2007. Effects of edible chitosan coating on quality and shelf life of sliced mango fruit. Journal of Food Engineering 78:225–229
  • Cerklewski F.L., 2005. Calcium fortification of food can add unneeded dietary phosphorus. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 18:595-598.
  • Corbo M.R., Speranza B., Campaniello D., D’amato D., Sinigaglia M., 2010. Fresh-cut fruits preservation: current status and emerging technologies. Current research, technology and education topics in applied microbiology and microbial biotechnology, 2:1143-1154.
  • Gomes M.H., Beaudry R.M., Almeida D.P., Malcata F.X., 2010. Modelling respiration of packaged fresh-cut ‘Rocha’ pear as affected by oxygen concentration and temperature. Journal of Food Engineering 96:74-79
  • Gonzalez-Aguilar G.A., Robles-Sanchez R.M., Martinez-Tellez M.A., Olivas G.I., Alvarez-Parrilla E., de la Rosa L., 2008. Bioactive compounds in fruits: health benefits and effect of storage conditions. Stewart Postharvest Review 4(3):1-10.
  • Gorny J.R., Hess-Pierce B., Cifuentes R.A., Kader A.A., 2002. Quality changes in fresh-cut pear slices as affected by controlled atmosphere and chemical preservatives. Postharvest Biology and Technology 24:271-278
  • Hassan A., Othman Z., Sirivanich J. 2011. Pineapple Ananas L. Merr.. Postharvest Biology and Technology of Tropical and Subtropical Fruits: Mangosteen to White Sapote 4:194-217
  • Hisaminato H., Murata M., Homma S., 2001. Relationship between the enzymatic browning and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity of cut lettuce, and the prevention of browning by inhibitors of polyphenol biosynthesis. Biosci. Biotechnol in Biochem. 65:1016–1021
  • Liu R.H., 2013. Health-promoting components of fruits and vegetables in the diet. Advances in Nutrition 4:384S-392S
  • Luna-Guzman I., Barrett D.M., 2000. Comparison of calcium chloride and calcium lactate effectiveness in maintaining shelf stability and quality of fresh-cut cantaloupe. Postharvest in Biol. and Technol. 19:61-72
  • Manganaris G.A., Vasilakakis M., Diamantidis G., Mignani I., 2007. The effect of postharvest calcium application on tissue calcium concentration, quality attributes, incidence of flesh browning and cell wall physicochemical aspects of peach fruits. Food Chemistry 4:1385-1392.
  • Mao L., Jeong J., Que F., Huber D.J., 2006. Physiological properties of fresh-cut watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) in response to 1-methylcyclopropene and post processing calcium application. Journal of Science and Food Agriculture 86:46–53
  • Martin-Diana A.B., Rico D., Mulcahy J., Frias J., Henehan G.T., Barry-Ryan C., 2005. Comparison of calcium lactate with chlorine as a washing treatment for fresh-cut lettuce and carrots: quality and nutritional parameters. J. Sci. and Food Argic. 85:2260-2268
  • Martin-Diana A.B., Rico D., Frias J.M., Barat J., Henehan G.T., 2007. Calcium for extending the shelf life of fresh whole and minimally processed fruits and vegetables: a review. Trends in Food Science & Technol. 18:210–218
  • Ngamchuachit P., Sivertsen H., Mitcham E., Barett D., 2014. Effectiveness of calcium chloride and calcium lactate on maintenance of textural and sensory qualities of fresh-cut mangos. Journal of Food Science. C1-C9
  • Ragaert P., Verbeke W., Devlieghere F., Debevere J., 2004. Consumer perception and choice of minimally processed vegetables and packaged fruits. Food Quality and Preference 15:259–270.
  • Rico D., Martin-Diana A.B., Barat J.M., Barry-Ryan C., 2007. Extending and measuring the quality of fresh-cut fruit and vegetables: a review. Trends in Food Science & Technology 18:373–386
  • Ruiz-Cruz S., Acedo-Félix E., Díaz-Cinco M., Islas-Osuna M.A., González-Aguilar G.A., 2007. Efficacy of sanitizers in reducing Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes populations on fresh cut carrots. Food Control.18:1383–1390.
  • Saftner R.A., Baj J., Abbott J.J., Lee Y.S., 2003. Sanitary dips with calcium propionate, calcium chloride, or calcium amino acid chelates maintain quality and shelf stability of fresh-cut honeydew chunks. Postharvest Biology and Technology 29:257-269
  • Soliva-Fortuny R.C., Martin-Belloso O., 2003. New advances in extending the shelf life of fresh cut fruits: a review. Trends in Food Science & Technol 14:341–353
  • Toivonen P.M., Brummell D.A., 2008. Biochemical bases of appearance and texture changes in fresh-cut fruit and vegetables. Postharvest Biology and Technol 48:1-14
  • U.S FDA. 2002 “Enumeration of Escherichia coli and the Coliform Bacteria”. Bacteriological Analytical Manual (BAM).
  • Vandekinderen I., Devlieghere F., De Meulenaer B., Ragaert P., Van Camp J., 2009. Decontamination strategies for fresh-cut produce. Stewart Postharvest Review 5:1-8


