Research Article
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Year 2023, , 60 - 74, 01.08.2023



  • Cakmak, F., Menkulasi, F., Eamon, C. D., Victor, A., and Darwish, I., Evaluation of Camber and Deflections for Bridge Girders; Michigan Department of Transportation, Research Administration, 2021.
  • ERA: Standard Specification for Bridge Repair, Ethiopian Roads Authority, Addis Ababa, 2008.
  • Zhang, G., Liu, Y., Liu, J., Lan, S., Yang, J., Causes and Statistical Characteristics of Bridge Failures: A review. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English ed.), 9(3), 388-406, 2022.
  • Kaloop, M.R., Elbeltagi, E., Hu, J.W., Estimating the Dynamic Behavior of Highway Steel Plate Girder Bridges Using Real-Time Strain Measurements. Applied Sciences, 10, 1-16, 2020.
  • Meng, X., Roberts, G.W., Cosser, E., Dodson, A.H., Barnes, J. and Rizos, C., Real-Time Bridge Deflection and Vibration Monitoring Using an Integrated GPS/Accelerometer/ Pseudolite System, Proceedings, 11th FIG Symposium on Deformation Measurements, Santorini, Greece, 2003.
  • Liu, H., He, X., Jiao, Y., Wang, X., Reliability Assessment of Deflection; Limit State of a Simply Supported Bridge using Vibration Data and Dynamic Bayesian Network Inference. Sensors, 19(4), 1-29, 2019.
  • Chehade, F.E.H., Younes, R., Mroueh, H., Chehade, F.H., Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis of Reinforced-Concrete Bridges Under the Combined Effect of Corrosion, Creep and Shrinkage. Safety and Security Environment, 174, 13-24, 2018.
  • Chen, Z., Guo, T., Liu, S., Lin, W., Random Field-Based Time-Dependent Reliability Analyses of a PSC Box-Girder Bridge. Applied Sciences, 9(20), 1-20, 2019.
  • Vaccaro, R.J., Gindy, M., Nassif, H. and Velde, J., An Algorithm for Estimating Bridge Deflection from Accelerometer Measurements, Fortieth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, IEEE, 2006.
  • Bunce, A., Hester, D., Taylor, S., Brownjohn, J., Xu, Y., Case Study: Calculating Bridge Displacement from Accelerations for Load Assessment Calculations. Civil Engineering Research in Ireland, 34-39, 2020.
  • Ki-Tae, P., Sang-Hyo, K., Heung-Suk, P., Kyu-Wan, L., The Determination of Bridge Displacement using Measured Acceleration. Engineering Structures, 27, 371–378, 2005.
  • Retrieved from
  • AASHTO: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 4th edition, 2007.
  • ERA: Bridge Design Manual, Ethiopian Roads Authority, Addis Ababa, 2013.
  • Jamali, S., Chan, T.H., Nguyen, A., Thambiratnam, D.P., Reliability-Based Load Carrying Capacity Assessment of Bridges Using Structural Health Monitoring and Nonlinear Analysis. Structural Health Monitoring, 18(1), 20-34, 2019.
  • AASHTO: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials: The Manual for Bridge Evaluation, 4th edition, 2013.
  • Bentz, E.C., and Collins, M.P., Response 2000: User Manual, 2001.
  • Nowak, A.S. and Collins, K.R., Reliability of Structures, CRC Press; 2013.
  • Frangopol, D.M., Kozy, B.M., Zhu, B. and Sabatino, S., Bridge System Reliability and Reliability¬ based Redundancy Factors: FHWA-HIF-19-093, US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 2019.
  • Rücker, W., Hille, F. and Rohrmann, R., Guideline for the Assessment of Existing Structures, Final Report-F08a, 48pp., 2006.
  • Tsubaki, T., Ihara, T., Yoshida, M., Statistical Variation and Modeling of Drying Shrinkage of Concrete, Trans. of the Japan Concrete Institute, 14, 123-130, 1992.
  • Dutta, S. and Gandomi, A.H., Design of Experiments for Uncertainty Quantification based on Polynomial Chaos Expansion Metamodels, Handbook of Probabilistic Models, Elsevier Inc.; 2020.
