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Navigating the Work Passion and Safety Behavior Examining the Role of Safety Locus of Control in the Aviation Sector

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 05 Sayı: 01, 34 - 46, 21.06.2024


The human factor with inimitable qualifications is critical in providing safety by highlighting the keyword harmony to define the interaction between humans and technology in the aviation sector. In this role, it is vital to determine the intense emotions and motivations that can facilitate and support aviation sector employees in stabilizing the perceived safety behavior when confronting and coping with heavy workloads and stress. Thus, the current research aims to investigate the impact of work passion on the safety behavior of aviation sector employees and scrutinize the mediatory role of safety locus of control in the relationship between these two variables. By this aim, 541 participants working in different departments in the aviation sector are reached out. Confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, and Medmod module of Jamovi for mediation analyses were carried out to assess the model and hypotheses of the research. Drawing from the research results, it has been concluded that harmonious passion positively predicts safety behavior. In contrast, obsessive passion does not affect safety behavior. Besides, it has been observed that the internal locus of control has a full mediating role in the relationship between harmonious passion, obsessive passion, and safety behavior. On the contrary, it was revealed that external locus of control does not serve as a mediator in the link between harmonious passion, obsessive passion, and safety behavior. Research findings are discussed, drawn from theoretical support, and recommendations are presented regarding the sector and future research.


