Research Article
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Year 2024, , 345 - 355, 31.10.2024


Project Number



  • 1. Lehtijärvi A, Lehtijärvi H T, Oskay F. (2017). Boxwood blight in Turkey: impact on natural boxwood populations and management challenges. Balt For, 23, 274-278.
  • 2. Sarı Ö, Çelikel FG. (2019). Türkiye’nin Şimşirleri (Buxus sempervirens ve Buxus balearica) ve Mevcut Tehditler. I. International Ornamental Plants Congress – VII.Süs Bitkileri Kongresi, 9-11 Ekim 2019, Bursa, S.383-393.
  • 3. Türkyilmaz E. (2004). Şimşir (Buxus sempervirens L.) Odununun Bazı Morfolojik ve Fiziksel Özellikleri, V. Ulusal Orman Fakülteleri Öğrenci Kongresi, Bildiriler Kitabı, 2.Cilt-Orman Endüstri Mühendisliği, K.T.Ü. Orman Fakültesi, Trabzon, pp.18-22.
  • 4. Ak, K., Sarı, Ö., Altaş, K., Yaşar, H. (2021). Hatay ili şimşir alanlarında yeni bir zararlı, Cydalima perspectalis (Walker, 1859) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(1), 109-116.
  • 5. Billen W (2007) Diaphania perspectalis (Lepidoptera: Pyrallidae)-a new moth in Europe. Mitteilungen der Entomologischen Gesellschaft Basel, 57(2/4), 135-137.
  • 6. Van der Straten M J, Muus TS (2010) The box tree pyralid (Glyphodes perspectalis (Walker 1859), Lepidoptera: Crambidae); an invasive alien moth ruining box trees. In Proceedings of the Netherlands Entomological Society Meeting, 21, 107-111.
  • 7. Matosevic, D. (2013). Box Tree Moth (Cydalima perspectalis, Lepidoptera; Crambidae), New Invasive Insect Pest in Croatia. South-east Eur for 4 (2): 89-94.
  • 8. Toper Kaygın, A. & Taşdeler, C. (2019). Cydalima perspectalis (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae, Spilomelinae)’in Türkiye’de Coğrafi Yayılışı, Yaşam Döngüsü Ve Zararı . Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi , 21 (3) , 833-847 . DOI: 10.24011/barofd.578294.
  • 9. Öztürk, N., Akbulut, S., & Yüksel, B. (2016). Düzce İçin Yeni Bir Zararlı Cydalima perspectalis (Walker, 1859) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Düzce Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Ormancılık Dergisi, 12(1), 112-121.
  • 10. Yıldız Y. (2021). Damage, Biology and Control Of Box Tree Moth Cydalima perspectalis In Bartın. 1st International Workshop on Boxwood ., 25-27 October, Rize,Turkey.
  • 11. Chen, H. L., Gao, Z. G., Zhou, J. M., & Chen, H. M. (2005). Bionomics of the box tree pyralis, Diaphania perspectalis (Walker). Ji-Angxi Plant Prot, 28, 1–4.
  • 12. She DS, Feng FJ (2006) Bionomics and control of Diaphania perspectalis (Walker) Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 26, 47-51.
  • 13. Gugea I., Vîrteiu AM. (2017). Remains Cydalima perspectalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) an invasive species dangerous for landscaping in western Romania?, Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 49 (4 ): 135-141.
  • 14. Plant CW, Poole C, Salisbury A, Bird S (2019) The Box-tree Moth Cydalima perspectalis (Walker, 1859) in Britain: an overview of its spread and current status. Entomologist’s Record and Journal of Variation, 131, 122-147.
  • 15. Salioğlu Ş (2020) Artvin ili şimşir alanlarında zarar yapan Cydalima perspectalis (Walker, 1859) (şimşir kelebeği)'in morfolojisi, biyolojisi, zararı ve mücadele olanaklarının araştırılması. Yüksek lisans tezi. Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Artvin.
  • 16. Villi, O., & Yakar, M. (2023). İnsansız Hava Araçları ve Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri Uygulamaları. Türkiye Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri Dergisi, 5(1), 20-33.
  • 17. Cromley EK. (2003). GIS and disease. Annu Rev Public Health. 2003;24:7-24. doi: 10.1146/annurev.publhealth.24.012902.141019.
  • 18. Hochmair, H.H., Tonini, F., Scheffrahn, R.H. (2013). The Role of geographic information systems for analysing infestations and spread of invasive termites (Isoptera: Rhino Termitidae and Termitidae) in Urban South Florida. Florida Entomologist, 96(3), pp. 746-755.
  • 19. Yıldız, E., & Er, F. (2023). Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri Ve Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Yöntemleri: Hibrit Çözüm Yaklaşımı İle Siirt Örneği. Geomatik, 8(3), 222-234.
  • 20. İnan, M., & Ayberk, H., (2014). Orman Zararlıları ile Mücadelede Geoistatistik ve Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemi Kullanım Potansiyeli . Türkiye II. Orman Entomolojisi ve Patolojisi Sempozyumu (pp.406-407). Antalya,Turkiye.
  • 21. Sunar Erbek, F., Olmez, Z., & Uca Avci, Z. D. (2005). Artvin yöresinde ladin (Picea orientalis L. Link.) orman alanlarında böcek zararlıları nedeniyle oluşan tahribatın izlenmesinde uydu görüntülerinin kullanımı. In Ladin Sempozyumu, 2005. Proceedings. (pp. 222-232). Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Orman Fakültesi.
  • 22. Yaman, Ş., & Tunç Görmüş, E. (2022). Orman Zararlılarının Verdiği Zararın Google Earth Engine Kullanılarak İzlenmesi. Turkish Journal of Remote Sensing and GIS, 3(2), 139-149.
  • 23. Ramos, J. V., & Cinense, M. (2023). Incidence Mapping of Calamansi Pests and Diseases in Victoria, Oriental Mindoro Through Geographic Information System (GIS). CLSU International Journal of Science & Technology, 7(2), 46-52.
