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Examination of the Relationship Between The Children's Version of the Perception of Success Questionnaire and Coaching Behavior Scale for Sports on 14-18 Years Old Swimmers: Aegean Region Example

Year 2023, Volume: 6 Issue: Special Issue 1- Healthy Life, Sports for Disabled people, 18 - 29, 25.10.2023


The aim of this study to examine the relationship between the perception of success and coaching behavior of 14-18 age swimming athletes living in Aegean region. A total of 114 swimmers participated voluntarily. The "Children’s Version of the Perception of Success Questionare" (POSQ-CH) and “Coach Behavior Scale for Sport” (CBS-S) was used. The analysis of the data was evaluated with the SPSS. POSQ-CH score was 49.03 (very high); sub-dimensions, "Ego Orientation" (EO) score is 22.17 (high) and the "Task Orientation" (TO) score is 26.85 (very high). CBS-S score is 262.35 (quite high); sub-dimensions scores are between 23.43 (very low)-50.95 (very high). According to gender, a significant difference in POSQ-CH and GO sub-dimension and TS, PR and NR sub-dimension scores of CBS-S (p<0.05). Similarly, a significant difference in the EO sub-dimension according to coach gender, in the POSQ-CH and GO according to swimming style and in the EO and TS according to sport age (p<0.05). No correlation between POSQ-CH and CBS-S and its sub-dimensions; however, a positive and moderate relationship between the closeness to team captain score and CBS-S. It was determined that the swimmers in the relevant age range had high perception of achievement and perception of coach behavior, and the athletes were more goal-oriented. It can be said that the coach's physical-mental preparation, positive behavior, providing technical skill learning, directing the athlete correctly in terms of goal expectation, helping to provide appropriate and optimum competition strategy and negative behavior are not related to the swimmers' perception of success.


