Year 2020,
Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 56 - 67, 30.06.2020
Daniel Gbadesere Akintunde
Olukayode Bamgbose
- [1] Adegoroye, A., 2006, The challenges of environmental enforcement in Africa: The Nigerian experience 3rd International Conference on Environmental Enforcement. pp 43 -54
- [2] Adelegan, J.A., 2004, The history of environmental policy and pollution of water sources in Nigeria (1960-2004). Retrieved from http.//www.nigerianlaw
- [3] Sohar,I.A., Foyza,A.N., Hala,S.D.,Honan,S.I.and Negwa, M.B. , 2005, Sustainable wastewater management in an Egyptian industrial city. Iternational Journal of Management of Environmental quality. Vol.16. Issue 3 pp 257-266.
- 4] Armah, A. K., Ababio, S. D., Daapah, G. A., 2005, Spatial and temporal variation in water physicochemical parameters in the South - Western Sector of the Keta Lagoon, Ghana. Proceedings of the 14th Biennial Coastal Zone Conference, New Oceans, Louivana.
- [5] Ikomi, R. B. and Owabor, N., 1997, The status and seasonality in the physicochemical hydrology of River Orogodo at Agbor. Nigeria. Bull Sci. Assoc. Nig., 21: 167 - 175.
- [6] Asaolu, S. S., 1999, Seasonal variation in the distribution of physicochemical parameters along the coastal region of Ondo State, Nigeria. Africa Jour. Sc., 3(2): 81.
- [7] Massoud, M. A., El-fadel, M., Scrimshaw, M. D. and Lester J. N., 2004, Land use impact on the spatial and seasonal variations of contaminant loads to Abo Ali River and its coastal zone in North Lebanon. Agricultural Engineering International; the CIGR Journal of Scientific Research and Development. Manuscript LWO4 001.
- [8] Sangodoyin,A.Y.,1990, Fundamentals and trends of water services in a Nigerian urban settlement. Int.J.Environ.Educ.Inform., 9: 181-198.
- [9] Kajogbola,D.O.,1998, Small scale enterprises and the environment: A case study of packaged water industry in Ibadan Region,Nigeria.Ngerian Environmental Study Action Team,Nigeria.
- [10] Nigeria Business Information. 2002, Focus on the Computer Village, Ikeja, Lagos State. Nigeria Business Information. com
- [11] APHA, 1992, Standard Methods of water and wastewater examination .17th Edition, American Public Health Association, USA
- [12] Ademoroti, C.M.A .,1996, Standard methods for water and effluents analysis. First Edition .Foludex Press Ltd, Ibadan, 182 p.
- [13] APHA,1998, Standard method for the examination of water and wastewater, 20th edn, America water works Association and water pollution Control Federation, Washington D.C.
- [14] AOAC, 2002, Official Methods of Analysis Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Maryland USA, 17th Edition.
- [15] APHA, AWWA and WPCF, 1992, Standard Methods for the examination of water and wastewater. 16th Edition, American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation, Washington D.C.
- [16] Phiri, 0., Munba, P., Moyo,B.H.Z.and Kadewa,W., 2005, Assessment of the impact of industrial effluents on water quality of receiving river in urban areas of Malawi. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2(3) : 237-244.
- [17] Fakayode, S.D., 2005, Impact Assessment of Industrial Effluent on water quality of the receiving Alaro River in Ibadan, Nigeria. AJEAM -RAGEE, 10: 1 -13.
- [18] Ekhaise,F.O and Anyasi,C.C., 2005, Influence of breweries effluent discharge on the microbiological and physicochemical quality of Ikpoba River,Nigeria. African Journal of Biotechnology, 4(10): 1062 -1065.
- [19] Nkegbe, E. and Koorapetse, I., 2005, Heavy metal composition in Gaborone industrial effluent.Journal of Applied Science 5 (8): 1418-1419
- [20] Arimoro, F. 0. Iweghue. C. M. A. and Osiobe, 0. ,2008, Effect of industrial wastewaters on the physical and chemical characteristics of a tropical coastal river. Research Journal of Environmental Science, 2(3): 209 -220.
