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Impact of the Global Climate Change on Land Degradation in Egypt

Year 2019, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 48 - 61, 01.04.2019


Indications of serious changes in the world's climate have been evident over the past few decades. Recently, studies have shown how grave the problem is, as well as the magnitude of its negative impacts on all sectors of development. According to these studies, human activity has led to a rise in the earth's average temperature at a rate of 0.3 to 0.4 degrees every 10 years, which is unprecedented in recorded history. This rapid and continuous rise in temperature has been traced to the increase in greenhouse gases in the earth's atmosphere. Projections made by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) indicate an expected rise in average temperatures of between 2.0 to 4.5 0C by the end of the present century. A rise in sea levels of between 9 to 59cm is also projected, which would lead to unprecedented changes in an environment that has remained stable over many eras. The high increase in the population growth rate and rapid spread of urbanization in Egypt are the cause for concern due to the resultant increase in air and water pollution. Population growth has obviously intensified demand for resources, including water, energy, and waste disposal and sewage services. The rise in temperature is expected to further exacerbate the dearth in drinking water, increase pressure on land resources, and lead to a rise in the incidence of sand and dust storms. Furthermore, the global rise in sea levels added to expected local land subsidence (a result of tectonic movements and continued pumping of petroleum and ground water, estimated at another 30cm within the next 100 years), will lead to a loss of many low-lying coastal areas and to salt water intrusion into a number of coastal wells. The combined effect will also lead to a rise in the water table in coastal regions that would ruin the agricultural productivity of low- lying areas. The adverse effects of climate change also include an increase in the frequency and severity of sandstorms, and longer periods of drought followed by more intense flooding. This is expected to lead to public health problems, including the spread of epidemics, especially in poorer regions.


  • [1] Cumhur, A. and Malcolm, S. (2008). The Effects of Global Climate Change on Agriculture. American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 3 (5): 672
  • [2] IPCC, (2001a). Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis. Houghton, J.T., Ding, Y., Griggs, D.J., Noguer, M., van der Linden, P.J., Dai, X., Maskell, K. and Johnson, C.A. (Eds.) Cambridge University Press, UK, 881 pp.
  • [3] Salinger, M., Stigter, C. and Das,H. (2000). Agrometeorological adaptation strategies to increasing climate variability and climate change. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 103 (1-2):167
  • [4] Mike, H. (2003). The conference Global Climate Change and Biodiversity, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
  • [5] Mohamed, T. and Samir,S. (2005). Greenhouse Gases Inventory and Sea Level Rise An Egyptian Perspective. Environ Sci & Pollut Res., 12 (2):114
  • [6] Daniel, J. and Darrell, A. (2009). Effect of climate change on air quality. Atmospheric Environment, 43 (1):51
  • [7] Maria, K. (2009). Global warming and livestock husbandry in Kenya: Impacts and adaptations. Ecological Economics, 68 (7): 1915
  • [8] Masoud, A. and Koike, K. (2006). Arid land salinization detected by remotely-sensed landcover changes : A case study in the Siwa region, Egypt. Journal of arid environments. 66 (1):151
  • [9] Benoit, L., Meisner, D., and Wheeler, D. (2007). The Impact of Sea Level Rise on Developing Countries: A Comparative Analysis. SSRN Social Science Research Network, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 4136
  • [10] Robert, J. (2002). Analysis of global impacts of sea-level rise: a case study of flooding Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 27 (32-34):1455
  • [11] Mohamed, A.T. (2008), Eastern Nile Planning Model, Integration with IDEN Projects To Deal with Climate Change Uncertainty and Flooding Risk Nile Basin Water Engineering Scientific Magazine, 1, 86-93
  • [12] Mahmoud, M.,.El Banna, O. And Frihy, E (2009). Human-induced changes in the geomorphology of the northeastern coast of the Nile delta, Egypt. Geomorphology, 107(1-2):72
  • [13] Sestini, G. (2000).UNEP/GRID Geneva; Florence; Remote Sensing Center, Cairo; DIERCKE, Weltwirtschaftsatlas.
  • [14] El-Raey. M.., Dewidar, K..and El-Hattab, M.(1999). Adaptation to the Impacts of Sea Level Rise in Egypt. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 4 (3-4): 343.
  • [15] Zhao, H., Rui, Z., Tong, H. and Xue, Y. (2006). Effect land degradation in properties soils China. Effects of desertification on soil and crop growth properties in Horqin sandy cropland of Inner Mongolia, north China. Soil and Tillage Research, 87 (2):171
  • [16] Zhao, H., Hui, Y., Rui, Z., Zhong, Y., Oiang, Y., Yu-Hui He, Rui-Lian Zhou, Yong-Zhong Su, Yu-Qiang Li, Sam Drake.and Sam, D. (2009). Impact the desertification on fertility China. Effects of desertification on soil organic C and N content in sandy farmland and grassland of Inner Mongolia. CATENA, 77 (3):187
  • [17] Rodomiro, O., Kenneth, D., Bram G., Raj G., Subbarao, G. and Matthew, R. (2008). Climate change: Can wheat beat the heat? Climate change: Can wheat beat the heat? Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 126 (1-2):46
  • [18] Saleh, S., Medany, M., El-Behiry, U. and Abu- Hadid, A. (2008). Effect of air temperature under climate change conditions on potato productivity in Egypt. Ninth International Conference on Dryland Development Sustainable Development in Drylands – Meeting the Challenge of Global Climate Change, Alexandria, Egypt
  • [19] Farag, A., Abul-soud, A. and Medany, M. (2008). Impact of climate changes on wheat production under Egyptian conditions. Ninth International Conference on Dryland Development Sustainable Development in Drylands – Meeting the Challenge of Global Climate Change, Alexandria, Egypt.
  • [20] Assem , M., Bahaa, M., Salah , M. and Medany, M. (2008). Economics of some vegetable crops under different climate zones in Egypt. Ninth International Conference on Dryland Development Sustainable Development in Drylands – Meeting the Challenge of Global Climate Change, Alexandria, Egypt.
  • [21] El-Marsafawy, S. (2006). Impact of climate change on sunflower crop production in Egypt. The 2nd International Conf. on Water Resources & Arid Environment .Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • [22] Sivakumar, M. (2007). Interactions between climate and desertification. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 142, (2-4): 143
  • [23] Reynolds, J. and. Smith, S. (2007). "Global Desertification: Building a Science for Dryland Development." Science 316(5826): 847
  • [24] Ragab, R.and Christel, P. (2002). SW—Soil and Water: Climate Change and Water Resources Management in Arid and Semi-arid Regions: Prospective and Challenges for the 21st Century. Biosystems Engineering, 81 (1):3
  • [25] Amin, A. (2004). The extent of desertification on Saudi Arabia. Environmental Geology, 46 (1):22
  • [26] Wassif, M.M., (2002). "Determination of Wind Erosion Precipitation and the Economic Measures to Combat Desertification in Western Desert Oases". A.R.E. in participation with University of QarYunis- Benghazi- Libya.
  • [27] Mahmoud, A. (2005). Some Desertification Issues and their Environmental Impact. in the Arab Republic of Egypt". A Sub-Regional Seminar on the Environmental Situation and aggravation of Desertification in the Arab States- ISECO
  • [28] Adel, S., Mohamed, A., Boel, G. and Ryutaro, T. (2004). Desertification impact assessment in Egypt using low resolution satellite data and GIS. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 61 (4):375
Year 2019, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 48 - 61, 01.04.2019



