Etik İlkeler ve Yayın Politikası

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

The International Journal of Advances in Production Research (IJAPR) undertakes to protect the accuracy of the published content at the highest level. This Journal has a Conflict of Interest policy and acts in accordance with national and/or international standards regarding research involving Humans as participants and requiring Informed Consent.
The journal use computer software to detect plagiarism.

Peer Review Process
Content published in this journal is subject to independent peer review. In this context, the publication ethics and open access policy of the International Journal of Advances in Production Research (IJAPR) is in line with the guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in open access (for example, "Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)", "The Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors") require that all components of the publication process comply with ethical principles.

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
1. Originality and Plagiarism – All texts must be the original work of the authors and must not contain plagiarism.
2. Authorship – Copywriting should be limited to authors who have contributed significantly to the text. Authors must have permission to use the software, surveys/web searches, and scales included in their work.
3. Multiple publications of the same work – Authors should not submit the same manuscript to more than one journal at the same time.
4. Citing sources – Authors should properly and accurately cite the work of others
5. Disclosure, conflict of interest, and financial support – Authors should openly disclose any financial or other conflicts of interest that may affect the results or interpretation of their manuscripts, and identify individuals or institutions that provide financial support to the research. All authors should provide information on sources of funding and financial or non-financial interests; For research involving humans and/or animals, they must obtain ethics committee approval and make a statement stating that the condition of the animals is taken into account if the research includes animals.
6. When the authors send their texts to the Journal, the author group should take care not to give wrong information about the authors who conduct the correspondence and the order of the authors. In general, it is not allowed to add new authors or remove existing authors during the evaluation of the text. However, in some cases, it is possible to add or delete authors. When a change is made about the authors, the reasons for the change should be explained in detail. Please note that author changes in article are not allowed after the text has been accepted.

Relevant Institution
Each author should give the name of the institution where he/she performed the majority of his/her work as the institution to be written next to his/her name. If the author has left the institution he is affiliated with, he can give the name of his new institution. The given institution name and address will not be updated or changed after the article is accepted for publication.
Please note that author names will be published as submitted to the journal.

Author's ID:
Authors are strongly recommended to use ORCID ID when submitting an article to the journal for evaluation or to obtain an ORCID ID before the article is published.

Editors Responsibilities:

1. Publication decisions – Editors are responsible for deciding which of the manuscripts submitted to the journal should be considered or published.
2. Integrity – Editors should ensure that the publication review process works properly. In this context, editors should not reveal the identity of the authors of the texts to the referees and the identity of the referees to the authors.
3. Confidentiality – Editors should consider the manuscripts submitted for consideration as confidential documents and should not disclose any information about the submitted texts to anyone other than the author responsible for correspondence, the referees, the people in the editorial board and the publisher.
4. Disclosure and Conflict of Interest – Editors and any person responsible for editorial duties should not use any material (published or unpublished) contained in a submitted text for their own research without the written consent of the author.
5. Investigation – Editors should duly and honestly investigate ethical complaints.

Responsibility of the Reviewers:
1. Confidentiality – Referees should consider any information regarding submitted texts as confidential and proprietary information.
2. Standards of Objectivity – Refereeing should be done in an objective manner without criticizing the author personally.
3. Contribution to Editors' Decisions – Reviewers should make their views clear, based on strong arguments.
4. Promptness – Judges must complete their assessments within the time allotted to them.
5. Disclosure and Conflict of Interest – Reviewers should not review the submitted text if they have conflicts of interest arising from competition, cooperation, or other relationships or affiliations with any of the authors, companies or institutions associated with the submitted text.

Reporting Ethics and Fraud Issues
Editors will take appropriate action whenever ethical issues are raised in a submitted text or published article. Any allegation of unethical publishing behavior will be investigated, even if made years after publication. If, as a result of the investigation, it turns out that the ethical claim is true, correction, withdrawal, voicing of the concern and similar attempts will be made before the relevant parties. These initiatives include the publication of an official statement in the journal; It can be in the form of sending an official letter to the employer, institution or organization of the person concerned and sending an official letter to the relevant professional organization.

Copyright Notice
Authors who send texts to The International Journal of Advances in Production Research (IJAPR) agree to transfer their copyright to the journal. However, authors may reprint works or allow others to republish; In this case, an appropriate notification should be made that the study was originally published in The International Journal of Advances in Production Research (IJAPR). The journal has adopted the CC-BY-NC license policy; accordingly, authors can share their articles on non-commercial web pages, social media and similar storage areas immediately after publication.
Authors can also share the Abstract and Citation information (such as title, author name, publication date) of their articles on social media and blogs, provided that they refer to the link of the article on the journal's web page.


The content of the journal will be stored digitally in the storage section of IJAPR ( within Dergipark electronic journal infrastructure.

The International Journal of Advances in Production Research (IJAPR) also allows authors to share their articles on their own web pages, web pages of their institutions and other storage areas.
The journal is a public journal and no fee is charged from the authors.

IJAPR is affiliated with The Turkish Society for Production Research.

International Journal of Advances in Production Research © 2024 is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.