  • 24. Sari Ö., G.Çelikel F. (2021). Current status and the last locations of Turkey’s native Buxus species (Buxus sempervirens and Buxus balearica) under threats. 1st International Workshop on Boxwood ., 25-27 October, Rize,Turkiye.
  • 25. Kaliraj, S., Chandrasekar, N., & Magesh, N. S. (2015). Evaluation of multiple environmental factors for site-specific groundwater recharge structures in the Vaigai River upper basin, Tamil Nadu, India, using GIS-based weighted overlay analysis. Environmental Earth Sciences, 74, 4355-4380.
  • 26. Yaman Ş., Yaman M. Determination of suitable beekeeping places by weighted overlay analysis: a case study of Bolu, Turkiye. U. Arı D. / U. Bee J. 2023, 23(2):239-251 DOI: 10.31467/uluaricilik.1358531.
  • 27. Khorrami, B., & Valizadeh Kamran, K. (2022). A Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach For The Assessment Of Forest Health Applying Hyper Spectral İmageries: A Case Study From Ramsar Forest, North of Iran. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 7(3), 214-220.
  • 28. Jonuzi, E., Alkan, T., Durduran, S. S., Selvi, H. Z. (2024). Using GIS-Supported MCDA Method For Appropriate Site Selection Of Parking Lots: The Case Study Of The City Of Tetovo, North Macedonia. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 9(1), 86-98.
  • 29. Meşin, V., & Demir, V. (2023). Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri Tabanlı Analitik Hiyerarşi Yöntemi Kullanılarak Konya İl Merkezinde Teknoloji Geliştirme Bölgesi İçin Yer Seçimi. Geomatik, 8(3), 208-221.
  • 30. Ceylan D. A., Sarı F. (2017). Konya ili için çok ölçütlü karar analizleri ile en uygun arıcılık yerlerinin belirlenmesi . Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi , 17 (2) , 59-71 . DOI: 10.31467/uluaricilik.373637.
  • 31. Nacambo, S., Leuthardt, F. L. G., Wan, H., Li, H., Haye, T., Baur, B., Weiss, R. M., Kenis, M. (2014). Development characteristics of the box-tree moth Cydalima perspectalis and its potential distribution in Europe. Journal of Applied Entomology. 138, 14-26. 10.1111/jen.12078.
  • 32. Nagy, A., Szarukán, I., Csabai, J., Molnár, A., Molnár, B. P., Kárpáti, Z., Szanyi, S., Tóth, M. (2017). Distribution of the box tree moth (Cydalima perspectalis Walker 1859) in the northeastern part of the Carpathian Basin with a new Ukrainian record and Hungarian data. Eppo Bulletin, 47 (2), 279–282. DOI: 10.1111/epp.12384.
  • 33. Aksu Y., Ç. Göktürk B., Aksu G. (2021). Damage of Cydalima Perspectalis Walker, 1859 (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) causing damage in Buxus sempervirens forests, harmful and beneficial organisms and control studies. 1st International Workshop on Boxwood ., 25-27 October, Rize,Turkey.
  • 34. Ayteğin A., Aksoy N., Özkan N.G., Aslan S. (2021). Distribution of Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens L.) Plant in Yenice-Kavaklı Old Growth Forests, Floristic Composition and Factors Affecting Its Natural Distribution. 1st International Workshop on Boxwood ., 25-27 October, Rize,Turkey.
  • 35. Çoban S., Aksoy N., Tunçkol B. (2021). Syntaxonomy, Floristical Structure and Recommendations for the Conservation of the Common Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens L.) Communities. 1st International Workshop on Boxwood ., 25-27 October, Rize,Turkey.
  • 36. Yüksek T., Özçelik A. E. (2021).Ecological Overview in The Causes of Disease Occurrence and the Solution of the Problem in the Meydanköy Boxwood Forest in Fırtına Valley. 1st International Workshop on Boxwood ., 25-27 October, Rize,Turkey.
  • 37. Christiansen E., Bakke A. 1997. Integrating cultural tactics into the management of bark beetle and reforestation pests. in: Grégoire, J.C., Liebhold, A.M., Stephen, F.M., Day, K.R., Salom, S.M. (Eds.), General Technical Report. USDA Forest Service, pp. 163-171.
  • 38. Hanks L.M., Paine T.D., Millar J.G., Campbell C.D., Schuch U.K. (1999). Water relations of hosttrees and resistance to the phloem boring beetle PhoracanthasemipunctataF.(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Oecologia, 119: 400-407.
  • 39. Williams D.W., Liebhold A.M. (2002). Climate change and the outbreak ranges of two North American bark beetles. Agricultural and Forest Entomology. 4: 87-9
  • 40. Bentz, B.J., Régniére, J., Fettig, C.J., Matthew Hanse, E., Hayes, J.L., Hicke, J.A., Kelsey, R.G., Negron, J.F. & Seybold, S.J. (2010). Climate change and bark beetles of the Western United States and Canada: Direct and indirect effects. BioScience, 60, 602-613.
  • 41. Öner, N., Şimşek, Z., Kondur, Y., İmal, B. & Şimşek, M. (2010). Küresel iklim değişikliği dikkate alınarak kurak ve yarıkurak alanların ağaçlandırılması ve zararlı böceklerle mücadelesine yönelik öneriler (Çankırı ili örneği). In, III. Ulusal Karadeniz Ormancılık Kongresi, Artvin, Bildiriler kitabı, 827-838.
  • 42. Şimşek, Z., Kondur, Y. & Şimşek, M. (2010). Küresel iklim değişikliğinin kabuk böcekleri üzerinde beklenen etkileri. Biyoloji Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi, 3, 149-157.
  • 43. Laz B., Babür E., Akpınar D.M., Avgın S.S. (2018). Kahramanmaraş-Elmalar Yeşil Kuşak Ek-3 Plantasyon Sahasında Görülen Biyotik ve Abiyotik Zararlıların Tespiti. KSÜ Tarım Doğa Dergisi, 21(6) : 926-935.
  • 44. Özkaya, M. S. (2020). Şimşir ormanlarında bazı toprak ve iklim özelliklerinin Cylindrocladium pseudonaviculatum’in epidemi oluşturması üzerine etkilerin araştırılması: Taşlıca ve Tütüncüler örnekleri.

