Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 4, 39 - 46, 25.12.2024



  • Adeniyi, P. O. Omojola, A. (1999). Land Use/ Land Cover change evaluation in Sokoto River basin of north-western Nigeria on archival remote sensing and GIS techniques, Journal of African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment (AARSE) 1:142 -146. Barnes, K. B., Morgan III, J. M., Roberge, M. C., Lowe, S. (2001). Sprawl Development: Its Patterns, Consequences, and Measurement, Towson University, Towson.
  • Bhatta, B. (2009). Analysis of urban growth pattern using remote sensing and GIS: a case study of Kolkata, India, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30 (18), 4733 - 4746. Bhatta, B., Saraswati, S., Bandopadhyay, D. (2010). Urban Sprawl Measurement from Remote Sensing Data, Applied Geography, 30:731 - 740.
  • De-Sherbinin, A. (2002). Land-Use and Land-Cover Change, A CIESIN Thematic Guide, Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) of Columbia University, Palisades, NY, USA.
  • Esetlili, M. T., Balcik, F. B., Sanli, F. B., Kalkan, K., Ustuner, M., Goksel, C., Gazioğlu, C., Kurucu, Y. (2018). Comparison of object and pixel-based classifications for mapping crops using Rapideye imagery: a case study of Menemen Plain, Turkey. International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics, 5(2), 231-243.
  • Fazal, S. (2009). GIS Basics, New Age International Limited Publishers, New Delhi, India, pp. 306 - 311.
  • Lechner, A. M., Foody, G. M. and Boyd, D. S. (2020). Applications in Remote Sensing to Forest Ecology and Management, One Earth, 2(5): 405-412, ISSN 2590-3322.
  • Lillesand, T., Kiefer, R. (1994). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, New York: John Wiey and Sons Inc. Liu, J. G., Mason, P. J. (2009). Essential Image Processing and GIS for Remote Sensing, Imperial College London, UK, 1 - 296.
  • Lo, C. P. and Noble, W. E. Jr. (1990). Detailed urban land-use and land-cover mapping using Large Format Camera photographs: an evaluation, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 56, 197 - 206.
  • Orji, G., Pepple, G. T. (2015). Wetlands inventory and mapping for Ikorodu LGA (7473), (Paper presented at FIG 2015 Working Week, Sofia, Bulgaria), ISBN 978-87-92853-21-9, ISSN 2308 - 3441.
  • Prenzel, B. (2004). Remote sensing-based quantification of land-cover and land-use change for planning, Progress In Planning, 61: 281 - 299.
  • Ramankutty, N., Archard, F., Aves, D, Turner II B. L, Defries R, Goldewijk K. K, Graumlich, L., Reid, R. S. (2005). Global Changes in Land Cover, Update Newsletter of the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change, 03/2005:4 - 5.
  • Rimal, B. (2011). Application of remote sensing and GIS on land use/ land cover change in Kathmandu metropolitan city, Nepal, Journal of Theoretical and applied information Technology, 23(2):80.
  • Roberts, D. A., Batista, G. T., Pereira, J. L. G., Waller, E. K., Nelson, B. W. (1998). Change Identification Using Multi-Temporal Spectral Mixture Analysis: Applications in Eastern Amazonia." in Remote Sensing Change Detection: Environmental
  • Monitoring Applications and Methods, edited by C. M. Elvidge and R. S. Lunetta. Ann Arbor, MI: Ann Arbor Press.
  • Singh, A. (1989). Digital change detection technique using remotely sensed data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 10: 989 - 1003.
  • Story, M., Congalton, R. G. (1986). Accuracy assessment: A user’s perspective, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 52: 397 - 399.
  • Zha, Y., Gao, J., Ni, S., (2005). Use of normalized difference built-up index in automatically mapping urban areas from TM imagery, International Journal ofRemote Sensing, 24(3): 583 - 594.

Pixel-based land transformation study in parts of Rivers, Abia and Akwa Ibom States, Nigeria

Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 4, 39 - 46, 25.12.2024


The geospatial technology remains the essential tool for environmental studies, monitoring and mapping. Since land transformation is locational based such land use and land cover (LULC) changes over time could be affected another, as such, it should be noted that the need for effective monitoring of these changing land cover types becomes relevant. This study is aimed at Pixel based land transformation study in parts of Rivers, Abia and Akwa Ibom States using medium resolution satellite datasets. For this purpose land use classification and change detection mapping method were adopted using LANDSAT datasets from two different sensors; Enhance Thematic Mapper Plus and Operational Land Imager/Thermal Infra-red Systems were processed using spatial analysis tool of resampling, general enhancement, classification and post classification overlay to map the pattern and extent of land transformation for the study area as well as to determine the magnitude of seasonal epochal changes between December 2003 and January 2022. A supervised LULC classification for the studied area using seven classes namely built-up, bare earth, water body, marine vegetation, other vegetation, plantation and void. Based on these LULC types, a pixel-based cross tabulation was extracted from LULC class pairings for both datasets. The following overall kappa accuracies; 0.9824 for 2003 and 0.9997 for 2022 shows classes that have increased from 2003 to 2022 such as built-up areas 476.00km2 to 820.67 km2; plantation from 1263.90km2 to 4026.55 km2; water body from 3187.14 km2 to 3544.87 km2 and void from 118.56 km2 to 128.60 km2. On the other hand, some class types experienced continuous shrinkage such as other vegetation from 2921.18km2 to 763.05km2; marine vegetation from 3353.78km2 to 2110.98km2; bare earth from to 23.53km2. From the epochal analyses of deliverables such as land use land cover, it could be inferred that Port Harcourt capital city and Aba metropolis are experiencing radial urban growth over a period of 18 years. However, urban growth should be adequately monitored, mitigating the effect of urbanising more rural lands.


