Research Article
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Investigation of the Performance and Emissions of an Engine Operated with CEO2 Nano Additive Doped Biodiesel

Year 2022, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 113 - 119, 30.06.2022


The production of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide causes global warming and many other environmental problems. Diesel engines are widely used due to their higher output torque value, better thermal efficiency and durability compared to gaso-line engines. Because of rapid consumption and mitigation of diesel as a fossil fuel, bio-diesel has recently received significant attention as a renewable energy source. There are several sources in order to produce biodiesel. Animal fats, inedible vegetable oils, waste oils and other low-value bioenergy raw materials are suitable sources for biodiesel pro-duction as they are renewable and have no impact on food safety. In this study, CeO2 nano additives at concentrations of 50 ppm and 75 ppm were added to cottonseed based biodiesel. The experiments were conducted at 4 different load conditions on a 3-cylinder water-cooled diesel engine. According to the test results, it was observed that with increasing nano additive concentration, thermal efficiency was increased and spe-cific fuel consumption was reduced. As well as, the results indicated that CO and soot emissions were reduced, while NOx emissions were increased due to the improvement of the combustion performance caused by CeO2 nanoparticles.

Supporting Institution

Research Projects Coordination Unit of Nigde Omer Halisdemir University

Project Number



  • [1] Zhu, J., Li, J., Wang, S., Raza, M., Qian, Y., Feng, Y., Yu, L., Mao, Y., Lu X. Ignition delay time measurements and kinetic modeling of methane/diesel mixtures at elevated pressures. Combustion and Flame. 2021;229:111390.
  • [2] Feng, Y., Zhu, J., Mao, Y., Raza, M., Qian, Y., Yu, L., Lu X. Low-temperature auto-ignition characteristics of NH3/diesel binary fuel: Ignition delay time measurement and kinetic analysis. Fuel. 2020;281:118761.
  • [3] Gowdagiri, S., Wang, W., Oehlschlaeger M.A. A shock tube ignition delay study of conventional diesel fuel and hydroprocessed renewable diesel fuel from algal oil. Fuel. 2014;128:21-29.
  • [4] Fathurrahman, N.A., Wibowo, C.S., Nasikin, M., Khalil, M. (Accepted/In press). Optimization of sorbitan monooleate and γ-Al2O3 nanoparticles as cold-flow improver in B30 biodiesel blend using response surface methodology (RSM). Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry.
  • [5] Çelik, M. The Investigation of Effects of Biodiesel Fuel Features To Engine Performance and Emission Characteristics. Gazi University (Ph.D. thesis). Grade School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Ankara. 2015.
  • [6] Singh, T.S., Rajak, U., Samuel, O.D., Chaurasiya, P.K., Natarajan, K., Verma, T.N., Nashine, N. Optimization of performance and emission parameters of direct injection diesel engine fuelled with microalgae Spirulina (L.)-Response surface methodology and full factorial method approach. Fuel. 2021;285:119103.
  • [7] Subramani, S., Govindasamy, R., Rao, G.L.N. Predictive correlations for NOx and smoke emission of DI CI engine fuelled with diesel-biodiesel-higher alcohol blends-response surface methodology approach. Fuel. 2020;269:117304.
  • [8] Singh, A., Sinha, A., Choudhary, A.K. Sharma, D., Panchal, H., Sadasivuni, K.K. An experimental investigation of emission performance of heterogenous catalyst jatropha biodiesel using RSM. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering. 2021;25:100876.
  • [9] Saravanan, S., Rajesh Kumar, B., Varadharajan, A., Rana, D., Sethuramasamyraja, B., Lakshmi Narayana Rao, G. Optimization of DI diesel engine parameters fueled with iso-butanol/diesel blends-Response surface methodology approach. Fuel. 2017;203:658–670.
  • [10] Sa, B., Markov, V., Liu, Y., Kamaltdinov, V., Qiao, W. Numerical investigation of the effect of multi-walled carbon nanotube additive on nozzle flow and spray behaviors of diesel fuel. Fuel. 2021;290:119802.
  • [11] Antony Casmir Jayaseelan, G., Anderson, A., Prabhu, A., Srinivasan, V. Impact of cerium oxide nanoadditives on the performance and emission characteristics of candlenut biodiesel. Materials Today: Proceedings. 2020;33:890–894.
  • [12] Nieto Garzón, N.A., Oliveira, A.A.M., Bazzo, E. An ignition delay correlation for compression ignition engines fueled with straight soybean oil and diesel oil blends. Fuel. 2019;257:116050.
  • [13] Hoang, A.T. Combustion behavior, performance and emission characteristics of diesel engine fuelled with biodiesel containing cerium oxide nanoparticles: A review. Fuel Processing Technology. 2021;218:106840.
  • [14] Xia, C., Brindhadevi, K., Elfasakhany, A., Alsehli, M., Tola, S. Performance, combustion and emission analysis of castor oil biodiesel blends enriched with nanoadditives and hydrogen fuel using CI engine. Fuel. 2021;306:121541.
