International Journal of Informatics and Applied
Mathematics is a bi-annualdouble-blind peer
reviewed, free of charge and open-access journal.
Papers submitted for
publication must be written in English language. Papers have to respect both writing and language rules.
Authors are responsible for the scientific and linguistic accuracy of the
papers published in this journal.
The authors will be required
to prepare the source file in Latex using the LNCS style: Click
All papers must be submitted
via the journal's website ( The author(s) must
submit their paper in accordance with the journal's publication guidelines and
ethical rules. Papers that are not rule-specific are not evaluated. Articles
published or submitted for publication elsewhere are not evaluated.
Submitted papers should not
have been previously published or be currently under consideration for
publication elsewhere.
All submitted papers will be
pre-screened by the Editor to determine suitability for further review (e.g.,
Format, Area of interest, British English spelling, Originality).
Each paper is checked for similarity
(plagiarism) by Authenticate system.
Papers deemed
suitable will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers. In case of delay on
behalf of a reviewer, the reviewer may be substituted by another. In case of
excessive delay, the paper will be reviewed by members of the Editorial Board.
Submitted articles cannot have been previously published, nor be forthcoming in
an archival journal or book.
We use double-blind per reviewer system. Then
please delete your names, emails etc. before you send the manuscript.
Papers submitted
to the journal are presented for review by two referees according to the
decision of the editorial board. Papers submitted to the journal are published
by editorial board decision after the arbitrators have given a favorable
During the editing process,
the author(s) must reply to messages regarding the review and editing of the
article. If the author(s) do not reply to messages within the specified
deadline, their article will be reported to the next issue.
Papers that have completed their
evaluation process are published according to their submission date.
Multiple papers submitted by
the same authors are not published in the same issue.