Thank you DergiPark for the opportunity.


  • Adeniyi, P. O. Omojola, A. (1999). Land Use/ Land Cover change evaluation in Sokoto River basin of north-western Nigeria on archival remote sensing and GIS techniques, Journal of African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment (AARSE) 1:142 -146. Barnes, K. B., Morgan III, J. M., Roberge, M. C., Lowe, S. (2001). Sprawl Development: Its Patterns, Consequences, and Measurement, Towson University, Towson.
  • Bhatta, B. (2009). Analysis of urban growth pattern using remote sensing and GIS: a case study of Kolkata, India, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30 (18), 4733 - 4746. Bhatta, B., Saraswati, S., Bandopadhyay, D. (2010). Urban Sprawl Measurement from Remote Sensing Data, Applied Geography, 30:731 - 740.
  • De-Sherbinin, A. (2002). Land-Use and Land-Cover Change, A CIESIN Thematic Guide, Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) of Columbia University, Palisades, NY, USA.
  • Esetlili, M. T., Balcik, F. B., Sanli, F. B., Kalkan, K., Ustuner, M., Goksel, C., Gazioğlu, C., Kurucu, Y. (2018). Comparison of object and pixel-based classifications for mapping crops using Rapideye imagery: a case study of Menemen Plain, Turkey. International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics, 5(2), 231-243.
  • Fazal, S. (2009). GIS Basics, New Age International Limited Publishers, New Delhi, India, pp. 306 - 311.
  • Lechner, A. M., Foody, G. M. and Boyd, D. S. (2020). Applications in Remote Sensing to Forest Ecology and Management, One Earth, 2(5): 405-412, ISSN 2590-3322.
  • Lillesand, T., Kiefer, R. (1994). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, New York: John Wiey and Sons Inc. Liu, J. G., Mason, P. J. (2009). Essential Image Processing and GIS for Remote Sensing, Imperial College London, UK, 1 - 296.
  • Lo, C. P. and Noble, W. E. Jr. (1990). Detailed urban land-use and land-cover mapping using Large Format Camera photographs: an evaluation, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 56, 197 - 206.
  • Orji, G., Pepple, G. T. (2015). Wetlands inventory and mapping for Ikorodu LGA (7473), (Paper presented at FIG 2015 Working Week, Sofia, Bulgaria), ISBN 978-87-92853-21-9, ISSN 2308 - 3441.
  • Prenzel, B. (2004). Remote sensing-based quantification of land-cover and land-use change for planning, Progress In Planning, 61: 281 - 299.
  • Ramankutty, N., Archard, F., Aves, D, Turner II B. L, Defries R, Goldewijk K. K, Graumlich, L., Reid, R. S. (2005). Global Changes in Land Cover, Update Newsletter of the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change, 03/2005:4 - 5.
  • Rimal, B. (2011). Application of remote sensing and GIS on land use/ land cover change in Kathmandu metropolitan city, Nepal, Journal of Theoretical and applied information Technology, 23(2):80.
  • Roberts, D. A., Batista, G. T., Pereira, J. L. G., Waller, E. K., Nelson, B. W. (1998). Change Identification Using Multi-Temporal Spectral Mixture Analysis: Applications in Eastern Amazonia." in Remote Sensing Change Detection: Environmental
  • Monitoring Applications and Methods, edited by C. M. Elvidge and R. S. Lunetta. Ann Arbor, MI: Ann Arbor Press.
  • Singh, A. (1989). Digital change detection technique using remotely sensed data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 10: 989 - 1003.
  • Story, M., Congalton, R. G. (1986). Accuracy assessment: A user’s perspective, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 52: 397 - 399.
  • Zha, Y., Gao, J., Ni, S., (2005). Use of normalized difference built-up index in automatically mapping urban areas from TM imagery, International Journal ofRemote Sensing, 24(3): 583 - 594.
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Journal Section Research Articles

Godwill Tamunobiekiri Pepple 0000-0001-6294-7927

Lawrence Hart 0000-0002-1858-664X

Publication Date December 25, 2024
Submission Date December 30, 2023
Acceptance Date December 7, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 11 Issue: 4


APA Pepple, G. T., & Hart, L. (2024). Pixel-based land transformation study in parts of Rivers, Abia and Akwa Ibom States, Nigeria. International Journal of Environment and Geoinformatics, 11(4), 39-46.