- [21] Asia, I. O., Ndubuisi, 0. L. and Odia, A., 2009, Studies on pollution of wastewater from textile processing factories in Kaduna, Nigeria. Journal of toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences, 1(2): 034—037.
- [22] Ogunfowokan, A. 0. and Fakankun, 0. A., 1998, Physicochemical characterization of effluents from beverage processing plants in Ibadan, Nigeria. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 54: 145- 152.
- [23] Elhassadi, A., 2008, Pollution of water resources from industrial effluents a case study- Benghazi Libya. Desalination, 222 (1-3) : 286-293.
- [24] Ugochukwu, C.N.C. and Leton. T.G., 2004, Effluent monitoring of oil servicing company and its impact on the environment. AJEAM-RAGEE, 8: 27-30
- [25] Meador, M. and Goldstein, R. 2003. Assessing water quality at large geographical scales: relations among land use, water physicochemistry, riparian condition and fish community structure. Environmental Management, 31(40): 504- 517).
- [26] Akan, J. C., Moses, F. A., 0ghughua, V. 0. and Abah, J., 2007, Assessment of tannery industries effluents from Kano Metropolis, Kano State, Nigeria. Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(19): 2788-2793.
- [27] World Health Organisation, 2006, Guidelines for drinking water quality. First Addendaunt to 3rd Ed. Recommendations. WHO, 221-427
- [28] Watershed Protection Plan Guide, 2004, Description of commonly consideredwater quality constituents Appendix B.
- [29] Ali, M. U., 2004, Toxicological effects of industrial effluents dumped in River Kabul on Mahaseer Lorputitiora at Aman Garh industrial area, Nowshera, Pehsawar, Pakistan. Pakistan Research Repository, published by Higher Education Commission, Pakistan. 340p
- [30] World Health Organisation, 2002, Water pollutants: Biological agents, dissolved chemicals, non-dissolved chemicals sediments, heat. WHO CEHA,2002. Amman, Jordan
- [31] Bamgbose, O., Arowolo, T A and Odukoya, O., 2001, Comparison of drinking water quality in Abeokuta township with WHO standards. Water Resources, 12:37-44
- [32] Stamatis, G., 1999, The chemical compostion of the surface system of Peneos River, Thessaly/Central Greece. Environmental Geology, 38(2): 126-140.
- [33] Selesnev,V.A and Selesnev A.V., 1999, Evaluation of impact of wastewaters from Tolyatti on water quality in the Saratov Reservoir .Water Resources, 26 (3): 316-320.
- [34] Riv’er, I.K. and Litvinov, A.S., 1997, A study of regions subject to increase environmental danger, in reservioirs of the Upper Volga. Water Resources , 24 (5): 546-555
- [35] Boyd, C. E. and Munsiri, P., 1996, Phosphorus adsorption capacity and availability of added phosphorus in soil from aquaculture areas in Thailand. J. Anim. Sci., 57:396-401.
- [36]EEA.2004, EEA Indicator Fact Sheet: nitrogen and phosporous in rivers. .01/index_html.
- [37] Jaji, O., Bamgbose, O., Odukoya, O.O and Arowolo, T.A.,2007, Water quality assessment of Ogun River, South West, Nigeria.Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 133: 473-482
- [38] Papafilippaki, A. K.,Kotti, M. E. and Starronlakis, G. 0., 2008, Seasonal variations in dissolved heavy metals in the Keritis River, Chania. Greece. Global NEST Journal 10(3) : 320 -325.
- [39] Gasparon, M. and Burgess, J.S., 2000, Human impacts in Antarctica: trace elements geochemistry of freshwater lakes in the Larsemann Hill, East Antarctica. Environmental Geology, 39(9): 963-976
- [40] Odiete, W.O.,1999, Environmental Physiology of Animals and Pollution.First Edition Diversified Resources Ltd. 261p.