Creation of Turkiye risk map for Cydalima perspectalis (box tree moth) by weighted overlay analysis

Year 2024, , 345 - 355, 31.10.2024


Boxwood (Buxus spp.), which is widespread all over the world except Antarctica and widely used in many areas, is threatened by Cydalima perspectalis (box tree moth). Cydalima perspectalis, which has become widespread in Europe, is a new invasive species originating from East Asia and has become widespread in Turkiye in the last ten years. This species was first observed in parks and gardens in Sarıyer, Istanbul, in 2011. Since then, it has continued to spread rapidly in Turkiye. The pest causes intense damage by causing drying on boxwood areas, which causes economic and ecological losses. The rich ecological and topographical conditions of Turkiye are also favorable for the spread of this species. Therefore, it is important to develop pest control methods and take early measures. Within the scope of this study, the aim was to realize early detection of Cydalima perspectalis in Turkiye and make a risk map in this context. For this purpose, a risk map was created by determining the risky areas where Cydalima perspectalis can spread in Turkiye using weighted overlay analysis from geographic information system (GIS) technologies. Existing boxwood locations obtained from field studies were compared with the risk map and analyzed. As a result of the analysis, the presence of Cydalima perspectalis was found in the boxwood in the identified risk areas, and it is expected to be transmitted in boxwood that is in the risk area but not observed to have Cydalima perspectalis. With this research, a risk map for Cydalima perspectalis was made for the first time.

Supporting Institution

Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkiye

Project Number



The study was financially supported as a research project by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkiye (221O401).