  • Baker, J., Côté, J., & Hawes, R. (2000). The relationship between coaching behaviours and sport anxiety in athletes. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 3(2), 110-119.
  • Basoglu, B. (2017). Investigation of the levels of successors and efficiency of greecormen starmen wrest national team players. Gaziantep University Journal of Sport Science, 2(1), 31-40.
  • Cengiz, C. , Serbes, S., Erdogan, O., & Dag, S. (2019). The effect of coaching behaviors on tennis players and swimmers. Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports, 3(108), 126-131.
  • Côté, J., Yardley, J., Hay, J., Sedgwick, W., & Baker, J.(1999).An exploratory examination of the Coaching Behaviour Scale for Sport.Avante, 5, 82-92.
  • Cik, B. (2019). Examining the relationship between coach behaviors perceived by athletes and the competence of coaches. Doctoral thesis, Marmara University, Health Science Institute, Istanbul (in Turkish).
  • Davis, L., Jowett, S. & Tafvelin, S.(2019). Communication strategies: the fuel for quality coach-athlete relationships and athlete satisfaction. Frontiers in Psychology,10,doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02 156
  • Dereceli, Ç.(2019). An examination of success perception and sense of responsibility of primary school students in terms of doing sports. Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 21(3), 138-147.
  • Duda, JL., & White, SA. (1992). Goal orientations and beliefs about the cause of sport success among elite skiers.The Sport Psychologist, 6, 334-343.
  • Ekinci, HB. (2018). Secondary school students' sportsmanship behaviors and perceptions of success. Master thesis, Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University Health Science Institute, Erzincan (in Turkish).
  • Ekinci, H., & Koc, Y. (2020). Perception of success as a predictor of sportsmanship behaviors among middle school students The Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 18(4), 154-165.
  • Elmas, L. (2018). The effect of imagery level to the perceptions of achievement in adolescents participating sportive recreation activities. Master Thesis, Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University, Social Science Institute, Karaman (in Turkish).
  • Ermis, E., Satıcı, A., Imamoglu, O., & Aydogan, A. (2017). Coaching behaviors perceived by adolescent athletes. The Journal of Kesit Academy, 12, 589-599.
  • Gok, O. & Okan, I. (2020). Examining the views of national team athletes on coach behaviors according to some variables. Gaziantep University Journal of Sport Scşence, 5(4), 486-498.
  • Jowett, S. (2017a). At the heart of effective sport leadership lies the dyadic coach-athlete relationship. Sport and Exercise Psychology Review 13 (1): 62–64. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.2427.5449.
  • Jowett, S. (2017b). Coaching effectiveness: the coach–athlete relationship at ıts heart.Current Opinion in Psychology, 16: 154–158. doi:10.1016/j. copsyc.2017.05.006.
  • Jowett, S., & Poczwardowski, A. (2007). Understanding the coach-athlete relationship. In Social Psychologyin Sport, edited by S. Jowett and D. Lavallee, 3–14. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  • Karabulut, G. (2010). Examining the anxiety levels and perceptions of success of 5th grade primary school students according to their game preferences and sports participation. Doctoral Thesis, Dokuz Eylul University, Education Science Institute, İzmir (in Turkish).
  • Karasar, N. (2012). Scientific Research Method (23rd Ed.). Ankara: Nobel Publishing Distribution, p. 77. Karim, ZBA. (2016). Development characteristics of football coaches in australia and malaysia. Doctoral Thesis, Victoria University of Technology, Melbourne (in English).
  • Kazak Cetinkalp, Z. (2006). Children's version of the success perception inventory-Validity and reliability study of POSQ-CH for Turkish athletes. International Sports Sciences Congress proceedings book, p: 1325.
  • Koh, K. T., Kawabata, M., & Mallett, C. J. (2014). The coaching behavior scale for sport: Factor structure examination for Singaporean youth athletes. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 9(6), 1311-1324.
  • Lorimer, R., & Jowett, S. (2013). Empathic understanding and accuracy in the coach-athlete relationship.In Routledge Handbook of Sports Coaching, edited by P. Potrac, W. Gilbert, and J. Denison, 321–332. London: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203132623.
  • Mohd Noor, N., Hassan, MF., Soh, KG., & Seruti, J. F. (2019). The relationship of coaching behavior towards the motivation of football athletes in Malaysia sports’ school.Malaysian Journal of Sport Science and Recreation, 15(1), 57-67.
  • Ozbey, M., & Unal, H. (2020). Investigation of the Relationship Between Coach Behaviors and Cognitive Flexibility: A Study on Amateur Footballers. Gazi Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 25(1), 23-39.
  • Ozgun, A., Yasarturk, F., Ayhan, B., & Bozkus, T. (2017). Examination of handball players’ levels of sports-specific achievement motivation and happiness. International Journal of Cultural and Social Studies, 3(S2), 83-94.
  • Ramalu, RR. (2007). Keberkesanan motivasi terhadap pencapaian prestasi atlet sekolah menengah.Master Thesis, Malaya University, Malaysia (in Malesia).
  • Ramalu, RR., Karim, ZA., & Elumalai, G. (2020). The effectiveness of motivational intervention programs towards the performance amongst football players of secondary schools in Kuala Lumpur. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 7(2), 4016-4027.
  • Roberts, GC., Treasure, DC. & Ballague, G. (1998). Achievement goals in sport: The development and validation of the Perception of Success Questionnaire. Journal of Sport Sciences, 16 (4), 337-347.
  • Secer, H. (2013). Relationship between the personal career planning and the perception of personal success, and a research in Pamukkale University. Master Thesis, Pamukkale University, Social Science Institute, Denizli (in Turkish).
  • Sheard, M., & Colby, J. (2006). Effects of psychological skills training program on swimming performance and positive psychological development.International Journal of Sports and Exercise Psychology. 4(2), 149-169.
  • Solstad, BE.,& Lemyre, PN. (2014). Why coaches should encourage swimmers' efforts to succeed. Journal of Swimming Research, 22(1), 1-9.
  • Tanrıkulu, B. (2019). Examining the success perceptions of elite athletes in the 10-15 age group who are involved in taekwondo, judo and karate sports. Master Thesis. Selcuk University, Health Science Institute, Konya (in Turkish).
  • Trigueros, R., Aguilar-Parra, JM., CangasDı´az, AJ., Ferna´ndez-Batanero, JM., Mañas, MA., Arias, VB., et al. (2019). The influence of the trainer on the motivation and resilience of sports people: A study from the perspective of self-determination theory. PLoS ONE, 14(8), e0221461.
  • Torun, F. (2020). Evaluation of perception and motivation of elite judo athletes. Master Thesis, Istanbul Gelisim University, Physical Education and Sports Department, Istanbul.
  • Treasure, DC. (2001). Enhancing young people's motivation in youth sport: An achievement goal approach. In G. C. Roberts (Ed.).Advances in motivation in sport and exercise (pp. 79–100). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  • William, J., & Straub, M. (1998).Applied Sport Psychology: Personal Growth to Peak Performance.3rd. Mountain View, CA: Mayfields Publishing Company.
  • Yapar, A., & Ince, M. L. (2014). The Adaptation of Coaching Behavior Scale for Sport (CBS-S) into Turkish: A Validity and Reliability Study. Hacettepe Journal of Sport Sciences, 25(4), 203-212.
  • Yapar, A., & Serbes, S. (2020). Examining the coach behaviors perceived by athletics athletes according to various variables. Youth Research Journal, 8(22), 98-113

