Design and implementation of a three-wheel multi-purpose electric vehicle with finite elements analysis
Year 2021,
, 116 - 125, 30.06.2021
Gülüstan Tuğçe Alvalı
Ali Balbay
Serkan Güneş
Burak Yenipınar
Cem Çatalbaş
Turan Şişman
With technological developments and carbon emission reaching dangerous levels in the world, it is inevitable that electric vehicles will become the dominant transpor-tation technology of the future. Studies involving electric vehicles have become very popular today. In the automotive sector, sectoral dynamics and needs are rapidly changing; restrictions and demands are bound by strict rules and high value-added innovative studies are applied intensively. Supporting this area with academic data will contribute to R&D activities in this field. In this study, analysis and production studies have been performed on a 3-wheeled vehicle chassis driven by electric energy. The chassis structure is designed has been analyzed. The chassis aimed to be pro-duced as a result of the study was analyzed in detail according to brake, modal and cornering analysis. As a result of these analyses, It has been found that this chassis has a reliable structure according to the specified driving dynamics parameters. By adopting new requirements, technologies and analysis outputs to the system, a modular platform structure that can be used for varies applications were created. The design and production processes of an innovative and applicable chassis structure for the electric vehicle ecosystem are given in detail.
Supporting Institution
OSTIM Techinal University, Institute of Scientific Research (BAP) /TURKEY
This study was supported by OSTIM Techinal University, In-stitute of Scientific Research (BAP) /TURKEY in frame of the project code of BAP0011 as researchers, we thank the OSTIM Techinal University Institute of Scientific Research /TURKEY.
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- [23] Tsirogiannis E. Stavroulakis GE. and Makridis SS. Electric car chassis for shell eco marathon competition: design, modelling and finite element analysis. World Electric Vehicle Journal 2019, 10, 8; 2018.
- [24] Jeyapandiarajan Pa, Kalaiarassan Ga, Joel.Ja, et al. Design and analysis of chassis for an electric motorcycle. Materials Today: Proceedings 5, p 13563–13573; 2018.
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- [26] Muthyala M. Design and crash analysis of ladder chassis. (Mas-ter's thesis). Blekinge Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engi-neering Department, Karlskrona.,2019.
- [27] Sánchez L. Castejón L. Malón H. Roces J. Maradona A. Mantaras DA. and Luque P. Multi-objective evolutionary design of an elec-tric vehicle chassis. Sensors 2020 20: 3633, p 2-21; 2020.
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- [29] Chandramohan NK., Shanmugam M., Sathiyamurthy S. et al. Comparison of chassis frame design of Go-Kart vehicle pow-eredbyinternal combustion engine and electric motor, Materials To-day: Proceedings,
- [30] Krishnamoorthi S., Prabhu F., Shadan M. et al., Design and analy-sis of electric Go-Kart, Materials Today: Proceed-ings,
- [31] Saplinova V., Novikov I., Glagolev S. Design and specifications of racing car chassis as passive safety feature. Transportation Re-search Procedia 50, p 591–607; 2020.
- [32] Mohammed N.B. Technology in Society 63 101398, 2020.
- [33] Shantika T. Kristyadi T. Hendra. Simulasi tegangan pada chasis kendaraan listrik crossover. Jurnal Kajian Teknik Mesin 5, p 15-20; 2020.
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- [36] Chatterjee M. Kale M. and Chaudhari B.A dynamic stability control for electric narrow tilting three wheeled vehicle using integrated multivariable controller. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 66, p 58-75; 2019.
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- [38] Estenlund S. Alaküla M. and Reinap A. PM-less machine topolo-gies for EV traction: a literature review. 2016 International Confer-ence on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles & International Transportation Electrification Conference (ESARS-ITEC), Toulouse, p 1-6; 2016.
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- [43] Schneider CF., Lisboa CP., Silva, RDA., & Lermen RT. Optimiz-ing the parameters of TIG-MIG/MAG hybrid welding on the ge-ometry of bead welding using the Taguchi method. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 1(2), 14 ; 2017.