  • [1] Cumhur, A. and Malcolm, S. (2008). The Effects of Global Climate Change on Agriculture. American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 3 (5): 672
  • [2] IPCC, (2001a). Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis. Houghton, J.T., Ding, Y., Griggs, D.J., Noguer, M., van der Linden, P.J., Dai, X., Maskell, K. and Johnson, C.A. (Eds.) Cambridge University Press, UK, 881 pp.
  • [3] Salinger, M., Stigter, C. and Das,H. (2000). Agrometeorological adaptation strategies to increasing climate variability and climate change. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 103 (1-2):167
  • [4] Mike, H. (2003). The conference Global Climate Change and Biodiversity, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
  • [5] Mohamed, T. and Samir,S. (2005). Greenhouse Gases Inventory and Sea Level Rise An Egyptian Perspective. Environ Sci & Pollut Res., 12 (2):114
  • [6] Daniel, J. and Darrell, A. (2009). Effect of climate change on air quality. Atmospheric Environment, 43 (1):51
  • [7] Maria, K. (2009). Global warming and livestock husbandry in Kenya: Impacts and adaptations. Ecological Economics, 68 (7): 1915
  • [8] Masoud, A. and Koike, K. (2006). Arid land salinization detected by remotely-sensed landcover changes : A case study in the Siwa region, Egypt. Journal of arid environments. 66 (1):151
  • [9] Benoit, L., Meisner, D., and Wheeler, D. (2007). The Impact of Sea Level Rise on Developing Countries: A Comparative Analysis. SSRN Social Science Research Network, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 4136
  • [10] Robert, J. (2002). Analysis of global impacts of sea-level rise: a case study of flooding Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 27 (32-34):1455
  • [11] Mohamed, A.T. (2008), Eastern Nile Planning Model, Integration with IDEN Projects To Deal with Climate Change Uncertainty and Flooding Risk Nile Basin Water Engineering Scientific Magazine, 1, 86-93
  • [12] Mahmoud, M.,.El Banna, O. And Frihy, E (2009). Human-induced changes in the geomorphology of the northeastern coast of the Nile delta, Egypt. Geomorphology, 107(1-2):72
  • [13] Sestini, G. (2000).UNEP/GRID Geneva; Florence; Remote Sensing Center, Cairo; DIERCKE, Weltwirtschaftsatlas.
  • [14] El-Raey. M.., Dewidar, K..and El-Hattab, M.(1999). Adaptation to the Impacts of Sea Level Rise in Egypt. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 4 (3-4): 343.
  • [15] Zhao, H., Rui, Z., Tong, H. and Xue, Y. (2006). Effect land degradation in properties soils China. Effects of desertification on soil and crop growth properties in Horqin sandy cropland of Inner Mongolia, north China. Soil and Tillage Research, 87 (2):171
  • [16] Zhao, H., Hui, Y., Rui, Z., Zhong, Y., Oiang, Y., Yu-Hui He, Rui-Lian Zhou, Yong-Zhong Su, Yu-Qiang Li, Sam Drake.and Sam, D. (2009). Impact the desertification on fertility China. Effects of desertification on soil organic C and N content in sandy farmland and grassland of Inner Mongolia. CATENA, 77 (3):187
  • [17] Rodomiro, O., Kenneth, D., Bram G., Raj G., Subbarao, G. and Matthew, R. (2008). Climate change: Can wheat beat the heat? Climate change: Can wheat beat the heat? Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 126 (1-2):46
  • [18] Saleh, S., Medany, M., El-Behiry, U. and Abu- Hadid, A. (2008). Effect of air temperature under climate change conditions on potato productivity in Egypt. Ninth International Conference on Dryland Development Sustainable Development in Drylands – Meeting the Challenge of Global Climate Change, Alexandria, Egypt
  • [19] Farag, A., Abul-soud, A. and Medany, M. (2008). Impact of climate changes on wheat production under Egyptian conditions. Ninth International Conference on Dryland Development Sustainable Development in Drylands – Meeting the Challenge of Global Climate Change, Alexandria, Egypt.
  • [20] Assem , M., Bahaa, M., Salah , M. and Medany, M. (2008). Economics of some vegetable crops under different climate zones in Egypt. Ninth International Conference on Dryland Development Sustainable Development in Drylands – Meeting the Challenge of Global Climate Change, Alexandria, Egypt.
  • [21] El-Marsafawy, S. (2006). Impact of climate change on sunflower crop production in Egypt. The 2nd International Conf. on Water Resources & Arid Environment .Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • [22] Sivakumar, M. (2007). Interactions between climate and desertification. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 142, (2-4): 143
  • [23] Reynolds, J. and. Smith, S. (2007). "Global Desertification: Building a Science for Dryland Development." Science 316(5826): 847
  • [24] Ragab, R.and Christel, P. (2002). SW—Soil and Water: Climate Change and Water Resources Management in Arid and Semi-arid Regions: Prospective and Challenges for the 21st Century. Biosystems Engineering, 81 (1):3
  • [25] Amin, A. (2004). The extent of desertification on Saudi Arabia. Environmental Geology, 46 (1):22
  • [26] Wassif, M.M., (2002). "Determination of Wind Erosion Precipitation and the Economic Measures to Combat Desertification in Western Desert Oases". A.R.E. in participation with University of QarYunis- Benghazi- Libya.
  • [27] Mahmoud, A. (2005). Some Desertification Issues and their Environmental Impact. in the Arab Republic of Egypt". A Sub-Regional Seminar on the Environmental Situation and aggravation of Desertification in the Arab States- ISECO
  • [28] Adel, S., Mohamed, A., Boel, G. and Ryutaro, T. (2004). Desertification impact assessment in Egypt using low resolution satellite data and GIS. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 61 (4):375
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Environmental Sciences
Journal Section Articles

