[1] Kim S, Park, S, Kim S, Rhi S. A Thermoelectric Generator Using Engine Coolant for Light-Duty Internal Combustion Engine-Powered Vehicles. Journal of Electronic Materials. 2011;(40)5:812-816.
[2] Kunt MA. An Experimental Investigation of Exhaust Waste Heat Recycling by Thermoelectric Generators Under Different Thermal Conditions for Internal Combustion Engines. Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering. 2017;1-6.
[3] Kunt MA. İçten Yanmalı Motor Atık Isılarının Geri Kazanımında Termoelektrik Jeneratörlerin Kullanımı. El-Cezerî Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi. 2016;(3)2:192-203.
[4] Kunt MA. A design of a liquid cooling thermoelectric generator system for the exhaust systems of internal combustion engines and experimental study on the effect of refrigerant fluid quantity on recovery performance. Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences 2019; 25: 7-12.
[5] Yang J, Stabler FR. Automotive Applications of Thermoelectric Materials. Journal of Electronic Materials. 2009;(38)7:1245-1251.
[6] Tang ZB, Deng YD, Su CQ, Shuai WW, Xie CJ. A Research on Thermoelectric Generator’s Electrical Performance under Temperature Mismatch Conditions for Automotive Waste Heat Recovery. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering. 2015;5:143-150.
[7] Högblom O. Multiscale Simulation Methods for Thermoelectric Generators. Thesis for The Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy. Chalmers University of Technology. Gothenburg, Sweden, 2016.
[8] Clark G. 6 Achieveing High Effıciency Thermoelectric Heating and Cooling with Metal Foam Heat Exchangers. Degree of Master of Applied Science Automotive Engineering. Universty of Ontario institue of Technology. April 2014.
[9] Deng YD, Fan W, Tang ZB, Chang XY, Ling K, Su CQ. Control Strategy for a 42-V Waste-Heat Thermoelectric Vehicle. Journal of Electronic Materials. 2013;(42)7:1522-1528.
[10] Dhoopagunta S. Analytical Modeling and Numerical Simulation af a Thermoelectric Generator Including Contact Resistances. Degree of Master of Science in Engineering (Mechanical) Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Western Michigan University. December 2016.
[11] Attar A. Studying The Optimum Design of Automotive Thermoelectric Air Conditioning. Degree of Doctoral of Philosophy Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Western Michigan University. December 2015.
[12] Wang T, Ma S. Thermoelectric Generator Heat Performance Study About Improved Fin Structures. Thermal Science. 2018;(22)1:101-112.
[13] Massaguer A, Massaguer E, Comamala M, Cabot A, Ricart J, Deltell A. Experimental Analysis of an Automotive Thermoelectric Generator Under Different Engine Operating Regimes. Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal. 2017;(1)15:619-623.
[14] Burnete NV, Mariasiu F, Moldovanu D, Depcik C. Simulink Model of a Thermoelectric Generator for Vehicle Waste Heat Recovery. Applied Sciences. 2021;(3)11:1-33.
[15] Gou X, Yang S, Xiao H, Ou Q. A dynamic model for thermoelectric generator applied in waste heat recovery. Energy. 2013;(52):201-209.
[16] Liu X, Deng YD, Zhang K, Xu M, Xu Y, Su CQ. Experiments and Simulations on Heat Exchangers in Thermoelectric Generator for Automotive Application. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2014;(71):364-370.
[17] Incropera FP, DeWitt DP. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer. 4th ed. USA: John Wıley & Sons, 2003, pp. 97-911.
[18] Bhatti MS, Shah RK. Turbulent and transition flow convective heat transfer in ducts. In Kakac S, Shah RK, Aung W, editors. Handbook of single-phase convective heat transfer. Wiley New York; 1987.
[19] Yu S, Du O, Diao H, Shu G,Jiao K. Start-Up Modes of Thermoelectric Generator Based on Vehicle Exhaust Waste Heat Recovery. Applied Energy. 2015;(138):276-290.
