Year 2021,
Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 28 - 55, 05.06.2021
Yakouta Zarouk
İsmahane Souıcı
Samir Hallaci
Hamid Seridi
- Abomhara, M., Zakaria, O., Khalifa, O.O., Zaidan, A., Zaidan, B.: Enhancing se-
lective encryption for h. 264/avcusing advanced encryption standard. International
Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering 2(2), 223 (2010)
- Beniani, R., Faraoun, K.M.: A mixed chaotic-cellular automata based encryption
scheme for compressed jpeg images. J. Multim. Process. Technol. 9(3), 88{101
- Boult, T.E.: Pico: Privacy through invertible cryptographic obscuration. In: Com-
puter Vision for Interactive and Intelligent Environment (CVIIE'05). pp. 27{38.
IEEE (2005)
- Bouwmans, T.: Recent advanced statistical background modeling for foreground
detection-a systematic survey. Recent Patents on Computer Science 4(3), 147{176
- Brahim, F., Hamid, S., Herman, A.: A new approach for the extraction of moving
objects. In: Modeling Approaches and Algorithms for Advanced Computer Appli-
cations, Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 488, pp. 27{36. Springer, Cham
- Charoenpong, T., Supasuteekul, A., Nuthong, C.: Adaptive background modeling
from an image sequence by using k-means clustering. In: ECTI-CON2010: The 2010
ECTI International Confernce on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer,
Telecommunications and Information Technology. pp. 880{883. IEEE (2010)
- Chuan-xu, W., Zuo-yong, L.: Face detection based on skin gaussian model and kl
transform. In: 2008 Ninth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering,
Articial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing. pp. 522{
525. IEEE (2008)
- Cui, W., Guan, Z., Zhang, Z.: An improved region growing algorithm for image
segmentation. In: 2008 International Conference on Computer Science and Software
Engineering. vol. 6, pp. 93{96. IEEE (2008)
- Daor, J., Daemen, J., Rijmen, V.: Aes proposal: Rijndael (1999)
- Davis, L.: Applying adaptive algorithms to epistatic domains. In: IJCAI. vol. 85,
pp. 162{164 (1985)
- Dufaux, F., Ebrahimi, T.: Scrambling for privacy protection in video surveillance
systems. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 18(8),
1168{1174 (2008)
12. El-said, S.A., Hussein, K.F., Fouad, M.M.: Securing multimedia transmission us-
ing optimized multiple human tables technique. International Journal of signal
Processing, image processing and pattern recognition 4(1), 48{64 (2011)
- Farou, B., Kouahla, M.N., Seridi, H., Akdag, H.: Ecient local monitoring ap-
proach for the task of background subtraction. Engineering Applications of Arti-
cial Intelligence 64, 1{12 (2017)
- Farou, B., Rouabhia, H., Seridi, H., Akdag, H.: Novel approach for detection and
removal of moving cast shadows based on rgb, hsv and yuv color spaces. Computing
and Informatics 36(4), 837{856 (2017)
- FAROU, B., SERIDI, H., AKDAG, H.: Using gaussian mixture models and hsv
color space for background subtraction. In: CONTROL ENGINEERING TECH-
- Farou, B., Seridi, H., Akdag, H.: Improved parameters updating algorithm for
the detection of moving objects. In: IFIP International Conference on Computer
Science and its Applications. pp. 527{537. Springer (2015)
- Farou, B., Seridi, H., Akdag, H.: Improved gaussian mixture model with back-
ground spotter for the extraction of moving objects. Int. Arab J. Inf. Technol.
13(6A), 807{816 (2016)
- Fazli, S., Pour, H.M., Bouzari, H.: Multiple object tracking using improved gmm-
based motion segmentation. In: 2009 6th International Conference on Electrical
Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Tech-
nology. vol. 2, pp. 1130{1133. IEEE (2009)
- Grefenstette, J.J.: Optimization of control parameters for genetic algorithms. IEEE
Transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics 16(1), 122{128 (1986)
- Guo, J., Xu, J.y., Bao, J.l.: Region of interest based selective encryption scheme
for privacy protection in h. 264 video. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University
(Science) 19(4), 385{391 (2014)
- Hong, K., Jung, K.: Partial encryption of digital contents using face detection
algorithm. In: Pacic Rim International Conference on Articial Intelligence. pp.