- [41]Ntengwe, F.W., 2006, Pollutants load and water quality in stream of heavily populated and industrialized towns. Journal of Physcis and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts nA/B/C, 31 (15-16): 832-839.
- [42] Obasohan, E. E., 2007, Heavy metals concentrations in the ottal, gill, muscle and liver of a freshwater mudfish (Parachanna, obscura) from Ogba River, Benin City, Nigeria. African Journal of Biotechnology, 6(22): 2620-2627.
- [43] Ali, N.,Oniye, S. T., Balarabe. M. L., Auta, J., 2005, Concentration of Fe, Cu, Cr, Zn and Pb in Makere — Drain. Kaduna, Nigeria. Chemclass Journal, 2: 69- 73.
- [44] Dike, N.I. Ezealor, A,.U and Oniye. I.S., 2004, Concentration of Pb. Cu, Fe and Cd during the dry season in River Jakara, Kano, Nigeria. Chem class Journal, 2(4): 78-81.
- [45] Ogundiran,0.0. and Afolabi, T. A., 2008, Assessment of physicochemical parameters and heavy metals toxicity of leachates from municipal solid waste open dumpsite International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 5 (2): 243-250
- [46] Iwashita, M. and Shimamura, T., 2003, Long-term variation in dissolved trace element in the Sagami River and its tributaries (upstream area) Japan. The Science of the Total Environments , 31: 167-179.
- [47] Neal, A. Williams R.J, Neal, M. Bhardwaj, L.C, Wickham, H, Harrow, M and Hill
- L.K.,2000, The water quality of the River Thames at a rural site downstream of Oxford. Sci. Total Enviornment , 552: 441-457.
- [48] Chen, U. and Chen, M., 2001, Heavy metal concentration in nine species of fishes caught in coastal waters of Ann-ping SW, Taiwan. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 9 (2): 107-114.
- [49] Daifullah. A. A. M., Elewa, A. A., Shehata, M. B. and Abdo, M. H., 2003, Evaluation of some heavy metals in water, sediment and fish samples from River Nile (Kafr El- Zyat City) Egypt: A treatment approach. AJEAM -RAGEE, 6: 16 - 31.
- 50] Nasrullah, R. N.,Hamidu, B., Mudasscar, I. and Durrani, M. E., 2006, Pollution load in industrial effluent and ground water of Gadoon Amazai Industrial Estate, Swabi. Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science, 1( 3): 18-24
- [51] Singh, S. S. and Singh, L. A., 2000, Studies on the physico - chemical characteristics (12 hours variation) of a major water body in Impha District. J. Environ. Biol., 21 (3): 273 – 274.
- [52] Oguzie, F. A., 2003, Heavy metals in fish water and effluents of lower Ikpoba River in Benin City, Nigeria. Pak J. Sci. Ind. Res., 46(3): 156- 160.