Year 2019, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 143 - 150, 18.06.2019


Due to increasing demand of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables or minimally processed foods that are convenient with fewer preservatives, high nutritive value, and fresh sensory attributes, the fresh-cut produce industry is one of the fastest growing food industries worldwide. This study was conducted to determine the antimicrobial efficacy of calcium ascorbate and calcium lactate on fresh-cut pineapple and evaluate the physicochemical and sensory qualities of the treated and untreated produce. Freshly harvested ripe ‘Queen’ pineapple fruits (25-60% of the eyes yellow) were obtained from a local plantation, peeled, and sliced as commercially practiced. Calcium ascorbate and calcium lactate were applied at 1.5-2.5% as 2-min dip. Control treatments included 150 ppm chlorine and distilled water as 2-min dip. The product samples were packed in sterile resealable 50 μm-thick polyethylene bag and stored at 7-10 °C for 5 days. Calcium ascorbate and calcium lactate were effective in reducing aerobic and coliform bacteria as well as yeasts and molds at 2.5% concentration. The antimicrobial activities of these organic salts were comparable to chlorine after 3 hours from treatment but were much better than chlorine after 5 days of storage. Meanwhile, the physicochemical properties (color evaluation, titratable acidity, and pH) and sensory attributes (color, aroma, taste, texture, and general acceptability) of fresh-cut pineapple after 5 days of cold storage were not adversely affected using calcium ascorbate. 


  • Aguayo E., Escalona V.H., Artés F., 2008. Effect of hot water treatment and various calcium salts on quality of fresh-cut ‘Amarillo’ melon. Postharvest Biol. Technol. 47:397–406
  • Aguayo E., Requejo C., Stanley R., Woolf A., 2010. Effects of calcium ascorbate treatments and storage atmosphere on antioxidant activity and quality of fresh-cut apple slices. In: Postharvest Biol. Technol., 57:52-60
  • Ahvenainen R., 1996. New approaches in improving the shelf life of minimally processed fruit and vegetables. Trends in Food Science and Technology 179-197
  • Alvarado-Casillas S., Ibarra-Sanchez S., Rodríguez-García O., Martínez-Gonzáles N., Castillo A., 2009. Comparison of rinsing and sanitizing procedures for reducing bacterial pathogens on fresh cantaloupes and bell peppers. J. Food Prot. 7:655–660.
  • Arias E., Gonzalez J., Oria R., Lopez-Buesa P., 2007. Ascorbic acid and 4-hexylresorcicol effects on pear PPO and PPO catalyzed reaction. Journal of Food Science 72:422-429
  • Bargallo R., Chisari M., Caputa G., 2012. Effects of calcium citrate and ascorbate as inhibitors of browning and softening in minimally processed ‘Birgah’ eggplants. Postharvest Biology and Technol 73:107-114
  • Bhagwat A.A., 2006. Microbiological safety of fresh-cut produce: where are we now? In: Matthews KR, eds. Microbiology of Fresh Produce. Washington, DC: ASM Press; 121–165.
  • Bond T., Goslan, E. H., Parsons, S. A., & Jefferson, B., 2012. A critical review of trihalomethane and haloacetic acid formation from natural organic matter surrogates. Environmental Technology Reviews. 1(1):93-113.
  • Caballero B., 2009. Guide to nutritional supplements.Academic Press. Elsevier. 548
  • Chien P.J., Sheu F., Yang, F.H., 2007. Effects of edible chitosan coating on quality and shelf life of sliced mango fruit. Journal of Food Engineering 78:225–229
  • Cerklewski F.L., 2005. Calcium fortification of food can add unneeded dietary phosphorus. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 18:595-598.
  • Corbo M.R., Speranza B., Campaniello D., D’amato D., Sinigaglia M., 2010. Fresh-cut fruits preservation: current status and emerging technologies. Current research, technology and education topics in applied microbiology and microbial biotechnology, 2:1143-1154.
  • Gomes M.H., Beaudry R.M., Almeida D.P., Malcata F.X., 2010. Modelling respiration of packaged fresh-cut ‘Rocha’ pear as affected by oxygen concentration and temperature. Journal of Food Engineering 96:74-79
  • Gonzalez-Aguilar G.A., Robles-Sanchez R.M., Martinez-Tellez M.A., Olivas G.I., Alvarez-Parrilla E., de la Rosa L., 2008. Bioactive compounds in fruits: health benefits and effect of storage conditions. Stewart Postharvest Review 4(3):1-10.
  • Gorny J.R., Hess-Pierce B., Cifuentes R.A., Kader A.A., 2002. Quality changes in fresh-cut pear slices as affected by controlled atmosphere and chemical preservatives. Postharvest Biology and Technology 24:271-278
  • Hassan A., Othman Z., Sirivanich J. 2011. Pineapple Ananas L. Merr.. Postharvest Biology and Technology of Tropical and Subtropical Fruits: Mangosteen to White Sapote 4:194-217
  • Hisaminato H., Murata M., Homma S., 2001. Relationship between the enzymatic browning and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity of cut lettuce, and the prevention of browning by inhibitors of polyphenol biosynthesis. Biosci. Biotechnol in Biochem. 65:1016–1021
  • Liu R.H., 2013. Health-promoting components of fruits and vegetables in the diet. Advances in Nutrition 4:384S-392S
  • Luna-Guzman I., Barrett D.M., 2000. Comparison of calcium chloride and calcium lactate effectiveness in maintaining shelf stability and quality of fresh-cut cantaloupe. Postharvest in Biol. and Technol. 19:61-72
  • Manganaris G.A., Vasilakakis M., Diamantidis G., Mignani I., 2007. The effect of postharvest calcium application on tissue calcium concentration, quality attributes, incidence of flesh browning and cell wall physicochemical aspects of peach fruits. Food Chemistry 4:1385-1392.
  • Mao L., Jeong J., Que F., Huber D.J., 2006. Physiological properties of fresh-cut watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) in response to 1-methylcyclopropene and post processing calcium application. Journal of Science and Food Agriculture 86:46–53
  • Martin-Diana A.B., Rico D., Mulcahy J., Frias J., Henehan G.T., Barry-Ryan C., 2005. Comparison of calcium lactate with chlorine as a washing treatment for fresh-cut lettuce and carrots: quality and nutritional parameters. J. Sci. and Food Argic. 85:2260-2268
  • Martin-Diana A.B., Rico D., Frias J.M., Barat J., Henehan G.T., 2007. Calcium for extending the shelf life of fresh whole and minimally processed fruits and vegetables: a review. Trends in Food Science & Technol. 18:210–218
  • Ngamchuachit P., Sivertsen H., Mitcham E., Barett D., 2014. Effectiveness of calcium chloride and calcium lactate on maintenance of textural and sensory qualities of fresh-cut mangos. Journal of Food Science. C1-C9
  • Ragaert P., Verbeke W., Devlieghere F., Debevere J., 2004. Consumer perception and choice of minimally processed vegetables and packaged fruits. Food Quality and Preference 15:259–270.
  • Rico D., Martin-Diana A.B., Barat J.M., Barry-Ryan C., 2007. Extending and measuring the quality of fresh-cut fruit and vegetables: a review. Trends in Food Science & Technology 18:373–386
  • Ruiz-Cruz S., Acedo-Félix E., Díaz-Cinco M., Islas-Osuna M.A., González-Aguilar G.A., 2007. Efficacy of sanitizers in reducing Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella spp. and Listeria monocytogenes populations on fresh cut carrots. Food Control.18:1383–1390.
  • Saftner R.A., Baj J., Abbott J.J., Lee Y.S., 2003. Sanitary dips with calcium propionate, calcium chloride, or calcium amino acid chelates maintain quality and shelf stability of fresh-cut honeydew chunks. Postharvest Biology and Technology 29:257-269
  • Soliva-Fortuny R.C., Martin-Belloso O., 2003. New advances in extending the shelf life of fresh cut fruits: a review. Trends in Food Science & Technol 14:341–353
  • Toivonen P.M., Brummell D.A., 2008. Biochemical bases of appearance and texture changes in fresh-cut fruit and vegetables. Postharvest Biology and Technol 48:1-14
  • U.S FDA. 2002 “Enumeration of Escherichia coli and the Coliform Bacteria”. Bacteriological Analytical Manual (BAM).
  • Vandekinderen I., Devlieghere F., De Meulenaer B., Ragaert P., Van Camp J., 2009. Decontamination strategies for fresh-cut produce. Stewart Postharvest Review 5:1-8
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences
Journal Section Original Papers