  • [15] Dehhaghi, M., Panahi, H.K.S. Aghbashlo, M., Lam, S.S., Tabatabaei, M. The effects of nanoadditives on the performance and emission characteristics of spark-ignition gasoline engines: A critical review with a focus on health impacts. Energy. 2021;25:120259.
  • [16] Sekar, M., Praveenkumar, T.R., Dhinakaran, V., Gunasekar, P., Pugazhendhi, A. Combustion and emission characteristics of diesel engine fueled with nanocatalyst and pyrolysis oil produced from the solid plastic waste using screw reactor. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021;318:128551.
  • [17] Elkelawy, M., El Shenawy, E.A., Abd Almonem, S.K., Nasef, M.H., Panchal, H., Bastawissi, H.A., Sadasivuni, K.K., Choudhary, A.K., Sharma, D., Khalid, M. Experimental study on combustion, performance, and emission behaviours of diesel/WCO biodiesel/Cyclohexane blends in DI-CI engine. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 2021;149:684–697.
  • [18] Agarwal, S., Kumari, S., Mudgal, A., Khan, S. Green synthesized nanoadditives in jojoba biodiesel-diesel blends: An improvement of engine performance and emission. Renewable Energy. 2020;147:1836-1844.
  • [19] Yesilyurt, M.K., Cakmak, A. An extensive investigation of utilization of a C8 type long-chain alcohol as a sustainable next-generation biofuel and diesel fuel blends in a CI engine-The effects of alcohol infusion ratio on the performance, exhaust emissions, and combustion characteristics. Fuel. 2021;305:121453.
  • [20] Pham, P.X., Pham, N.V.T., Pham, T.V., Nguyen, V.H., Nguyen, K.T. Ignition delays of biodiesel-diesel blends: Investigations into the role of physical and chemical processes. Fuel. 2021;303:121251.
  • [21] Aldhaidhawi, M., Chiriac, R., Badescu, V., Ignition delay, combustion and emission characteristics of Diesel engine fueled with rapeseed biodiesel-A literature review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2017;73:178–186.
  • [22] Qi, D., Ma, L., Chen, R., Jin, X., Xie, M. Effects of EGR rate on the combustion and emission characteristics of diesel-palm oil-ethanol ternary blends used in a CRDI diesel engine with double injection strategy. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2021;199:117530.
  • [23] Jiaqiang E., Zhang, Z., Chen, J., Pham, M., Zhao, X., Peng, Q., Zhang, B., Yin, Z. Performance and emission evaluation of a marine diesel engine fueled by water biodiesel-diesel emulsion blends with a fuel additive of a cerium oxide nanoparticle. Energy Conversion and Management. 2018;169:194-205.
  • [24] Ağbulut, Ü., Polat, F., Sarıdemir, S. A comprehensive study on the influences of different types of nanosized particles usage in diesel-bioethanol blends on combustion, performance, and environmental aspects. Energy. 2021;229:120548.
  • [25] Venu, H., Dhana Raju, V., Lingesan, S., Soudagar, M.E.M. Influence of Al2O3 nano additives in ternary fuel (diesel-biodieselethanol) blends operated in a single cylinder diesel engine: Performance, combustion and emission characteristics. Energy. 2021;215:119091.
  • [26] Çelikten, İ., Mutlu, E., Solmaz, H. Variation of performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine fueled with diesel, rapeseed oil and hazelnut oil methyl ester blends. Renew. Energy. 2012;48:122-126.
  • [27] Chen, Z., He, J., Chen, H., Geng, L., Zhang, P. Comparative study on the combustion and emissions of dual-fuel common rail engines fueled with diesel/methanol, diesel/ethanol, and diesel/ n-butanol. Fuel. 2021;304:121360.
  • [28] Li, Y., Chen, H., Zhang, C., Chen, H. Effects of diesel pre-injection on the combustion and emission characteristics of a common-rail diesel engine fueled with diesel-methanol dual-fuel. Fuel. 2021; 290:119824.
  • [29] Yan, J., Gao, S., Zhao, W., Lee, T.H. Study of combustion and emission characteristics of a diesel engine fueled with diesel, butanol-diesel and hexanol-diesel mixtures under low intake pressure conditions. Energy Conversion and Management. 2021;243:114273.
  • [30] Venugopal, I.P., Balasubramanian, D., Rajarajan, A. Potential improvement in conventional diesel combustion mode on a common rail direct injection diesel engine with PODE/WCO blend as a high reactive fuel to achieve effective Soot-NOx trade-off. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021;327:129495.
  • [31] Abdullah, I.S., Khalid, A., Jaat, N., Nursal, R.S., Koten, H., Karagoz, Y. A study of ignition delay, combustion process and emissions in a high ambient temperature of diesel combustion. Fuel. 2021;297:120706.
  • [32] Wei, J., He, C., Fan, C., Pan, S., Wei, M., Wang, C. Comparison in the effects of alumina, ceria and silica nanoparticle additives on the combustion and emission characteristics of a modern methanol-diesel dual-fuel CI engine. Energy Conversion and Management. 2021;238:114121.
  • [33] Sekar, M., Praveenkumar, T.R., Dhinakaran, V., Gunasekar, P., Pugazhendhi, A. Combustion and emission characteristics of diesel engine fueled with nanocatalyst and pyrolysis oil produced from the solid plastic waste using screw reactor. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021;318: 128551.
Year 2022, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 113 - 119, 30.06.2022