  • Ali, M. et al. (2020) ‘A positive human health perspective on how spiritual leadership weaves its influence on employee safety performance: The role of harmonious safety passion’, Safety Science, 131, p. 104923.
  • Ahn, J., Back, K.J., and Lee, C.K. (2019) ‘A new dualistic approach to brand attitude: The role of passion among integrated resort customers’, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 78, pp. 261-267.
  • Astakhova, M. et al. (2022) ‘Passion for work passion research: Taming breadth and promoting depth’, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 43(9), pp. 1463–1474.
  • Atalay, Z. (2022) Bilinçli Farkındalık: Farkındalıkla Anda Kalabilme Sanatı. İstanbul: İnkılap Yayınevi.
  • Boeing Airplane Company (2008) Airplanes: Statistical summary of commercial jet airplane accidents worldwide operations | 1959 – 2008. Available at: Erişim tarihi: 01.09.2023.
  • Boeing Airplane Company (2021) Airplanes: Statistical summary of commercial jet airplane accidents worldwide operations | 1959 – 2021. Available at: Erişim tarihi: 01.09.2023.
  • Caesens, G. and Brison, N. (2023) ‘The relationship between organizational dehumanization and safety behaviors’, Safety Science, 158.
  • Carbonneau, N. and Vallerand, R. (2013) ‘On the role of harmonious and obsessive romantic passion in conflict behavior’, Motivation and Emotion, 37(4), pp. 743–757.
  • Chen, C. and Chen, S. (2014) ‘Measuring the effects of safety management system practices, morality leadership and self-efficacy on pilots’ safety behaviors: Safety motivation as a mediator’, Safety Science, 62, pp. 376–385.
  • Chen, S. C. (2022) ‘Off-stage heroes: The antecedents and consequences of job passion among civil aviation maintenance crew’, The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, 32(2-3), pp. 95-113.
  • Chen, S.-C. (2021) ‘A dualistic model of air technician safety behavior: Application of the reformulation of attitude theory’, Research in Transportation Business & Management, 41, pp. 1–8.
  • Chittaro, L. (2014) ‘Changing user’s safety locus of control through persuasive play: An application to aviation safety’, in A. Spagnolli, L. Chittaro, and L. Gamberini (eds) Persuasive Technology: 9th International Conference. Padua, Italy: Springer International Publishing (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), pp. 31–42.
  • Crowne, D. and Marlowe, D. (1964) The Approval Motive: Studies in Evaluative Dependence. New York: Wiley.
  • Curran, T. et al. (2015) ‘The psychology of passion: A meta-analytical review of a decade of research on intrapersonal outcomes’, Motivation and Emotion, 39(5), pp. 631–655.
  • Deci, E. and Ryan, R. (1985) Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behavior | SpringerLink. New York: Plenum Press.
  • Demirtaş, Ö. and Kaya, B. (2023) ‘Havacılık Kazalarında İnsan Faktörü’, in Ö. Demirtaş (ed.) Havacılık Yönetimi ve Çağdaş Yaklaşımlar. Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık., pp. 1–21.
  • Dokuman, İ., and Akıncı, G. (2001) ‘Uçuşa elverişlilik sertifikasyonunda emniyet ile insan faktörlerine yeni bir bakış’, IX. Ulusal Uçak, Havacılık ve Uzay Mühendisliği Kurultayı Bildiriler Kitabı, Eskişehir: MMO Yayınları.
  • Erceylan, N., Eryılmaz, İ. & Atilla, G. (2022) 'İş Sonrası Toparlanmanın Yaşam Tatmini Üzerindeki Etkisi: İşe Tutulmanın Aracı Rolü', Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Vizyoner Dergisi , 13(30), pp. 236-250.
  • Eryılmaz, İ., Dirik, D. and Odabaşoğlu, Ş. (2019) ‘Güvenlik iklimi algısı ve iş performansı ilişkisinde genel öz yeterliliğin düzenleyici rolü: Helikopter teknisyenleri üzerine bir araştırma’, Manas Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8(2), pp. 1854–1870.
  • Flight Safety Foundation (2022) Airliner accidents 2017-2022. Available at: Erişim tarihi: 01.09.2023 (Accessed: 1 September 2023).
  • Forest, J., Mageau, G. A., Sarrazin, C., & Morin, E. M. (2011) ‘Work is my passion: The different affective, behavioural, and cognitive consequences of harmonious and obsessive passion toward work’, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 28(1), pp. 27-40.
  • Fugas, C. S., Meliá, J. L. and Silva, S. A. (2011) ‘The “is” and the “ought”: How do perceived social norms influence safety behaviors at work?’, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 16(1), pp. 67-79.
  • Gladwin, T. N. (1981) ‘Culture’s consequences: International differences in work-related values’, The Academy of Management Review, 6(4), pp. 681-683.
  • Grant, A.M., Parker, S. and Collins, C. (2009) ‘Getting credit for proactive behavior: Supervisor reactions depend on what you value and how you feel’, Personnel Psychology, 62(1), pp. 31–55.
  • Griffin, M. and Neal, A. (2000) ‘Perceptions of safety at work: A framework for linking safety climate to safety performance, knowledge, and motivation.’, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 5(3), pp. 347–358.
  • Gül, H. and Beyşenova, A. (2018) ‘Kontrol odağı ve girişimcilik eğilimi ilişkisi: KTMÜ öğrencileri üzerine bir araştırma’, MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 7(2), pp. 213–234.
  • Gülbahar, Y. and Özkan, O. (2023) ‘The antecedents and outcomes of obsessive passion in the workplace’, Current Psychology, 42, pp. 21263–21277.
  • Hayes, A. (2009) ‘Beyond Baron and Kenny: Statistical Mediation Analysis in the New Millennium’, Communication Monographs, 76(4), pp. 408–420.