632{640. Springer (2006)
- Hsu, R.L., Abdel-Mottaleb, M., Jain, A.K.: Face detection in color images. IEEE
transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 24(5), 696{706 (2002)
- Khalid, M.S., Ilyas, M.U., Sarfaraz, M.S., Ajaz, M.A.: Bhattacharyya coecient
in correlation of gray-scale objects. Journal of Multimedia 1(1), 56{61 (2006)
- Li, H., Gu, Z., Deng, L., Han, Y., Yang, C., Tian, Z.: A ne-grained video encryp-
tion service based on the cloud-fog-local architecture for public and private videos.
Sensors 19(24), 5366 (2019)
- Li, L., Huang, W., Gu, I.Y., Tian, Q.: Foreground object detection from videos
containing complex background. In: Proceedings of the eleventh ACM international
conference on Multimedia. pp. 2{10 (2003)
- Li, L., Huang, W., Gu, I.Y.H., Tian, Q.: Statistical modeling of complex back-
grounds for foreground object detection. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
13(11), 1459{1472 (2004)
- Li, S.Y., Benalcazar Hernandez, M.A., Tam, L.M., Chen, C.S.: A cloud image data
protection algorithm with multilevel encryption scheme and automated-selection
mechanism. Applied Sciences 9(23), 5146 (2019)
- Li, S.: Encryption-friendly multimedia coding and communications: Is it necessary
and possible? IEEE Multimedia Communications Technical Committee E-Letters
4(1), 15{18 (2009)
- Lian, S., Zhang, Y., Park, J.H., Kitsos, P.: Secure multimedia communication.
Security and Communication Networks 1(6), 437{440 (2008)
30. Liu, H., Wang, X., et al.: Image encryption using dna complementary rule and
chaotic maps. Applied Soft Computing 12(5), 1457{1466 (2012)
- Martel-Brisson, N., Zaccarin, A.: Learning and removing cast shadows through a
multidistribution approach. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine
Intelligence 29(7), 1133{1146 (2007)
- Meibing, Q., Xiaorui, C., Jianguo, J., Shu, Z.: Face protection of h. 264 video based
on detecting and tracking. In: 2007 8th International Conference on Electronic
Measurement and Instruments. pp. 2{172. IEEE (2007)
- Nebili, W., Farou, B., Seridi, H.: Using resources competition and memory cell
development to select the best gmm for background subtraction. International
Journal of Strategic Information Technology and Applications (IJSITA) 10(2),
21{43 (2019)
- Nebili, W., Farou, B., Seridi, H.: Background subtraction using articial immune
recognition system and single gaussian (airs-sg). Multimedia Tools and Applica-
tions 79(35), 26099{26121 (2020)
- Pak, C., An, K., Jang, P., Kim, J., Kim, S.: A novel bit-level color image encryption
using improved 1d chaotic map. Multimedia Tools and Applications 78(9), 12027{
12042 (2019)
- Peng, F., Zhu, X.w., Long, M.: An roi privacy protection scheme for h. 264 video
based on fmo and chaos. IEEE transactions on information forensics and security
8(10), 1688{1699 (2013)
- Prati, A., Mikic, I., Trivedi, M.M., Cucchiara, R.: Detecting moving shadows: al-
gorithms and evaluation. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine in-
telligence 25(7), 918{923 (2003)
- Quintiliano, P., Guadagnin, R., Santa-Rosa, A.: Practical procedures to improve
face recognition based on eigenfaces and principal component analysis. PAT-
- Rahman, S.M.M., Hossain, M.A., Mouftah, H., El Saddik, A., Okamoto, E.: Chaos-
cryptography based privacy preservation technique for video surveillance. Multi-
media systems 18(2), 145{155 (2012)
- Rajpoot, Q.M., Jensen, C.D.: and privacy in video : requirements and challenges.
