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Evaluation of Some Medicinal Herbs Cold Pressed Oils According Their Physicochemical Properties with Chemometry

Year 2017, , 473 - 481, 20.12.2017


In this study, we investigated the effects of cold pressed oil on physicochemical properties of milk thistle (Silybum marianum), anise seed (Pimpinella anisum), fennel seed (Foeniculum vulgare), terebinth (Pistacia terebinthus), coriander (Coriandrum sativum) and nettle seed (Urtica dioica). Selected oils from Central Anatolia Regions, were investigated in terms of the fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) compositions, peroxide value (PV), free fatty acid (FFA), refraction index (RI) at 40 ° C and oilseed yields. The data obtained from the analyses were evaluated chemometrically. The diagrams obtained by basic component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA). According to PCA and HCA results, selected seed oils have different properties in terms of FAME, FFA, PV and RI. This suggests that each oil originates from the physicochemical properties of its unique pharmacological properties. As a result, in this study, data on the physicochemical properties of oils obtained from six medicinal plants was given. These results indicate that the seeds of the Central Anatolian region can be used as acceptable raw materials for herbal natural support products. These analyses can be used in order to assure the purity and quality parameters of seed oils. And FAME, PV, FFA and RI data can be good parameters to determine any adulteration to these oils by chemometric analysis.