  • Heinrich, H. (1959) Industrial accident prevention: A scientific approach. 4th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company.
  • Heinström, J. (2010) From Fear to Flow: Personality and Information Interaction. Oxford: Chandos Publishing.
  • Ho, V. et al. (2018) ‘Promoting harmonious work passion among unmotivated employees: A two-nation investigation of the compensatory function of cooperative psychological climate’, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 106, pp. 112–125.
  • Hodgins, H. and Knee, C.R. (2002) ‘The Integrating Self and Conscious Experience’, in E. Deci and R.M. Ryan (eds) Handbook of Self-Determination Research. University of Rochester Press, pp. 87–100.
  • Hofmann, D.A., Morgeson, F.P. and Gerras, S.J. (2003) ‘Climate as a moderator of the relationship between leader-member exchange and content specific citizenship: Safety climate as an exemplar’, Journal of Applied Psychology, 88(1), pp. 170–178.
  • Houlfort, N. et al. (2015) ‘The role of passion for work and need satisfaction in psychological adjustment to retirement’, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 88, pp. 84–94.
  • Hunter, D. (2002) ‘Development of an aviation safety locus of control scale’, Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine, 73(12), pp. 1184–1188.
  • Hunter, D. and Stewart, J. (2012) ‘Safety locus of control and accident involvement among army aviators’, The International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 22(2), pp. 144–163.
  • ICAO (2013) Safety management manual (SMM). 3.ed. Montreal: ICAO.
  • Jones, J.W., & Wuebker, L.J. (1993) ‘Safety locus of control and employees' accidents’, Journal of Business and Psychology, 7(4), pp. 449-457.
  • Junot, A., Paquet, Y. and Martin-Krumm, C. (2017) ‘Passion for outdoor activities and environmental behaviors: A look at emotions related to passionate activities’, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 53, pp. 177–184.
  • Karimi, R. and Alipour, F. (2011) ‘Reduce Job stress in Organizations: Role of Locus of Control’, 2(18), pp. 232–236.
  • Kelecek, S. and Aşçı, F. (2013) ‘“Tutkunluk ölçeği”nin üniversite sporcuları için geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışması’, Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Sport Science, 5(2), pp. 80–85.
  • Kline, R.B. (2011) Principles and Practice Of Structural Equation Modeling. 3rd Edition (Guilford Pres., New York).
  • Kong, D. and Ho, V. (2018) ‘The performance implication of obsessive work passion: unpacking the moderating and mediating mechanisms from a conservation of resources perspective’, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 27(2), pp. 269–279.
  • Küçükkaragöz, H. (2020) ‘Davranışların kaynağı olarak kontrol odağı’, in Y. Kındap Tepe (ed.) Disiplinlerarası Perspektif: Davranış Araştırmaları. Ankara: İksad Yayınevi, pp. 59–88.
  • Liu, S. et al. (2020) ‘Multiple mediating effects in the relationship between employees’ trust in organizational safety and safety participation behavior’, Safety Science, 125.
  • Liu, S., Yang, X. and Mei, Q. (2021) ‘The effect of perceived organizational support for safety and organizational commitment on employee safety behavior: a meta-analysis’, International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 27(4), pp. 1154–1165.
  • Luu, T.T. (2019) ‘Can diversity climate shape service innovative behavior in Vietnamese and Brazilian tour companies? The role of work passion’, Tourism Management, 72, pp. 326–339.
  • Maneechaeye, P. and Potipiroon, W. (2022) ‘The impact of fleet-level and organization-level safety climates on safety behavior among Thai civilian pilots: The role of safety motivation’, Safety Science, 147, pp. 1–9.
  • Maryam, S. et al. (2021) ‘Effects of safety climate and employee engagement towards organisational citizenship behaviour of sewage workers’, Asian Journal of Business and Accounting, 14(1), pp. 253–275.
  • Neal, A. and Griffin, M. (1997) ‘Perceptions of safety at work: Developing a model to link organizational safety climate and individual behavior.’, in. 12th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
  • Neal, A., Griffin, M. A. (2006) ‘A study of the lagged relationships among safety climate, safety motivation, safety behavior, and accidents at the individual and group levels’, Journal of Applied psychology, 91(4), pp. 946-953.
  • Neal, A., Griffin, M. A. and Hart, P. M. (2000) ‘The impact of organizational climate on safety climate and individual behavior’, Safety Science, 34(1-3), pp. 99-109.
  • Öney, T., Eryilmaz, İ. and Şimşek, H. (2022) ‘Does fear of COVID-19 effect presenteeism? A research in the context of perception of job ınsecurity’, Journal of Organizational Behavior Review, 4(2), pp. 242–265.
  • Özgener, Ş., & Ulu, S. (2018). Yükleme (Atfetme). İçinde H. Tutar (Ed.), Davranış Bilimleri: Kavramlar ve Kuramlar (ss. 235-262). Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Pathak, D. and Srivastava, S. (2020) ‘Journey from passion to satisfaction: Roles of belongingness and psychological empowerment: A study on social workers’, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 40(3/4), pp. 321–341.
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Yıl 2024, Cilt: 05 Sayı: 01, 34 - 46, 21.06.2024



