Acar, C., Dincer, I. (2020). The potential role of hydrogen as a sustainable transportation fuel to combat global warming. International journal of hydrogen energy, 45(5), 3396-3406.
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Ambi Ramakrishnan, G., Srinivasan, K. K., Mondal, A., Bhat, C. R. (2021). Joint Model of Sustainable Mode Choice for Commute, Shift Potential, and Alternative Mode Chosen. Transportation Research Record, 2675(7), 377–391.
Aminzadegan, S., Shahriari, M., Mehranfar, F., Abramović, B. (2022). Factors affecting the emission of pollutants in different types of transportation: A literature review. DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals
Bayırhan, İ., Mersin, K., Tokuşlu, A., Gazioğlu, C. (2019). Modelling of Ship Originated Exhaust Gas Emissions in the Strait of Istanbul (Bosphorus). International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics, 6(3), 238-243.
Bharadwaj, S., Ballare, S., Rohit, Chandel, M.K. (2017). Impact of congestion on greenhouse gas emissions for road transport in Mumbai metropolitan region. Transportation research procedia, 25, 3538-3551.
Bouman, E. A., Lindstad, E., Rialland, A. I., Strømman, A. H., Rialland, A. I. (2017). State-of-the-art technologies, measures, and potential for reducing GHG emissions from shipping – A review. Elsevier, 52, 408-421.
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Choma, E. F., Evans, J. S., Gómez-Ibáñez, J. A., Spengler, J. D. (2021). Health benefits of decreases in on-road transportation emissions in the United States from 2008 to 2017. PNAS, 118(51), 01-10.
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Elangovan, R., Kanwhen, O., Dong, Z., Mohamed, A., Rojas-Cessa, R. (2021). Comparative Analysis of Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emission of Diesel and Electric Trucks for Food Distribution in Gowanus District of New York City. Frontiers in big data, 4, 693820.
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Istrate, I.R., Iribarren, D., Dufour, J., Ortiz Cebolla, R., Arrigoni, A., Moretto, P., Dolci, F. (2022) Quantifying emissions in the European maritime sector, EUR 31050 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, ISBN 978-92-76-51975-.
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Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 36(6), 651-676.
Comparison of Maritime and Road Transportations in Emissions Perspective: A Review Article
Year 2023,
Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 48 - 60, 15.06.2023
The international maritime organization (IMO) in its attempt to avert a global environmental crisis continues to provide policies to mitigate anthropogenic emissions from the transport industry. The greenhouse gas emissions from the transport industry are relatively large, alarming, and continue to raise. Therefore, it is the focal point for the fight against global warming. This article centers on transport emissions from transportation modes with a particular focus on ocean-going vessels and road vehicles. The aim is to conduct a literature review that beams a search on emissions comparison between marine vessels and general road vehicles as a means to support a modal shift from an environmental perspective. Thus, it is aimed to create a source for future studies and to contribute to the literature. For this purpose, X articles published between 2012-2022 were reached with the keywords "ship emissions", "road emissions", "GHG emissions" and "environmental sustainability", and 7 articles focusing on ship and road transportation were filtered out of them. Obtained results support the conclusion that ships contribute relatively little to the transport emissions footprint, given the enormous volume of cargo carried. In other words, environmental sustainability can be achieved through a possible modal shift from road transport to ship transport.
Acar, C., Dincer, I. (2020). The potential role of hydrogen as a sustainable transportation fuel to combat global warming. International journal of hydrogen energy, 45(5), 3396-3406.
ACEA (Ed.). (2020, March). CO2 emissions from heavy‐duty vehicles Preliminary CO2 baseline (Q3‐Q4 2019) estimate. The European Automobile Manufacturers' Association.
Ambi Ramakrishnan, G., Srinivasan, K. K., Mondal, A., Bhat, C. R. (2021). Joint Model of Sustainable Mode Choice for Commute, Shift Potential, and Alternative Mode Chosen. Transportation Research Record, 2675(7), 377–391.
Aminzadegan, S., Shahriari, M., Mehranfar, F., Abramović, B. (2022). Factors affecting the emission of pollutants in different types of transportation: A literature review. DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals
Bayırhan, İ., Mersin, K., Tokuşlu, A., Gazioğlu, C. (2019). Modelling of Ship Originated Exhaust Gas Emissions in the Strait of Istanbul (Bosphorus). International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics, 6(3), 238-243.