[20] Smith KD. An Investigation into the Viability of Heat Sources for Thermoelectric Power Generation Systems. A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering. Rochester Institute of Technology. February 2009.
Investigation of temperature distribution performances of three different heat exchanger models for exhaust gas waste heat energy recovery system used with thermoelectric generator in gasoline engines
In this study, examination of the temperature distribution for three different heat exchanger models for exhaust gas waste heat recovery systems to be used in internal combustion motorcycle engines has been made. Simulations of the models have been made by means of ANSYS Workbench Fluent software and comparative results have been put forward. It has been taken into consideration that the selected heat exchanger models have generable geometries. Model no. 1 is inclined to the outlet from the inlet by 5o, model no. 2 has three steps each of which has a gradient of 20o, and model no. 3 has a fixed section width which is parallel to exhaust gas transfer. Moreover, in model no. 3, a heat sink has been placed into the exhaust gas. On cold surfaces, the highest and the lowest temperatures have been measured respectively as 337.937K and 329.465K in model no. 1, as 342.875K and 329.639K in model no. 2, and as 363.897K and 354.995K in model no. 3. The difference between the lowest and the highest temperatures is observed as in models no. 2 and 3. With relation to the temperature distributions on hot surfaces of TEGs, the lowest and the highest temperatures are respectively as 508.631 K and 402.742 K in model no. 1, as 510.092 K and 409.632 K in model no. 2, and as 536.595 K and 510.633 K in model no. 3 It has been observed that the lowest difference of temperature occurred in model no. 3. When the results are examined, it is seen that the best temperature difference and the highest temperature value have been achieved in model no. 3.
[1] Kim S, Park, S, Kim S, Rhi S. A Thermoelectric Generator Using Engine Coolant for Light-Duty Internal Combustion Engine-Powered Vehicles. Journal of Electronic Materials. 2011;(40)5:812-816.
[2] Kunt MA. An Experimental Investigation of Exhaust Waste Heat Recycling by Thermoelectric Generators Under Different Thermal Conditions for Internal Combustion Engines. Proc IMechE Part D: J Automobile Engineering. 2017;1-6.
[3] Kunt MA. İçten Yanmalı Motor Atık Isılarının Geri Kazanımında Termoelektrik Jeneratörlerin Kullanımı. El-Cezerî Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi. 2016;(3)2:192-203.
[4] Kunt MA. A design of a liquid cooling thermoelectric generator system for the exhaust systems of internal combustion engines and experimental study on the effect of refrigerant fluid quantity on recovery performance. Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences 2019; 25: 7-12.
[5] Yang J, Stabler FR. Automotive Applications of Thermoelectric Materials. Journal of Electronic Materials. 2009;(38)7:1245-1251.
[6] Tang ZB, Deng YD, Su CQ, Shuai WW, Xie CJ. A Research on Thermoelectric Generator’s Electrical Performance under Temperature Mismatch Conditions for Automotive Waste Heat Recovery. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering. 2015;5:143-150.
[7] Högblom O. Multiscale Simulation Methods for Thermoelectric Generators. Thesis for The Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy. Chalmers University of Technology. Gothenburg, Sweden, 2016.
[8] Clark G. 6 Achieveing High Effıciency Thermoelectric Heating and Cooling with Metal Foam Heat Exchangers. Degree of Master of Applied Science Automotive Engineering. Universty of Ontario institue of Technology. April 2014.
[9] Deng YD, Fan W, Tang ZB, Chang XY, Ling K, Su CQ. Control Strategy for a 42-V Waste-Heat Thermoelectric Vehicle. Journal of Electronic Materials. 2013;(42)7:1522-1528.
[10] Dhoopagunta S. Analytical Modeling and Numerical Simulation af a Thermoelectric Generator Including Contact Resistances. Degree of Master of Science in Engineering (Mechanical) Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Western Michigan University. December 2016.
[11] Attar A. Studying The Optimum Design of Automotive Thermoelectric Air Conditioning. Degree of Doctoral of Philosophy Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Western Michigan University. December 2015.
[12] Wang T, Ma S. Thermoelectric Generator Heat Performance Study About Improved Fin Structures. Thermal Science. 2018;(22)1:101-112.