14-18 Yaş Yüzücülerde Başarı Algısı ile Antrenör Davranışı Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi: Ege Bölgesi Örneği

Year 2023, Volume: 6 Issue: Special Issue 1- Healthy Life, Sports for Disabled people, 18 - 29, 25.10.2023


Bu çalışma 14-18 yaş aralığında yüzme sporu yapan kadın ve erkek sporcuların başarı algısı ile antrenör davranışı arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmaya Ege bölgesinde yaşayan, lisanslı, kadın (47) ve erkek (67) toplam 114 sporcu (yaş:16,17±1,59) gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Sporcuların başarı algılarını belirlemek için, Roberts, Treasure ve Balague tarafından geliştirilen, Kazak Çetinkalp tarafından geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması yapılan “Başarı Algısı Envanteri Çocuk Versiyonu” (BAEÇ) ölçeği; antrenör davranışını değerlendirmek için, Côté ve arkadaşları tarafından geliştirilen, Yapar ve İnce tarafından Türkçe’ye uyarlanan “Sporcular için Antrenör Davranışlarını Değerlendirme Ölçeği” (SADDÖ) kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizi SPSS 25 istatistik programında, tanımlayıcı istatistik, “Mann Whitney-U”, “Kruskal Wallis” ve “Spearman Korelasyon” testi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler doğrultusunda, katılımcıların BAEÇ puanı 49,03 (çok yüksek); alt boyutlardan “Ego Yönelimi” (EY) puanı 22,17 (yüksek), “Hedef Yönelimi” (HY) puanı 26,85 (çok yüksek) görülmüştür. Sporcuların SADDÖ puanı 262,35 (oldukça yüksek); alt boyutlar “Fiziksel Antrenman ve Planlama” (FAP) puanı 40,89 (oldukça yüksek), “Teknik Beceri” (TB) puanı 50,95 (çok yüksek), “Zihinsel Hazırlık” (ZH) puanı 28,48 (oldukça yüksek), “Hedef Belirleme” (HB) puanı 36,50 (çok yüksek), “Yarışma Stratejisi” (YS) puanı 44,26 (çok yüksek), “Olumlu Antrenör Davranışları” (OAD) puanı 37,80 (çok yüksek), OAD2 puanı 23,43 (düşük) görülmüştür. Cinsiyete göre, BAEÇ ve HY alt boyutu ile SADDÖ’nün TB, OAD ve OAD2 alt boyut puanlarında anlamlı fark olduğu bulunmuştur (p<0,05). Benzer şekilde antrenör cinsiyetine göre EY alt boyutunda, yüzme stiline göre BAEÇ ve HY alt boyutunda, spor yaşına göre EY ve TB alt boyutunda anlamlı fark olduğu bulunmuştur (p<0,05). Katılımcıların BAEÇ puanları ile SADDÖ ve alt boyutları arasında ilişki olmadığı; ancak kaptana yakınlık puanı ile SADDÖ arasında pozitif yönlü ve orta düzey bir ilişki olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, ilgili yaş aralığındaki yüzücüler yüksek başarı algısına ve antrenör davranış algısına sahip olup, sporcuların daha çok hedef yönelimli oldukları belirlenmiştir. 14-18 yaş yüzücülerin başarı algısı ile antrenör davranışı arasında ilişki yoktur. Dolayısıyla antrenörün fiziksel-zihinsel hazırlık uygulaması, olumlu davranış sergilemesi, teknik beceri öğrenimini sağlayabilmesi, hedef beklentisi açısından sporcuyu doğru yönlendirebilmesi, uygun ve optimum yarışma stratejisi sağlamaya yardımcı olması ve olumsuz davranış sergilemesi bakımından yüzücülerin başarı algılarının değişmediği söylenebilir.