Bharadwaj, S., Ballare, S., Rohit, Chandel, M.K. (2017). Impact of congestion on greenhouse gas emissions for road transport in Mumbai metropolitan region. Transportation research procedia, 25, 3538-3551.
Bouman, E. A., Lindstad, E., Rialland, A. I., Strømman, A. H., Rialland, A. I. (2017). State-of-the-art technologies, measures, and potential for reducing GHG emissions from shipping – A review. Elsevier, 52, 408-421.
Brand, C., Brand, C., Anable, J. L., Morton, C. (2019). Lifestyle, efficiency and limits: Modelling transport energy and emissions using a socio-technical approach. Springer, 12(1), 187-207.
Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics (2017), Freight Rates in Australia BITRE, Canberra
Castells, M., Usabiaga, J. J., Martínez, F. (2012). Road and maritime transport environmental performance: Short sea shipping vs road transport. Journal of Maritime Research, 9(1697-4840), 45-53.
Choma, E. F., Evans, J. S., Gómez-Ibáñez, J. A., Spengler, J. D. (2021). Health benefits of decreases in on-road transportation emissions in the United States from 2008 to 2017. PNAS, 118(51), 01-10.
Corbett, J. J., Winebrake, J. J. (n.d.). Emissions Analysis of Freight Transport Comparing Land-Side and Water-Side Short-Sea Routes: Development and Demonstration of a Freight Routing and Emissions Analysis Tool (FREAT). The United States Department of Transportation Research and Special Programs Administration.
Daily Sabah (Jan 09, 2023). New project to analyze emissions from vessels in Bosporus, by daily sabah with AA, Accessed 15 Jan, 2023, Retrieved from
Duan, H., Hu, M., Zhang, Y., Wang, J., Jiang, W., Huang, Q., Li, J. (2015). Quantification of carbon emissions of the transport service sector in China by using streamlined life cycle assessment. Elsevier, 95(16), 109-116.
Dujmovic, J., Krljan, T., Lopac, N., Žuškin, S. (2022). Emphasis on occupancy rates in carbon emission comparison for maritime and road passenger transportation modes. Journal of Marin Science and Engineering, 10(4), 1-31.
Elangovan, R., Kanwhen, O., Dong, Z., Mohamed, A., Rojas-Cessa, R. (2021). Comparative Analysis of Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emission of Diesel and Electric Trucks for Food Distribution in Gowanus District of New York City. Frontiers in big data, 4, 693820.
European Environment Agency (2022). Decarbonising road transport — the role of vehicles, fuels and transport demand. Transport and Environment Report 2021, 01-87.
European Environment Agency (2023). Motorlu taşımacılık: tren, uçak, karayolu veya gemi- hangisi en yeşil?, Accessed 18.02.2023, Retrieved from
Fan, Y.V., Perry, S., Klemeš, J.J., Lee, C. (2018). A review on air emissions assessment: Transportation. Journal of Cleaner Production. 194, 673-684.
Febriani, D., Olivia, M. C., Sholilah, S. A., Hidajat, M. (2019). Analysis of modal shift to support MRT-based urban transportation in jakarta. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 01-08.
Fecht, S. (2021, February 25). How exactly does carbon dioxide cause global warming? [Fact sheet]. State of the Planet. Retrieved February 19, 2023, from 02/25/carbon-dioxide-cause-global-warming/
Giechaskiel, B., Casadei, S., Rossi, T., Forloni, F., Di Domenico, A. (2021). Measurements of the Emissions of a “Golden” Vehicle at Seven Laboratories with Portable Emission Measurement Systems (PEMS). Sustainability, 13(16), 8762.
Gutiérrez, J. M., Grados, C. V. D. (2021). Numerical modeling of air pollutants and greenhouse gases emissions in intermodal transport chains. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(679), 01-24.
Hoen, K.M., Tan, T., Fransoo, J.C., Houtum, G.J. (2014). Effect of carbon emission regulations on transport mode selection under stochastic demand. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 26, 170-195.