In: IFIP International Information Security Conference. pp. 169{184. Springer
- Rodrigues, J.M., Puech, W., Meuel, P., Bajard, J.C., Chaumont, M.: Face protec-
tion by fast selective encryption in a video (2006)
- Rouabhia, H.E., Farou, B., Kouahla, Z.E., Seridi, H., Akdag, H.: Cooperative pro-
cessing based on posture change detection and trajectory estimation for unknown
multi-object tracking. International Journal of Systems Science 50(13), 2539{2551
- Schneier, B.: Applied cryptography protocols, algorithms and source code in c
- Senior, A.W., Pankanti, S.: Privacy protection and face recognition. In: Handbook-
of-face-recognition, pp. 671{691. Springer (2011)
- Shahid, Z., Chaumont, M., Puech, W.: Fast protection of h. 264/avc by selective
encryption of cavlc and cabac for i and p frames. IEEE Transactions on Circuits
and Systems for Video Technology 21(5), 565{576 (2011)
- Shahid, Z., Puech, W.: Visual protection of hevc video by selective encryption of
cabac binstrings. ieee transactions on multimedia 16(1), 24{36 (2013)
- Shi, C., Wang, S.Y., Bhargava, B.: Mpeg video encryption in real-time using se-
cret key cryptography. In: in Proc. Int. Conf. Parallel and Distributed Processing
Techniques and Applications. Citeseer (1999)
- Shiguo, L.: Multimedia Content Encryption: Algorithms and Application. Auer-
bach Publications, CRC Press, 1 edn. (2008)
- Souici, I., Seridi, H.: Une mthode rapide et ecace pour le cryptage volutionnaire
d'images. In: Colloque sur l'Optimisation et les Systmes d'Information COSI'2011.
COSI (01)
- Souici, I., Seridi, H., Akdag, H.: Images encryption by the use of evolutionary
algorithms. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing 69(1), 49{58 (2011)
- Stauer, C., Grimson, W.E.L.: Adaptive background mixture models for real-time
tracking. In: Proceedings. 1999 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition (Cat. No PR00149). vol. 2, pp. 246{252. IEEE
- Stinson, D., Vaudenay, S., Avoine, G., Junod, P.: Cryptographie-Theorie et pra-
tique/2eme edition, vol. 1. vuibert, 2 edn. (2003)
- Talhaoui, M.Z., Wang, X., Talhaoui, A.: A new one-dimensional chaotic map and
its application in a novel permutation-less image encryption scheme. The Visual
Computer pp. 1{12 (2020)
- Tang, L.: Methods for encrypting and decrypting mpeg video data eciently. In:
Proceedings of the fourth ACM international conference on Multimedia. pp. 219{
229 (1997)
- Wang, X., Guan, N., Zhao, H., Wang, S., Zhang, Y.: A new image encryption
scheme based on coupling map lattices with mixed multi-chaos. Scientic reports
10(1), 1{15 (2020)
- Wang, X., Zhao, H., Hou, Y., Luo, C., Zhang, Y., Wang, C.: Chaotic image en-
cryption algorithm based on pseudo-random bit sequence and dna plane. Modern
Physics Letters B 33(22), 1950263 (2019)
- Wu, C.P., Kuo, C.C.: Design of integrated multimedia compression and encryption
systems. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 7(5), 828{839 (2005)
- Yaco, B.Z., Rahma, A.S.: Real-time partial encryption of oigital video using sym-
metric dynamic dual keys algorithm (sdd). Engineering and Technology Journal
30(5), 710{728 (2012)
- Zeng, W., Lei, S.: Ecient frequency domain selective scrambling of digital video.
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 5(1), 118{129 (2003)
- Zhang, P., Thomas, T., Emmanuel, S.: Privacy enabled video surveillance using a
two state markov tracking algorithm. Multimedia systems 18(2), 175{199 (2012)
- Zhang, Z., Yu, S.: On the security of a latin-bit cube-based image chaotic encryp-
tion algorithm. Entropy 21(9), 888 (2019)
Evolutionary Encryption Algorithm Ensuring Privacy in Video Surveillance
Year 2021,
Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 28 - 55, 05.06.2021
Yakouta Zarouk
İsmahane Souıcı
Samir Hallaci
Hamid Seridi
The widespread use of video surveillance and the development of embedded information processing systems raise the issue of affecting the confidentiality and integrity of video data and even the individuals’ privacy. In order to secure the content of video and protect the public privacy, we propose a new system for detecting and encrypting regions of interest (ROIs). The ROI detection is based on an improved Gaussian mixture model where we use supervisors to control the changes in the image. The regions of interest encryption is performed through the use of an enhanced evolutionary encryption algorithm, exploiting the representation of the RGB color space to get real time system. Results and comparisons presented in this paper show that the proposed scheme can effectively detect and obscure the identity of people to achieve the privacy protection.