  • Baker, J., Côté, J., & Hawes, R. (2000). The relationship between coaching behaviours and sport anxiety in athletes. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 3(2), 110-119.
  • Basoglu, B. (2017). Investigation of the levels of successors and efficiency of greecormen starmen wrest national team players. Gaziantep University Journal of Sport Science, 2(1), 31-40.
  • Cengiz, C. , Serbes, S., Erdogan, O., & Dag, S. (2019). The effect of coaching behaviors on tennis players and swimmers. Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports, 3(108), 126-131.
  • Côté, J., Yardley, J., Hay, J., Sedgwick, W., & Baker, J.(1999).An exploratory examination of the Coaching Behaviour Scale for Sport.Avante, 5, 82-92.
  • Cik, B. (2019). Examining the relationship between coach behaviors perceived by athletes and the competence of coaches. Doctoral thesis, Marmara University, Health Science Institute, Istanbul (in Turkish).
  • Davis, L., Jowett, S. & Tafvelin, S.(2019). Communication strategies: the fuel for quality coach-athlete relationships and athlete satisfaction. Frontiers in Psychology,10,doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02 156
  • Dereceli, Ç.(2019). An examination of success perception and sense of responsibility of primary school students in terms of doing sports. Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 21(3), 138-147.
  • Duda, JL., & White, SA. (1992). Goal orientations and beliefs about the cause of sport success among elite skiers.The Sport Psychologist, 6, 334-343.
  • Ekinci, HB. (2018). Secondary school students' sportsmanship behaviors and perceptions of success. Master thesis, Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University Health Science Institute, Erzincan (in Turkish).
  • Ekinci, H., & Koc, Y. (2020). Perception of success as a predictor of sportsmanship behaviors among middle school students The Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 18(4), 154-165.
  • Elmas, L. (2018). The effect of imagery level to the perceptions of achievement in adolescents participating sportive recreation activities. Master Thesis, Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University, Social Science Institute, Karaman (in Turkish).
  • Ermis, E., Satıcı, A., Imamoglu, O., & Aydogan, A. (2017). Coaching behaviors perceived by adolescent athletes. The Journal of Kesit Academy, 12, 589-599.
  • Gok, O. & Okan, I. (2020). Examining the views of national team athletes on coach behaviors according to some variables. Gaziantep University Journal of Sport Scşence, 5(4), 486-498.
  • Jowett, S. (2017a). At the heart of effective sport leadership lies the dyadic coach-athlete relationship. Sport and Exercise Psychology Review 13 (1): 62–64. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.2427.5449.
  • Jowett, S. (2017b). Coaching effectiveness: the coach–athlete relationship at ıts heart.Current Opinion in Psychology, 16: 154–158. doi:10.1016/j. copsyc.2017.05.006.
  • Jowett, S., & Poczwardowski, A. (2007). Understanding the coach-athlete relationship. In Social Psychologyin Sport, edited by S. Jowett and D. Lavallee, 3–14. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  • Karabulut, G. (2010). Examining the anxiety levels and perceptions of success of 5th grade primary school students according to their game preferences and sports participation. Doctoral Thesis, Dokuz Eylul University, Education Science Institute, İzmir (in Turkish).
  • Karasar, N. (2012). Scientific Research Method (23rd Ed.). Ankara: Nobel Publishing Distribution, p. 77. Karim, ZBA. (2016). Development characteristics of football coaches in australia and malaysia. Doctoral Thesis, Victoria University of Technology, Melbourne (in English).
  • Kazak Cetinkalp, Z. (2006). Children's version of the success perception inventory-Validity and reliability study of POSQ-CH for Turkish athletes. International Sports Sciences Congress proceedings book, p: 1325.