  • Stein, M., Large Sample Properties of Simulations using Latin Hypercube Sampling. Technometrics, 29, 143-151, 1987.
  • MathWorks, MATLAB Documentation, The MathWorks, Inc.; 16th edition, 2010.
  • Imbsen, R., Liu, W., Schamber, R. and Nutt, R., NCHRP Report 292: Strength Evaluation of Existing Reinforced Concrete Bridges, Transportation Research Board, 1987.
  • Nowak, A.S., NCHRP Report 368: Calibration of LRFD Bridge Design Code, Transportation Research Board, 1999.
  • Wang, C., Structural Reliability and Time Dependent Reliability, Springer; 2021.
  • Baingo, D., A Framework for Stochastic Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beams affected by Reinforcement Corrosion, (Doctoral dissertation, Université d'Ottawa/University of Ottawa), 2012.
  • Fagerlund, G., CONTECVET: A Validated User Manual of Assessing the Residual Service Life of Concrete Structures, Lund University; 2001.
  • He, X., Tan, G., Chu, W., Wang, W., Kong, Q., Time-Dependent Reliability Assessment Method for RC Simply Supported T-Beam Bridges Based on Lateral Load Distribution Influenced by Reinforcement Corrosion. Applied Sciences, 12(14), 1-18, 2022.
  • Wang, C., Li, Q., Simplified Method for Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis of Aging Bridges Subjected to Nonstationary Loads. International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, 23(01), 1-14, 2016.
  • ACI 209R-92: American Concrete Institute Committee: Prediction of Creep, Shrinkage, and Temperature Effects in Concrete Structures, Reported by ACI Committee 209, 1997.
  • Guo, T., Liu, T., Li, A., Deflection Reliability Analysis of PSC Box-Girder Bridge Under High-Speed Railway Loads. Advances in Structural Engineering, 15 (11), 2001-2011, 2012.
  • Bulleit, W.M., Uncertainty in Structural Engineering. Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, 13(1), 24-30, 2008.
  • ACI 214R-11: American Concrete Institute Committee: Guide to Evaluation of Strength Test Results of Concrete, Reported by ACI Committee 214, 2011.
  • Jiang, W., Time-dependent Reliability Analysis for out-plane Stability of CFST Arches, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020.
  • Nowak, A.S., Szerszen, M.M., Structural Reliability as Applied to Highway Bridges. Progress in Structural Engineering and Materials, 2(2), 218–224, 2000.
  • Ministry of Public Works and Transports, Action Plan for Bridge Maintenance Cycle, Road Infrastructure Department, Kingdom of Cambodia, 2017.
  • Kim, M.S., Lee, Y.H., Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Retrofitted with Modularized Steel Plates. Applied Sciences, 11(5), 1-17, 2021.
  • Alfeehan A.A., Strengthening of R.C. Beams by External Steel Plate using Mechanical Connection Technique. Journal of Engineering and Development, 18, 202-215, 2014.

Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis for Deflection of a Reinforced Concrete Box Girder Bridge

Year 2023, , 60 - 74, 01.08.2023


Prior to casting of concrete, proper supervision and attention to camber provision in bridge construction are required. It is also critical to use an appropriate quality control manual, pay due attention to reinforcement bar placement, and have a high level of formwork design before construction begins. If these issues are not properly addressed, performance of structures will be affected. In this research, performance of a 40.5m box-girder reinforced concrete bridge which was constructed without having proper camber is studied. As camber was the most important issue of the bridge under investigation, the impact on strength and serviceability requirements is compared to the standard. A dynamic load test with an Arduino type accelerometer is performed to assess the bridge's current condition in relation to the serviceability limit requirement. The deterioration of reinforced concrete (RC) sections due to reinforcement corrosion, creep, and an increase in load intensity, as well as the corresponding statistical distributions are considered to estimate the long-term effect of bridge deflection. The time-variant analysis results show that a linear decrease in deflection reliability indices with the bridge's expected service life of 58 years and strengthening it increased to 85 years.


  • Cakmak, F., Menkulasi, F., Eamon, C. D., Victor, A., and Darwish, I., Evaluation of Camber and Deflections for Bridge Girders; Michigan Department of Transportation, Research Administration, 2021.
  • ERA: Standard Specification for Bridge Repair, Ethiopian Roads Authority, Addis Ababa, 2008.