Year 2021,
, 116 - 125, 30.06.2021
Gülüstan Tuğçe Alvalı
Ali Balbay
Serkan Güneş
Burak Yenipınar
Cem Çatalbaş
Turan Şişman
- [1] Durdağ C. and Şahin E. The Effect of Energy Policies in Turkey on Transportation Sector: The analysis of energy related price and cost in road transportation. Marmara Journal of Pure and Applied Sci-ences 2016, p 22-27; 2016.
- [2] Web, Transmission
- [3] How widespread electric vehicles in Turkey? How many electric cars are there, what's the situation in Europe? Retrieved from; 30 December 2020.
- [4] Riley WB., George, AR. Design, analysis and testing of a formula sae car chassis. 25th International Congress of Mechanical Engi-neering, Indiana 2-5; January 2019.
- [5] Cinali HB. Strength and modal analysis of the chassis of the HU-GO light vehicle using the finite element method. (Master's thesis). Hacettepe University Mechanical Engineering Department, Ankara, Turkey, 2020.
- [6] Mat MH. and Ghani ARA. Design and analysis of ‘ECO’ car chassis. International Symposium on Robotics and Intelligent Sen-sors (IRIS 2012), Procedia Engineering 41, p 1756-1760; 2012.
- [7] Agrawal MS. and Razik M. Finite element analysis of truck chassis. International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technol-ogy, p 3432-3438; 2013.
- [8] Patil HB. Kachave SD. and Deore ER. Stress analysis of automo-tive chassis with various thicknesses. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), p 44-49; 2013.
- [9] Jabi SA. and Bitar Z. Studying the performances of induction mo-tor used in electric car. Energy Procedia 50, p 342-351; 2014.
- [10] Babaarslan N. A new chassis design and manufacture for the M1 category electric sports vehicle. (Master's thesis). Hacettepe Uni-versity, Mechanical Engineering Department Ankara, Turkey, 2014.
- [11] Contractor AR. Rathod GP. and Patel MT. Design and analysis of ladder frame chassis considering support at contact region of leaf spring and chassis frame. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) 12, p 63-71; 2015.
- [12] Yılmaz M. Limitations/capabilities of electric machine technologies and modeling approaches for electric motor design and analysis in plug-in electric vehicle applications. Renewableand Sustainable En-ergy Reviews 52, p 80–99; 2015.
- [13] Makhrojan A. Budi SS. Jamari J. et al. Strength analysis of mono-coque frame construction in an electric city car using finite element method. Joint International Conference on Electric Vehicular Tech-nology and Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical Engi-neering (ICEVT & IMECE), p 275-279; 2015.
- [14] Ekapun D. Pang TH. Design and performance analysis of an elec-tromagnetic tricycle operated in an airport. Procedia Engineering 99, p 1330-1338; 2015.
- [15] Yang F. Du J. et al. Testing and analysis of the control strategy of honda accord plug-in hev. IFAC-PapersOnLine 49, p 153-159; 2016.
- [16] Trovão JPF. Roux MA. Ménard É. and Dubois MR. Energy- and power-split management of dual energy storage system for a three-wheel electric vehicle. IEEE Transactıons On Vehıcular Technolo-gy 66, 2017.
- [17] Savkin AN. Klimov MA. and Doluda AO. The automobile design element fatigue life modeling due to ıts dynamic model. Procedia Engineering 206, p 416-420; 2017.
- [18] Kurdi O. Haryadi GD. Haryanto I. Wildan M. Dynamic analysis of electric bus chassis using finite element method. 2018 5th Interna-tional Conference on Electric Vehicular Technology (ICEVT) Su-rakarta, Indonesia, 2018.
- [19] Sutisna NA. Akbar FMAA. FEM simulation of electric car chas-sis design with torsional bar technology. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics 3, Pres Univ Press Publication, In-donesia, p 97-117; 2018.
- [20] Ding H. Gua K. et al. Cooperative chassis control system of electric vehicles for underseed agility and stability improvements. IET In-telligent Transport Systems, 2018.
- [21] Arifurrahman F. Indrawanto I. Budiman AB. Sambegoro PL. and Santosa SP. Frame modal analysis for an electric three-wheel ve-hicle. MATEC Web of Conferences 197, 08001, 2018.