  • Ali, M. et al. (2020) ‘A positive human health perspective on how spiritual leadership weaves its influence on employee safety performance: The role of harmonious safety passion’, Safety Science, 131, p. 104923.
  • Ahn, J., Back, K.J., and Lee, C.K. (2019) ‘A new dualistic approach to brand attitude: The role of passion among integrated resort customers’, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 78, pp. 261-267.
  • Astakhova, M. et al. (2022) ‘Passion for work passion research: Taming breadth and promoting depth’, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 43(9), pp. 1463–1474.
  • Atalay, Z. (2022) Bilinçli Farkındalık: Farkındalıkla Anda Kalabilme Sanatı. İstanbul: İnkılap Yayınevi.
  • Boeing Airplane Company (2008) Airplanes: Statistical summary of commercial jet airplane accidents worldwide operations | 1959 – 2008. Available at: Erişim tarihi: 01.09.2023.
  • Boeing Airplane Company (2021) Airplanes: Statistical summary of commercial jet airplane accidents worldwide operations | 1959 – 2021. Available at: Erişim tarihi: 01.09.2023.
  • Caesens, G. and Brison, N. (2023) ‘The relationship between organizational dehumanization and safety behaviors’, Safety Science, 158.
  • Carbonneau, N. and Vallerand, R. (2013) ‘On the role of harmonious and obsessive romantic passion in conflict behavior’, Motivation and Emotion, 37(4), pp. 743–757.
  • Chen, C. and Chen, S. (2014) ‘Measuring the effects of safety management system practices, morality leadership and self-efficacy on pilots’ safety behaviors: Safety motivation as a mediator’, Safety Science, 62, pp. 376–385.
  • Chen, S. C. (2022) ‘Off-stage heroes: The antecedents and consequences of job passion among civil aviation maintenance crew’, The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, 32(2-3), pp. 95-113.
  • Chen, S.-C. (2021) ‘A dualistic model of air technician safety behavior: Application of the reformulation of attitude theory’, Research in Transportation Business & Management, 41, pp. 1–8.
  • Chittaro, L. (2014) ‘Changing user’s safety locus of control through persuasive play: An application to aviation safety’, in A. Spagnolli, L. Chittaro, and L. Gamberini (eds) Persuasive Technology: 9th International Conference. Padua, Italy: Springer International Publishing (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), pp. 31–42.
  • Crowne, D. and Marlowe, D. (1964) The Approval Motive: Studies in Evaluative Dependence. New York: Wiley.
  • Curran, T. et al. (2015) ‘The psychology of passion: A meta-analytical review of a decade of research on intrapersonal outcomes’, Motivation and Emotion, 39(5), pp. 631–655.
  • Deci, E. and Ryan, R. (1985) Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behavior | SpringerLink. New York: Plenum Press.
  • Demirtaş, Ö. and Kaya, B. (2023) ‘Havacılık Kazalarında İnsan Faktörü’, in Ö. Demirtaş (ed.) Havacılık Yönetimi ve Çağdaş Yaklaşımlar. Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık., pp. 1–21.
  • Dokuman, İ., and Akıncı, G. (2001) ‘Uçuşa elverişlilik sertifikasyonunda emniyet ile insan faktörlerine yeni bir bakış’, IX. Ulusal Uçak, Havacılık ve Uzay Mühendisliği Kurultayı Bildiriler Kitabı, Eskişehir: MMO Yayınları.
  • Erceylan, N., Eryılmaz, İ. & Atilla, G. (2022) 'İş Sonrası Toparlanmanın Yaşam Tatmini Üzerindeki Etkisi: İşe Tutulmanın Aracı Rolü', Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Vizyoner Dergisi , 13(30), pp. 236-250.
  • Eryılmaz, İ., Dirik, D. and Odabaşoğlu, Ş. (2019) ‘Güvenlik iklimi algısı ve iş performansı ilişkisinde genel öz yeterliliğin düzenleyici rolü: Helikopter teknisyenleri üzerine bir araştırma’, Manas Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 8(2), pp. 1854–1870.
  • Flight Safety Foundation (2022) Airliner accidents 2017-2022. Available at: Erişim tarihi: 01.09.2023 (Accessed: 1 September 2023).
  • Forest, J., Mageau, G. A., Sarrazin, C., & Morin, E. M. (2011) ‘Work is my passion: The different affective, behavioural, and cognitive consequences of harmonious and obsessive passion toward work’, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 28(1), pp. 27-40.