Seasonal Impact of Ikeja Industrial Wastewaters on Water Quality of Proximate Iya Alaro River in Lagos, Nigeria
Year 2020,
Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 56 - 67, 30.06.2020
Daniel Gbadesere Akintunde
Olukayode Bamgbose
This study determined the seasonal impacts of wastewaters from Ikeja industrial estates on the water quality of proximate Iya Alaro River being one of the longest rivers employed for irrigational and washing purposes in the estate. Wastewater samples from industrial estate were collected at the point of discharge of effluents into the streams and at spatial interval of 50 to 200 meters upstream and downstream of the discharge point over a two- year period (2005-2007) .The effluents were analysed for physico-chemical parameters using standard methods. At discharge point during dry and rainy seasons, the pH were acidic (5.51 ± 0.16 to 6.46 ± 1.27 and 6.13 ± 0.96 to 6.80 ± 1.04).Total Dissolved Solid and Electrical Conductivity levels showed significant difference (p < 0.05) between seasons at discharge points and higher than permissible levels at upstream and downstream. Mean levels of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) were low at discharge points during the dry and rainy seasons (2.20 ± 0.66 to 3.93 ± 0.71 and 2.41 ± 0.30 to 2.83 ± 0.72). Biochemical Oxygen Demand and Chemical Oxygen Demand increased in the range of 579-1186 mg/L and 1247-2610mg/L respectively from March to July with low levels of DO ranging from 1.70 to 3.70 mg O2/L. Mean levels of Nitrate were within permissible limits downstream and upstream and higher in rainy than dry seasons at the discharge points. Sulphate levels detected were below WHO levels of 400mg/L while Chromium levels were above the limits of 0.05 mg/L. Mean levels of Phosphate at discharge points was higher (31.97 ±1.12mg/L) during dry season of the second year, and were also higher upstream and downstream than permissible limits. Manganese showed significant difference (p < 0.05) at the discharge points. Downstream accumulations were relatively higher for Copper (4.04mg/L) and Manganese (4.10mg/L) in the dry season and Cadmium(5.93mg/L) in the rainy season. It showed that industrial wastewater majorly caused the stream to be polluted and unsuitable for drinking. The degradation of the water quality of proximate streams in the estate therefore needs preventive and remedial measures of combined central effluent and treatment plants in order to bring back the waters to a level before the pollution discharges.
- [1] Adegoroye, A., 2006, The challenges of environmental enforcement in Africa: The Nigerian experience 3rd International Conference on Environmental Enforcement. pp 43 -54
- [2] Adelegan, J.A., 2004, The history of environmental policy and pollution of water sources in Nigeria (1960-2004). Retrieved from http.//www.nigerianlaw
- [3] Sohar,I.A., Foyza,A.N., Hala,S.D.,Honan,S.I.and Negwa, M.B. , 2005, Sustainable wastewater management in an Egyptian industrial city. Iternational Journal of Management of Environmental quality. Vol.16. Issue 3 pp 257-266.
- 4] Armah, A. K., Ababio, S. D., Daapah, G. A., 2005, Spatial and temporal variation in water physicochemical parameters in the South - Western Sector of the Keta Lagoon, Ghana. Proceedings of the 14th Biennial Coastal Zone Conference, New Oceans, Louivana.
- [5] Ikomi, R. B. and Owabor, N., 1997, The status and seasonality in the physicochemical hydrology of River Orogodo at Agbor. Nigeria. Bull Sci. Assoc. Nig., 21: 167 - 175.
- [6] Asaolu, S. S., 1999, Seasonal variation in the distribution of physicochemical parameters along the coastal region of Ondo State, Nigeria. Africa Jour. Sc., 3(2): 81.
- [7] Massoud, M. A., El-fadel, M., Scrimshaw, M. D. and Lester J. N., 2004, Land use impact on the spatial and seasonal variations of contaminant loads to Abo Ali River and its coastal zone in North Lebanon. Agricultural Engineering International; the CIGR Journal of Scientific Research and Development. Manuscript LWO4 001.
- [8] Sangodoyin,A.Y.,1990, Fundamentals and trends of water services in a Nigerian urban settlement. Int.J.Environ.Educ.Inform., 9: 181-198.
- [9] Kajogbola,D.O.,1998, Small scale enterprises and the environment: A case study of packaged water industry in Ibadan Region,Nigeria.Ngerian Environmental Study Action Team,Nigeria.
- [10] Nigeria Business Information. 2002, Focus on the Computer Village, Ikeja, Lagos State. Nigeria Business Information. com
- [11] APHA, 1992, Standard Methods of water and wastewater examination .17th Edition, American Public Health Association, USA
- [12] Ademoroti, C.M.A .,1996, Standard methods for water and effluents analysis. First Edition .Foludex Press Ltd, Ibadan, 182 p.
- [13] APHA,1998, Standard method for the examination of water and wastewater, 20th edn, America water works Association and water pollution Control Federation, Washington D.C.
- [14] AOAC, 2002, Official Methods of Analysis Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Maryland USA, 17th Edition.