Project Number



  • [1] Zhu, J., Li, J., Wang, S., Raza, M., Qian, Y., Feng, Y., Yu, L., Mao, Y., Lu X. Ignition delay time measurements and kinetic modeling of methane/diesel mixtures at elevated pressures. Combustion and Flame. 2021;229:111390.
  • [2] Feng, Y., Zhu, J., Mao, Y., Raza, M., Qian, Y., Yu, L., Lu X. Low-temperature auto-ignition characteristics of NH3/diesel binary fuel: Ignition delay time measurement and kinetic analysis. Fuel. 2020;281:118761.
  • [3] Gowdagiri, S., Wang, W., Oehlschlaeger M.A. A shock tube ignition delay study of conventional diesel fuel and hydroprocessed renewable diesel fuel from algal oil. Fuel. 2014;128:21-29.
  • [4] Fathurrahman, N.A., Wibowo, C.S., Nasikin, M., Khalil, M. (Accepted/In press). Optimization of sorbitan monooleate and γ-Al2O3 nanoparticles as cold-flow improver in B30 biodiesel blend using response surface methodology (RSM). Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry.
  • [5] Çelik, M. The Investigation of Effects of Biodiesel Fuel Features To Engine Performance and Emission Characteristics. Gazi University (Ph.D. thesis). Grade School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Ankara. 2015.
  • [6] Singh, T.S., Rajak, U., Samuel, O.D., Chaurasiya, P.K., Natarajan, K., Verma, T.N., Nashine, N. Optimization of performance and emission parameters of direct injection diesel engine fuelled with microalgae Spirulina (L.)-Response surface methodology and full factorial method approach. Fuel. 2021;285:119103.
  • [7] Subramani, S., Govindasamy, R., Rao, G.L.N. Predictive correlations for NOx and smoke emission of DI CI engine fuelled with diesel-biodiesel-higher alcohol blends-response surface methodology approach. Fuel. 2020;269:117304.
  • [8] Singh, A., Sinha, A., Choudhary, A.K. Sharma, D., Panchal, H., Sadasivuni, K.K. An experimental investigation of emission performance of heterogenous catalyst jatropha biodiesel using RSM. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering. 2021;25:100876.
  • [9] Saravanan, S., Rajesh Kumar, B., Varadharajan, A., Rana, D., Sethuramasamyraja, B., Lakshmi Narayana Rao, G. Optimization of DI diesel engine parameters fueled with iso-butanol/diesel blends-Response surface methodology approach. Fuel. 2017;203:658–670.
  • [10] Sa, B., Markov, V., Liu, Y., Kamaltdinov, V., Qiao, W. Numerical investigation of the effect of multi-walled carbon nanotube additive on nozzle flow and spray behaviors of diesel fuel. Fuel. 2021;290:119802.
  • [11] Antony Casmir Jayaseelan, G., Anderson, A., Prabhu, A., Srinivasan, V. Impact of cerium oxide nanoadditives on the performance and emission characteristics of candlenut biodiesel. Materials Today: Proceedings. 2020;33:890–894.
  • [12] Nieto Garzón, N.A., Oliveira, A.A.M., Bazzo, E. An ignition delay correlation for compression ignition engines fueled with straight soybean oil and diesel oil blends. Fuel. 2019;257:116050.
  • [13] Hoang, A.T. Combustion behavior, performance and emission characteristics of diesel engine fuelled with biodiesel containing cerium oxide nanoparticles: A review. Fuel Processing Technology. 2021;218:106840.
  • [14] Xia, C., Brindhadevi, K., Elfasakhany, A., Alsehli, M., Tola, S. Performance, combustion and emission analysis of castor oil biodiesel blends enriched with nanoadditives and hydrogen fuel using CI engine. Fuel. 2021;306:121541.
  • [15] Dehhaghi, M., Panahi, H.K.S. Aghbashlo, M., Lam, S.S., Tabatabaei, M. The effects of nanoadditives on the performance and emission characteristics of spark-ignition gasoline engines: A critical review with a focus on health impacts. Energy. 2021;25:120259.
  • [16] Sekar, M., Praveenkumar, T.R., Dhinakaran, V., Gunasekar, P., Pugazhendhi, A. Combustion and emission characteristics of diesel engine fueled with nanocatalyst and pyrolysis oil produced from the solid plastic waste using screw reactor. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021;318:128551.
  • [17] Elkelawy, M., El Shenawy, E.A., Abd Almonem, S.K., Nasef, M.H., Panchal, H., Bastawissi, H.A., Sadasivuni, K.K., Choudhary, A.K., Sharma, D., Khalid, M. Experimental study on combustion, performance, and emission behaviours of diesel/WCO biodiesel/Cyclohexane blends in DI-CI engine. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 2021;149:684–697.