- Abomhara, M., Zakaria, O., Khalifa, O.O., Zaidan, A., Zaidan, B.: Enhancing se-
lective encryption for h. 264/avcusing advanced encryption standard. International
Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering 2(2), 223 (2010)
- Beniani, R., Faraoun, K.M.: A mixed chaotic-cellular automata based encryption
scheme for compressed jpeg images. J. Multim. Process. Technol. 9(3), 88{101
- Boult, T.E.: Pico: Privacy through invertible cryptographic obscuration. In: Com-
puter Vision for Interactive and Intelligent Environment (CVIIE'05). pp. 27{38.
IEEE (2005)
- Bouwmans, T.: Recent advanced statistical background modeling for foreground
detection-a systematic survey. Recent Patents on Computer Science 4(3), 147{176
- Brahim, F., Hamid, S., Herman, A.: A new approach for the extraction of moving
objects. In: Modeling Approaches and Algorithms for Advanced Computer Appli-
cations, Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 488, pp. 27{36. Springer, Cham
- Charoenpong, T., Supasuteekul, A., Nuthong, C.: Adaptive background modeling
from an image sequence by using k-means clustering. In: ECTI-CON2010: The 2010
ECTI International Confernce on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer,
Telecommunications and Information Technology. pp. 880{883. IEEE (2010)
- Chuan-xu, W., Zuo-yong, L.: Face detection based on skin gaussian model and kl
transform. In: 2008 Ninth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering,
Articial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing. pp. 522{
525. IEEE (2008)
- Cui, W., Guan, Z., Zhang, Z.: An improved region growing algorithm for image
segmentation. In: 2008 International Conference on Computer Science and Software
Engineering. vol. 6, pp. 93{96. IEEE (2008)
- Daor, J., Daemen, J., Rijmen, V.: Aes proposal: Rijndael (1999)
- Davis, L.: Applying adaptive algorithms to epistatic domains. In: IJCAI. vol. 85,
pp. 162{164 (1985)
- Dufaux, F., Ebrahimi, T.: Scrambling for privacy protection in video surveillance
systems. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 18(8),
1168{1174 (2008)
12. El-said, S.A., Hussein, K.F., Fouad, M.M.: Securing multimedia transmission us-
ing optimized multiple human tables technique. International Journal of signal
Processing, image processing and pattern recognition 4(1), 48{64 (2011)
- Farou, B., Kouahla, M.N., Seridi, H., Akdag, H.: Ecient local monitoring ap-
proach for the task of background subtraction. Engineering Applications of Arti-
cial Intelligence 64, 1{12 (2017)
- Farou, B., Rouabhia, H., Seridi, H., Akdag, H.: Novel approach for detection and
removal of moving cast shadows based on rgb, hsv and yuv color spaces. Computing
and Informatics 36(4), 837{856 (2017)
- FAROU, B., SERIDI, H., AKDAG, H.: Using gaussian mixture models and hsv
color space for background subtraction. In: CONTROL ENGINEERING TECH-
- Farou, B., Seridi, H., Akdag, H.: Improved parameters updating algorithm for
the detection of moving objects. In: IFIP International Conference on Computer
Science and its Applications. pp. 527{537. Springer (2015)
- Farou, B., Seridi, H., Akdag, H.: Improved gaussian mixture model with back-
ground spotter for the extraction of moving objects. Int. Arab J. Inf. Technol.