- [15] APHA, AWWA and WPCF, 1992, Standard Methods for the examination of water and wastewater. 16th Edition, American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association and Water Pollution Control Federation, Washington D.C.
- [16] Phiri, 0., Munba, P., Moyo,B.H.Z.and Kadewa,W., 2005, Assessment of the impact of industrial effluents on water quality of receiving river in urban areas of Malawi. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2(3) : 237-244.
- [17] Fakayode, S.D., 2005, Impact Assessment of Industrial Effluent on water quality of the receiving Alaro River in Ibadan, Nigeria. AJEAM -RAGEE, 10: 1 -13.
- [18] Ekhaise,F.O and Anyasi,C.C., 2005, Influence of breweries effluent discharge on the microbiological and physicochemical quality of Ikpoba River,Nigeria. African Journal of Biotechnology, 4(10): 1062 -1065.
- [19] Nkegbe, E. and Koorapetse, I., 2005, Heavy metal composition in Gaborone industrial effluent.Journal of Applied Science 5 (8): 1418-1419
- [20] Arimoro, F. 0. Iweghue. C. M. A. and Osiobe, 0. ,2008, Effect of industrial wastewaters on the physical and chemical characteristics of a tropical coastal river. Research Journal of Environmental Science, 2(3): 209 -220.
- [21] Asia, I. O., Ndubuisi, 0. L. and Odia, A., 2009, Studies on pollution of wastewater from textile processing factories in Kaduna, Nigeria. Journal of toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences, 1(2): 034—037.
- [22] Ogunfowokan, A. 0. and Fakankun, 0. A., 1998, Physicochemical characterization of effluents from beverage processing plants in Ibadan, Nigeria. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 54: 145- 152.
- [23] Elhassadi, A., 2008, Pollution of water resources from industrial effluents a case study- Benghazi Libya. Desalination, 222 (1-3) : 286-293.
- [24] Ugochukwu, C.N.C. and Leton. T.G., 2004, Effluent monitoring of oil servicing company and its impact on the environment. AJEAM-RAGEE, 8: 27-30
- [25] Meador, M. and Goldstein, R. 2003. Assessing water quality at large geographical scales: relations among land use, water physicochemistry, riparian condition and fish community structure. Environmental Management, 31(40): 504- 517).
- [26] Akan, J. C., Moses, F. A., 0ghughua, V. 0. and Abah, J., 2007, Assessment of tannery industries effluents from Kano Metropolis, Kano State, Nigeria. Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(19): 2788-2793.
- [27] World Health Organisation, 2006, Guidelines for drinking water quality. First Addendaunt to 3rd Ed. Recommendations. WHO, 221-427
- [28] Watershed Protection Plan Guide, 2004, Description of commonly consideredwater quality constituents Appendix B.
- [29] Ali, M. U., 2004, Toxicological effects of industrial effluents dumped in River Kabul on Mahaseer Lorputitiora at Aman Garh industrial area, Nowshera, Pehsawar, Pakistan. Pakistan Research Repository, published by Higher Education Commission, Pakistan. 340p
- [30] World Health Organisation, 2002, Water pollutants: Biological agents, dissolved chemicals, non-dissolved chemicals sediments, heat. WHO CEHA,2002. Amman, Jordan
- [31] Bamgbose, O., Arowolo, T A and Odukoya, O., 2001, Comparison of drinking water quality in Abeokuta township with WHO standards. Water Resources, 12:37-44
- [32] Stamatis, G., 1999, The chemical compostion of the surface system of Peneos River, Thessaly/Central Greece. Environmental Geology, 38(2): 126-140.
- [33] Selesnev,V.A and Selesnev A.V., 1999, Evaluation of impact of wastewaters from Tolyatti on water quality in the Saratov Reservoir .Water Resources, 26 (3): 316-320.