  • Karimzadeh, F., Hosseini, M., Mangeng, D., Alavi, H., Hassanzadeh, G. R., Bayat, M. & Gorji, A. (2012). Anticonvulsant and neuroprotective effects of Pimpinella anisum in rat brain. BMC complementary and alternative medicine, 12(1), 76.
  • Hermenean, A., Stan, M., Ardelean, A., Pilat, L., Mihali, C. V., Popescu, C. & Bácskay, I. (2015). Antioxidant and hepatoprotective activity of milk thistle (Silybum marianum L. Gaertn.) seed oil. Open Life Sciences, 10(1).
  • Kaur, A. K., Wahi, A. K., Brijesh, K., Bhandari, A., & Prasad, N. (2011). Milk thistle (Silybum marianum): A review. IJPRD, 3, 1-10.
  • Shojaii, A., & Abdollahi Fard, M. (2012). Review of pharmacological properties and chemical constituents of Pimpinella anisum. ISRN pharmaceutics, 2012.
  • EMEA Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC) (2012) Assessment report on Pimpinella anisum L., fructus and Pimpinella anisum L., aetheroleum, EMEA/HMPC/321181/2012.
  • EMEA Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC) (2008) Assessment Report on Foeniculum Vulgare Miller, EMEA/HMPC/137426/2006.
  • Blumethal, M., Busse, W. R., & Goldberg, A. (1998). The complete German Commission E monographs. American Botanical Council, Austin and Integrative Medicine Communications, Boston.
  • Wakabayashi, K. A., de Melo, N. I., Aguiar, D. P., de Oliveira, P. F., Groppo, M., da Silva Filho, A. A., ... & Crotti, A. E. (2015). Anthelmintic effects of the essential oil of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill., Apiaceae) against Schistosoma mansoni. Chemistry & biodiversity, 12(7), 1105-1114.
  • Bozorgi, M., Memariani, Z., Mobli, M., Salehi Surmaghi, M. H., Shams-Ardekani, M. R., & Rahimi, R. (2013). Five Pistacia species (P. vera, P. atlantica, P. terebinthus, P. khinjuk, and P. lentiscus): a review of their traditional uses, phytochemistry, and pharmacology. The Scientific World Journal, 2013.
  • Pieroni, A., Muenz, H., Akbulut, M., Başer, K. H. C., & Durmuşkahya, C. (2005). Traditional phytotherapy and trans-cultural pharmacy among Turkish migrants living in Cologne, Germany. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 102(1), 69-88.
  • Ntalli, N. G., Ferrari, F., Giannakou, I., & Menkissoglu‐Spiroudi, U. (2011). Synergistic and antagonistic interactions of terpenes against Meloidogyne incognita and the nematicidal activity of essential oils from seven plants indigenous to Greece. Pest management science, 67(3), 341-351.
  • Sahib, N. G., Anwar, F., Gilani, A. H., Hamid, A. A., Saari, N., & Alkharfy, K. M. (2013). Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.): A Potential Source of High‐Value Components for Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals‐A Review. Phytotherapy Research, 27(10), 1439-1456.
  • Emamghoreishi, M., & Heidari-Hamedani, G. (2015). Sedative-hypnotic activity of extracts and essential oil of coriander seeds. Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences, 31(1), 22-27.
  • Cioanca, O., Hritcu, L., Mihasan, M., & Hancianu, M. (2013). Cognitive-enhancing and antioxidant activities of inhaled coriander volatile oil in amyloid β (1–42) rat model of Alzheimer's disease. Physiology & behavior, 120, 193-202.
  • Samojlik, I., Lakić, N., Mimica-Dukić, N., Đaković-Švajcer, K., & Božin, B. (2010). Antioxidant and hepatoprotective potential of essential oils of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) and caraway (Carum carvi L.) (Apiaceae). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58(15), 8848-8853.
  • Burdock, G. A., & Carabin, I. G. (2009). Safety assessment of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) essential oil as a food ingredient. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 47(1), 22-34.
  • EMEA Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC). (2008) Assessment Report on Foeniculum Vulgare Miller, Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products, EMEA/HMPC/137426/2006.
  • Nam U.G., & Nam D. (2016) Some physicochemical properties, fatty acid composition and antimicrobial characteristics of different cold-pressed oils, La rivista italiana delle sostanze grasse, XCII, 187-200.
  • Yilmaz, E., Aydeniz, B., Güneşer, O., & Arsunar, E. S. (2015). Sensory and Physico-Chemical Properties of Cold Press-Produced Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) Seed Oils. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 92(6), 833-842.
  • Thanonkaew, A., Wongyai, S., McClements, D. J., & Decker, E. A. (2012). Effect of stabilization of rice bran by domestic heating on mechanical extraction yield, quality, and antioxidant properties of cold-pressed rice bran oil (Oryza saltiva L.). LWT-Food science and technology, 48(2), 231-236.
  • Argon Z., & Gokyer A. (2016) Determination of Physicochemical Properties of Nigella sativa Seed Oil from Balıkesir Region, Turkey, Chemical and Process Engineering Research, 41, 43-46.
  • Topkafa, M. (2016). Evaluation of chemical properties of cold pressed onion, okra, rosehip, safflower and carrot seed oils: triglyceride, fatty acid and tocol compositions. Analytical Methods, 8(21), 4220-4225.
  • Gharibzahedi, S. M. T., Mousavi, S. M., Hamedi, M., Rezaei, K., & Khodaiyan, F. (2013). Evaluation of physicochemical properties and antioxidant activities of Persian walnut oil obtained by several extraction methods. Industrial crops and products, 45, 133-140.
  • Lutterodt, H., Slavin, M., Whent, M., Turner, E., & Yu, L. L. (2011). Fatty acid composition, oxidative stability, antioxidant and antiproliferative properties of selected cold-pressed grape seed oils and flours. Food Chemistry, 128(2), 391-399.
  • Bozan, B., & Temelli, F. (2008). Chemical composition and oxidative stability of flax, safflower and poppy seed and seed oils. Bioresource Technology, 99(14), 6354-6359.
  • Kozłowska, M., Gruczyńska, E., Ścibisz, I., & Rudzińska, M. (2016). Fatty acids and sterols composition, and antioxidant activity of oils extracted from plant seeds. Food chemistry, 213, 450-456.
  • Gumus, Z. P., Guler, E., Demir, B., Barlas, F. B., Yavuz, M., Colpankan, D., & Timur, S. (2015). Herbal infusions of black seed and wheat germ oil: Their chemical profiles, in vitro bio-investigations and effective formulations as phyto-nanoemulsions. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 133, 73-80.