13(6A), 807{816 (2016)
- Fazli, S., Pour, H.M., Bouzari, H.: Multiple object tracking using improved gmm-
based motion segmentation. In: 2009 6th International Conference on Electrical
Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Tech-
nology. vol. 2, pp. 1130{1133. IEEE (2009)
- Grefenstette, J.J.: Optimization of control parameters for genetic algorithms. IEEE
Transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics 16(1), 122{128 (1986)
- Guo, J., Xu, J.y., Bao, J.l.: Region of interest based selective encryption scheme
for privacy protection in h. 264 video. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University
(Science) 19(4), 385{391 (2014)
- Hong, K., Jung, K.: Partial encryption of digital contents using face detection
algorithm. In: Pacic Rim International Conference on Articial Intelligence. pp.
632{640. Springer (2006)
- Hsu, R.L., Abdel-Mottaleb, M., Jain, A.K.: Face detection in color images. IEEE
transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 24(5), 696{706 (2002)
- Khalid, M.S., Ilyas, M.U., Sarfaraz, M.S., Ajaz, M.A.: Bhattacharyya coecient
in correlation of gray-scale objects. Journal of Multimedia 1(1), 56{61 (2006)
- Li, H., Gu, Z., Deng, L., Han, Y., Yang, C., Tian, Z.: A ne-grained video encryp-
tion service based on the cloud-fog-local architecture for public and private videos.
Sensors 19(24), 5366 (2019)
- Li, L., Huang, W., Gu, I.Y., Tian, Q.: Foreground object detection from videos
containing complex background. In: Proceedings of the eleventh ACM international
conference on Multimedia. pp. 2{10 (2003)
- Li, L., Huang, W., Gu, I.Y.H., Tian, Q.: Statistical modeling of complex back-
grounds for foreground object detection. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
13(11), 1459{1472 (2004)
- Li, S.Y., Benalcazar Hernandez, M.A., Tam, L.M., Chen, C.S.: A cloud image data
protection algorithm with multilevel encryption scheme and automated-selection
mechanism. Applied Sciences 9(23), 5146 (2019)
- Li, S.: Encryption-friendly multimedia coding and communications: Is it necessary
and possible? IEEE Multimedia Communications Technical Committee E-Letters
4(1), 15{18 (2009)
- Lian, S., Zhang, Y., Park, J.H., Kitsos, P.: Secure multimedia communication.
Security and Communication Networks 1(6), 437{440 (2008)
30. Liu, H., Wang, X., et al.: Image encryption using dna complementary rule and
chaotic maps. Applied Soft Computing 12(5), 1457{1466 (2012)
- Martel-Brisson, N., Zaccarin, A.: Learning and removing cast shadows through a
multidistribution approach. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine
Intelligence 29(7), 1133{1146 (2007)
- Meibing, Q., Xiaorui, C., Jianguo, J., Shu, Z.: Face protection of h. 264 video based
on detecting and tracking. In: 2007 8th International Conference on Electronic
Measurement and Instruments. pp. 2{172. IEEE (2007)
- Nebili, W., Farou, B., Seridi, H.: Using resources competition and memory cell
development to select the best gmm for background subtraction. International
Journal of Strategic Information Technology and Applications (IJSITA) 10(2),
21{43 (2019)
- Nebili, W., Farou, B., Seridi, H.: Background subtraction using articial immune
recognition system and single gaussian (airs-sg). Multimedia Tools and Applica-
tions 79(35), 26099{26121 (2020)
- Pak, C., An, K., Jang, P., Kim, J., Kim, S.: A novel bit-level color image encryption
using improved 1d chaotic map. Multimedia Tools and Applications 78(9), 12027{
12042 (2019)
- Peng, F., Zhu, X.w., Long, M.: An roi privacy protection scheme for h. 264 video
based on fmo and chaos. IEEE transactions on information forensics and security
8(10), 1688{1699 (2013)
- Prati, A., Mikic, I., Trivedi, M.M., Cucchiara, R.: Detecting moving shadows: al-
gorithms and evaluation. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine in-
telligence 25(7), 918{923 (2003)
- Quintiliano, P., Guadagnin, R., Santa-Rosa, A.: Practical procedures to improve
face recognition based on eigenfaces and principal component analysis. PAT-
- Rahman, S.M.M., Hossain, M.A., Mouftah, H., El Saddik, A., Okamoto, E.: Chaos-
cryptography based privacy preservation technique for video surveillance. Multi-
media systems 18(2), 145{155 (2012)
- Rajpoot, Q.M., Jensen, C.D.: and privacy in video : requirements and challenges.