- [34] Riv’er, I.K. and Litvinov, A.S., 1997, A study of regions subject to increase environmental danger, in reservioirs of the Upper Volga. Water Resources , 24 (5): 546-555
- [35] Boyd, C. E. and Munsiri, P., 1996, Phosphorus adsorption capacity and availability of added phosphorus in soil from aquaculture areas in Thailand. J. Anim. Sci., 57:396-401.
- [36]EEA.2004, EEA Indicator Fact Sheet: nitrogen and phosporous in rivers. .01/index_html.
- [37] Jaji, O., Bamgbose, O., Odukoya, O.O and Arowolo, T.A.,2007, Water quality assessment of Ogun River, South West, Nigeria.Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 133: 473-482
- [38] Papafilippaki, A. K.,Kotti, M. E. and Starronlakis, G. 0., 2008, Seasonal variations in dissolved heavy metals in the Keritis River, Chania. Greece. Global NEST Journal 10(3) : 320 -325.
- [39] Gasparon, M. and Burgess, J.S., 2000, Human impacts in Antarctica: trace elements geochemistry of freshwater lakes in the Larsemann Hill, East Antarctica. Environmental Geology, 39(9): 963-976
- [40] Odiete, W.O.,1999, Environmental Physiology of Animals and Pollution.First Edition Diversified Resources Ltd. 261p.
- [41]Ntengwe, F.W., 2006, Pollutants load and water quality in stream of heavily populated and industrialized towns. Journal of Physcis and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts nA/B/C, 31 (15-16): 832-839.
- [42] Obasohan, E. E., 2007, Heavy metals concentrations in the ottal, gill, muscle and liver of a freshwater mudfish (Parachanna, obscura) from Ogba River, Benin City, Nigeria. African Journal of Biotechnology, 6(22): 2620-2627.
- [43] Ali, N.,Oniye, S. T., Balarabe. M. L., Auta, J., 2005, Concentration of Fe, Cu, Cr, Zn and Pb in Makere — Drain. Kaduna, Nigeria. Chemclass Journal, 2: 69- 73.
- [44] Dike, N.I. Ezealor, A,.U and Oniye. I.S., 2004, Concentration of Pb. Cu, Fe and Cd during the dry season in River Jakara, Kano, Nigeria. Chem class Journal, 2(4): 78-81.
- [45] Ogundiran,0.0. and Afolabi, T. A., 2008, Assessment of physicochemical parameters and heavy metals toxicity of leachates from municipal solid waste open dumpsite International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 5 (2): 243-250
- [46] Iwashita, M. and Shimamura, T., 2003, Long-term variation in dissolved trace element in the Sagami River and its tributaries (upstream area) Japan. The Science of the Total Environments , 31: 167-179.
- [47] Neal, A. Williams R.J, Neal, M. Bhardwaj, L.C, Wickham, H, Harrow, M and Hill
- L.K.,2000, The water quality of the River Thames at a rural site downstream of Oxford. Sci. Total Enviornment , 552: 441-457.
- [48] Chen, U. and Chen, M., 2001, Heavy metal concentration in nine species of fishes caught in coastal waters of Ann-ping SW, Taiwan. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 9 (2): 107-114.
- [49] Daifullah. A. A. M., Elewa, A. A., Shehata, M. B. and Abdo, M. H., 2003, Evaluation of some heavy metals in water, sediment and fish samples from River Nile (Kafr El- Zyat City) Egypt: A treatment approach. AJEAM -RAGEE, 6: 16 - 31.
- 50] Nasrullah, R. N.,Hamidu, B., Mudasscar, I. and Durrani, M. E., 2006, Pollution load in industrial effluent and ground water of Gadoon Amazai Industrial Estate, Swabi. Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science, 1( 3): 18-24
- [51] Singh, S. S. and Singh, L. A., 2000, Studies on the physico - chemical characteristics (12 hours variation) of a major water body in Impha District. J. Environ. Biol., 21 (3): 273 – 274.
- [52] Oguzie, F. A., 2003, Heavy metals in fish water and effluents of lower Ikpoba River in Benin City, Nigeria. Pak J. Sci. Ind. Res., 46(3): 156- 160.