  • 1. Lehtijärvi A, Lehtijärvi H T, Oskay F. (2017). Boxwood blight in Turkey: impact on natural boxwood populations and management challenges. Balt For, 23, 274-278.
  • 2. Sarı Ö, Çelikel FG. (2019). Türkiye’nin Şimşirleri (Buxus sempervirens ve Buxus balearica) ve Mevcut Tehditler. I. International Ornamental Plants Congress – VII.Süs Bitkileri Kongresi, 9-11 Ekim 2019, Bursa, S.383-393.
  • 3. Türkyilmaz E. (2004). Şimşir (Buxus sempervirens L.) Odununun Bazı Morfolojik ve Fiziksel Özellikleri, V. Ulusal Orman Fakülteleri Öğrenci Kongresi, Bildiriler Kitabı, 2.Cilt-Orman Endüstri Mühendisliği, K.T.Ü. Orman Fakültesi, Trabzon, pp.18-22.
  • 4. Ak, K., Sarı, Ö., Altaş, K., Yaşar, H. (2021). Hatay ili şimşir alanlarında yeni bir zararlı, Cydalima perspectalis (Walker, 1859) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 22(1), 109-116.
  • 5. Billen W (2007) Diaphania perspectalis (Lepidoptera: Pyrallidae)-a new moth in Europe. Mitteilungen der Entomologischen Gesellschaft Basel, 57(2/4), 135-137.
  • 6. Van der Straten M J, Muus TS (2010) The box tree pyralid (Glyphodes perspectalis (Walker 1859), Lepidoptera: Crambidae); an invasive alien moth ruining box trees. In Proceedings of the Netherlands Entomological Society Meeting, 21, 107-111.
  • 7. Matosevic, D. (2013). Box Tree Moth (Cydalima perspectalis, Lepidoptera; Crambidae), New Invasive Insect Pest in Croatia. South-east Eur for 4 (2): 89-94.
  • 8. Toper Kaygın, A. & Taşdeler, C. (2019). Cydalima perspectalis (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae, Spilomelinae)’in Türkiye’de Coğrafi Yayılışı, Yaşam Döngüsü Ve Zararı . Bartın Orman Fakültesi Dergisi , 21 (3) , 833-847 . DOI: 10.24011/barofd.578294.
  • 9. Öztürk, N., Akbulut, S., & Yüksel, B. (2016). Düzce İçin Yeni Bir Zararlı Cydalima perspectalis (Walker, 1859) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Düzce Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Ormancılık Dergisi, 12(1), 112-121.
  • 10. Yıldız Y. (2021). Damage, Biology and Control Of Box Tree Moth Cydalima perspectalis In Bartın. 1st International Workshop on Boxwood ., 25-27 October, Rize,Turkey.
  • 11. Chen, H. L., Gao, Z. G., Zhou, J. M., & Chen, H. M. (2005). Bionomics of the box tree pyralis, Diaphania perspectalis (Walker). Ji-Angxi Plant Prot, 28, 1–4.
  • 12. She DS, Feng FJ (2006) Bionomics and control of Diaphania perspectalis (Walker) Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology, 26, 47-51.
  • 13. Gugea I., Vîrteiu AM. (2017). Remains Cydalima perspectalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) an invasive species dangerous for landscaping in western Romania?, Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 49 (4 ): 135-141.
  • 14. Plant CW, Poole C, Salisbury A, Bird S (2019) The Box-tree Moth Cydalima perspectalis (Walker, 1859) in Britain: an overview of its spread and current status. Entomologist’s Record and Journal of Variation, 131, 122-147.
  • 15. Salioğlu Ş (2020) Artvin ili şimşir alanlarında zarar yapan Cydalima perspectalis (Walker, 1859) (şimşir kelebeği)'in morfolojisi, biyolojisi, zararı ve mücadele olanaklarının araştırılması. Yüksek lisans tezi. Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Artvin.
  • 16. Villi, O., & Yakar, M. (2023). İnsansız Hava Araçları ve Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri Uygulamaları. Türkiye Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri Dergisi, 5(1), 20-33.
  • 17. Cromley EK. (2003). GIS and disease. Annu Rev Public Health. 2003;24:7-24. doi: 10.1146/annurev.publhealth.24.012902.141019.
