Assessment of Conical Die Deep Drawing Ability of DP800 and MART1400 Ad-vanced High Strength Steels
Year 2023,
Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 104 - 111, 30.06.2023
Nuri Şen
Tolgahan Civek
Ezgi Tongü
Deep drawing is one of the most important and vastly conducted sheet metal forming method. Thus, even small improvements achieved on the deep drawability of sheet metals significantly increases the ability of sheet metal to be formed into more complex products. Advanced high strength steels (AHSSs) are one of the most popular steels in the automotive industry due to their high strengths. However, their low ductility causes considerable splitting problems on the shop floors. In this study, deep drawing experiments have been conducted in conical dies with four different angles (0⁰, 7.5⁰, 12.5⁰, and 20⁰) for DP800 and MART1400 steels to observe whether a higher deep drawing ratio (DDR) can be achieved by deep drawing in conical dies for AHSSs. In addition, finite element analysis (FEA) has been utilized to estimate the DDR for each types of steels in different conical die setups. It has been observed that the deep drawing ability of MART1400 steel has not improved in any of the conical die setups. However, DDR of DP800 has slightly increased by 2.46% by deep drawing with 20⁰ die angle. A good agreement with the numerical and experimental results has been achieved.
Supporting Institution
Duzce University
Project Number
For this work, the authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the Duzce University Research Fund
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Available from:
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- [27] Savas V, Secgin O. A new type of deep drawing die design and experimental results. Mater Des. 2007;28(4):1330–3.
- [28] OZEK C, AKKELEK H. Investigation of Deep Draw-ability of Rectangular Shaped Cups in Deep Drawing Dies. Int J Innov Eng Appl. 2021;5(2).
- [29] Aghaie-Khafri M, Mahmudi R, Pishbin H. Role of yield criteria and hardening laws in the prediction of forming limit diagrams. Metall Mater Trans A Phys Metall Mater Sci. 2002;33(5):1363–71.
- [30] Sung JH, Kim JH, Wagoner RH. A plastic constitutive equation incorporating strain, strain-rate, and temperature. Int J Plast [Internet]. 2010;26(12):1746–71. Available from:
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- [32] Dhaiban AA, Soliman MES, El-Sebaie MG. Finite element modeling and experimental results of brass elliptic cups using a new deep drawing process through conical dies. J Mater Process Technol. 2014;214(4):828–38.
- [33] Hezam LMA, Hassan MA, Hassab-Allah IM, El-Sebaie MG. Development of a new process for producing deep square cups through conical dies. Int J Mach Tools Manuf [In-ternet]. 2009;49(10):773–80. Available from:
Year 2023,
Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 104 - 111, 30.06.2023
Nuri Şen
Tolgahan Civek
Ezgi Tongü
Project Number
- [1] Cora ÖN, Koç M. Promises and Problems of Ul-tra/Advanced High Strength Steel (U/AHSS) Utilization in Au-tomotive Industry. 7th Automot Technol Congr (OTEKON 2014) [Internet]. 2014;(May):1–8.
Available from:
- [2] Demeri MY. Advanced High-strength Steels: Science, Technology, and Applications. 1st ed. Ohio: ASM International; 2013. 301 p.
- [3] Mallick PK. Materials, design and manufacturing for lightweight vehicles. Materials, Design and Manufacturing for Lightweight Vehicles. Woodhead Publishing Limited; 2010. 1–369 p.
- [4] Queiroz RRU, Cunha FGG, Gonzalez BM. Study of dynamic strain aging in dual phase steel. Mater Sci Eng A [In-ternet]. 2012;543:84–7. Available from:
- [5] Bayramin B, Şimşir C, Efe M. Dynamic strain aging in DP steels at forming relevant strain rates and temperatures. Ma-ter Sci Eng A. 2017;704(July):164–72.
- [6] Senuma T. Physical Metallurgy of Modern High Strength Steel Sheets. 2001;41(6):520–32.
- [7] Keeler S, Kimchi M, Mooney PJ. Advanced High-Strength Steels Guidelines Version 6.0. WorldAutoSteel [Inter-net]. 2017;(September):314. Available from:
- [8] Mohrbacher H. Martensitic Automotive Steel Sheet - Fundamentals and Metallurgical Optimization Strategies. Adv Mater Res. 2014;1063:130–42.
[9] Sun Y, Wang K, Politis DJ, Chen G, Wang L. An exper-imental investigation on the ductility and post-form strength of a martensitic steel in a novel warm stamping process. J Mater Process Technol [Internet]. 2020;275(May 2019):116387. Available from:
- [10] Kayhan E, Kaftanoglu B. Experimental investigation of non-isothermal deep drawing of DP600 steel. Int J Adv Manuf Technol. 2018;99(1–4):695–706.
- [11] Karaağaç İ, Önel T, Uluer O. The effects of local heating on springback behaviour in v bending of galvanized DP600 sheet. Ironmak Steelmak. 2020;47(7):807–13.