In: IFIP International Information Security Conference. pp. 169{184. Springer
- Rodrigues, J.M., Puech, W., Meuel, P., Bajard, J.C., Chaumont, M.: Face protec-
tion by fast selective encryption in a video (2006)
- Rouabhia, H.E., Farou, B., Kouahla, Z.E., Seridi, H., Akdag, H.: Cooperative pro-
cessing based on posture change detection and trajectory estimation for unknown
multi-object tracking. International Journal of Systems Science 50(13), 2539{2551
- Schneier, B.: Applied cryptography protocols, algorithms and source code in c
- Senior, A.W., Pankanti, S.: Privacy protection and face recognition. In: Handbook-
of-face-recognition, pp. 671{691. Springer (2011)
- Shahid, Z., Chaumont, M., Puech, W.: Fast protection of h. 264/avc by selective
encryption of cavlc and cabac for i and p frames. IEEE Transactions on Circuits
and Systems for Video Technology 21(5), 565{576 (2011)
- Shahid, Z., Puech, W.: Visual protection of hevc video by selective encryption of
cabac binstrings. ieee transactions on multimedia 16(1), 24{36 (2013)
- Shi, C., Wang, S.Y., Bhargava, B.: Mpeg video encryption in real-time using se-
cret key cryptography. In: in Proc. Int. Conf. Parallel and Distributed Processing
Techniques and Applications. Citeseer (1999)
- Shiguo, L.: Multimedia Content Encryption: Algorithms and Application. Auer-
bach Publications, CRC Press, 1 edn. (2008)
- Souici, I., Seridi, H.: Une mthode rapide et ecace pour le cryptage volutionnaire
d'images. In: Colloque sur l'Optimisation et les Systmes d'Information COSI'2011.
COSI (01)
- Souici, I., Seridi, H., Akdag, H.: Images encryption by the use of evolutionary
algorithms. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing 69(1), 49{58 (2011)
- Stauer, C., Grimson, W.E.L.: Adaptive background mixture models for real-time
tracking. In: Proceedings. 1999 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition (Cat. No PR00149). vol. 2, pp. 246{252. IEEE
- Stinson, D., Vaudenay, S., Avoine, G., Junod, P.: Cryptographie-Theorie et pra-
tique/2eme edition, vol. 1. vuibert, 2 edn. (2003)
- Talhaoui, M.Z., Wang, X., Talhaoui, A.: A new one-dimensional chaotic map and
its application in a novel permutation-less image encryption scheme. The Visual
Computer pp. 1{12 (2020)
- Tang, L.: Methods for encrypting and decrypting mpeg video data eciently. In:
Proceedings of the fourth ACM international conference on Multimedia. pp. 219{
229 (1997)
- Wang, X., Guan, N., Zhao, H., Wang, S., Zhang, Y.: A new image encryption
scheme based on coupling map lattices with mixed multi-chaos. Scientic reports
10(1), 1{15 (2020)
- Wang, X., Zhao, H., Hou, Y., Luo, C., Zhang, Y., Wang, C.: Chaotic image en-
cryption algorithm based on pseudo-random bit sequence and dna plane. Modern
Physics Letters B 33(22), 1950263 (2019)
- Wu, C.P., Kuo, C.C.: Design of integrated multimedia compression and encryption
systems. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 7(5), 828{839 (2005)
- Yaco, B.Z., Rahma, A.S.: Real-time partial encryption of oigital video using sym-
metric dynamic dual keys algorithm (sdd). Engineering and Technology Journal
30(5), 710{728 (2012)
- Zeng, W., Lei, S.: Ecient frequency domain selective scrambling of digital video.
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 5(1), 118{129 (2003)
- Zhang, P., Thomas, T., Emmanuel, S.: Privacy enabled video surveillance using a
two state markov tracking algorithm. Multimedia systems 18(2), 175{199 (2012)
- Zhang, Z., Yu, S.: On the security of a latin-bit cube-based image chaotic encryp-
tion algorithm. Entropy 21(9), 888 (2019)