  • Fugas, C. S., Meliá, J. L. and Silva, S. A. (2011) ‘The “is” and the “ought”: How do perceived social norms influence safety behaviors at work?’, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 16(1), pp. 67-79.
  • Gladwin, T. N. (1981) ‘Culture’s consequences: International differences in work-related values’, The Academy of Management Review, 6(4), pp. 681-683.
  • Grant, A.M., Parker, S. and Collins, C. (2009) ‘Getting credit for proactive behavior: Supervisor reactions depend on what you value and how you feel’, Personnel Psychology, 62(1), pp. 31–55.
  • Griffin, M. and Neal, A. (2000) ‘Perceptions of safety at work: A framework for linking safety climate to safety performance, knowledge, and motivation.’, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 5(3), pp. 347–358.
  • Gül, H. and Beyşenova, A. (2018) ‘Kontrol odağı ve girişimcilik eğilimi ilişkisi: KTMÜ öğrencileri üzerine bir araştırma’, MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 7(2), pp. 213–234.
  • Gülbahar, Y. and Özkan, O. (2023) ‘The antecedents and outcomes of obsessive passion in the workplace’, Current Psychology, 42, pp. 21263–21277.
  • Hayes, A. (2009) ‘Beyond Baron and Kenny: Statistical Mediation Analysis in the New Millennium’, Communication Monographs, 76(4), pp. 408–420.
  • Heinrich, H. (1959) Industrial accident prevention: A scientific approach. 4th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company.
  • Heinström, J. (2010) From Fear to Flow: Personality and Information Interaction. Oxford: Chandos Publishing.
  • Ho, V. et al. (2018) ‘Promoting harmonious work passion among unmotivated employees: A two-nation investigation of the compensatory function of cooperative psychological climate’, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 106, pp. 112–125.
  • Hodgins, H. and Knee, C.R. (2002) ‘The Integrating Self and Conscious Experience’, in E. Deci and R.M. Ryan (eds) Handbook of Self-Determination Research. University of Rochester Press, pp. 87–100.
  • Hofmann, D.A., Morgeson, F.P. and Gerras, S.J. (2003) ‘Climate as a moderator of the relationship between leader-member exchange and content specific citizenship: Safety climate as an exemplar’, Journal of Applied Psychology, 88(1), pp. 170–178.
  • Houlfort, N. et al. (2015) ‘The role of passion for work and need satisfaction in psychological adjustment to retirement’, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 88, pp. 84–94.
  • Hunter, D. (2002) ‘Development of an aviation safety locus of control scale’, Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine, 73(12), pp. 1184–1188.
  • Hunter, D. and Stewart, J. (2012) ‘Safety locus of control and accident involvement among army aviators’, The International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 22(2), pp. 144–163.
  • ICAO (2013) Safety management manual (SMM). 3.ed. Montreal: ICAO.
  • Jones, J.W., & Wuebker, L.J. (1993) ‘Safety locus of control and employees' accidents’, Journal of Business and Psychology, 7(4), pp. 449-457.
  • Junot, A., Paquet, Y. and Martin-Krumm, C. (2017) ‘Passion for outdoor activities and environmental behaviors: A look at emotions related to passionate activities’, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 53, pp. 177–184.
  • Karimi, R. and Alipour, F. (2011) ‘Reduce Job stress in Organizations: Role of Locus of Control’, 2(18), pp. 232–236.
  • Kelecek, S. and Aşçı, F. (2013) ‘“Tutkunluk ölçeği”nin üniversite sporcuları için geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışması’, Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Sport Science, 5(2), pp. 80–85.
  • Kline, R.B. (2011) Principles and Practice Of Structural Equation Modeling. 3rd Edition (Guilford Pres., New York).
  • Kong, D. and Ho, V. (2018) ‘The performance implication of obsessive work passion: unpacking the moderating and mediating mechanisms from a conservation of resources perspective’, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 27(2), pp. 269–279.