[13] Massaguer A, Massaguer E, Comamala M, Cabot A, Ricart J, Deltell A. Experimental Analysis of an Automotive Thermoelectric Generator Under Different Engine Operating Regimes. Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal. 2017;(1)15:619-623.
[14] Burnete NV, Mariasiu F, Moldovanu D, Depcik C. Simulink Model of a Thermoelectric Generator for Vehicle Waste Heat Recovery. Applied Sciences. 2021;(3)11:1-33.
[15] Gou X, Yang S, Xiao H, Ou Q. A dynamic model for thermoelectric generator applied in waste heat recovery. Energy. 2013;(52):201-209.
[16] Liu X, Deng YD, Zhang K, Xu M, Xu Y, Su CQ. Experiments and Simulations on Heat Exchangers in Thermoelectric Generator for Automotive Application. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2014;(71):364-370.
[17] Incropera FP, DeWitt DP. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer. 4th ed. USA: John Wıley & Sons, 2003, pp. 97-911.
[18] Bhatti MS, Shah RK. Turbulent and transition flow convective heat transfer in ducts. In Kakac S, Shah RK, Aung W, editors. Handbook of single-phase convective heat transfer. Wiley New York; 1987.
[19] Yu S, Du O, Diao H, Shu G,Jiao K. Start-Up Modes of Thermoelectric Generator Based on Vehicle Exhaust Waste Heat Recovery. Applied Energy. 2015;(138):276-290.
[20] Smith KD. An Investigation into the Viability of Heat Sources for Thermoelectric Power Generation Systems. A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering. Rochester Institute of Technology. February 2009.
Güneş, H. (2021). Investigation of temperature distribution performances of three different heat exchanger models for exhaust gas waste heat energy recovery system used with thermoelectric generator in gasoline engines. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology, 5(4), 308-315. https://doi.org/10.30939/ijastech..973694
Güneş H. Investigation of temperature distribution performances of three different heat exchanger models for exhaust gas waste heat energy recovery system used with thermoelectric generator in gasoline engines. IJASTECH. December 2021;5(4):308-315. doi:10.30939/ijastech.973694
Güneş, Haluk. “Investigation of Temperature Distribution Performances of Three Different Heat Exchanger Models for Exhaust Gas Waste Heat Energy Recovery System Used With Thermoelectric Generator in Gasoline Engines”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 5, no. 4 (December 2021): 308-15. https://doi.org/10.30939/ijastech. 973694.
Güneş H (December 1, 2021) Investigation of temperature distribution performances of three different heat exchanger models for exhaust gas waste heat energy recovery system used with thermoelectric generator in gasoline engines. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 5 4 308–315.
H. Güneş, “Investigation of temperature distribution performances of three different heat exchanger models for exhaust gas waste heat energy recovery system used with thermoelectric generator in gasoline engines”, IJASTECH, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 308–315, 2021, doi: 10.30939/ijastech..973694.
Güneş, Haluk. “Investigation of Temperature Distribution Performances of Three Different Heat Exchanger Models for Exhaust Gas Waste Heat Energy Recovery System Used With Thermoelectric Generator in Gasoline Engines”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 5/4 (December 2021), 308-315. https://doi.org/10.30939/ijastech. 973694.
Güneş H. Investigation of temperature distribution performances of three different heat exchanger models for exhaust gas waste heat energy recovery system used with thermoelectric generator in gasoline engines. IJASTECH. 2021;5:308–315.
Güneş, Haluk. “Investigation of Temperature Distribution Performances of Three Different Heat Exchanger Models for Exhaust Gas Waste Heat Energy Recovery System Used With Thermoelectric Generator in Gasoline Engines”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology, vol. 5, no. 4, 2021, pp. 308-15, doi:10.30939/ijastech. 973694.
Güneş H. Investigation of temperature distribution performances of three different heat exchanger models for exhaust gas waste heat energy recovery system used with thermoelectric generator in gasoline engines. IJASTECH. 2021;5(4):308-15.