- [22] Gürel S. Tekin, SA. Altun F. and Cernat, M. Design and optimiza-tion of electric cars: a review of technology advances. 8th Interna-tional Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, Brasov, Romania, 2019.
- [23] Tsirogiannis E. Stavroulakis GE. and Makridis SS. Electric car chassis for shell eco marathon competition: design, modelling and finite element analysis. World Electric Vehicle Journal 2019, 10, 8; 2018.
- [24] Jeyapandiarajan Pa, Kalaiarassan Ga, Joel.Ja, et al. Design and analysis of chassis for an electric motorcycle. Materials Today: Proceedings 5, p 13563–13573; 2018.
- [25] Harušinec J. Suchánek A. Loulová M. and Kurčík P. Design of a prototype frame of an electrically driven three-wheel vehicle. MATEC Web of Conferences 254, 02014, 2019.
- [26] Muthyala M. Design and crash analysis of ladder chassis. (Mas-ter's thesis). Blekinge Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engi-neering Department, Karlskrona.,2019.
- [27] Sánchez L. Castejón L. Malón H. Roces J. Maradona A. Mantaras DA. and Luque P. Multi-objective evolutionary design of an elec-tric vehicle chassis. Sensors 2020 20: 3633, p 2-21; 2020.
- [28] S. Nandhakumar, S. Seenivasan, A. Mohammed Saalih et al. Weight optimization and structural analysis of an electric buschassisframe, Materials Today: Proceedings,
- [29] Chandramohan NK., Shanmugam M., Sathiyamurthy S. et al. Comparison of chassis frame design of Go-Kart vehicle pow-eredbyinternal combustion engine and electric motor, Materials To-day: Proceedings,
- [30] Krishnamoorthi S., Prabhu F., Shadan M. et al., Design and analy-sis of electric Go-Kart, Materials Today: Proceed-ings,
- [31] Saplinova V., Novikov I., Glagolev S. Design and specifications of racing car chassis as passive safety feature. Transportation Re-search Procedia 50, p 591–607; 2020.
- [32] Mohammed N.B. Technology in Society 63 101398, 2020.
- [33] Shantika T. Kristyadi T. Hendra. Simulasi tegangan pada chasis kendaraan listrik crossover. Jurnal Kajian Teknik Mesin 5, p 15-20; 2020.
- [34] Vries MJ. Translating customer requirements into technical specifi-cations. Philosophy of Technology and Engineering Sciences Handbook of the Philosophy of Science, p 489-512; 2009.
- [35] Singh A. Soni V. Singh A. Structural analysis of ladder chassis for higher strength. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering 4, p 253-259; 2014.
- [36] Chatterjee M. Kale M. and Chaudhari B.A dynamic stability control for electric narrow tilting three wheeled vehicle using integrated multivariable controller. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 66, p 58-75; 2019.
- [37] Santiago J. Bernhoff H. Ekergård. B. Eriksson S. Ferhatovic S. and Waters R. Electrical motor drivelines in commercial all-electric vehicles: a review. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technolo-gy 61:475-484; 2012.
- [38] Estenlund S. Alaküla M. and Reinap A. PM-less machine topolo-gies for EV traction: a literature review. 2016 International Confer-ence on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles & International Transportation Electrification Conference (ESARS-ITEC), Toulouse, p 1-6; 2016.
- [39] Boldea I. Parsa L. Dorrell D. and Tutelea L. Automotive electric propulsion systems with reduced or no permanent magnets: an overview. IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics 61;2016.
- [40] 4.0 kW Traction motor. Retrieved from; 30 December 2020.
- [41] Manzetti S. and Mariasiu, F. Electric vehicle battery technologies: From present state to future systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 51, p 1004-1012; 2015.
- [42] Bayrakçeken H. and Düzgün M. Brake efficiency and braking distance analysis in vehicles. Politeknik Journal 8, p 153-160; 2005.
- [43] Schneider CF., Lisboa CP., Silva, RDA., & Lermen RT. Optimiz-ing the parameters of TIG-MIG/MAG hybrid welding on the ge-ometry of bead welding using the Taguchi method. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 1(2), 14 ; 2017.