Monier Wahba This is me

Fawkia Labib This is me

Alaa Zaghloul

Publication Date April 1, 2019
Submission Date January 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Wahba, M., Labib, F., & Zaghloul, A. (2019). Impact of the Global Climate Change on Land Degradation in Egypt. International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Modelling, 2(2), 48-61.
AMA Wahba M, Labib F, Zaghloul A. Impact of the Global Climate Change on Land Degradation in Egypt. Int. j. environ. pollut. environ. model. April 2019;2(2):48-61.
Chicago Wahba, Monier, Fawkia Labib, and Alaa Zaghloul. “Impact of the Global Climate Change on Land Degradation in Egypt”. International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Modelling 2, no. 2 (April 2019): 48-61.
EndNote Wahba M, Labib F, Zaghloul A (April 1, 2019) Impact of the Global Climate Change on Land Degradation in Egypt. International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Modelling 2 2 48–61.
IEEE M. Wahba, F. Labib, and A. Zaghloul, “Impact of the Global Climate Change on Land Degradation in Egypt”, Int. j. environ. pollut. environ. model., vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 48–61, 2019.
ISNAD Wahba, Monier et al. “Impact of the Global Climate Change on Land Degradation in Egypt”. International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Modelling 2/2 (April 2019), 48-61.
JAMA Wahba M, Labib F, Zaghloul A. Impact of the Global Climate Change on Land Degradation in Egypt. Int. j. environ. pollut. environ. model. 2019;2:48–61.
MLA Wahba, Monier et al. “Impact of the Global Climate Change on Land Degradation in Egypt”. International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Modelling, vol. 2, no. 2, 2019, pp. 48-61.
Vancouver Wahba M, Labib F, Zaghloul A. Impact of the Global Climate Change on Land Degradation in Egypt. Int. j. environ. pollut. environ. model. 2019;2(2):48-61.