  • 18. Hochmair, H.H., Tonini, F., Scheffrahn, R.H. (2013). The Role of geographic information systems for analysing infestations and spread of invasive termites (Isoptera: Rhino Termitidae and Termitidae) in Urban South Florida. Florida Entomologist, 96(3), pp. 746-755.
  • 19. Yıldız, E., & Er, F. (2023). Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri Ve Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Yöntemleri: Hibrit Çözüm Yaklaşımı İle Siirt Örneği. Geomatik, 8(3), 222-234.
  • 20. İnan, M., & Ayberk, H., (2014). Orman Zararlıları ile Mücadelede Geoistatistik ve Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemi Kullanım Potansiyeli . Türkiye II. Orman Entomolojisi ve Patolojisi Sempozyumu (pp.406-407). Antalya,Turkiye.
  • 21. Sunar Erbek, F., Olmez, Z., & Uca Avci, Z. D. (2005). Artvin yöresinde ladin (Picea orientalis L. Link.) orman alanlarında böcek zararlıları nedeniyle oluşan tahribatın izlenmesinde uydu görüntülerinin kullanımı. In Ladin Sempozyumu, 2005. Proceedings. (pp. 222-232). Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Orman Fakültesi.
  • 22. Yaman, Ş., & Tunç Görmüş, E. (2022). Orman Zararlılarının Verdiği Zararın Google Earth Engine Kullanılarak İzlenmesi. Turkish Journal of Remote Sensing and GIS, 3(2), 139-149.
  • 23. Ramos, J. V., & Cinense, M. (2023). Incidence Mapping of Calamansi Pests and Diseases in Victoria, Oriental Mindoro Through Geographic Information System (GIS). CLSU International Journal of Science & Technology, 7(2), 46-52.
  • 24. Sari Ö., G.Çelikel F. (2021). Current status and the last locations of Turkey’s native Buxus species (Buxus sempervirens and Buxus balearica) under threats. 1st International Workshop on Boxwood ., 25-27 October, Rize,Turkiye.
  • 25. Kaliraj, S., Chandrasekar, N., & Magesh, N. S. (2015). Evaluation of multiple environmental factors for site-specific groundwater recharge structures in the Vaigai River upper basin, Tamil Nadu, India, using GIS-based weighted overlay analysis. Environmental Earth Sciences, 74, 4355-4380.
  • 26. Yaman Ş., Yaman M. Determination of suitable beekeeping places by weighted overlay analysis: a case study of Bolu, Turkiye. U. Arı D. / U. Bee J. 2023, 23(2):239-251 DOI: 10.31467/uluaricilik.1358531.
  • 27. Khorrami, B., & Valizadeh Kamran, K. (2022). A Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach For The Assessment Of Forest Health Applying Hyper Spectral İmageries: A Case Study From Ramsar Forest, North of Iran. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 7(3), 214-220.
  • 28. Jonuzi, E., Alkan, T., Durduran, S. S., Selvi, H. Z. (2024). Using GIS-Supported MCDA Method For Appropriate Site Selection Of Parking Lots: The Case Study Of The City Of Tetovo, North Macedonia. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 9(1), 86-98.
  • 29. Meşin, V., & Demir, V. (2023). Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri Tabanlı Analitik Hiyerarşi Yöntemi Kullanılarak Konya İl Merkezinde Teknoloji Geliştirme Bölgesi İçin Yer Seçimi. Geomatik, 8(3), 208-221.
  • 30. Ceylan D. A., Sarı F. (2017). Konya ili için çok ölçütlü karar analizleri ile en uygun arıcılık yerlerinin belirlenmesi . Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi , 17 (2) , 59-71 . DOI: 10.31467/uluaricilik.373637.
  • 31. Nacambo, S., Leuthardt, F. L. G., Wan, H., Li, H., Haye, T., Baur, B., Weiss, R. M., Kenis, M. (2014). Development characteristics of the box-tree moth Cydalima perspectalis and its potential distribution in Europe. Journal of Applied Entomology. 138, 14-26. 10.1111/jen.12078.