- [12] Sen N. Experimental investigation of the formability of ultrahigh-strength sheet material using local heat treatment. Ironmak Steelmak [Internet]. 2020;47(2):93–9. Available from:
- [13] Sen N, Civek T. Detailed deformation behaviour analysis of DP steels at warm forming temperatures via warm tensile tests Detailed deformation behaviour analysis of DP steels at warm forming temperatures via warm tensile tests. Ironmak Steelmak. 2022;1–11.
- [14] ARSLAN Y, KARAAĞAÇ İ. V bükmede geri esneme davranışları. Gazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilim Derg . 2014;C(3):255–63.
- [15] Shulphqwdoo ZH, Lq HD, Ehqglqj WKH, Rfro RI, Vkhhwv V, Dqjoh E. Gökhan Küçüktürk Mehmet Tahta Hakan Gürün Ibrahim Karaa÷aç. 2022;3:51–62.
- [16] Abe Y, Ohmi T, Mori K, Masuda T. Journal of Mate-rials Processing Technology Improvement of formability in deep drawing of ultra-high strength steel sheets by coating of die. J Mater Process Tech [Internet]. 2014;214(9):1838–43. Available from:
- [17] Şen N, Şirin Ş, Kıvak T, Civek T, Seçgin Ö. A new lubrication approach in the SPIF process: Evaluation of the ap-plicability and tribological performance of MQL. Tribol Int [In-ternet]. 2022;171:107546. Available from:
- [18] Şen N, Kurgan N, Karaağaç İ, Uluer O. Ilık Derin Çekme Prosesinde Yağlayıcı Etkisinin Şekillendirilebilirlik Açısından Deneysel Araştırılması An Experimental Investiga-tion of the Lubrication Effects on Formability In Warm Deep Drawing Process. 2016;19(2):185–93.
- [19] Azuma M, Goutianos S, Hansen N, Winther G, Huang X. Effect of hardness of martensite and ferrite on void for-mation in dual phase steel. Mater Sci Technol (United King-dom). 2012;28(9–10):1092–100.
- [20] Wang W, Wei X. The effect of martensite volume and distribution on shear fracture propagation of 600-1000 MPa dual phase sheet steels in the process of deep drawing. Int J Mech Sci [Internet]. 2013;67:100–7. Available from:
- [21] Manoochehri M, Kolahan F. Integration of artificial neural network and simulated annealing algorithm to optimize deep drawing process. Int J Adv Manuf Technol. 2014;73(1–4):241–9.
- [22] Hassan M, Hezam L, El-Sebaie M, Purbolaksono J. Deep drawing characteristics of square cups through conical dies. Procedia Eng [Internet]. 2014;81(October):873–80. Avail-able from:
- [23] Taşdemİr V. Derin Çekme İşlemi Üzerine Kalıp Geo metrisinin Etkisinin Sonlu Elemanlar Analizi Finite Element Analysis of the Effect of Die Geometry on Deep Drawing Pro-cess. 2013;16(1):43–7.
- [24] Özek C, Taşdemir V. AA 5754-O alaşiminin ilik derin çekilmesi üzerine kalip yüzey açisi ve baski plakasi kuvvetinin etkisinin deneysel araştirilmasi. J Fac Eng Archit Gazi Univ. 2017;32(1):193–201.
- [25] Loganathan C, Narayanasamy R. Wrinkling behaviour of different grades of annealed commercially pure aluminium sheets when drawing through a conical die. Mater Des. 2008;29(3):662–700.
- [26] Narayanasamy R, Sowerby R. Wrinkling of sheet metals when drawing through a conical die. J Mater Process Tech. 1994;41(3):275–90.
- [27] Savas V, Secgin O. A new type of deep drawing die design and experimental results. Mater Des. 2007;28(4):1330–3.
- [28] OZEK C, AKKELEK H. Investigation of Deep Draw-ability of Rectangular Shaped Cups in Deep Drawing Dies. Int J Innov Eng Appl. 2021;5(2).
- [29] Aghaie-Khafri M, Mahmudi R, Pishbin H. Role of yield criteria and hardening laws in the prediction of forming limit diagrams. Metall Mater Trans A Phys Metall Mater Sci. 2002;33(5):1363–71.
- [30] Sung JH, Kim JH, Wagoner RH. A plastic constitutive equation incorporating strain, strain-rate, and temperature. Int J Plast [Internet]. 2010;26(12):1746–71. Available from:
- [31] Ballikaya H, Savas V, Ozay C. The limit drawing ratio in die angled hydromechanical deep drawing method. Int J Adv Manuf Technol. 2020;106(1–2):791–801.
- [32] Dhaiban AA, Soliman MES, El-Sebaie MG. Finite element modeling and experimental results of brass elliptic cups using a new deep drawing process through conical dies. J Mater Process Technol. 2014;214(4):828–38.
- [33] Hezam LMA, Hassan MA, Hassab-Allah IM, El-Sebaie MG. Development of a new process for producing deep square cups through conical dies. Int J Mach Tools Manuf [In-ternet]. 2009;49(10):773–80. Available from: