In this study, the karyological characteristics of two registered chickpea varieties belonging to the Cicer arietinum species [Aras (light beige seed color) and Katran (Black seed color)] were investigated. This study was carried out to determine the karyological differences in these varieties, which differ in terms of seed structure and color. The study was carried out at Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, Faculty of Agriculture, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Laboratory. When the root length of the germinated seeds reached 1-2 cm in length, they were pretreated with 1,4 Dichlorobenzene for 4 hours at room temperature. Root tips were then removed from the pretreatment solution and fixed in a solution of acetic alcohol (1 glacial acetic acid; 3 ethanol) for 24 h in a refrigerator at +4°C. Karyological observations were made by hydrolyzing and staining the fixed root tips. The chromosome number of both varieties was determined as 2n=2x=16. Both varieties were found to have the same karyotype formula (4m + 4sm). It was observed that the chromosome length of the Aras variety varied between 1.43 and 4.11 m. When haploid chromosomes of this variety were examined, it was observed that three chromosomes had satellites on both arms of the first chromosome, the short arm of the second chromosome and the long arm of the fourth chromosome. Chromosome length varied between 1.81 and 3.89 m in the tar variety. When the haploid chromosome set was examined, it was observed that both arms of the first chromosome and the short arms of the second, third, and sixth chromosomes had satellites. The metaphase chromosomes of the cultivars were photographed under a microscope, measured and ideograms were prepared. In this study, all karyomorphological measurements (chromosome number, long and short arm lengths of chromosomes, arm ratio, karyotype formula, relative lengths, centromere indexes and ideograms) of the chromosomes of these varieties were made, asymmetric index values were calculated and the varieties were examined in detail karyologically. It was observed that there were differences between the examined varieties in terms of seed color and size, as well as some karyological differences. However, since these varieties are registered from the same species (Cicer arietinum) in terms of breeding, it has been observed that they are very close to each other karyologically.
Birincil Dil | İngilizce |
Konular | Tarla Bitkileri Yetiştirme ve Islahı (Diğer) |
Bölüm | Original Papers |
Yazarlar | |
Erken Görünüm Tarihi | 29 Haziran 2024 |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 30 Haziran 2024 |
Gönderilme Tarihi | 16 Nisan 2024 |
Kabul Tarihi | 10 Haziran 2024 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2024 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1 |
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