Evaluation of Some Medicinal Herbs Cold Pressed Oils According Their Physicochemical Properties with Chemometry

Year 2017, , 473 - 481, 20.12.2017


In this
study, we investigated the effects of cold pressed oil on physicochemical properties
of milk thistle (Silybum marianum), anise
seed (Pimpinella anisum), fennel seed
(Foeniculum vulgare), terebinth (Pistacia terebinthus), coriander (Coriandrum sativum) and nettle seed (Urtica dioica). Selected oils from Central
Anatolia Regions, were investigated in terms of the fatty acid methyl esters (FAME)
compositions, peroxide value (PV), free fatty acid (FFA), refraction index (RI)
at 40 ° C and oilseed yields. The data obtained from the analyses were evaluated
chemometrically. The diagrams obtained by basic component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical
clustering analysis (HCA). According to PCA and HCA results, selected seed oils
have different properties in terms of FAME, FFA, PV and RI. This suggests that each
oil originates from the physicochemical properties of its unique pharmacological
properties. As a result, in this study, data on the physicochemical properties of
oils obtained from six medicinal plants was given. These results indicate that the
seeds of the Central Anatolian region can be used as acceptable raw materials for
herbal natural support products. These analyses can be used in order to assure the
purity and quality parameters of seed oils. And FAME, PV, FFA and RI data can be
good parameters to determine any adulteration to these oils by chemometric analysis.