  • Zhang, G., Liu, Y., Liu, J., Lan, S., Yang, J., Causes and Statistical Characteristics of Bridge Failures: A review. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English ed.), 9(3), 388-406, 2022.
  • Kaloop, M.R., Elbeltagi, E., Hu, J.W., Estimating the Dynamic Behavior of Highway Steel Plate Girder Bridges Using Real-Time Strain Measurements. Applied Sciences, 10, 1-16, 2020.
  • Meng, X., Roberts, G.W., Cosser, E., Dodson, A.H., Barnes, J. and Rizos, C., Real-Time Bridge Deflection and Vibration Monitoring Using an Integrated GPS/Accelerometer/ Pseudolite System, Proceedings, 11th FIG Symposium on Deformation Measurements, Santorini, Greece, 2003.
  • Liu, H., He, X., Jiao, Y., Wang, X., Reliability Assessment of Deflection; Limit State of a Simply Supported Bridge using Vibration Data and Dynamic Bayesian Network Inference. Sensors, 19(4), 1-29, 2019.
  • Chehade, F.E.H., Younes, R., Mroueh, H., Chehade, F.H., Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis of Reinforced-Concrete Bridges Under the Combined Effect of Corrosion, Creep and Shrinkage. Safety and Security Environment, 174, 13-24, 2018.
  • Chen, Z., Guo, T., Liu, S., Lin, W., Random Field-Based Time-Dependent Reliability Analyses of a PSC Box-Girder Bridge. Applied Sciences, 9(20), 1-20, 2019.
  • Vaccaro, R.J., Gindy, M., Nassif, H. and Velde, J., An Algorithm for Estimating Bridge Deflection from Accelerometer Measurements, Fortieth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, IEEE, 2006.
  • Bunce, A., Hester, D., Taylor, S., Brownjohn, J., Xu, Y., Case Study: Calculating Bridge Displacement from Accelerations for Load Assessment Calculations. Civil Engineering Research in Ireland, 34-39, 2020.
  • Ki-Tae, P., Sang-Hyo, K., Heung-Suk, P., Kyu-Wan, L., The Determination of Bridge Displacement using Measured Acceleration. Engineering Structures, 27, 371–378, 2005.
  • Retrieved from
  • AASHTO: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 4th edition, 2007.
  • ERA: Bridge Design Manual, Ethiopian Roads Authority, Addis Ababa, 2013.
  • Jamali, S., Chan, T.H., Nguyen, A., Thambiratnam, D.P., Reliability-Based Load Carrying Capacity Assessment of Bridges Using Structural Health Monitoring and Nonlinear Analysis. Structural Health Monitoring, 18(1), 20-34, 2019.
  • AASHTO: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials: The Manual for Bridge Evaluation, 4th edition, 2013.
  • Bentz, E.C., and Collins, M.P., Response 2000: User Manual, 2001.
  • Nowak, A.S. and Collins, K.R., Reliability of Structures, CRC Press; 2013.
  • Frangopol, D.M., Kozy, B.M., Zhu, B. and Sabatino, S., Bridge System Reliability and Reliability¬ based Redundancy Factors: FHWA-HIF-19-093, US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 2019.
  • Rücker, W., Hille, F. and Rohrmann, R., Guideline for the Assessment of Existing Structures, Final Report-F08a, 48pp., 2006.
  • Tsubaki, T., Ihara, T., Yoshida, M., Statistical Variation and Modeling of Drying Shrinkage of Concrete, Trans. of the Japan Concrete Institute, 14, 123-130, 1992.
  • Dutta, S. and Gandomi, A.H., Design of Experiments for Uncertainty Quantification based on Polynomial Chaos Expansion Metamodels, Handbook of Probabilistic Models, Elsevier Inc.; 2020.
  • Stein, M., Large Sample Properties of Simulations using Latin Hypercube Sampling. Technometrics, 29, 143-151, 1987.
  • MathWorks, MATLAB Documentation, The MathWorks, Inc.; 16th edition, 2010.
  • Imbsen, R., Liu, W., Schamber, R. and Nutt, R., NCHRP Report 292: Strength Evaluation of Existing Reinforced Concrete Bridges, Transportation Research Board, 1987.