Huang, C., Hu, Q., Li, Y., Tian, J., Ma, Y., Zhao, Y., Feng, J., An, J., Qiao, L., Wang, H., Jing, S., Huang, D., Lou, S., Zhou, M., Zhu, S., Tao, S., Li, L. (2018). Intermediate Volatility Organic Compound Emissions from a Large Cargo Vessel Operated under Real-World Conditions. Environmental science & technology, 52(21), 12934–12942.
International Maritime Organization. (2005). The protocol of 1997 (MARPOL Annex VI).
Islam, D.M.Z., Ricci, S., Nelldal, B.L. (2016). How to make modal shift from road to rail possible in the European transport market, as aspired to in the EU Transport White Paper 2011. European Transport Research Review 8(18), 01-11.
Istrate, I.R., Iribarren, D., Dufour, J., Ortiz Cebolla, R., Arrigoni, A., Moretto, P., Dolci, F. (2022) Quantifying emissions in the European maritime sector, EUR 31050 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, ISBN 978-92-76-51975-.
ITF (2010). Reducing transport greenhouse gas emissions—Trends and data 2010. International Transport
Jenu, S., Baumeister, S., Pippuri-Mäkeläinen, J., Manninen, A., Paakkinen, M. (2021). The emission reduction potential of electric transport modes in Finland. Environmental Research Letters, 16(10), 01-11.
Jiang, H., Peng, D., Wang, Y., Fu, M. (2021). Comparison of inland ship emission results from a real-world test and an AIS-based model. MDPI, 12(12), 01-13.
Jiang, R., Wu, P., Wu, C. (2022). Driving factors behind energy-related carbon emissions in the U.S. road transport sector: A decomposition analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(4), 01-17.
Johns Hopkins APL. (2022, November 9). Johns Hopkins APL uses AI, satellite images to track greenhouse emissions
Kennemer, J. (2020, May 12). Airfreight vs. sea freight carbon footprint // environmental impact of shipping [Fact sheet]. Sourcing Hub.
Khan, M. Y., Ranganathan, S., Agrawal, H., Welch, W. A., Cocker III, D. R. (2012). Measuring in-use ship emissions with international and U.S. federal methods. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 63(3), 284-291.
Khan, M. Y., Ranganathan, S., Agrawal, H., Welch, W. A., Laroo, C., Miller, J. W., Cocker III, D. R. (2013). Measuring in-use ship emissions with international and U.S. federal methods. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 63(3), 284-291.
Kodak, G. (2022). The role of international maritime traffic on PM10 pollutant in the strait of Istanbul (Bosphorus). International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics (IJEGEO),9(3), 036-047.
Koffi, B. L., Szopa, S., Cozic, A., Velthoven, P. Van. (2010). Present and future impact of aircraft, road traffic and shipping emissions on global tropospheric ozone. Copernicus Publications, 10(23), 11681-11705.
Kontovas, C. A., Psaraftis, H. N. (2016). Transportation emissions: Some basics. Green Transportation Logistics: The Quest for Win-Win Solutions, 41-79.
Lamb, W. F., Wiedmann, T., Pongratz, J., Minx, J. C. (2021). A review of trends and drivers of greenhouse gas emissions by sector from 1990 to 2018. IOP Publishing Ltd, 16(7), 01-31.
Lee, H., Pham, H., Kim, C., Lee, K.D. (2019). A study on emissions from drayage trucks in the port city focusing on the port of Incheon. Sustainability, 11(19), 01-15
Lee, T., Nam, H. (2017). A study on green shipping in major countries: In the view of shipyards, shipping companies, ports, and policies. Elsevier, 33(4), 253-262.
Lee, Z. H., Sethupathi, S., Lee, K. T., Bhatia, S., Mohamed, A. R. (2013). An overview on global warming in Southeast Asia: CO2 emission status, efforts done, and barriers. Elsevier, 28(8), 71-81.
Liimatainen, H., Arvidsson, N., Hovi, I. B., Jensen, T. C., Nykänen, L. (2014). Road freight energy efficiency and CO2 emissions in the Nordic countries. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 12, 11-19.
Lin, C.-Y., Dai, G.-L., Wang, S., Fu, X.-M. (2022). the evolution of green port research: A knowledge mapping analysis. MDPI, 14(19), 01-25.
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