  • Koh, K. T., Kawabata, M., & Mallett, C. J. (2014). The coaching behavior scale for sport: Factor structure examination for Singaporean youth athletes. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 9(6), 1311-1324.
  • Lorimer, R., & Jowett, S. (2013). Empathic understanding and accuracy in the coach-athlete relationship.In Routledge Handbook of Sports Coaching, edited by P. Potrac, W. Gilbert, and J. Denison, 321–332. London: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203132623.
  • Mohd Noor, N., Hassan, MF., Soh, KG., & Seruti, J. F. (2019). The relationship of coaching behavior towards the motivation of football athletes in Malaysia sports’ school.Malaysian Journal of Sport Science and Recreation, 15(1), 57-67.
  • Ozbey, M., & Unal, H. (2020). Investigation of the Relationship Between Coach Behaviors and Cognitive Flexibility: A Study on Amateur Footballers. Gazi Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 25(1), 23-39.
  • Ozgun, A., Yasarturk, F., Ayhan, B., & Bozkus, T. (2017). Examination of handball players’ levels of sports-specific achievement motivation and happiness. International Journal of Cultural and Social Studies, 3(S2), 83-94.
  • Ramalu, RR. (2007). Keberkesanan motivasi terhadap pencapaian prestasi atlet sekolah menengah.Master Thesis, Malaya University, Malaysia (in Malesia).
  • Ramalu, RR., Karim, ZA., & Elumalai, G. (2020). The effectiveness of motivational intervention programs towards the performance amongst football players of secondary schools in Kuala Lumpur. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 7(2), 4016-4027.
  • Roberts, GC., Treasure, DC. & Ballague, G. (1998). Achievement goals in sport: The development and validation of the Perception of Success Questionnaire. Journal of Sport Sciences, 16 (4), 337-347.
  • Secer, H. (2013). Relationship between the personal career planning and the perception of personal success, and a research in Pamukkale University. Master Thesis, Pamukkale University, Social Science Institute, Denizli (in Turkish).
  • Sheard, M., & Colby, J. (2006). Effects of psychological skills training program on swimming performance and positive psychological development.International Journal of Sports and Exercise Psychology. 4(2), 149-169.
  • Solstad, BE.,& Lemyre, PN. (2014). Why coaches should encourage swimmers' efforts to succeed. Journal of Swimming Research, 22(1), 1-9.
  • Tanrıkulu, B. (2019). Examining the success perceptions of elite athletes in the 10-15 age group who are involved in taekwondo, judo and karate sports. Master Thesis. Selcuk University, Health Science Institute, Konya (in Turkish).
  • Trigueros, R., Aguilar-Parra, JM., CangasDı´az, AJ., Ferna´ndez-Batanero, JM., Mañas, MA., Arias, VB., et al. (2019). The influence of the trainer on the motivation and resilience of sports people: A study from the perspective of self-determination theory. PLoS ONE, 14(8), e0221461.
  • Torun, F. (2020). Evaluation of perception and motivation of elite judo athletes. Master Thesis, Istanbul Gelisim University, Physical Education and Sports Department, Istanbul.
  • Treasure, DC. (2001). Enhancing young people's motivation in youth sport: An achievement goal approach. In G. C. Roberts (Ed.).Advances in motivation in sport and exercise (pp. 79–100). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  • William, J., & Straub, M. (1998).Applied Sport Psychology: Personal Growth to Peak Performance.3rd. Mountain View, CA: Mayfields Publishing Company.
  • Yapar, A., & Ince, M. L. (2014). The Adaptation of Coaching Behavior Scale for Sport (CBS-S) into Turkish: A Validity and Reliability Study. Hacettepe Journal of Sport Sciences, 25(4), 203-212.
  • Yapar, A., & Serbes, S. (2020). Examining the coach behaviors perceived by athletics athletes according to various variables. Youth Research Journal, 8(22), 98-113
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sports Science and Exercise (Other)
Journal Section Original Article