  • Nowak, A.S., NCHRP Report 368: Calibration of LRFD Bridge Design Code, Transportation Research Board, 1999.
  • Wang, C., Structural Reliability and Time Dependent Reliability, Springer; 2021.
  • Baingo, D., A Framework for Stochastic Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beams affected by Reinforcement Corrosion, (Doctoral dissertation, Université d'Ottawa/University of Ottawa), 2012.
  • Fagerlund, G., CONTECVET: A Validated User Manual of Assessing the Residual Service Life of Concrete Structures, Lund University; 2001.
  • He, X., Tan, G., Chu, W., Wang, W., Kong, Q., Time-Dependent Reliability Assessment Method for RC Simply Supported T-Beam Bridges Based on Lateral Load Distribution Influenced by Reinforcement Corrosion. Applied Sciences, 12(14), 1-18, 2022.
  • Wang, C., Li, Q., Simplified Method for Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis of Aging Bridges Subjected to Nonstationary Loads. International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, 23(01), 1-14, 2016.
  • ACI 209R-92: American Concrete Institute Committee: Prediction of Creep, Shrinkage, and Temperature Effects in Concrete Structures, Reported by ACI Committee 209, 1997.
  • Guo, T., Liu, T., Li, A., Deflection Reliability Analysis of PSC Box-Girder Bridge Under High-Speed Railway Loads. Advances in Structural Engineering, 15 (11), 2001-2011, 2012.
  • Bulleit, W.M., Uncertainty in Structural Engineering. Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, 13(1), 24-30, 2008.
  • ACI 214R-11: American Concrete Institute Committee: Guide to Evaluation of Strength Test Results of Concrete, Reported by ACI Committee 214, 2011.
  • Jiang, W., Time-dependent Reliability Analysis for out-plane Stability of CFST Arches, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020.
  • Nowak, A.S., Szerszen, M.M., Structural Reliability as Applied to Highway Bridges. Progress in Structural Engineering and Materials, 2(2), 218–224, 2000.
  • Ministry of Public Works and Transports, Action Plan for Bridge Maintenance Cycle, Road Infrastructure Department, Kingdom of Cambodia, 2017.
  • Kim, M.S., Lee, Y.H., Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Retrofitted with Modularized Steel Plates. Applied Sciences, 11(5), 1-17, 2021.
  • Alfeehan A.A., Strengthening of R.C. Beams by External Steel Plate using Mechanical Connection Technique. Journal of Engineering and Development, 18, 202-215, 2014.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Abrham Gebre Tarekegn 0000-0003-0172-2905

Early Pub Date July 31, 2023
Publication Date August 1, 2023
Acceptance Date June 22, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Tarekegn, A. G. (2023). Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis for Deflection of a Reinforced Concrete Box Girder Bridge. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 15(2), 60-74.
AMA Tarekegn AG. Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis for Deflection of a Reinforced Concrete Box Girder Bridge. IJEAS. August 2023;15(2):60-74. doi:10.24107/ijeas.1275136
Chicago Tarekegn, Abrham Gebre. “Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis for Deflection of a Reinforced Concrete Box Girder Bridge”. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 15, no. 2 (August 2023): 60-74.
EndNote Tarekegn AG (August 1, 2023) Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis for Deflection of a Reinforced Concrete Box Girder Bridge. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 15 2 60–74.
IEEE A. G. Tarekegn, “Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis for Deflection of a Reinforced Concrete Box Girder Bridge”, IJEAS, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 60–74, 2023, doi: 10.24107/ijeas.1275136.
ISNAD Tarekegn, Abrham Gebre. “Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis for Deflection of a Reinforced Concrete Box Girder Bridge”. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 15/2 (August 2023), 60-74.
JAMA Tarekegn AG. Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis for Deflection of a Reinforced Concrete Box Girder Bridge. IJEAS. 2023;15:60–74.
MLA Tarekegn, Abrham Gebre. “Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis for Deflection of a Reinforced Concrete Box Girder Bridge”. International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, vol. 15, no. 2, 2023, pp. 60-74, doi:10.24107/ijeas.1275136.
Vancouver Tarekegn AG. Time-Dependent Reliability Analysis for Deflection of a Reinforced Concrete Box Girder Bridge. IJEAS. 2023;15(2):60-74.