  • 32. Nagy, A., Szarukán, I., Csabai, J., Molnár, A., Molnár, B. P., Kárpáti, Z., Szanyi, S., Tóth, M. (2017). Distribution of the box tree moth (Cydalima perspectalis Walker 1859) in the northeastern part of the Carpathian Basin with a new Ukrainian record and Hungarian data. Eppo Bulletin, 47 (2), 279–282. DOI: 10.1111/epp.12384.
  • 33. Aksu Y., Ç. Göktürk B., Aksu G. (2021). Damage of Cydalima Perspectalis Walker, 1859 (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) causing damage in Buxus sempervirens forests, harmful and beneficial organisms and control studies. 1st International Workshop on Boxwood ., 25-27 October, Rize,Turkey.
  • 34. Ayteğin A., Aksoy N., Özkan N.G., Aslan S. (2021). Distribution of Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens L.) Plant in Yenice-Kavaklı Old Growth Forests, Floristic Composition and Factors Affecting Its Natural Distribution. 1st International Workshop on Boxwood ., 25-27 October, Rize,Turkey.
  • 35. Çoban S., Aksoy N., Tunçkol B. (2021). Syntaxonomy, Floristical Structure and Recommendations for the Conservation of the Common Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens L.) Communities. 1st International Workshop on Boxwood ., 25-27 October, Rize,Turkey.
  • 36. Yüksek T., Özçelik A. E. (2021).Ecological Overview in The Causes of Disease Occurrence and the Solution of the Problem in the Meydanköy Boxwood Forest in Fırtına Valley. 1st International Workshop on Boxwood ., 25-27 October, Rize,Turkey.
  • 37. Christiansen E., Bakke A. 1997. Integrating cultural tactics into the management of bark beetle and reforestation pests. in: Grégoire, J.C., Liebhold, A.M., Stephen, F.M., Day, K.R., Salom, S.M. (Eds.), General Technical Report. USDA Forest Service, pp. 163-171.
  • 38. Hanks L.M., Paine T.D., Millar J.G., Campbell C.D., Schuch U.K. (1999). Water relations of hosttrees and resistance to the phloem boring beetle PhoracanthasemipunctataF.(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Oecologia, 119: 400-407.
  • 39. Williams D.W., Liebhold A.M. (2002). Climate change and the outbreak ranges of two North American bark beetles. Agricultural and Forest Entomology. 4: 87-9
  • 40. Bentz, B.J., Régniére, J., Fettig, C.J., Matthew Hanse, E., Hayes, J.L., Hicke, J.A., Kelsey, R.G., Negron, J.F. & Seybold, S.J. (2010). Climate change and bark beetles of the Western United States and Canada: Direct and indirect effects. BioScience, 60, 602-613.
  • 41. Öner, N., Şimşek, Z., Kondur, Y., İmal, B. & Şimşek, M. (2010). Küresel iklim değişikliği dikkate alınarak kurak ve yarıkurak alanların ağaçlandırılması ve zararlı böceklerle mücadelesine yönelik öneriler (Çankırı ili örneği). In, III. Ulusal Karadeniz Ormancılık Kongresi, Artvin, Bildiriler kitabı, 827-838.
  • 42. Şimşek, Z., Kondur, Y. & Şimşek, M. (2010). Küresel iklim değişikliğinin kabuk böcekleri üzerinde beklenen etkileri. Biyoloji Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi, 3, 149-157.
  • 43. Laz B., Babür E., Akpınar D.M., Avgın S.S. (2018). Kahramanmaraş-Elmalar Yeşil Kuşak Ek-3 Plantasyon Sahasında Görülen Biyotik ve Abiyotik Zararlıların Tespiti. KSÜ Tarım Doğa Dergisi, 21(6) : 926-935.
  • 44. Özkaya, M. S. (2020). Şimşir ormanlarında bazı toprak ve iklim özelliklerinin Cylindrocladium pseudonaviculatum’in epidemi oluşturması üzerine etkilerin araştırılması: Taşlıca ve Tütüncüler örnekleri.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Geospatial Information Systems and Geospatial Data Modelling
Journal Section Research Article