Esra Kürkcü Akgönül 0000-0003-3771-937X

Tolga Şahin 0000-0001-9594-4466

Beste Can Koç 0000-0002-8439-2368

Recep Nur Uzun 0000-0002-0825-8722

Early Pub Date October 16, 2023
Publication Date October 25, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 6 Issue: Special Issue 1- Healthy Life, Sports for Disabled people


APA Kürkcü Akgönül, E., Şahin, T., Koç, B. C., Uzun, R. N. (2023). Examination of the Relationship Between The Children’s Version of the Perception of Success Questionnaire and Coaching Behavior Scale for Sports on 14-18 Years Old Swimmers: Aegean Region Example. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences, 6(Special Issue 1- Healthy Life, Sports for Disabled people), 18-29. https://doi.org/10.33438/ijdshs.1348271
AMA Kürkcü Akgönül E, Şahin T, Koç BC, Uzun RN. Examination of the Relationship Between The Children’s Version of the Perception of Success Questionnaire and Coaching Behavior Scale for Sports on 14-18 Years Old Swimmers: Aegean Region Example. International Journal of Disabilities Sports &Health Sciences. October 2023;6(Special Issue 1- Healthy Life, Sports for Disabled people):18-29. doi:10.33438/ijdshs.1348271
Chicago Kürkcü Akgönül, Esra, Tolga Şahin, Beste Can Koç, and Recep Nur Uzun. “Examination of the Relationship Between The Children’s Version of the Perception of Success Questionnaire and Coaching Behavior Scale for Sports on 14-18 Years Old Swimmers: Aegean Region Example”. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences 6, no. Special Issue 1- Healthy Life, Sports for Disabled people (October 2023): 18-29. https://doi.org/10.33438/ijdshs.1348271.
EndNote Kürkcü Akgönül E, Şahin T, Koç BC, Uzun RN (October 1, 2023) Examination of the Relationship Between The Children’s Version of the Perception of Success Questionnaire and Coaching Behavior Scale for Sports on 14-18 Years Old Swimmers: Aegean Region Example. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences 6 Special Issue 1- Healthy Life, Sports for Disabled people 18–29.
IEEE E. Kürkcü Akgönül, T. Şahin, B. C. Koç, and R. N. Uzun, “Examination of the Relationship Between The Children’s Version of the Perception of Success Questionnaire and Coaching Behavior Scale for Sports on 14-18 Years Old Swimmers: Aegean Region Example”, International Journal of Disabilities Sports &Health Sciences, vol. 6, no. Special Issue 1- Healthy Life, Sports for Disabled people, pp. 18–29, 2023, doi: 10.33438/ijdshs.1348271.
ISNAD Kürkcü Akgönül, Esra et al. “Examination of the Relationship Between The Children’s Version of the Perception of Success Questionnaire and Coaching Behavior Scale for Sports on 14-18 Years Old Swimmers: Aegean Region Example”. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences 6/Special Issue 1- Healthy Life, Sports for Disabled people (October 2023), 18-29. https://doi.org/10.33438/ijdshs.1348271.
JAMA Kürkcü Akgönül E, Şahin T, Koç BC, Uzun RN. Examination of the Relationship Between The Children’s Version of the Perception of Success Questionnaire and Coaching Behavior Scale for Sports on 14-18 Years Old Swimmers: Aegean Region Example. International Journal of Disabilities Sports &Health Sciences. 2023;6:18–29.
MLA Kürkcü Akgönül, Esra et al. “Examination of the Relationship Between The Children’s Version of the Perception of Success Questionnaire and Coaching Behavior Scale for Sports on 14-18 Years Old Swimmers: Aegean Region Example”. International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences, vol. 6, no. Special Issue 1- Healthy Life, Sports for Disabled people, 2023, pp. 18-29, doi:10.33438/ijdshs.1348271.
Vancouver Kürkcü Akgönül E, Şahin T, Koç BC, Uzun RN. Examination of the Relationship Between The Children’s Version of the Perception of Success Questionnaire and Coaching Behavior Scale for Sports on 14-18 Years Old Swimmers: Aegean Region Example. International Journal of Disabilities Sports &Health Sciences. 2023;6(Special Issue 1- Healthy Life, Sports for Disabled people):18-29.

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