Year 2021,
, 316 - 330, 31.12.2021
Yunus Emre Ekici
İsmail Can Dikmen
Mustafa Nurmuhammed
Teoman Karadağ
Supporting Institution
Project Number
Bu çalışmanın gerçekleştirilmesinde, FOA-2018-1358 numaralı projesi kapsamında, vermiş oldukları maddi ve manevi destekten dolayı, İnönü Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimine teşekkür ederiz.
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A Review on Electric Vehicle Charging Systems and Current Status in Turkey
Year 2021,
, 316 - 330, 31.12.2021
Yunus Emre Ekici
İsmail Can Dikmen
Mustafa Nurmuhammed
Teoman Karadağ
The reality of global warming brings along an increase in environmental aware-ness. In recent years, this awareness has shifted public focus on electric vehicles. For a large group of people greenhouse gas emission is attributed to internal combustion engines. However, some challenges have arisen for electric vehicles. Limited range due to immature battery technologies and insufficient fast charging technologies that do not meet end user expectations are some major obstacles to overcome. Eventual-ly this situation negatively affects the sales and the wide use of electric vehicles. That is the reason why studies on wired and wireless charging systems play an important role in improving the sales performance of electric vehicles. In this study a thorough review of worldwide electric vehicle charging systems is conducted and discussed in the framework of the electric vehicles, charging stations, installations, and implemen-tation of standards in Turkey. The distribution of charging stations in Turkey are analyzed with respect to location, region, type, infrastructure requirements and future projections. The historical development of charging technologies, modes and charge levels have been studied in detail. As highlight of this study, wireless charging tech-nologies were also discussed and the historical development process was analyzed along with related standards. The current state of electric vehicle sector and charging stations in Turkey are discussed and provided with up to date information.
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