Şule Yaman 0000-0002-7426-9358

Mustafa Yaman 0000-0001-5656-7266

Project Number 221O401
Early Pub Date November 17, 2024
Publication Date October 31, 2024
Submission Date February 9, 2024
Acceptance Date April 2, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Yaman, Ş., & Yaman, M. (2024). Creation of Turkiye risk map for Cydalima perspectalis (box tree moth) by weighted overlay analysis. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 9(3), 345-355.
AMA Yaman Ş, Yaman M. Creation of Turkiye risk map for Cydalima perspectalis (box tree moth) by weighted overlay analysis. IJEG. October 2024;9(3):345-355. doi:10.26833/ijeg.1434437
Chicago Yaman, Şule, and Mustafa Yaman. “Creation of Turkiye Risk Map for Cydalima Perspectalis (box Tree Moth) by Weighted Overlay Analysis”. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences 9, no. 3 (October 2024): 345-55.
EndNote Yaman Ş, Yaman M (October 1, 2024) Creation of Turkiye risk map for Cydalima perspectalis (box tree moth) by weighted overlay analysis. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences 9 3 345–355.
IEEE Ş. Yaman and M. Yaman, “Creation of Turkiye risk map for Cydalima perspectalis (box tree moth) by weighted overlay analysis”, IJEG, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 345–355, 2024, doi: 10.26833/ijeg.1434437.
ISNAD Yaman, Şule - Yaman, Mustafa. “Creation of Turkiye Risk Map for Cydalima Perspectalis (box Tree Moth) by Weighted Overlay Analysis”. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences 9/3 (October 2024), 345-355.
JAMA Yaman Ş, Yaman M. Creation of Turkiye risk map for Cydalima perspectalis (box tree moth) by weighted overlay analysis. IJEG. 2024;9:345–355.
MLA Yaman, Şule and Mustafa Yaman. “Creation of Turkiye Risk Map for Cydalima Perspectalis (box Tree Moth) by Weighted Overlay Analysis”. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, vol. 9, no. 3, 2024, pp. 345-5, doi:10.26833/ijeg.1434437.
Vancouver Yaman Ş, Yaman M. Creation of Turkiye risk map for Cydalima perspectalis (box tree moth) by weighted overlay analysis. IJEG. 2024;9(3):345-5.