  • Karimzadeh, F., Hosseini, M., Mangeng, D., Alavi, H., Hassanzadeh, G. R., Bayat, M. & Gorji, A. (2012). Anticonvulsant and neuroprotective effects of Pimpinella anisum in rat brain. BMC complementary and alternative medicine, 12(1), 76.
  • Hermenean, A., Stan, M., Ardelean, A., Pilat, L., Mihali, C. V., Popescu, C. & Bácskay, I. (2015). Antioxidant and hepatoprotective activity of milk thistle (Silybum marianum L. Gaertn.) seed oil. Open Life Sciences, 10(1).
  • Kaur, A. K., Wahi, A. K., Brijesh, K., Bhandari, A., & Prasad, N. (2011). Milk thistle (Silybum marianum): A review. IJPRD, 3, 1-10.
  • Shojaii, A., & Abdollahi Fard, M. (2012). Review of pharmacological properties and chemical constituents of Pimpinella anisum. ISRN pharmaceutics, 2012.
  • EMEA Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC) (2012) Assessment report on Pimpinella anisum L., fructus and Pimpinella anisum L., aetheroleum, EMEA/HMPC/321181/2012.
  • EMEA Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC) (2008) Assessment Report on Foeniculum Vulgare Miller, EMEA/HMPC/137426/2006.
  • Blumethal, M., Busse, W. R., & Goldberg, A. (1998). The complete German Commission E monographs. American Botanical Council, Austin and Integrative Medicine Communications, Boston.
  • Wakabayashi, K. A., de Melo, N. I., Aguiar, D. P., de Oliveira, P. F., Groppo, M., da Silva Filho, A. A., ... & Crotti, A. E. (2015). Anthelmintic effects of the essential oil of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill., Apiaceae) against Schistosoma mansoni. Chemistry & biodiversity, 12(7), 1105-1114.
  • Bozorgi, M., Memariani, Z., Mobli, M., Salehi Surmaghi, M. H., Shams-Ardekani, M. R., & Rahimi, R. (2013). Five Pistacia species (P. vera, P. atlantica, P. terebinthus, P. khinjuk, and P. lentiscus): a review of their traditional uses, phytochemistry, and pharmacology. The Scientific World Journal, 2013.
  • Pieroni, A., Muenz, H., Akbulut, M., Başer, K. H. C., & Durmuşkahya, C. (2005). Traditional phytotherapy and trans-cultural pharmacy among Turkish migrants living in Cologne, Germany. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 102(1), 69-88.
  • Ntalli, N. G., Ferrari, F., Giannakou, I., & Menkissoglu‐Spiroudi, U. (2011). Synergistic and antagonistic interactions of terpenes against Meloidogyne incognita and the nematicidal activity of essential oils from seven plants indigenous to Greece. Pest management science, 67(3), 341-351.
  • Sahib, N. G., Anwar, F., Gilani, A. H., Hamid, A. A., Saari, N., & Alkharfy, K. M. (2013). Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.): A Potential Source of High‐Value Components for Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals‐A Review. Phytotherapy Research, 27(10), 1439-1456.
  • Emamghoreishi, M., & Heidari-Hamedani, G. (2015). Sedative-hypnotic activity of extracts and essential oil of coriander seeds. Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences, 31(1), 22-27.
  • Cioanca, O., Hritcu, L., Mihasan, M., & Hancianu, M. (2013). Cognitive-enhancing and antioxidant activities of inhaled coriander volatile oil in amyloid β (1–42) rat model of Alzheimer's disease. Physiology & behavior, 120, 193-202.
  • Samojlik, I., Lakić, N., Mimica-Dukić, N., Đaković-Švajcer, K., & Božin, B. (2010). Antioxidant and hepatoprotective potential of essential oils of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) and caraway (Carum carvi L.) (Apiaceae). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58(15), 8848-8853.
  • Burdock, G. A., & Carabin, I. G. (2009). Safety assessment of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) essential oil as a food ingredient. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 47(1), 22-34.
  • EMEA Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC). (2008) Assessment Report on Foeniculum Vulgare Miller, Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products, EMEA/HMPC/137426/2006.
  • Nam U.G., & Nam D. (2016) Some physicochemical properties, fatty acid composition and antimicrobial characteristics of different cold-pressed oils, La rivista italiana delle sostanze grasse, XCII, 187-200.
  • Yilmaz, E., Aydeniz, B., Güneşer, O., & Arsunar, E. S. (2015). Sensory and Physico-Chemical Properties of Cold Press-Produced Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) Seed Oils. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 92(6), 833-842.
  • Thanonkaew, A., Wongyai, S., McClements, D. J., & Decker, E. A. (2012). Effect of stabilization of rice bran by domestic heating on mechanical extraction yield, quality, and antioxidant properties of cold-pressed rice bran oil (Oryza saltiva L.). LWT-Food science and technology, 48(2), 231-236.
  • Argon Z., & Gokyer A. (2016) Determination of Physicochemical Properties of Nigella sativa Seed Oil from Balıkesir Region, Turkey, Chemical and Process Engineering Research, 41, 43-46.
  • Topkafa, M. (2016). Evaluation of chemical properties of cold pressed onion, okra, rosehip, safflower and carrot seed oils: triglyceride, fatty acid and tocol compositions. Analytical Methods, 8(21), 4220-4225.
  • Gharibzahedi, S. M. T., Mousavi, S. M., Hamedi, M., Rezaei, K., & Khodaiyan, F. (2013). Evaluation of physicochemical properties and antioxidant activities of Persian walnut oil obtained by several extraction methods. Industrial crops and products, 45, 133-140.
  • Lutterodt, H., Slavin, M., Whent, M., Turner, E., & Yu, L. L. (2011). Fatty acid composition, oxidative stability, antioxidant and antiproliferative properties of selected cold-pressed grape seed oils and flours. Food Chemistry, 128(2), 391-399.
  • Bozan, B., & Temelli, F. (2008). Chemical composition and oxidative stability of flax, safflower and poppy seed and seed oils. Bioresource Technology, 99(14), 6354-6359.
  • Kozłowska, M., Gruczyńska, E., Ścibisz, I., & Rudzińska, M. (2016). Fatty acids and sterols composition, and antioxidant activity of oils extracted from plant seeds. Food chemistry, 213, 450-456.
  • Gumus, Z. P., Guler, E., Demir, B., Barlas, F. B., Yavuz, M., Colpankan, D., & Timur, S. (2015). Herbal infusions of black seed and wheat germ oil: Their chemical profiles, in vitro bio-investigations and effective formulations as phyto-nanoemulsions. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 133, 73-80.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Structural Biology
Journal Section Articles

Zeliha Üstün Argon

Ali Gökyer This is me

Zinar Pınar Gümüş

Mevlüt Büyükhelvacıgil This is me

Publication Date December 20, 2017
Submission Date May 5, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Üstün Argon, Z., Gökyer, A., Gümüş, Z. P., Büyükhelvacıgil, M. (2017). Evaluation of Some Medicinal Herbs Cold Pressed Oils According Their Physicochemical Properties with Chemometry. International Journal of Secondary Metabolite, 4(3, Special Issue 2), 473-481. https://doi.org/10.21448/ijsm.377319
International Journal of Secondary Metabolite

e-ISSN: 2148-6905