  • [18] Agarwal, S., Kumari, S., Mudgal, A., Khan, S. Green synthesized nanoadditives in jojoba biodiesel-diesel blends: An improvement of engine performance and emission. Renewable Energy. 2020;147:1836-1844.
  • [19] Yesilyurt, M.K., Cakmak, A. An extensive investigation of utilization of a C8 type long-chain alcohol as a sustainable next-generation biofuel and diesel fuel blends in a CI engine-The effects of alcohol infusion ratio on the performance, exhaust emissions, and combustion characteristics. Fuel. 2021;305:121453.
  • [20] Pham, P.X., Pham, N.V.T., Pham, T.V., Nguyen, V.H., Nguyen, K.T. Ignition delays of biodiesel-diesel blends: Investigations into the role of physical and chemical processes. Fuel. 2021;303:121251.
  • [21] Aldhaidhawi, M., Chiriac, R., Badescu, V., Ignition delay, combustion and emission characteristics of Diesel engine fueled with rapeseed biodiesel-A literature review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2017;73:178–186.
  • [22] Qi, D., Ma, L., Chen, R., Jin, X., Xie, M. Effects of EGR rate on the combustion and emission characteristics of diesel-palm oil-ethanol ternary blends used in a CRDI diesel engine with double injection strategy. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2021;199:117530.
  • [23] Jiaqiang E., Zhang, Z., Chen, J., Pham, M., Zhao, X., Peng, Q., Zhang, B., Yin, Z. Performance and emission evaluation of a marine diesel engine fueled by water biodiesel-diesel emulsion blends with a fuel additive of a cerium oxide nanoparticle. Energy Conversion and Management. 2018;169:194-205.
  • [24] Ağbulut, Ü., Polat, F., Sarıdemir, S. A comprehensive study on the influences of different types of nanosized particles usage in diesel-bioethanol blends on combustion, performance, and environmental aspects. Energy. 2021;229:120548.
  • [25] Venu, H., Dhana Raju, V., Lingesan, S., Soudagar, M.E.M. Influence of Al2O3 nano additives in ternary fuel (diesel-biodieselethanol) blends operated in a single cylinder diesel engine: Performance, combustion and emission characteristics. Energy. 2021;215:119091.
  • [26] Çelikten, İ., Mutlu, E., Solmaz, H. Variation of performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine fueled with diesel, rapeseed oil and hazelnut oil methyl ester blends. Renew. Energy. 2012;48:122-126.
  • [27] Chen, Z., He, J., Chen, H., Geng, L., Zhang, P. Comparative study on the combustion and emissions of dual-fuel common rail engines fueled with diesel/methanol, diesel/ethanol, and diesel/ n-butanol. Fuel. 2021;304:121360.
  • [28] Li, Y., Chen, H., Zhang, C., Chen, H. Effects of diesel pre-injection on the combustion and emission characteristics of a common-rail diesel engine fueled with diesel-methanol dual-fuel. Fuel. 2021; 290:119824.
  • [29] Yan, J., Gao, S., Zhao, W., Lee, T.H. Study of combustion and emission characteristics of a diesel engine fueled with diesel, butanol-diesel and hexanol-diesel mixtures under low intake pressure conditions. Energy Conversion and Management. 2021;243:114273.
  • [30] Venugopal, I.P., Balasubramanian, D., Rajarajan, A. Potential improvement in conventional diesel combustion mode on a common rail direct injection diesel engine with PODE/WCO blend as a high reactive fuel to achieve effective Soot-NOx trade-off. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021;327:129495.
  • [31] Abdullah, I.S., Khalid, A., Jaat, N., Nursal, R.S., Koten, H., Karagoz, Y. A study of ignition delay, combustion process and emissions in a high ambient temperature of diesel combustion. Fuel. 2021;297:120706.
  • [32] Wei, J., He, C., Fan, C., Pan, S., Wei, M., Wang, C. Comparison in the effects of alumina, ceria and silica nanoparticle additives on the combustion and emission characteristics of a modern methanol-diesel dual-fuel CI engine. Energy Conversion and Management. 2021;238:114121.
  • [33] Sekar, M., Praveenkumar, T.R., Dhinakaran, V., Gunasekar, P., Pugazhendhi, A. Combustion and emission characteristics of diesel engine fueled with nanocatalyst and pyrolysis oil produced from the solid plastic waste using screw reactor. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021;318: 128551.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Mechanical Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Mehmet Çelik 0000-0002-3390-1716