  • Küçükkaragöz, H. (2020) ‘Davranışların kaynağı olarak kontrol odağı’, in Y. Kındap Tepe (ed.) Disiplinlerarası Perspektif: Davranış Araştırmaları. Ankara: İksad Yayınevi, pp. 59–88.
  • Liu, S. et al. (2020) ‘Multiple mediating effects in the relationship between employees’ trust in organizational safety and safety participation behavior’, Safety Science, 125.
  • Liu, S., Yang, X. and Mei, Q. (2021) ‘The effect of perceived organizational support for safety and organizational commitment on employee safety behavior: a meta-analysis’, International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 27(4), pp. 1154–1165.
  • Luu, T.T. (2019) ‘Can diversity climate shape service innovative behavior in Vietnamese and Brazilian tour companies? The role of work passion’, Tourism Management, 72, pp. 326–339.
  • Maneechaeye, P. and Potipiroon, W. (2022) ‘The impact of fleet-level and organization-level safety climates on safety behavior among Thai civilian pilots: The role of safety motivation’, Safety Science, 147, pp. 1–9.
  • Maryam, S. et al. (2021) ‘Effects of safety climate and employee engagement towards organisational citizenship behaviour of sewage workers’, Asian Journal of Business and Accounting, 14(1), pp. 253–275.
  • Neal, A. and Griffin, M. (1997) ‘Perceptions of safety at work: Developing a model to link organizational safety climate and individual behavior.’, in. 12th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
  • Neal, A., Griffin, M. A. (2006) ‘A study of the lagged relationships among safety climate, safety motivation, safety behavior, and accidents at the individual and group levels’, Journal of Applied psychology, 91(4), pp. 946-953.
  • Neal, A., Griffin, M. A. and Hart, P. M. (2000) ‘The impact of organizational climate on safety climate and individual behavior’, Safety Science, 34(1-3), pp. 99-109.
  • Öney, T., Eryilmaz, İ. and Şimşek, H. (2022) ‘Does fear of COVID-19 effect presenteeism? A research in the context of perception of job ınsecurity’, Journal of Organizational Behavior Review, 4(2), pp. 242–265.
  • Özgener, Ş., & Ulu, S. (2018). Yükleme (Atfetme). İçinde H. Tutar (Ed.), Davranış Bilimleri: Kavramlar ve Kuramlar (ss. 235-262). Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Pathak, D. and Srivastava, S. (2020) ‘Journey from passion to satisfaction: Roles of belongingness and psychological empowerment: A study on social workers’, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 40(3/4), pp. 321–341.
  • Pollack, J. et al. (2020) ‘Passion at work: A meta‐analysis of individual work outcomes’, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 41(4), pp. 311–331.
  • Rotter, J. (1966) ‘Generalized expectancies for internal versus external control of reinforcement’, Psychological Monographs: General and Applied, 80(1), pp. 1–28.
  • Ryan, R. and Deci, E. (2017) Self-determination theory: Basic psychological needs in motivation, development, and wellness. New York, NY, US: The Guilford Press (Self-determination theory: Basic psychological needs in motivation, development, and wellness).
  • Ryan, R. and Deci, E. (2020) ‘Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation from a self-determination theory perspective: Definitions, theory, practices, and future directions’, Contemporary Educational Psychology, 61, p. 101860.
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Toplam 73 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Örgütsel Davranış
Bölüm Research Articles

İnan Eryılmaz 0000-0001-8307-2402

Tugay Öney 0000-0003-2883-5889

Yeşim Tüm Kılıç 0000-0001-9897-8119

Tuğba Erhan 0000-0002-5697-490X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 21 Haziran 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 13 Kasım 2023
Kabul Tarihi 17 Nisan 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 05 Sayı: 01

Kaynak Göster

APA Eryılmaz, İ., Öney, T., Tüm Kılıç, Y., Erhan, T. (2024). Navigating the Work Passion and Safety Behavior Examining the Role of Safety Locus of Control in the Aviation Sector. International Journal of Aviation Science and Technology, 05(01), 34-46.

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