Roden Troyo 0000-0002-8466-8512

Antonio Jr. Acedo This is me 0000-0003-2104-024X

Publication Date June 18, 2019
Submission Date March 26, 2019
Acceptance Date May 7, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Troyo, R., & Acedo, A. J. (2019). EFFECTS OF CALCIUM ASCORBATE AND CALCIUM LACTATE ON QUALITY OF FRESH-CUT PINEAPPLE (Ananas comosus). International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences, 3(1), 143-150.
AMA Troyo R, Acedo AJ. EFFECTS OF CALCIUM ASCORBATE AND CALCIUM LACTATE ON QUALITY OF FRESH-CUT PINEAPPLE (Ananas comosus). Int J Agric For Life Sci. June 2019;3(1):143-150.
Chicago Troyo, Roden, and Antonio Jr. Acedo. “EFFECTS OF CALCIUM ASCORBATE AND CALCIUM LACTATE ON QUALITY OF FRESH-CUT PINEAPPLE (Ananas Comosus)”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 3, no. 1 (June 2019): 143-50.
EndNote Troyo R, Acedo AJ (June 1, 2019) EFFECTS OF CALCIUM ASCORBATE AND CALCIUM LACTATE ON QUALITY OF FRESH-CUT PINEAPPLE (Ananas comosus). International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 3 1 143–150.
IEEE R. Troyo and A. J. Acedo, “EFFECTS OF CALCIUM ASCORBATE AND CALCIUM LACTATE ON QUALITY OF FRESH-CUT PINEAPPLE (Ananas comosus)”, Int J Agric For Life Sci, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 143–150, 2019.
ISNAD Troyo, Roden - Acedo, Antonio Jr. “EFFECTS OF CALCIUM ASCORBATE AND CALCIUM LACTATE ON QUALITY OF FRESH-CUT PINEAPPLE (Ananas Comosus)”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences 3/1 (June 2019), 143-150.
MLA Troyo, Roden and Antonio Jr. Acedo. “EFFECTS OF CALCIUM ASCORBATE AND CALCIUM LACTATE ON QUALITY OF FRESH-CUT PINEAPPLE (Ananas Comosus)”. International Journal of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences, vol. 3, no. 1, 2019, pp. 143-50.
Vancouver Troyo R, Acedo AJ. EFFECTS OF CALCIUM ASCORBATE AND CALCIUM LACTATE ON QUALITY OF FRESH-CUT PINEAPPLE (Ananas comosus). Int J Agric For Life Sci. 2019;3(1):143-50.

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