Cihan Bayındırlı 0000-0001-9199-9670

Mehmet İlhan İlhak

Project Number 2020-1
Publication Date June 30, 2022
Submission Date January 27, 2022
Acceptance Date April 7, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Çelik, M., Bayındırlı, C., & İlhak, M. İ. (2022). Investigation of the Performance and Emissions of an Engine Operated with CEO2 Nano Additive Doped Biodiesel. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology, 6(2), 113-119.
AMA Çelik M, Bayındırlı C, İlhak Mİ. Investigation of the Performance and Emissions of an Engine Operated with CEO2 Nano Additive Doped Biodiesel. IJASTECH. June 2022;6(2):113-119. doi:10.30939/ijastech.1063986
Chicago Çelik, Mehmet, Cihan Bayındırlı, and Mehmet İlhan İlhak. “Investigation of the Performance and Emissions of an Engine Operated With CEO2 Nano Additive Doped Biodiesel”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 6, no. 2 (June 2022): 113-19. 1063986.
EndNote Çelik M, Bayındırlı C, İlhak Mİ (June 1, 2022) Investigation of the Performance and Emissions of an Engine Operated with CEO2 Nano Additive Doped Biodiesel. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 6 2 113–119.
IEEE M. Çelik, C. Bayındırlı, and M. İ. İlhak, “Investigation of the Performance and Emissions of an Engine Operated with CEO2 Nano Additive Doped Biodiesel”, IJASTECH, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 113–119, 2022, doi: 10.30939/ijastech..1063986.
ISNAD Çelik, Mehmet et al. “Investigation of the Performance and Emissions of an Engine Operated With CEO2 Nano Additive Doped Biodiesel”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology 6/2 (June 2022), 113-119. 1063986.
JAMA Çelik M, Bayındırlı C, İlhak Mİ. Investigation of the Performance and Emissions of an Engine Operated with CEO2 Nano Additive Doped Biodiesel. IJASTECH. 2022;6:113–119.
MLA Çelik, Mehmet et al. “Investigation of the Performance and Emissions of an Engine Operated With CEO2 Nano Additive Doped Biodiesel”. International Journal of Automotive Science And Technology, vol. 6, no. 2, 2022, pp. 113-9, doi:10.30939/ijastech. 1063986.
Vancouver Çelik M, Bayındırlı C, İlhak Mİ. Investigation of the Performance and Emissions of an Engine Operated with CEO2 Nano Additive Doped Biodiesel. IJASTECH. 2022;6(2):113-9.

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International Journal of Automotive Science and Technology (IJASTECH) is published by Society of Automotive Engineers Turkey
